
Same filename in other branches
  1. 9 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Database/SelectComplexTest.php
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  3. 10 core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Core/Database/SelectComplexTest.php





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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Database;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\PagerSelectExtender;
use Drupal\Core\Database\RowCountException;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;

 * Tests the Select query builder with more complex queries.
 * @group Database
class SelectComplexTest extends DatabaseTestBase {
     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected static $modules = [
     * Tests simple JOIN statements.
    public function testDefaultJoin() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
            ->select('test_task', 't');
        $people_alias = $query->join('test', 'p', '[t].[pid] = [p].[id]');
        $name_field = $query->addField($people_alias, 'name', 'name');
        $query->addField('t', 'task', 'task');
        $priority_field = $query->addField('t', 'priority', 'priority');
        $result = $query->execute();
        $num_records = 0;
        $last_priority = 0;
        // Verify that the results are returned in the correct order.
        foreach ($result as $record) {
            $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($last_priority, $record->{$priority_field});
            $this->assertNotSame('Ringo', $record->{$name_field}, 'Person without a task not selected.');
            $last_priority = $record->{$priority_field};
        $this->assertEquals(7, $num_records, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
     * Tests LEFT OUTER joins.
    public function testLeftOuterJoin() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
            ->select('test', 'p');
        $people_alias = $query->leftJoin('test_task', 't', '[t].[pid] = [p].[id]');
        $name_field = $query->addField('p', 'name', 'name');
        $query->addField($people_alias, 'task', 'task');
        $query->addField($people_alias, 'priority', 'priority');
        $result = $query->execute();
        $num_records = 0;
        $last_name = '0';
        // Verify that the results are returned in the correct order.
        foreach ($result as $record) {
            $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(0, strcmp($record->{$name_field}, $last_name));
        $this->assertEquals(8, $num_records, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
     * Tests GROUP BY clauses.
    public function testGroupBy() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
            ->select('test_task', 't');
        $count_field = $query->addExpression('COUNT([task])', 'num');
        $task_field = $query->addField('t', 'task');
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/ORDER BY .*[^\\w\\s]num[^\\w\\s]/", (string) $query);
        $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/GROUP BY .*[^\\w\\s]task[^\\w\\s]/", (string) $query);
        $result = $query->execute();
        $num_records = 0;
        $last_count = 0;
        $records = [];
        // Verify that the results are returned in the correct order.
        foreach ($result as $record) {
            $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($last_count, $record->{$count_field});
            $last_count = $record->{$count_field};
            $records[$record->{$task_field}] = $record->{$count_field};
        $correct_results = [
            'eat' => 1,
            'sleep' => 2,
            'code' => 1,
            'found new band' => 1,
            'perform at superbowl' => 1,
        foreach ($correct_results as $task => $count) {
            $this->assertEquals($count, $records[$task], "Correct number of '{$task}' records found.");
        $this->assertEquals(6, $num_records, 'Returned the correct number of total rows.');
     * Tests GROUP BY and HAVING clauses together.
    public function testGroupByAndHaving() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
            ->select('test_task', 't');
        $count_field = $query->addExpression('COUNT([task])', 'num');
        $task_field = $query->addField('t', 'task');
        $query->having('COUNT([task]) >= 2');
        $result = $query->execute();
        $num_records = 0;
        $last_count = 0;
        $records = [];
        // Verify that the results are returned in the correct order.
        foreach ($result as $record) {
            $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(2, $record->{$count_field});
            $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($last_count, $record->{$count_field});
            $last_count = $record->{$count_field};
            $records[$record->{$task_field}] = $record->{$count_field};
        $correct_results = [
            'sleep' => 2,
        foreach ($correct_results as $task => $count) {
            $this->assertEquals($count, $records[$task], "Correct number of '{$task}' records found.");
        $this->assertEquals(1, $num_records, 'Returned the correct number of total rows.');
     * Tests range queries.
