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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
DownloadTest::testPrivateFileTransferWithoutPageCache | function | core/ |
Tests the private file transfer system. |
DownloadTest::testPublicFileTransfer | function | core/ |
Tests the public file transfer system. |
DownloadTest::testWriteProtectedDestination | function | core/ |
Tests that an exception is thrown if the destination URI is not writable. |
DriverModuleMissingDependenciesTest::testDetermineDriversAutoloadingFailingOnMissingDependency | function | core/ |
@covers ::get |
DrupalCoreComposer::loadJsonFromPath | function | composer/ |
Load json data from the specified path. |
DrupalKernel::$classLoader | property | core/ |
The class loader object. |
DrupalKernel::classLoaderAddMultiplePsr4 | function | core/ |
Registers a list of namespaces with PSR-4 directories for class loading. |
DrupalKernel::loadLegacyIncludes | function | core/ |
Helper method that loads legacy Drupal include files. |
DrupalKernelInterface::loadLegacyIncludes | function | core/ |
Helper method that loads legacy Drupal include files. |
DrupalKernelTest::providerClassLoaderAutoDetect | function | core/ |
Data provider for self::testClassLoaderAutoDetect. |
DrupalKernelTest::testClassLoaderAutoDetect | function | core/ |
Tests class_loader_auto_detect setting. |
DrupalSelenium2Driver::uploadFileAndGetRemoteFilePath | function | core/ |
Uploads a file to the Selenium instance and returns the remote path. |
Drupal\file\Upload\FileUploadHandler | service | core/ |
Alias of file.upload_handler |
Drupal\file\Upload\FileUploadHandlerInterface | service | core/ |
Drupal\file\Upload\InputStreamFileWriterInterface | service | core/ |
Drupal\jsonapi\Controller\FileUpload | service | core/ |
Drupal\sdc\Twig\TwigComponentLoader | service | core/ |
drupal_load_updates | function | core/ |
Loads .install files for installed modules to initialize the update system. |
drupal_phpunit_populate_class_loader | function | core/ |
Populate class loader with additional namespaces for tests. |
Editor::$image_upload | property | core/ |
The structured array of image upload settings. |
Editor::getImageUploadSettings | function | core/ |
Returns the image upload settings. |
Editor::setImageUploadSettings | function | core/ |
Sets the image upload settings. |
EditorAddLazyLoadImageFilterUpdateTest | class | core/ |
Tests adding editor_image_lazy_load filter to editor_file_reference. |
EditorAddLazyLoadImageFilterUpdateTest.php | file | core/ |
EditorAddLazyLoadImageFilterUpdateTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
EditorAddLazyLoadImageFilterUpdateTest::setDatabaseDumpFiles | function | core/ |
Set database dump files to be used. |
EditorAddLazyLoadImageFilterUpdateTest::testUpdateLazyImageLoad | function | core/ |
Tests upgrading filter settings. |
EditorHooks::fileDownload | function | core/ |
Implements hook_file_download(). |
EditorInterface::getImageUploadSettings | function | core/ |
Returns the image upload settings. |
EditorInterface::setImageUploadSettings | function | core/ |
Sets the image upload settings. |
EditorLoadingTest | class | core/ |
Tests loading of text editors. |
EditorLoadingTest.php | file | core/ |
EditorLoadingTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
EditorLoadingTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
EditorLoadingTest::$normalUser | property | core/ |
A normal user with additional access to the 'filtered_html' format. |
EditorLoadingTest::$privilegedUser | property | core/ |
A privileged user with additional access to the 'full_html' format. |
EditorLoadingTest::$untrustedUser | property | core/ |
An untrusted user, with access to the 'plain_text' format. |
EditorLoadingTest::getThingsToCheck | function | core/ |
EditorLoadingTest::setUp | function | core/ |
EditorLoadingTest::testLoading | function | core/ |
Tests loading of text editors. |
EditorLoadingTest::testSupportedElementTypes | function | core/ |
Tests supported element types. |
EditorSanitizeImageUploadSettingsUpdateTest | class | core/ |
@group Update @group editor |
EditorSanitizeImageUploadSettingsUpdateTest.php | file | core/ |
EditorSanitizeImageUploadSettingsUpdateTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
EditorSanitizeImageUploadSettingsUpdateTest::setDatabaseDumpFiles | function | core/ |
Set database dump files to be used. |
EditorSanitizeImageUploadSettingsUpdateTest::testUpdateRemoveMeaninglessImageUploadSettings | function | core/ |
Ensure image upload settings for Text Editor config entities are corrected. |
EditorValidationTest::testImageUploadSettingsAreDynamicallyRequired | function | core/ |
`image_upload.status = TRUE` must cause additional keys to be required. |
EditorValidationTest::testImageUploadSettingsValidation | function | core/ |
@testWith [{"scheme": "public"}, {}] [{"scheme": "private"}, {"image_upload.scheme": "The file storage you selected is not a visible, readable and writable stream wrapper. Possible choices: <em… |
editor_image_upload_settings_form | function | core/ |
Subform constructor to configure the text editor's image upload settings. |
editor_load | function | core/ |
Loads an individual configured text editor based on text format ID. |
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