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modules/ big_pipe/ src/ Render/ BigPipe.php
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namespace Drupal\big_pipe\Render;
use Drupal\Component\HttpFoundation\SecuredRedirectResponse;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\MessageCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\RedirectCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\ReplaceCommand;
use Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssets;
use Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssetsInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Form\EnforcedResponseException;
use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\LocalRedirectResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RequestContext;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ResponseEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
* Service for sending an HTML response in chunks (to get faster page loads).
* At a high level, BigPipe sends an HTML response in chunks:
* 1. one chunk: everything until just before </body> — this contains BigPipe
* placeholders for the personalized parts of the page. Hence this sends the
* non-personalized parts of the page. Let's call it The Skeleton.
* 2. N chunks: a <script> tag per BigPipe placeholder in The Skeleton.
* 3. one chunk: </body> and everything after it.
* This is conceptually identical to Facebook's BigPipe (hence the name).
* @see
* The major way in which Drupal differs from Facebook's implementation (and
* others) is in its ability to automatically figure out which parts of the page
* can benefit from BigPipe-style delivery. Drupal's render system has the
* concept of "auto-placeholdering": content that is too dynamic is replaced
* with a placeholder that can then be rendered at a later time. On top of that,
* it also has the concept of "placeholder strategies": by default, placeholders
* are replaced on the server side and the response is blocked on all of them
* being replaced. But it's possible to add additional placeholder strategies.
* BigPipe is just another placeholder strategy. Others could be ESI, AJAX …
* @see
* @see \Drupal\Core\Render\PlaceholderGeneratorInterface::shouldAutomaticallyPlaceholder()
* @see \Drupal\Core\Render\Placeholder\PlaceholderStrategyInterface
* @see \Drupal\Core\Render\Placeholder\SingleFlushStrategy
* @see \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\Placeholder\BigPipeStrategy
* There is also one noteworthy technical addition that Drupal makes. BigPipe as
* described above, and as implemented by Facebook, can only work if JavaScript
* is enabled. The BigPipe module also makes it possible to replace placeholders
* using BigPipe in-situ, without JavaScript. This is not technically BigPipe at
* all; it's just the use of multiple flushes. Since it is able to reuse much of
* the logic though, we choose to call this "no-JS BigPipe".
* However, there is also a tangible benefit: some dynamic/expensive content is
* not HTML, but for example an HTML attribute value (or part thereof). It's not
* possible to efficiently replace such content using JavaScript, so "classic"
* BigPipe is out of the question. For example: CSRF tokens in URLs.
* This allows us to use both no-JS BigPipe and "classic" BigPipe in the same
* response to maximize the amount of content we can send as early as possible.
* Finally, a closer look at the implementation, and how it supports and reuses
* existing Drupal concepts:
* 1. BigPipe placeholders: 1 HtmlResponse + N embedded AjaxResponses.
* - Before a BigPipe response is sent, it is just an HTML response that
* contains BigPipe placeholders. Those placeholders look like
* <span data-big-pipe-placeholder-id="…"></span>. JavaScript is used to
* replace those placeholders.
* Therefore these placeholders are actually sent to the client.
* - The Skeleton of course has attachments, including most notably asset
* libraries. And those we track in drupalSettings.ajaxPageState.libraries —
* so that when we load new content through AJAX, we don't load the same
* asset libraries again. An HTML page can have multiple AJAX responses,
* each of which should take into account the combined AJAX page state of
* the HTML document and all preceding AJAX responses.
* - BigPipe does not make use of multiple AJAX requests/responses. It uses a
* single HTML response. But it is a more long-lived one: The Skeleton is
* sent first, the closing </body> tag is not yet sent, and the connection
* is kept open. Whenever another BigPipe Placeholder is rendered, Drupal
* sends (and so actually appends to the already-sent HTML) something like
* <script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax">
* [{"command":"settings","settings":{…}}, {"command":…}.
