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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Image | class | core/ |
Image entity media source. |
Image | class | core/ |
CKEditor 5 Image plugin. |
Image | class | core/ |
Defines an image object to represent an image file. |
Image | class | core/ |
Provides helpers to operate on images. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ImageTest::testGetFileSize | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::getFileSize. |
ImageTest::testGetHeight | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::getHeight(). |
ImageTest::testGetKeywordOffset | function | core/ |
@covers ::getKeywordOffset |
ImageTest::testGetMimeType | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::getMimeType(). |
ImageTest::testGetToolkitId | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::getToolkitId(). |
ImageTest::testGetType | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::getToolkit()->getType(). |
ImageTest::testGetWidth | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::getWidth(). |
ImageTest::testImageSettingsForm | function | core/ |
Tests the ckeditor5_imageResize and ckeditor5_imageUpload settings forms. |
ImageTest::testInvalidGetKeywordOffset | function | core/ |
@covers ::getKeywordOffset |
ImageTest::testIsValid | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::isValid(). |
ImageTest::testParseFileFails | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::parseFile(). |
ImageTest::testResize | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::resize(). |
ImageTest::testRotate | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::rotate(). |
ImageTest::testSave | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::save(). |
ImageTest::testSaveFails | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::save(). |
ImageTest::testScaleAndCropFails | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::scaleAndCrop(). |
ImageTest::testScaleAndCropHeight | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::scaleAndCrop(). |
ImageTest::testScaleAndCropWidth | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::scaleAndCrop(). |
ImageTest::testScaleDimensions | function | core/ |
Tests all control flow branches in image_dimensions_scale(). |
ImageTest::testScaleHeight | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::scale(). |
ImageTest::testScaleSame | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::scale(). |
ImageTest::testScaleWidth | function | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Image\Image::scale(). |
ImageTest::testThemeImageWithSizes | function | core/ |
Tests that an image with the sizes attribute is output correctly. |
ImageTest::testThemeImageWithSrc | function | core/ |
Tests that an image with the src attribute is output correctly. |
ImageTest::testThemeImageWithSrcsetMultiplier | function | core/ |
Tests that an image with the srcset and multipliers is output correctly. |
ImageTest::testThemeImageWithSrcsetWidth | function | core/ |
Tests that an image with the srcset and widths is output correctly. |
ImageTestBase | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Image @group ckeditor5 @internal |
ImageTestBase.php | file | core/ |
ImageTestBase::$adminUser | property | core/ |
The user to use during testing. |
ImageTestBase::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
ImageTestBase::$host | property | core/ |
A host entity with a body field to embed images in. |
ImageTestBase::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ImageTestBase::addImage | function | core/ |
Add an image to the CKEditor 5 editable zone. |
ImageTestBase::imageAttributes | function | core/ |
Provides the relevant image attributes. |
ImageTestBase::imageAttributesAsString | function | core/ |
Helper to format attributes. |
ImageTestBaselineTrait | trait | core/ |
Trait with common test methods for image tests. |
ImageTestBaselineTrait.php | file | core/ |
ImageTestBaselineTrait::providerLinkability | function | core/ |
Returns data for testLinkability() and testImageArbitraryHtml(). |
ImageTestBaselineTrait::testAttributeRetentionDuringUpcasting | function | core/ |
Ensures that attributes are retained on conversion. |
ImageTestBaselineTrait::testImageArbitraryHtml | function | core/ |
Tests that arbitrary attributes are allowed via GHS. |
ImageTestBaselineTrait::testImageCaption | function | core/ |
Ensures that images can have caption set. |
ImageTestBaselineTrait::testLinkability | function | core/ |
Tests linkability of the image CKEditor widget. |
ImageTestProviderTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5Plugin\Image @group ckeditor5 @group #slow @internal |
ImageTestProviderTest.php | file | core/ |
ImageTestProviderTrait | trait | core/ |
Provides test methods using data providers for image tests. |
ImageTestProviderTrait.php | file | core/ |
ImageTestProviderTrait::providerAlignment | function | core/ |
Data provider for testAlignment(). |
ImageTestProviderTrait::providerAltTextRequired | function | core/ |
Providers data for testAltTextRequired(). |
ImageTestProviderTrait::providerResize | function | core/ |
Data provider for ::testResize(). |
ImageTestProviderTrait::providerWidth | function | core/ |
Data provider for ::testWidth(). |
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