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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ActionListBuilder::getDefaultOperations | function | core/ |
Gets this list's default operations. |
ArgumentPluginBase::getDefaultArgument | function | core/ |
Get a default argument, if available. |
BaseFieldDefinition::getDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Returns the default value for the field in a newly created entity. |
BaseFieldDefinition::getDefaultValueCallback | function | core/ |
Returns the default value callback for the field. |
BaseFieldDefinition::getDefaultValueLiteral | function | core/ |
Returns the default value literal for the field. |
BlockContentTypeListBuilder::getDefaultOperations | function | core/ |
Gets this list's default operations. |
BlockListBuilder::getDefaultOperations | function | core/ |
Gets this list's default operations. |
BrowserTestBase::getDefaultDriverInstance | function | core/ |
Gets an instance of the default Mink driver. |
BrowserTestBaseTest::testGetDefaultDriveInstance | function | core/ |
BundleConstraint::getDefaultOption | function | core/ |
CachePluginBase::getDefaultCacheMaxAge | function | core/ |
Returns the default cache max age. |
CacheTestTrait::getDefaultVariationCache | function | core/ |
Retrieves the default cache backend as a variation cache. |
CKEditor5::getDefaultSettings | function | core/ |
Returns the default settings for this configurable text editor. |
Comment::getDefaultHostname | function | core/ |
Returns the default value for entity hostname base field. |
Comment::getDefaultStatus | function | core/ |
Default value callback for 'status' base field definition. |
CommentCacheTagsTest::getDefaultCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the default cache contexts for rendered entities. |
CommentHostnameTest::testGetDefaultHostname | function | core/ |
Tests hostname default value callback. |
CommentTypeListBuilder::getDefaultOperations | function | core/ |
Gets this list's default operations. |
ComplexDataConstraint::getDefaultOption | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityListBuilder::getDefaultOperations | function | core/ |
Gets this list's default operations. |
ConfigInstaller::getDefaultConfigDirectory | function | core/ |
Gets an extension's default configuration directory. |
ConfigurableLanguage::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the default langcode. |
ConfigurableLanguageResourceTestBase::testGetDefaultConfig | function | core/ |
Tests a GET request for a default config entity, which has a _core key. |
ContactLink::getDefaultLabel | function | core/ |
Returns the default label for this link. |
ContentLanguageSettings::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the default language code. |
ContentLanguageSettingsInterface::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Gets the default language code. |
ContentTranslationHandler::getDefaultOwnerId | function | core/ |
Default value callback for the owner base field definition. |
ContextDefinition::getDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Gets the default value for this context definition. |
ContextDefinitionInterface::getDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Gets the default value for this context definition. |
Date::getDefaultArgument | function | core/ |
Gets the date default argument, formatted appropriately for this argument. |
DbDumpApplication::getDefaultCommands | function | core/ |
DbToolsApplication::getDefaultCommands | function | core/ |
DefaultLanguageItem::getDefaultLangcode | function | core/ |
Provides default language code of given entity. |
EditorBase::getDefaultSettings | function | core/ |
Returns the default settings for this configurable text editor. |
EditorPluginInterface::getDefaultSettings | function | core/ |
Returns the default settings for this configurable text editor. |
EntityBundleExistsConstraint::getDefaultOption | function | core/ |
EntityDisplayBase::getDefaultRegion | function | core/ |
Gets the default region. |
EntityDisplayFormBase::getDefaultPlugin | function | core/ |
Returns the ID of the default widget or formatter plugin for a field type. |
EntityDisplayWithLayoutInterface::getDefaultRegion | function | core/ |
Gets the default region. |
EntityFormDisplayEditForm::getDefaultPlugin | function | core/ |
Returns the ID of the default widget or formatter plugin for a field type. |
EntityHasFieldConstraint::getDefaultOption | function | core/ |
EntityLink::getDefaultLabel | function | core/ |
Returns the default label for this link. |
EntityLinkDelete::getDefaultLabel | function | core/ |
Returns the default label for this link. |
EntityLinkEdit::getDefaultLabel | function | core/ |
Returns the default label for this link. |
EntityListBuilder::getDefaultOperations | function | core/ |
Gets this list's default operations. |
EntityOwnerTrait::getDefaultEntityOwner | function | core/ |
Default value callback for 'owner' base field. |
EntityReference::getDefaultSelectedEntities | function | core/ |
Gets all entities selected by default. |
EntityTypeConstraint::getDefaultOption | function | core/ |
EntityViewDisplayEditForm::getDefaultPlugin | function | core/ |
Returns the ID of the default widget or formatter plugin for a field type. |
EntityWithUriCacheTagsTestBase::getDefaultCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the default cache contexts for rendered entities. |
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