     * The SQL clause varies with the database.
    public function testRange() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test', 'name');
        $query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
        $query->range(0, 2);
        $query_result = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(2, $query_result, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
     * Tests whether the range property of a select clause can be undone.
    public function testRangeUndo() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test', 'name');
        $query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
        $query->range(0, 2);
        $query->range(NULL, NULL);
        $query_result = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(4, $query_result, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
     * Tests distinct queries.
    public function testDistinct() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test_task', 'task');
        $query_result = $query->execute()
        $expected_result = [
            'found new band',
            'perform at superbowl',
        $this->assertEquals($query_result, $expected_result, 'Returned the correct result.');
     * Tests that we can generate a count query from a built query.
    public function testCountQuery() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $name_field = $query->addField('test', 'name');
        $age_field = $query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
        $count = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(4, $count, 'Counted the correct number of records.');
        // Now make sure we didn't break the original query!  We should still have
        // all of the fields we asked for.
        $record = $query->execute()
        $this->assertEquals('George', $record->{$name_field}, 'Correct data retrieved.');
        $this->assertEquals(27, $record->{$age_field}, 'Correct data retrieved.');
     * Tests having queries.
    public function testHavingCountQuery() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
            ->having('[age] + 1 > 0');
        $query->addField('test', 'age');
        $query->addExpression('[age] + 1');
        $count = count($query->execute()
        $this->assertEquals(4, $count, 'Counted the correct number of records.');
     * Tests that countQuery removes 'all_fields' statements and ordering clauses.
    public function testCountQueryRemovals() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $count = $query->countQuery();
        // Check that the 'all_fields' statement is handled properly.
        $tables = $query->getTables();
        $this->assertEquals(1, $tables['test']['all_fields'], 'Query correctly sets \'all_fields\' statement.');
        $tables = $count->getTables();
        $this->assertFalse(isset($tables['test']['all_fields']), 'Count query correctly unsets \'all_fields\' statement.');
        // Check that the ordering clause is handled properly.
        $orderby = $query->getOrderBy();
        // The orderby string is different for PostgreSQL.
        // @see Drupal\pgsql\Driver\Database\pgsql\Select::orderBy()
        $db_type = Database::getConnection()->databaseType();
        $this->assertEquals($db_type == 'pgsql' ? 'ASC NULLS FIRST' : 'ASC', $orderby['name'], 'Query correctly sets ordering clause.');
        $orderby = $count->getOrderBy();
        $this->assertFalse(isset($orderby['name']), 'Count query correctly unsets ordering clause.');
        // Make sure that the count query works.
        $count = $count->execute()
        $this->assertEquals(4, $count, 'Counted the correct number of records.');
     * Tests that countQuery properly removes fields and expressions.
    public function testCountQueryFieldRemovals() : void {
        // countQuery should remove all fields and expressions, so this can be
        // tested by adding a non-existent field and expression: if it ends
        // up in the query, an error will be thrown. If not, it will return the
        // number of records, which in this case happens to be 4 (there are four
        // records in the {test} table).
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->fields('test', [
        $this->assertEquals(4, $query->countQuery()
            ->fetchField(), 'Count Query removed fields');
        $query = $this->connection
        $this->assertEquals(4, $query->countQuery()
            ->fetchField(), 'Count Query removed expressions');
     * Tests that we can generate a count query from a query with distinct.
    public function testCountQueryDistinct() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test_task', 'task');
        $count = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(6, $count, 'Counted the correct number of records.');
     * Tests that we can generate a count query from a query with GROUP BY.
    public function testCountQueryGroupBy() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test_task', 'pid');
        $count = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(3, $count, 'Counted the correct number of records.');
        // Use a column alias as, without one, the query can succeed for the wrong
        // reason.
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test_task', 'pid', 'pid_alias');
        $query->addExpression('COUNT([test_task].[task])', 'count');
        $query->orderBy('pid_alias', 'asc');
        $count = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(3, $count, 'Counted the correct number of records.');
     * Confirms that we can properly nest conditional clauses.
    public function testNestedConditions() : void {
        // This query should translate to:
        // "SELECT job FROM {test} WHERE name = 'Paul' AND (age = 26 OR age = 27)"
        // That should find only one record. Yes it's a non-optimal way of writing
        // that query but that's not the point!
