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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
image_field_widget_form | function | modules/ |
Implements hook_field_widget_form(). |
image_field_widget_info | function | modules/ |
Implements hook_field_widget_info(). |
image_field_widget_process | function | modules/ |
An element #process callback for the image_image field type. |
image_field_widget_settings_form | function | modules/ |
Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form(). |
image_gd_get_info | function | modules/ |
Get details about an image. |
image_get_available_toolkits | function | includes/ |
Gets a list of available toolkits. |
image_get_info | function | includes/ |
Gets details about an image. |
image_get_toolkit | function | includes/ |
Gets the name of the currently used toolkit. |
image_test_get_all_calls | function | modules/ |
Get an array with the all the calls to the toolkits since image_test_reset() was called. |
image_test_get_info | function | modules/ |
Image toolkit's get_info operation. |
ImportOPMLTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
InfoFileParserTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
IPAddressBlockingTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
Implement getInfo(). |
JavaScriptTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
JavaScriptTestCase::testGetLibrary | function | modules/ |
Tests retrieval of libraries via drupal_get_library(). |
language_fallback_get_candidates | function | includes/ |
Returns the possible fallback languages ordered by language weight. |
language_negotiation_get | function | includes/ |
Checks whether a language negotiation provider is enabled for a language type. |
language_negotiation_get_any | function | includes/ |
Checks if the language negotiation provider is enabled for any language type. |
language_negotiation_get_switch_links | function | includes/ |
Returns the language switch links for the given language. |
ListDynamicValuesValidationTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
ListFieldTestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
ListFieldUITestCase::getInfo | function | modules/ |
list_field_widget_info_alter | function | modules/ |
Implements hook_field_widget_info_alter(). |
LocaleBrowserDetectionTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleConfigurationTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleContentFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleCSSAlterTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleDateFormatsFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleExportFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleExportFunctionalTest::getPoFile | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a proper .po file. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getBadPoFile | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a bad .po file. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getOverwritePoFile | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a proper .po file, for testing overwriting existing translations. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getPoFile | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a proper .po file. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getPoFileWithBrokenPlural | function | modules/ |
Returns a .po file with a broken plural formula. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getPoFileWithContext | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a .po file with context. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getPoFileWithEmptyMsgstr | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a .po file with an empty last item. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getPoFileWithMissingPlural | function | modules/ |
Returns a .po file with a missing plural formula. |
LocaleImportFunctionalTest::getPoFileWithMsgstr | function | modules/ |
Helper function that returns a .po file with an empty last item. |
LocaleInstallTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleJavascriptTranslationTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleLanguageNegotiationInfoFunctionalTest::checkFixedLanguageTypes | function | modules/ |
Check that language negotiation for fixed types matches the stored one. |
LocaleLanguageNegotiationInfoFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleLanguageSwitchingFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleLibraryInfoAlterTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocalePathFunctionalTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocalePluralFormatTest::getInfo | function | modules/ |
LocalePluralFormatTest::getPoFileWithComplexPlural | function | modules/ |
Returns a .po file with a complex plural formula. |
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