* - So, for every BigPipe placeholder, we send such a <script
* type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax"> tag. And the contents of that tag is
* exactly like an AJAX response. The BigPipe module has JavaScript that
* listens for these and applies them. Let's call it an Embedded AJAX
* Response (since it is embedded in the HTML response). Now for the
* interesting bit: each of those Embedded AJAX Responses must also take
* into account the cumulative AJAX page state of the HTML document and all
* preceding Embedded AJAX responses.
* 2. No-JS BigPipe placeholders: 1 HtmlResponse + N embedded HtmlResponses.
* - Before a BigPipe response is sent, it is just a HTML response that
* contains no-JS BigPipe placeholders. Those placeholders can take two
* different forms:
* 1. <span data-big-pipe-nojs-placeholder-id="…"></span> if it's a
* placeholder that will be replaced by HTML
* 2. big_pipe_nojs_placeholder_attribute_safe:… if it's a placeholder
* inside an HTML attribute, in which 1. would be invalid (angle brackets
* are not allowed inside HTML attributes)
* No-JS BigPipe placeholders are not replaced using JavaScript, they must
* be replaced upon sending the BigPipe response. So, while the response is
* being sent, upon encountering these placeholders, their corresponding
* placeholder replacements are sent instead.
* Therefore these placeholders are never actually sent to the client.
* - See second bullet of point 1.
* - No-JS BigPipe does not use multiple AJAX requests/responses. It uses a
* single HTML response. But it is a more long-lived one: The Skeleton is
* split into multiple parts, the separators are where the no-JS BigPipe
* placeholders used to be. Whenever another no-JS BigPipe placeholder is
* rendered, Drupal sends (and so actually appends to the already-sent HTML)
* something like
* <link rel="stylesheet" …><script …><content>.
* - So, for every no-JS BigPipe placeholder, we send its associated CSS and
* header JS that has not already been sent (the bottom JS is not yet sent,
* so we can accumulate all of it and send it together at the end). This
* ensures that the markup is rendered as it was originally intended: its
* CSS and JS used to be blocking, and it still is. Let's call it an
* Embedded HTML response. Each of those Embedded HTML Responses must also
* take into account the cumulative AJAX page state of the HTML document and
* all preceding Embedded HTML responses.
* - Finally: any non-critical JavaScript associated with all Embedded HTML
* Responses, i.e. any footer/bottom/non-header JavaScript, is loaded after
* The Skeleton.
* Combining all of the above, when using both BigPipe placeholders and no-JS
* BigPipe placeholders, we therefore send: 1 HtmlResponse + M Embedded HTML
* Responses + N Embedded AJAX Responses. Schematically, we send these chunks:
* 1. Byte zero until 1st no-JS placeholder:
* headers + <html><head /><span>…</span>
* 2. 1st no-JS placeholder replacement:
* <link rel="stylesheet" …><script …><content>
* 3. Content until 2nd no-JS placeholder: <span>…</span>
* 4. 2nd no-JS placeholder replacement:
* <link rel="stylesheet" …><script …><content>
* 5. Content until 3rd no-JS placeholder: <span>…</span>
* 6. [… repeat until all no-JS placeholder replacements are sent …]
* 7. Send content after last no-JS placeholder.
* 8. Send script_bottom (markup to load bottom i.e. non-critical JS).
* 9. 1st placeholder replacement: <script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax">
* [{"command":"settings","settings":{…}}, {"command":…}
* 10. 2nd placeholder replacement: <script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax">
* [{"command":"settings","settings":{…}}, {"command":…}
* 11. [… repeat until all placeholder replacements are sent …]
* 12. Send </body> and everything after it.
* 13. Terminate request/response cycle.
* @see \Drupal\big_pipe\EventSubscriber\HtmlResponseBigPipeSubscriber
* @see \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\Placeholder\BigPipeStrategy
class BigPipe {
* The BigPipe placeholder replacements start signal.
* @var string
const START_SIGNAL = '<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-event="start"></script>';
* The BigPipe placeholder replacements stop signal.
