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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ResourceObjectNormalizerCacherTest::$serializer | property | core/ |
The JSON:API serializer. |
ResourceObjectNormalizerCacherTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ResourceObjectNormalizerCacherTest::testLinkNormalizationCacheability | function | core/ |
Tests that link normalization cache information is not lost. |
ResourceObjectNormalizerCacherTest::testMaxAgeCorrection | function | core/ |
Tests that normalization max-age is correct. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::addOmittedObject | function | core/ |
Add the omitted object to the document or merges it if one already exists. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::errorsToOmittedObject | function | core/ |
Maps error objects into an omitted object. |
ResourceResponseTestTrait::mergeOmittedObjects | function | core/ |
Merges the links of two omitted objects and returns a new omitted object. |
RouteMatch::getRouteObject | function | core/ |
Returns the route object. |
RouteMatchInterface::getRouteObject | function | core/ |
Returns the route object. |
RouteMatchTestBase::testGetRouteObject | function | core/ |
@covers ::getRouteObject @dataProvider routeMatchProvider |
RouteObjectInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides constants used for retrieving matched routes. |
RouteObjectInterface.php | file | core/ |
RouteObjectInterface::CONTROLLER_NAME | constant | core/ |
Key for the controller. |
RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_NAME | constant | core/ |
Key for the route name. |
RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_OBJECT | constant | core/ |
Key for the route object. |
SchemaObjectDoesNotExistException | class | core/ |
Exception thrown if an object being modified doesn't exist yet. |
SchemaObjectDoesNotExistException.php | file | core/ |
SchemaObjectExistsException | class | core/ |
Exception thrown if an object being created already exists. |
SchemaObjectExistsException.php | file | core/ |
SelectComplexTest::testJoinConditionObject | function | core/ |
Tests that join conditions can use Condition objects. |
serializer.normalizer.resource_object.jsonapi | service | core/ |
Drupal\jsonapi\Normalizer\ResourceObjectNormalizer |
serializer.normalizer.traversable_object.jsonapi_test_data_type | service | core/ |
Drupal\jsonapi_test_data_type\Normalizer\TraversableObjectNormalizer |
SessionTestController::getFromSessionObject | function | core/ |
Prints the stored session value to the screen. |
SharedTempStoreTest::$otherObject | property | core/ |
A tempstore object not belonging to the owner. |
SharedTempStoreTest::$ownObject | property | core/ |
A tempstore object belonging to the owner. |
SharedTempStoreTest::testSetIfOwnerNoObject | function | core/ |
Tests the setIfOwner() method when a key already exists but no object. |
StatementInterface::fetchObject | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchObject | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchObject | function | core/ |
Fetches the next row and returns it as an object. |
StorageTestBase::$objects | property | core/ |
An array of random stdClass objects. |
StringObject | class | core/ |
Quick class for testing for objects with __toString. |
StringObject::__toString | function | core/ |
StringTranslationTraitTest::$testObject | property | core/ |
The object under test that uses StringTranslationTrait. |
SubformState::getFormObject | function | core/ |
Returns the form object that is responsible for building this form. |
SubformStateTest::testFormObject | function | core/ |
@covers ::getFormObject |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions | class | core/ |
An \ArrayObject that throws an exception when used as an ArrayObject. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions.php | file | core/ |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::append | function | core/ |
Append a value to the ArrayObject. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::asort | function | core/ |
Sort the ArrayObject. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::count | function | core/ |
Count the ArrayObject. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::exchangeArray | function | core/ |
Exchange the current array with another array or object. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::getArrayCopy | function | core/ |
Exports the \ArrayObject to an array. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::getFlags | function | core/ |
Gets the behavior flags of the \ArrayObject. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::getIterator | function | core/ |
Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::getIteratorClass | function | core/ |
Gets the class name of the array iterator that is used by \ArrayObject::getIterator(). |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::ksort | function | core/ |
Sort the entries by key. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::natcasesort | function | core/ |
Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::natsort | function | core/ |
Sort entries using a "natural order" algorithm. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::offsetExists | function | core/ |
Returns whether the requested index exists. |
TemporaryArrayObjectThrowingExceptions::offsetGet | function | core/ |
Returns the value at the specified index. |
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