class VariationCache
Same name in other branches
- 10 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Cache/VariationCache.php \Drupal\Core\Cache\VariationCache
Wraps a regular cache backend to make it support cache contexts.
- class \Drupal\Core\Cache\VariationCache implements \Drupal\Core\Cache\VariationCacheInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of VariationCache
Related topics
3 files declare their use of VariationCache
- RendererBubblingTest.php in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ RendererBubblingTest.php - RendererTestBase.php in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Render/ RendererTestBase.php - VariationCacheTest.php in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Cache/ VariationCacheTest.php
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Cache/ VariationCache.php, line 13
Drupal\Core\CacheView source
class VariationCache implements VariationCacheInterface {
* Constructs a new VariationCache object.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $requestStack
* The request stack.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface $cacheBackend
* The cache backend to wrap.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\Context\CacheContextsManager $cacheContextsManager
* The cache contexts manager.
public function __construct(RequestStack $requestStack, CacheBackendInterface $cacheBackend, CacheContextsManager $cacheContextsManager) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function get(array $keys, CacheableDependencyInterface $initial_cacheability) {
$chain = $this->getRedirectChain($keys, $initial_cacheability);
return array_pop($chain);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getMultiple(array $items) : array {
// This method does not use ::getRedirectChain() like ::get() does, because
// we are looking for multiple cache entries and can therefore optimize the
// following of redirect chains by calling ::getMultiple() on the underlying
// cache backend.
// Create a map of CIDs with their associated $items index and cache keys.
$cid_map = [];
foreach ($items as $index => [
]) {
$cid = $this->createCacheIdFast($keys, $cacheability);
$cid_map[$cid] = [
'index' => $index,
'keys' => $keys,
// Go over all CIDs and update the map according to found redirects. If the
// map is empty, it means we've followed all CIDs to their final result or
// lack thereof.
$results = [];
while (!empty($cid_map)) {
$new_cid_map = [];
$fetch_cids = array_keys($cid_map);
foreach ($this->cacheBackend
->getMultiple($fetch_cids) as $cid => $result) {
$info = $cid_map[$cid];
// Add redirects to the next CID map, so the next iteration can look
// them all up in one ::getMultiple() call to the cache backend.
if ($result->data instanceof CacheRedirect) {
$redirect_cid = $this->createCacheIdFast($info['keys'], $result->data);
$new_cid_map[$redirect_cid] = $info;
$results[$info['index']] = $result;
$cid_map = $new_cid_map;
return $results;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function set(array $keys, $data, CacheableDependencyInterface $cacheability, CacheableDependencyInterface $initial_cacheability) : void {
$initial_contexts = $initial_cacheability->getCacheContexts();
$contexts = $cacheability->getCacheContexts();
if ($missing_contexts = array_diff($initial_contexts, $contexts)) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The complete set of cache contexts for a variation cache item must contain all of the initial cache contexts, missing: %s.', implode(', ', $missing_contexts)));
// Don't store uncacheable items.
if ($cacheability->getCacheMaxAge() === 0) {
// Track the potential effect of cache context optimization on cache tags.
$optimized_cacheability = CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($cacheability);
$cid = $this->createCacheId($keys, $optimized_cacheability);
// Check whether we had any cache redirects leading to the cache ID already.
// If there are none, we know that there is no proper redirect path to the
// cache ID we're trying to store the data at. This may be because there is
// either no full redirect path yet or there is one that is too specific at
// a given step of the way. In case of the former, we simply need to store a
// redirect. In case of the latter, we need to replace the overly specific
// step with a simpler one.
$chain = $this->getRedirectChain($keys, $initial_cacheability);
if (!array_key_exists($cid, $chain)) {
// We can easily find overly specific redirects by comparing their cache
// contexts to the ones we have here. If a redirect has more or different
// contexts, it needs to be replaced with a simplified version.
// Simplifying overly specific redirects can be done in two ways:
// -------
// Problem: The redirect is a superset of the current cache contexts.
// Solution: We replace the redirect with the current contexts.