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test', 'job');
        $query->condition('name', 'Paul');
            ->condition('age', 26)
            ->condition('age', 27));
        $job = $query->execute()
        $this->assertEquals('Songwriter', $job, 'Correct data retrieved.');
     * Confirms we can join on a single table twice with a dynamic alias.
    public function testJoinTwice() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $alias = $query->join('test', 'test', '[test].[job] = [%alias].[job]');
        $query->addField($alias, 'name', 'other_name');
        $query->addField($alias, 'job', 'other_job');
        $query->where("[{$alias}].[name] <> [test].[name]");
        $crowded_job = $query->execute()
        $this->assertEquals($crowded_job->other_job, $crowded_job->job, 'Correctly joined same table twice.');
        $this->assertNotEquals($crowded_job->other_name, $crowded_job->name, 'Correctly joined same table twice.');
     * Tests that we can join on a query.
    public function testJoinSubquery() : void {
        $account = User::create([
            'name' => $this->randomMachineName(),
            'mail' => $this->randomMachineName() . '',
        $query = Database::getConnection('replica')->select('test_task', 'tt');
        $query->addExpression('[tt].[pid] + 1', 'abc');
        $query->condition('priority', 1, '>');
        $query->condition('priority', 100, '<');
        $subquery = $this->connection
            ->select('test', 'tp');
        $subquery->join('test_one_blob', 'tpb', '[tp].[id] = [tpb].[id]');
        $subquery->join('node', 'n', '[tp].[id] = [n].[nid]');
        $subquery->addMetaData('account', $account);
        $subquery->addField('tp', 'id');
        $subquery->condition('age', 5, '>');
        $subquery->condition('age', 500, '<');
        $query->leftJoin($subquery, 'sq', '[tt].[pid] = [sq].[id]');
        $query->join('test_one_blob', 'tb3', '[tt].[pid] = [tb3].[id]');
        // Construct the query string.
        // This is the same sequence that SelectQuery::execute() goes through.
        $str = (string) $query;
        // Verify that the string only has one copy of condition placeholder 0.
        $pos = strpos($str, 'db_condition_placeholder_0', 0);
        $pos2 = strpos($str, 'db_condition_placeholder_0', $pos + 1);
        $this->assertFalse($pos2, 'Condition placeholder is not repeated.');
     * Tests that rowCount() throws exception on SELECT query.
    public function testSelectWithRowCount() : void {
        $query = $this->connection
        $query->addField('test', 'name');
        $result = $query->execute();
        try {
            $exception = FALSE;
        } catch (RowCountException) {
            $exception = TRUE;
        $this->assertTrue($exception, 'Exception was thrown');
     * Tests that join conditions can use Condition objects.
    public function testJoinConditionObject() : void {
        // Same test as testDefaultJoin, but with a Condition object.
        $query = $this->connection
            ->select('test_task', 't');
        $join_cond = $this->connection
            ->where('[t].[pid] = [p].[id]');
        $people_alias = $query->join('test', 'p', $join_cond);
        $name_field = $query->addField($people_alias, 'name', 'name');
        $query->addField('t', 'task', 'task');
        $priority_field = $query->addField('t', 'priority', 'priority');
        $result = $query->execute();
        $num_records = 0;
        $last_priority = 0;
        foreach ($result as $record) {
            // Verify that the results are returned in the correct order.
            $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($last_priority, $record->{$priority_field});
            $this->assertNotSame('Ringo', $record->{$name_field}, 'Person without a task not selected.');
            $last_priority = $record->{$priority_field};
        $this->assertEquals(7, $num_records, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
        // Test a condition object that creates placeholders.
        $t1_name = 'John';
        $t2_name = 'George';
        $join_cond = $this->connection
            ->condition('', $t1_name)
            ->condition('', $t2_name);
        $query = $this->connection
            ->select('test', 't1');
        $query->innerJoin('test', 't2', $join_cond);
        $query->addField('t1', 'name', 't1_name');
        $query->addField('t2', 'name', 't2_name');
        $num_records = $query->countQuery()
        $this->assertEquals(1, $num_records, 'Query expected to return 1 row. Actual: ' . $num_records);
        if ($num_records == 1) {
            $record = $query->execute()
            $this->assertEquals($t1_name, $record->t1_name, 'Query expected to retrieve name ' . $t1_name . ' from table t1. Actual: ' . $record->t1_name);
            $this->assertEquals($t2_name, $record->t2_name, 'Query expected to retrieve name ' . $t2_name . ' from table t2. Actual: ' . $record->t2_name);



Title Deprecated Summary
SelectComplexTest Tests the Select query builder with more complex queries.

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