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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
MemoryBackend::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
MenuActiveTrailTest::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The test request stack. |
MenuRouterTest::doTestThemeCallbackNoThemeRequested | function | core/ |
Tests the theme negotiation when no theme is requested. |
MockClient::doRequest | function | core/ |
MockController::getControllerWithRequestAndRouteMatch | function | core/ |
MockControllerPsr7::getControllerWithRequestAndRouteMatch | function | core/ |
MockMatcher::matchRequest | function | core/ |
MockRouteProvider::getRouteCollectionForRequest | function | core/ |
Implements \Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteProviderInterface::getRouteCollectionForRequest(). |
NegotiationMiddlewareTest::testUnknownContentTypeButAjaxRequest | function | core/ |
Tests the getContentType() method when no priority format is found but it's an AJAX request. |
NodeStatisticsDatabaseStorage::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
NodeStatisticsDatabaseStorage::getRequestTime | function | core/ |
Get current request time. |
OptionsRequestSubscriber | class | core/ |
Handles options requests. |
OptionsRequestSubscriber.php | file | core/ |
OptionsRequestSubscriber::$routeProvider | property | core/ |
The route provider. |
OptionsRequestSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
OptionsRequestSubscriber::onRequest | function | core/ |
Tries to handle the options request. |
OptionsRequestSubscriber::__construct | function | core/ |
Creates a new OptionsRequestSubscriber instance. |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\OptionsRequestSubscriber @group EventSubscriber |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest.php | file | core/ |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest::providerTestOnRequestWithOptionsRequest | function | core/ |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest::testWithNonOptionRequest | function | core/ |
@covers ::onRequest |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest::testWithOptionsRequest | function | core/ |
@covers ::onRequest @dataProvider providerTestOnRequestWithOptionsRequest |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest::testWithoutMatchingRoutes | function | core/ |
@covers ::onRequest |
PageCache::$requestPolicy | property | core/ |
A policy rule determining the cacheability of a request. |
PageCacheTest::testConditionalRequests | function | core/ |
Tests support of requests with If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers. |
PageCacheTest::testQueryParameterFormatRequests | function | core/ |
Tests support for different cache items with different request formats. |
PagerParameters::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The HTTP request stack. |
PathAliasListBuilder::$currentRequest | property | core/ |
The current request. |
PathBasedBreadcrumbBuilder::getRequestForPath | function | core/ |
Matches a path in the router. |
PathBasedBreadcrumbBuilderTest::$requestMatcher | property | core/ |
The request matching mock object. |
PhpMail::$request | property | core/ |
The currently active request object. |
PhpMailTest::$request | property | core/ |
The current request. |
PhpMailTest::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
PrivateTempStore::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
PrivateTempStoreFactory::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
PrivateTempStoreTest::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
ProviderRepositoryTest::testRequestException | function | core/ |
Tests handling of exceptions when fetching the provider database. |
Psr7RequestValueResolver | class | core/ |
Yields a PSR7 request object based on the request object passed along. |
Psr7RequestValueResolver.php | file | core/ |
Psr7RequestValueResolver::$httpMessageFactory | property | core/ |
The PSR-7 converter. |
Psr7RequestValueResolver::resolve | function | core/ |
Psr7RequestValueResolver::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new ControllerResolver. |
RedirectDestination::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
RedirectDestinationTest::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
RedirectResponseSubscriberTest::$requestContext | property | core/ |
The mocked request context. |
RenderElementTest::$requestStack | property | core/ |
The request stack. |
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testCacheableParentWithPostRequest | function | core/ |
@covers ::render @covers ::doRender @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get @covers ::replacePlaceholders |
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testPlaceholderingDisabledForPostRequests | function | core/ |
@covers ::render @covers ::doRender @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\PlaceholderingRenderCache::get @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\PlaceholderingRenderCache::set @covers ::replacePlaceholders |
RendererTestBase::$requestStack | property | core/ |
RendererTestBase::setUpRequest | function | core/ |
Sets up a request object on the request stack. |
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