// Example: Suppose we try to store an object with context A, whereas we
// already have a redirect that uses A and B. In this case we simply store
// the object at the address designated by context A and next time someone
// tries to load the initial AB object, it will restore its redirect path
// by adding an AB redirect step after A.
// -------
// Problem: The redirect overlaps, with both options having unique values.
// Solution: Find the common contexts and use those for a new redirect.
// Example: Suppose we try to store an object with contexts A and C, but
// we already have a redirect that uses A and B. In this case we find A to
// be the common cache context and replace the redirect with one only
// using A, immediately followed by one for AC so there is a full path to
// the data we're trying to set. Next time someone tries to load the
// initial AB object, it will restore its redirect path by adding an AB
// redirect step after A.
$previous_step_contexts = $initial_contexts;
foreach ($chain as $chain_cid => $result) {
if ($result && $result->data instanceof CacheRedirect) {
$result_contexts = $result->data
if (array_diff($result_contexts, $contexts)) {
// Check whether we have an overlap scenario as we need to manually
// create an extra redirect in that case.
$common_contexts = array_intersect($result_contexts, $contexts);
// If the only common contexts are those we've seen before, it means
// we are trying to set a redirect at an address that is completely
// different from the one that was already there. This cannot be
// allowed as it completely breaks the redirect system.
// Example: The value for context A is 'foo' and we are trying to
// store a redirect with AB at A:foo. Then, for a different value of
// B, we are trying to store a redirect at A:foo with AC. This makes
// no sense as there would now no longer be a way to find the first
// item that triggered the initial redirect.
// This usually occurs when using calculated cache contexts and the
// author tried to manually optimize them. E.g.: When using
// user.roles:anonymous and in one of the outcomes we end up varying
// by user.roles. In that case, both user.roles:anonymous and
// user.roles need to be present on the cacheable metadata, even
// though they will eventually be optimized into user.roles. The
// cache needs all the initial information to do its job and if an
// author were to manually optimize this prematurely, it would be
// impossible to properly store a redirect chain.
// Another way this might happen is if a new object that can specify
// cacheable metadata is instantiated without inheriting the cache
// contexts of all the logic that happened up until that point. A
// common example of this is when people immediately return the
// result of one of the factory methods on AccessResult, without
// adding the cacheability from previous access checks that did not
// lead to a value being returned.
if (!array_diff($common_contexts, $previous_step_contexts)) {
trigger_error(sprintf('Trying to overwrite a cache redirect for "%s" with one that has nothing in common, old one at address "%s" was pointing to "%s", new one points to "%s".', $chain_cid, implode(', ', $previous_step_contexts), implode(', ', array_diff($result_contexts, $previous_step_contexts)), implode(', ', array_diff($contexts, $previous_step_contexts))), E_USER_WARNING);
// != is the most appropriate comparison operator here, since we
// only want to know if any keys or values don't match.
if ($common_contexts != $contexts) {
// Set the redirect to the common contexts at the current address.
// In the above example this is essentially overwriting the
// redirect to AB with a redirect to A.
$common_cacheability = (new CacheableMetadata())->setCacheContexts($common_contexts);
->set($chain_cid, new CacheRedirect($common_cacheability));
// Before breaking the loop, set the current address to the next
// one in line so that we can store the full redirect as well. In
// the above example, this is the part where we immediately also
// store a redirect to AC at the CID that A pointed to.
$chain_cid = $this->createCacheIdFast($keys, $common_cacheability);
$previous_step_contexts = $result_contexts;
// The loop above either broke at an overly specific step or completed
// without any problem. In both cases, $chain_cid ended up with the value
// that we should store the new redirect at.
// Cache redirects are stored indefinitely and without tags as they never
// need to be cleared. If they ever end up leading to a stale cache item
// that now uses different contexts then said item will either follow an
// existing path of redirects or carve its own over the old one.
