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Exact matches
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Query | class | core/ |
Alters entity queries to use a workspace revision instead of the default one. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for configuration entities. |
Query | class | core/ |
Base class for query builders. |
Query | class | core/ |
The SQL storage entity query class. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for configuration entities. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for entities stored in a key value backend. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Access::query | function | core/ |
See _node_access_where_sql() for a non-views query based implementation. |
Action::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
ActiveLinkTest::testQueryStringQuotes | function | core/ |
Ensures no JS error is thrown with query strings containing special chars. |
ActiveTopicsBlock::buildForumQuery | function | core/ |
Builds the select query to use for this forum block. |
AjaxFormCacheTest::testQueryString | function | core/ |
Tests AJAX forms on pages with a query string. |
AliasRepository::getBaseQuery | function | core/ |
Returns a SELECT query for the path_alias base table. |
AllExceptHostEntity::buildEntityQuery | function | core/ |
Builds an EntityQuery to get referenceable entities. |
AlterTest::testSimpleAlterSubquery | function | core/ |
Tests that we can do basic alters on subqueries. |
ArgumentDefaultTest::testArgumentDefaultQueryParameter | function | core/ |
Tests the query parameter default argument. |
ArgumentPluginBase::query | function | core/ |
Set up the query for this argument. |
ArgumentPluginBase::summaryQuery | function | core/ |
Build the info for the summary query. |
AssertContentTrait::buildXPathQuery | function | core/ |
Builds an XPath query. |
AssetQueryString | class | core/ |
Stores a cache busting query string service for asset URLs. |
AssetQueryString.php | file | core/ |
AssetQueryString::get | function | core/ |
Gets the query string value. |
AssetQueryString::reset | function | core/ |
Resets the cache query string added to all CSS and JavaScript URLs. |
AssetQueryString::STATE_KEY | constant | core/ |
The key used for state. |
AssetQueryString::__construct | function | core/ |
Creates a new AssetQueryString instance. |
AssetQueryStringInterface | interface | core/ |
Provides a cache busting query string service for asset URLs. |
AssetQueryStringInterface.php | file | core/ |
AssetQueryStringInterface::get | function | core/ |
Gets the query string value. |
AssetQueryStringInterface::reset | function | core/ |
Resets the cache query string added to all CSS and JavaScript URLs. |
AssetQueryStringTest | class | core/ |
Tests the asset query string functionality. |
AssetQueryStringTest.php | file | core/ |
AssetQueryStringTest::testResetGet | function | core/ |
@covers ::get @covers ::reset |
AttachedAssetsTest::testAddJsFileWithQueryString | function | core/ |
Tests JavaScript files that have query strings attached get added right. |
AttachedAssetsTest::testVersionQueryString | function | core/ |
Tests JavaScript versioning. |
Block::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
BlockContentHooks::queryEntityReferenceAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_query_TAG_alter(). |
BlockCustom::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
BlockCustomTranslation::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
BlockedIps::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
BlockTranslation::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
BlockTranslation::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
Book::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
BookUninstallValidatorTest::testValidateEntityQueryWithoutResults | function | core/ |
@covers ::validate |
BookUninstallValidatorTest::testValidateEntityQueryWithResults | function | core/ |
@covers ::validate |
BooleanOperator::query | function | core/ |
Add this filter to the query. |
BooleanOperator::queryOpBoolean | function | core/ |
Adds a where condition to the query for a boolean value. |
BooleanOperatorString::query | function | core/ |
Add this filter to the query. |
Box::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
Breakpoint::getMediaQuery | function | core/ |
Returns the media query. |
BreakpointInterface::getMediaQuery | function | core/ |
Returns the media query. |
BreakpointTest::testGetMediaQuery | function | core/ |
@covers ::getMediaQuery |
BrokenHandlerTrait::query | function | core/ |
Modify the views query. |
BulkForm::query | function | core/ |
Called to add the field to a query. |
Bundle::query | function | core/ |
CacheTest::testSubqueryStringCache | function | core/ |
Tests that Subqueries are cached as expected. |
Combine::$query | property | core/ |
Combine::query | function | core/ |
Add this filter to the query. |
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