* @var string
const STOP_SIGNAL = '<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-event="stop"></script>';
public function __construct(RendererInterface $renderer, SessionInterface $session, RequestStack $requestStack, HttpKernelInterface $httpKernel, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, ConfigFactoryInterface $configFactory, MessengerInterface $messenger, RequestContext $requestContext, LoggerInterface $logger) {
* Performs tasks after sending content (and rendering placeholders).
protected function performPostSendTasks() {
// Close the session again.
* Sends a chunk.
* @param string|\Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse $chunk
* The string or response to append. String if there's no cacheability
* metadata or attachments to merge.
protected function sendChunk($chunk) {
assert(is_string($chunk) || $chunk instanceof HtmlResponse);
if ($chunk instanceof HtmlResponse) {
print $chunk->getContent();
else {
print $chunk;
* Sends an HTML response in chunks using the BigPipe technique.
* @param \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeResponse $response
* The BigPipe response to send.
* @internal
* This method should only be invoked by
* \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeResponse, which is itself an internal
* class.
public function sendContent(BigPipeResponse $response) {
$content = $response->getContent();
$attachments = $response->getAttachments();
// First, gather the BigPipe placeholders that must be replaced.
$placeholders = $attachments['big_pipe_placeholders'] ?? [];
$nojs_placeholders = $attachments['big_pipe_nojs_placeholders'] ?? [];
// BigPipe sends responses using "Transfer-Encoding: chunked". To avoid
// sending already-sent assets, it is necessary to track cumulative assets
// from all previously rendered/sent chunks.
// @see
$cumulative_assets = AttachedAssets::createFromRenderArray([
'#attached' => $attachments,
// Find the closing </body> tag and get the strings before and after. But be
// careful to use the latest occurrence of the string "</body>", to ensure
// that strings in inline JavaScript or CDATA sections aren't used instead.
$parts = explode('</body>', $content);
$post_body = array_pop($parts);
$pre_body = implode('', $parts);
$this->sendPreBody($pre_body, $nojs_placeholders, $cumulative_assets);
$this->sendPlaceholders($placeholders, $this->getPlaceholderOrder($pre_body, $placeholders), $cumulative_assets);
* Sends everything until just before </body>.
* @param string $pre_body
* The HTML response's content until the closing </body> tag.
* @param array $no_js_placeholders
* The no-JS BigPipe placeholders.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssetsInterface $cumulative_assets
* The cumulative assets sent so far; to be updated while rendering no-JS
* BigPipe placeholders.
protected function sendPreBody($pre_body, array $no_js_placeholders, AttachedAssetsInterface $cumulative_assets) {
// If there are no no-JS BigPipe placeholders, we can send the pre-</body>
// part of the page immediately.
if (empty($no_js_placeholders)) {
// Extract the scripts_bottom markup: the no-JS BigPipe placeholders that we
// will render may attach additional asset libraries, and if so, it will be
// necessary to re-render scripts_bottom.
] = explode('<drupal-big-pipe-scripts-bottom-marker>', $pre_body, 3);
$cumulative_assets_initial = clone $cumulative_assets;
$this->sendNoJsPlaceholders($pre_scripts_bottom . $post_scripts_bottom, $no_js_placeholders, $cumulative_assets);
// If additional asset libraries or drupalSettings were attached by any of
// the placeholders, then we need to re-render scripts_bottom.
if ($cumulative_assets_initial != $cumulative_assets) {
// Create a new HtmlResponse. Ensure the CSS and (non-bottom) JS is sent
// before the HTML they're associated with.
// @see \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseSubscriber
// @see template_preprocess_html()
$js_bottom_placeholder = '<nojs-bigpipe-placeholder-scripts-bottom-placeholder token="' . Crypt::randomBytesBase64(55) . '">';
$html_response = new HtmlResponse();
'#markup' => BigPipeMarkup::create($js_bottom_placeholder),
'#attached' => [
'drupalSettings' => $cumulative_assets->getSettings(),
'library' => $cumulative_assets->getAlreadyLoadedLibraries(),
'html_response_attachment_placeholders' => [
'scripts_bottom' => $js_bottom_placeholder,
// Push a fake request with the asset libraries loaded so far and dispatch
// KernelEvents::RESPONSE event. This results in the attachments for the
// HTML response being processed by HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor and
// hence the HTML to load the bottom JavaScript can be rendered.
