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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
KeyValueContentEntityStorage::hasStoredTranslations | function | core/ |
KeyValueEntityStorage::has | function | core/ |
Determines if this entity already exists in storage. |
KeyValueEntityStorage::hasData | function | core/ |
Determines if the storage contains any data. |
KeyValueStoreInterface::has | function | core/ |
Returns whether a given key exists in the store. |
LanguageNegotiationContentEntity::$hasLowerLanguageNegotiationWeightResult | property | core/ |
Static cache for the language negotiation order check. |
LanguageNegotiationContentEntity::hasLowerLanguageNegotiationWeight | function | core/ |
Determines if content entity language negotiator has higher priority. |
LayoutBuilderEntityViewDisplayForm::hasOverrides | function | core/ |
Determines if the defaults have any overrides. |
LayoutTempstoreRepository::has | function | core/ |
LayoutTempstoreRepositoryInterface::has | function | core/ |
Checks for the existence of a tempstore version of a section storage. |
LazyPluginCollection::has | function | core/ |
Determines if a plugin instance exists. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest | class | core/ |
Unit tests for password hashing API. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest.php | file | core/ |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::$hashedPassword | property | core/ |
The hashed password. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::$md5HashedPassword | property | core/ |
The md5 password. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::$password | property | core/ |
The raw password. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::$passwordHasher | property | core/ |
The password hasher under test. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::setUp | function | core/ |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::testEmptyHash | function | core/ |
Tests password validation when the hash is NULL. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::testPasswordHashing | function | core/ |
Tests password hashing. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::testPasswordNeedsUpdate | function | core/ |
Tests a password needs update. |
LegacyPasswordHashingTest::testPasswordRehashing | function | core/ |
Tests password rehashing. |
LinkCollection::hasLinkWithKey | function | core/ |
Whether a link with the given key exists. |
LinkCollectionNormalizer::$hashSalt | property | core/ |
A random string to use when hashing links. |
LinkCollectionNormalizer::hashByHref | function | core/ |
Hashes a link using its href and its target attributes, if any. |
LocaleConfigManager::hasTranslation | function | core/ |
Checks whether a language has configuration translation. |
LocaleConfigManagerTest::testHasTranslation | function | core/ |
Tests hasTranslation(). |
LockFileValidator::deleteHash | function | core/ |
Deletes the stored lock file hash. |
LockFileValidator::getHash | function | core/ |
Returns the XXH64 hash of a file. |
LockFileValidator::storeHash | function | core/ |
Stores the XXH64 hash of the active lock file. |
LockFileValidatorTest::testNoStoredHash | function | core/ |
Tests exception when a stored hash of the active lock file is unavailable. |
Media::hasSourceFieldChanged | function | core/ |
Determines if the source field value has changed. |
MediaEmbedFilterTestBase::assertHasAttributes | function | core/ |
Assert that the SimpleXMLElement object has the given attributes. |
MediaLibraryState::getHash | function | core/ |
Get the hash for the state object. |
MediaLibraryState::hasSlotsAvailable | function | core/ |
Determines if additional media items can be selected. |
MediaLibraryState::isValidHash | function | core/ |
Validate a hash for the state object. |
MediaLibraryStateTest::testHashUnaffectedByMediaTypeOrder | function | core/ |
Tests that hash is unaffected by allowed media type order. |
MediaLibraryStateTest::testHashUnaffectedByOpenerParamOrder | function | core/ |
Tests that hash is unaffected by opener parameter order. |
MemoryStorage::has | function | core/ |
Returns whether a given key exists in the store. |
MenuActiveTrail::has | function | core/ |
Returns whether data exists for this key. |
MenuLink::hasTranslation | function | core/ |
Determines if this menu_link has an i18n translation. |
MenuLinkManager::hasDefinition | function | core/ |
MenuLinkTreeElement::$hasChildren | property | core/ |
Whether this link has any children at all. |
MetaEventSubscriber::currentUserHasAdminRole | function | core/ |
MockFormBase::hash_submit | function | core/ |
Function used in the mocking process of this test. |
ModerationInformation::hasPendingRevision | function | core/ |
ModerationInformationInterface::hasPendingRevision | function | core/ |
Determines if a pending revision exists for the specified entity. |
ModerationInformationTest::testHasPendingRevision | function | core/ |
@covers ::hasPendingRevision |
ModerationLocaleTest::hasModerationForm | function | core/ |
Checks whether the page contains the moderation form. |
ModuleHandler::hasImplementations | function | core/ |
Determines whether there are implementations of a hook. |
ModuleHandlerInterface::hasImplementations | function | core/ |
Determines whether there are implementations of a hook. |
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