/** @phpstan-ignore variable.undefined */
->set($chain_cid, new CacheRedirect($cacheability));
->set($cid, $data, $this->maxAgeToExpire($cacheability->getCacheMaxAge()), $optimized_cacheability->getCacheTags());
* {@inheritdoc}
public function delete(array $keys, CacheableDependencyInterface $initial_cacheability) : void {
$chain = $this->getRedirectChain($keys, $initial_cacheability);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function invalidate(array $keys, CacheableDependencyInterface $initial_cacheability) : void {
$chain = $this->getRedirectChain($keys, $initial_cacheability);
* Performs a full get, returning every step of the way.
* This will check whether there is a cache redirect and follow it if so. It
* will keep following redirects until it gets to a cache miss or the actual
* cache object.
* @param string[] $keys
* The cache keys to retrieve the cache entry for.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface $initial_cacheability
* The cache metadata of the data to store before other systems had a chance
* to adjust it. This is also commonly known as "pre-bubbling" cacheability.
* @return array
* Every cache get that lead to the final result, keyed by the cache ID used
* to query the cache for that result.
protected function getRedirectChain(array $keys, CacheableDependencyInterface $initial_cacheability) : array {
$cid = $this->createCacheIdFast($keys, $initial_cacheability);
$chain[$cid] = $result = $this->cacheBackend
while ($result && $result->data instanceof CacheRedirect) {
$cid = $this->createCacheIdFast($keys, $result->data);
$chain[$cid] = $result = $this->cacheBackend
return $chain;
* Maps a max-age value to an "expire" value for the Cache API.
* @param int $max_age
* A max-age value.
* @return int
* A corresponding "expire" value.
* @see \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface::set()
protected function maxAgeToExpire($max_age) {
if ($max_age !== Cache::PERMANENT) {
return (int) $this->requestStack
->get('REQUEST_TIME') + $max_age;
return $max_age;
* Creates a cache ID based on cache keys and cacheable metadata.
* If cache contexts are optimized during the creating of the cache ID, then
* the effect of said optimization on the cache contexts will be reflected in
* the provided cacheable metadata.
* @param string[] $keys
* The cache keys of the data to store.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata $cacheable_metadata
* The cacheable metadata of the data to store.
* @return string
* The cache ID.
protected function createCacheId(array $keys, CacheableMetadata &$cacheable_metadata) {
if ($contexts = $cacheable_metadata->getCacheContexts()) {
$context_cache_keys = $this->cacheContextsManager
$keys = array_merge($keys, $context_cache_keys->getKeys());
$cacheable_metadata = $cacheable_metadata->merge($context_cache_keys);
return implode(':', $keys);
* Creates a cache ID based on cache keys and cacheable metadata.
* This is a simpler, faster version of ::createCacheID() to be used when you
* do not care about how cache context optimization affects the cache tags.
* @param string[] $keys
* The cache keys of the data to store.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface $cacheability
* The cache metadata of the data to store.
* @return string
* The cache ID for the redirect.
protected function createCacheIdFast(array $keys, CacheableDependencyInterface $cacheability) {
if ($contexts = $cacheability->getCacheContexts()) {
$context_cache_keys = $this->cacheContextsManager
$keys = array_merge($keys, $context_cache_keys->getKeys());
return implode(':', $keys);
Title Sort descending | Modifiers | Object type | Summary | Overriden Title |
VariationCache::createCacheId | protected | function | Creates a cache ID based on cache keys and cacheable metadata. | |
VariationCache::createCacheIdFast | protected | function | Creates a cache ID based on cache keys and cacheable metadata. | |
VariationCache::delete | public | function | Overrides VariationCacheInterface::delete | |
VariationCache::get | public | function | Overrides VariationCacheInterface::get | |
VariationCache::getMultiple | public | function | Overrides VariationCacheInterface::getMultiple | |
VariationCache::getRedirectChain | protected | function | Performs a full get, returning every step of the way. | |
VariationCache::invalidate | public | function | Overrides VariationCacheInterface::invalidate | |
VariationCache::maxAgeToExpire | protected | function | Maps a max-age value to an "expire" value for the Cache API. | |
VariationCache::set | public | function | Overrides VariationCacheInterface::set | |
VariationCache::__construct | public | function | Constructs a new VariationCache object. |
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