$fake_request = $this->requestStack
$html_response = $this->filterEmbeddedResponse($fake_request, $html_response);
$scripts_bottom = $html_response->getContent();
* Sends no-JS BigPipe placeholders' replacements as embedded HTML responses.
* @param string $html
* HTML markup.
* @param array $no_js_placeholders
* Associative array; the no-JS BigPipe placeholders. Keys are the BigPipe
* selectors.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssetsInterface $cumulative_assets
* The cumulative assets sent so far; to be updated while rendering no-JS
* BigPipe placeholders.
* @throws \Exception
* If an exception is thrown during the rendering of a placeholder, it is
* caught to allow the other placeholders to still be replaced. But when
* error logging is configured to be verbose, the exception is rethrown to
* simplify debugging.
protected function sendNoJsPlaceholders($html, $no_js_placeholders, AttachedAssetsInterface $cumulative_assets) {
// Split the HTML on every no-JS placeholder string.
$placeholder_strings = array_keys($no_js_placeholders);
$fragments = static::splitHtmlOnPlaceholders($html, $placeholder_strings);
// Determine how many occurrences there are of each no-JS placeholder.
$placeholder_occurrences = array_count_values(array_intersect($fragments, $placeholder_strings));
// Set up a variable to store the content of placeholders that have multiple
// occurrences.
$multi_occurrence_placeholders_content = [];
foreach ($fragments as $fragment) {
// If the fragment isn't one of the no-JS placeholders, it is the HTML in
// between placeholders and it must be printed & flushed immediately. The
// rest of the logic in the loop handles the placeholders.
if (!isset($no_js_placeholders[$fragment])) {
// If there are multiple occurrences of this particular placeholder, and
// this is the second occurrence, we can skip all calculations and just
// send the same content.
if ($placeholder_occurrences[$fragment] > 1 && isset($multi_occurrence_placeholders_content[$fragment])) {
$placeholder = $fragment;
$token = Crypt::randomBytesBase64(55);
// Render the placeholder, but include the cumulative settings assets, so
// we can calculate the overall settings for the entire page.
$placeholder_plus_cumulative_settings = [
'placeholder' => $no_js_placeholders[$placeholder],
'cumulative_settings_' . $token => [
'#attached' => [
'drupalSettings' => $cumulative_assets->getSettings(),
try {
$elements = $this->renderPlaceholder($placeholder, $placeholder_plus_cumulative_settings);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->configFactory
->get('error_level') === ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE) {
throw $e;
else {
trigger_error($e, E_USER_WARNING);
// Create a new HtmlResponse. Ensure the CSS and (non-bottom) JS is sent
// before the HTML they're associated with. In other words: ensure the
// critical assets for this placeholder's markup are loaded first.
// @see \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseSubscriber
// @see template_preprocess_html()
$css_placeholder = '<nojs-bigpipe-placeholder-styles-placeholder token="' . $token . '">';
$js_placeholder = '<nojs-bigpipe-placeholder-scripts-placeholder token="' . $token . '">';
$elements['#markup'] = BigPipeMarkup::create($css_placeholder . $js_placeholder . (string) $elements['#markup']);
$elements['#attached']['html_response_attachment_placeholders']['styles'] = $css_placeholder;
$elements['#attached']['html_response_attachment_placeholders']['scripts'] = $js_placeholder;
$html_response = new HtmlResponse();
// Push a fake request with the asset libraries loaded so far and dispatch
// KernelEvents::RESPONSE event. This results in the attachments for the
// HTML response being processed by HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor and
// hence:
// - the HTML to load the CSS can be rendered.
// - the HTML to load the JS (at the top) can be rendered.
