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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Routes | class | core/ |
Defines dynamic routes. |
Routes | class | core/ |
Provides dynamic routes for test purposes. |
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ModuleRouteSubscriber::alterRoutes | function | core/ |
Alters existing routes for a specific collection. |
ModuleRouteSubscriber::explodeString | function | core/ |
Explodes a string based on a separator. |
ModuleRouteSubscriber::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a ModuleRouteSubscriber object. |
ModuleRouteSubscriberTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\ModuleRouteSubscriber @group EventSubscriber |
ModuleRouteSubscriberTest.php | file | core/ |
ModuleRouteSubscriberTest::$moduleHandler | property | core/ |
The mock module handler. |
ModuleRouteSubscriberTest::providerTestRemoveRoute | function | core/ |
Data provider for testRemoveRoute(). |
ModuleRouteSubscriberTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ModuleRouteSubscriberTest::testRemoveRoute | function | core/ |
Tests that removeRoute() removes routes when the module is not enabled. |
NavigationSectionStorage::buildRoutes | function | core/ |
Provides the routes needed for Layout Builder UI. |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber | class | core/ |
Sets the _admin_route for specific node-related routes. |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber.php | file | core/ |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber::$configFactory | property | core/ |
The config factory. |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber::$routerBuilder | property | core/ |
The router builder. |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber::alterRoutes | function | core/ |
Alters existing routes for a specific collection. |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber::onConfigSave | function | core/ |
Rebuilds the router when node.settings:use_admin_theme is changed. |
NodeAdminRouteSubscriber::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new NodeAdminRouteSubscriber. |
NodeRouteProvider::getRoutes | function | core/ |
Provides routes for entities. |
NullMatcherDumper::$routes | property | core/ |
The routes to be dumped. |
NullMatcherDumper::addRoutes | function | core/ |
Adds additional routes to be dumped. |
NullMatcherDumper::getRoutes | function | core/ |
Gets the routes to match. |
OptionsRequestSubscriberTest::testWithoutMatchingRoutes | function | core/ |
@covers ::onRequest |
OverridesSectionStorage::buildRoutes | function | core/ |
Provides the routes needed for Layout Builder UI. |
OverridesSectionStorageTest::testBuildRoutes | function | core/ |
@covers ::buildRoutes @covers ::hasIntegerId @covers ::getEntityTypes @covers \Drupal\layout_builder\Routing\LayoutBuilderRoutesTrait::buildLayoutRoutes |
PathPluginBase::alterRoutes | function | core/ |
Alters a collection of routes and replaces definitions to the view. |
PathPluginBase::collectRoutes | function | core/ |
Adds the route entry of a view to the collection. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testAlterRoutesWithOptionalParameters | function | core/ |
Tests altering routes with optional parameters in the overridden route. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testAlterRoutesWithParameters | function | core/ |
Tests altering routes with parameters in the overridden route. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testAlterRoutesWithParametersAndUpcasting | function | core/ |
Tests altering routes with parameters and upcasting information. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testCollectRoutes | function | core/ |
Tests the collectRoutes method. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testCollectRoutesWithArguments | function | core/ |
Tests the collectRoutes method with arguments. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testCollectRoutesWithArgumentsNotSpecifiedInPath | function | core/ |
Tests the collectRoutes method with arguments not specified in the path. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testCollectRoutesWithDisplayReturnResponse | function | core/ |
Tests the collectRoutes method with a display returning a response. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testCollectRoutesWithNamedParameters | function | core/ |
Tests the collectRoutes method with a path containing named parameters. |
PathPluginBaseTest::testCollectRoutesWithSpecialRouteName | function | core/ |
Tests the collect routes method with an alternative route name in the UI. |
PreloadableRouteProviderInterface::preLoadRoutes | function | core/ |
Pre-load routes by their names using the provided list of names. |
ResourceBase::routes | function | core/ |
Returns a collection of routes with URL path information for the resource. |
ResourceInterface::routes | function | core/ |
Returns a collection of routes with URL path information for the resource. |
ResourceRoutes | class | core/ |
Subscriber for REST-style routes. |
ResourceRoutes.php | file | core/ |
ResourceRoutes::$logger | property | core/ |
A logger instance. |
ResourceRoutes::$manager | property | core/ |
The plugin manager for REST plugins. |
ResourceRoutes::$resourceConfigStorage | property | core/ |
The REST resource config storage. |
ResourceRoutes::getRoutesForResourceConfig | function | core/ |
Provides all routes for a given REST resource config. |
ResourceRoutes::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
ResourceRoutes::onDynamicRouteEvent | function | core/ |
Alters existing routes for a specific collection. |
ResourceRoutes::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a RouteSubscriber object. |
rest.resource_routes | service | core/ |
Drupal\rest\Routing\ResourceRoutes |
RestExport::collectRoutes | function | core/ |
Adds the route entry of a view to the collection. |
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