$fake_request = $this->requestStack
->set('ajax_page_state', [
'libraries' => implode(',', $cumulative_assets->getAlreadyLoadedLibraries()),
try {
$html_response = $this->filterEmbeddedResponse($fake_request, $html_response);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->configFactory
->get('error_level') === ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE) {
throw $e;
else {
trigger_error($e, E_USER_WARNING);
// Send this embedded HTML response.
// Another placeholder was rendered and sent, track the set of asset
// libraries sent so far. Any new settings also need to be tracked, so
// they can be sent in ::sendPreBody().
$cumulative_assets->setAlreadyLoadedLibraries(array_merge($cumulative_assets->getAlreadyLoadedLibraries(), $html_response->getAttachments()['library']));
// If there are multiple occurrences of this particular placeholder, track
// the content that was sent, so we can skip all calculations for the next
// occurrence.
if ($placeholder_occurrences[$fragment] > 1) {
$multi_occurrence_placeholders_content[$fragment] = $html_response->getContent();
* Sends BigPipe placeholders' replacements as embedded AJAX responses.
* @param array $placeholders
* Associative array; the BigPipe placeholders. Keys are the BigPipe
* placeholder IDs.
* @param array $placeholder_order
* Indexed array; the order in which the BigPipe placeholders must be sent.
* Values are the BigPipe placeholder IDs. (These values correspond to keys
* in $placeholders.)
* @param \Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssetsInterface $cumulative_assets
* The cumulative assets sent so far; to be updated while rendering BigPipe
* placeholders.
* @throws \Exception
* If an exception is thrown during the rendering of a placeholder, it is
* caught to allow the other placeholders to still be replaced. But when
* error logging is configured to be verbose, the exception is rethrown to
* simplify debugging.
protected function sendPlaceholders(array $placeholders, array $placeholder_order, AttachedAssetsInterface $cumulative_assets) {
// Return early if there are no BigPipe placeholders to send.
if (empty($placeholders)) {
// Send the start signal.
$this->sendChunk("\n" . static::START_SIGNAL . "\n");
// A BigPipe response consists of an HTML response plus multiple embedded
// AJAX responses. To process the attachments of those AJAX responses, we
// need a fake request that is identical to the main request, but with
// one change: it must have the right Accept header, otherwise the work-
// around for a bug in IE9 will cause not JSON, but <textarea>-wrapped JSON
// to be returned.
// @see \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\AjaxResponseSubscriber::onResponse()
$fake_request = $this->requestStack
->set('Accept', 'application/vnd.drupal-ajax');
// Create a Fiber for each placeholder.
$fibers = [];
foreach ($placeholder_order as $placeholder_id) {
if (!isset($placeholders[$placeholder_id])) {
$placeholder_render_array = $placeholders[$placeholder_id];
$fibers[$placeholder_id] = new \Fiber(fn() => $this->renderPlaceholder($placeholder_id, $placeholder_render_array));
$iterations = 0;
while (count($fibers) > 0) {
foreach ($fibers as $placeholder_id => $fiber) {
try {
if (!$fiber->isStarted()) {
elseif ($fiber->isSuspended()) {
// If the Fiber hasn't terminated by this point, move onto the next
// placeholder, we'll resume this Fiber again when we get back here.
if (!$fiber->isTerminated()) {
// If we've gone through the placeholders once already, and they're
// still not finished, then start to allow code higher up the stack
// to get on with something else.
if ($iterations) {
$fiber = \Fiber::getCurrent();
if ($fiber !== NULL) {
$elements = $fiber->getReturn();
// Create a new AjaxResponse.
$ajax_response = new AjaxResponse();
// JavaScript's querySelector automatically decodes HTML entities in
// attributes, so we must decode the entities of the current BigPipe
// placeholder ID (which has HTML entities encoded since we use it to
// find the placeholders).
$big_pipe_js_placeholder_id = Html::decodeEntities($placeholder_id);
$ajax_response->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand(sprintf('[data-big-pipe-placeholder-id="%s"]', $big_pipe_js_placeholder_id), $elements['#markup']));
// Delete all messages that were generated during the rendering of this
// placeholder, to render them in a BigPipe-optimized way.
$messages = $this->messenger
foreach ($messages as $type => $type_messages) {
foreach ($type_messages as $message) {
$ajax_response->addCommand(new MessageCommand($message, NULL, [
'type' => $type,
], FALSE));
// Push a fake request with the asset libraries loaded so far and
// dispatch KernelEvents::RESPONSE event. This results in the
// attachments for the AJAX response being processed by
// AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor and hence:
// - the necessary AJAX commands to load the necessary missing asset
// libraries and updated AJAX page state are added to the AJAX
// response
// - the attachments associated with the response are finalized,
// which allows us to track the total set of asset libraries sent in
// the initial HTML response plus all embedded AJAX responses sent so
// far.
->set('ajax_page_state', [
'libraries' => implode(',', $cumulative_assets->getAlreadyLoadedLibraries()),
] + $cumulative_assets->getSettings()['ajaxPageState']);
$ajax_response = $this->filterEmbeddedResponse($fake_request, $ajax_response);
// Send this embedded AJAX response.
$json = $ajax_response->getContent();
$output = <<<EOF
<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id="{<span class="php-variable">$placeholder_id</span>}">
{<span class="php-variable">$json</span>}
// Another placeholder was rendered and sent, track the set of asset
// libraries sent so far. Any new settings are already sent; we
// don't need to track those.
if (isset($ajax_response->getAttachments()['drupalSettings']['ajaxPageState']['libraries'])) {
$cumulative_assets->setAlreadyLoadedLibraries(explode(',', $ajax_response->getAttachments()['drupalSettings']['ajaxPageState']['libraries']));
} catch (EnforcedResponseException $e) {
$response = $e->getResponse();
if (!$response instanceof RedirectResponse) {
throw $e;
$ajax_response = new AjaxResponse();
if ($response instanceof SecuredRedirectResponse) {
// Only redirect to safe locations.
$ajax_response->addCommand(new RedirectCommand($response->getTargetUrl()));
else {
try {
// SecuredRedirectResponse is an abstract class that requires a
// concrete implementation. Default to LocalRedirectResponse, which
// considers only redirects to within the same site as safe.
$safe_response = LocalRedirectResponse::createFromRedirectResponse($response);
$ajax_response->addCommand(new RedirectCommand($safe_response->getTargetUrl()));
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException) {
// If the above failed, it's because the redirect target wasn't
// local. Do not follow that redirect. Log an error message
// instead, then return a 400 response to the client with the
// error message. We don't throw an exception, because this is a
// client error rather than a server error.
$message = 'Redirects to external URLs are not allowed by default, use \\Drupal\\Core\\Routing\\TrustedRedirectResponse for it.';
$ajax_response->addCommand(new MessageCommand($message));
$ajax_response = $this->filterEmbeddedResponse($fake_request, $ajax_response);
$json = $ajax_response->getContent();
$output = <<<EOF
<script type="application/vnd.drupal-ajax" data-big-pipe-replacement-for-placeholder-with-id="{<span class="php-variable">$placeholder_id</span>}">
{<span class="php-variable">$json</span>}
// Send the stop signal.
$this->sendChunk("\n" . static::STOP_SIGNAL . "\n");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($this->configFactory
->get('error_level') === ERROR_REPORTING_DISPLAY_VERBOSE) {
throw $e;
else {
trigger_error($e, E_USER_WARNING);
// Send the stop signal.
$this->sendChunk("\n" . static::STOP_SIGNAL . "\n");
* Filters the given embedded response, using the cumulative AJAX page state.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $fake_request
* A fake subrequest that contains the cumulative AJAX page state of the
* HTML document and all preceding Embedded HTML or AJAX responses.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response|\Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse|\Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse $embedded_response
* Either an HTML response or an AJAX response that will be embedded in the
* overall HTML response.
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
* The filtered response, which will load only the assets that $fake_request
* did not indicate to already have been loaded, plus the updated cumulative
* AJAX page state.
protected function filterEmbeddedResponse(Request $fake_request, Response $embedded_response) {
assert($embedded_response instanceof HtmlResponse || $embedded_response instanceof AjaxResponse);
return $this->filterResponse($fake_request, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST, $embedded_response);
* Filters the given response.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
* The request for which a response is being sent.
* @param int $request_type
* The request type. Can either be
* \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface::MAIN_REQUEST or
* \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response
* The response to filter.
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
* The filtered response.
protected function filterResponse(Request $request, $request_type, Response $response) {
assert($request_type === HttpKernelInterface::MAIN_REQUEST || $request_type === HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST);
$event = new ResponseEvent($this->httpKernel, $request, $request_type, $response);
->dispatch($event, KernelEvents::RESPONSE);
$filtered_response = $event->getResponse();
return $filtered_response;
* Sends </body> and everything after it.
* @param string $post_body
* The HTML response's content after the closing </body> tag.
protected function sendPostBody($post_body) {
$this->sendChunk('</body>' . $post_body);
* Renders a placeholder, and just that placeholder.
* BigPipe renders placeholders independently of the rest of the content, so
* it needs to be able to render placeholders by themselves.
* @param string $placeholder
* The placeholder to render.
* @param array $placeholder_render_array
* The render array associated with that placeholder.
* @return array
* The render array representing the rendered placeholder.
* @see \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface::renderPlaceholder()
protected function renderPlaceholder($placeholder, array $placeholder_render_array) {
$elements = [
'#markup' => $placeholder,
'#attached' => [
'placeholders' => [
$placeholder => $placeholder_render_array,
return $this->renderer
->renderPlaceholder($placeholder, $elements);
* Gets the BigPipe placeholder order.
* Determines the order in which BigPipe placeholders are executed. It is
* safe to use a regular expression here as the HTML is statically created in
* \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\Placeholder\BigPipeStrategy::createBigPipeJsPlaceholder().
* @param string $html
* HTML markup.
* @param array $placeholders
* Associative array; the BigPipe placeholders. Keys are the BigPipe
* placeholder IDs.
* @return array
* Indexed array; the order in which the BigPipe placeholders will start
* execution. Placeholders begin execution in DOM order. Note that due to
* the Fibers implementation of BigPipe, although placeholders will start
* executing in DOM order, they may finish and render in any order. Values
* are the BigPipe placeholder IDs. Note that only unique placeholders are
* kept: if the same placeholder occurs multiple times, we only keep the
* first occurrence.
protected function getPlaceholderOrder($html, $placeholders) {
if (preg_match_all('/<span data-big-pipe-placeholder-id="([^"]*)">/', $html, $matches)) {
return array_unique($matches[1]);
return [];
* Splits an HTML string into fragments.
* Creates an array of HTML fragments, separated by placeholders. The result
* includes the placeholders themselves. The original order is respected.
* @param string $html_string
* The HTML to split.
* @param string[] $html_placeholders
* The HTML placeholders to split on.
* @return string[]
* The resulting HTML fragments.
private static function splitHtmlOnPlaceholders($html_string, array $html_placeholders) {
$prepare_for_preg_split = function ($placeholder_string) {
return '(' . preg_quote($placeholder_string, '/') . ')';
$preg_placeholder_strings = array_map($prepare_for_preg_split, $html_placeholders);
$pattern = '/' . implode('|', $preg_placeholder_strings) . '/';
if (strlen($pattern) < 31000) {
// Only small (<31K characters) patterns can be handled by preg_split().
$result = preg_split($pattern, $html_string, 0, $flags);
else {
// For large amounts of placeholders we use a simpler but slower approach.
foreach ($html_placeholders as $placeholder) {
$html_string = str_replace($placeholder, "\x1f" . $placeholder . "\x1f", $html_string);
$result = array_filter(explode("\x1f", $html_string));
return $result;
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
BigPipe | Service for sending an HTML response in chunks (to get faster page loads). |
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