DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages |
protected |
property |
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds |
protected |
property |
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep |
public |
function |
1 |
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup |
public |
function |
2 |
MenuLinkContentStorageSchema::getSharedTableFieldSchema |
protected |
function |
Overrides SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getSharedTableFieldSchema |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$database |
protected |
property |
The database connection to be used. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$deletedFieldsRepository |
protected |
property |
The deleted fields repository. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$entityFieldManager |
protected |
property |
The entity field manager service. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$entityType |
protected |
property |
The entity type this schema builder is responsible for. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$entityTypeManager |
protected |
property |
The entity type manager. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$fieldStorageDefinitions |
protected |
property |
The storage field definitions for this entity type. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$installedStorageSchema |
protected |
property |
The key-value collection for tracking installed storage schema. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$schema |
protected |
property |
A static cache of the generated schema array. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$storage |
protected |
property |
The storage object for the given entity type. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::$updateBackupRepository |
protected |
property |
The key-value collection for tracking entity update backup repository. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::addIndex |
protected |
function |
Creates an index, dropping it if already existing. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::addSharedTableFieldForeignKey |
protected |
function |
Adds a foreign key for the specified field to the given schema definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::addSharedTableFieldIndex |
protected |
function |
Adds an index for the specified field to the given schema definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::addSharedTableFieldUniqueKey |
protected |
function |
Adds a unique key for the specified field to the given schema definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::addTableDefaults |
protected |
function |
Adds defaults to a table schema definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::addUniqueKey |
protected |
function |
Creates a unique key, dropping it if already existing. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::castValue |
public static |
function |
Typecasts values to the proper data type. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::checkEntityType |
protected |
function |
Checks that we are dealing with the correct entity type. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::createDedicatedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Creates the schema for a field stored in a dedicated table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::createEntitySchemaIndexes |
protected |
function |
Creates the specified entity schema indexes and keys. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::createSharedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Creates the schema for a field stored in a shared table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::deleteDedicatedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Deletes the schema for a field stored in a dedicated table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::deletedFieldsRepository |
protected |
function |
Gets the deleted fields repository. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::deleteEntitySchemaData |
protected |
function |
Deletes schema data for the given entity type definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::deleteEntitySchemaIndexes |
protected |
function |
Deletes the specified entity schema indexes and keys. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::deleteFieldSchemaData |
protected |
function |
Deletes schema data for the given field storage definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::deleteSharedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Deletes the schema for a field stored in a shared table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::finalizePurge |
public |
function |
Overrides DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface::finalizePurge |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getColumnSchemaRelevantKeys |
protected |
function |
Returns a list of column schema keys affecting data storage. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getDedicatedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Gets the SQL schema for a dedicated table. |
1 |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getEntityIndexName |
protected |
function |
Gets the name to be used for the given entity index. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getEntitySchema |
protected |
function |
Gets the entity schema for the specified entity type. |
7 |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getEntitySchemaData |
protected |
function |
Gets entity schema definitions for index and key definitions. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getEntitySchemaTables |
protected |
function |
Gets a list of entity type tables. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getFieldForeignKeys |
protected |
function |
Gets field foreign keys. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getFieldIndexes |
protected |
function |
Gets an index schema array for a given field. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getFieldIndexName |
protected |
function |
Generates an index name for a field data table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getFieldSchemaData |
protected |
function |
Gets field schema data for the given key. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getFieldSchemaIdentifierName |
protected |
function |
Generates a safe schema identifier (name of an index, column name etc.). |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getFieldUniqueKeys |
protected |
function |
Gets a unique key schema array for a given field. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getSchemaFromStorageDefinition |
protected |
function |
Gets the schema data for the given field storage definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getSelectQueryForFieldStorageDeletion |
protected |
function |
Returns a SELECT query suitable for inserting data into a dedicated table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getTableMapping |
protected |
function |
Refreshes the table mapping with updated definitions. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getTableNames |
private |
function |
Gets a list of table names for this entity type, field storage and mapping. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::getTemporaryTableMappingPrefix |
public static |
function |
Gets a string to be used as a prefix for a temporary table mapping object. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::handleEntityTypeSchemaUpdateExceptionOnDataCopy |
protected |
function |
Overrides SqlFieldableEntityTypeListenerTrait::handleEntityTypeSchemaUpdateExceptionOnDataCopy |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::hasColumnChanges |
protected |
function |
Compares schemas to check for changes in the column definitions. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::hasNullFieldPropertyData |
protected |
function |
Checks whether a field property has NULL values. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::hasSharedTableNameChanges |
protected |
function |
Detects whether any table name got renamed in an entity type update. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::hasSharedTableStructureChange |
protected |
function |
Detects whether there is a change in the shared table structure. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::initializeBaseTable |
protected |
function |
Initializes common information for a base table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::initializeDataTable |
protected |
function |
Initializes common information for a data table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::initializeRevisionDataTable |
protected |
function |
Initializes common information for a revision data table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::initializeRevisionTable |
protected |
function |
Initializes common information for a revision table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::installedStorageSchema |
protected |
function |
Gets the keyvalue collection for tracking the installed schema. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::isTableEmpty |
protected |
function |
Checks whether a database table is non-existent or empty. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::loadEntitySchemaData |
protected |
function |
Loads stored schema data for the given entity type definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::loadFieldSchemaData |
protected |
function |
Loads stored schema data for the given field storage definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onEntityTypeCreate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityTypeListenerInterface::onEntityTypeCreate |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onEntityTypeDelete |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityTypeListenerInterface::onEntityTypeDelete |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onEntityTypeUpdate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityTypeListenerInterface::onEntityTypeUpdate |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onFieldableEntityTypeCreate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityTypeListenerInterface::onFieldableEntityTypeCreate |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onFieldableEntityTypeUpdate |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityTypeListenerInterface::onFieldableEntityTypeUpdate |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onFieldStorageDefinitionCreate |
public |
function |
Overrides FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface::onFieldStorageDefinitionCreate |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onFieldStorageDefinitionDelete |
public |
function |
Overrides FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface::onFieldStorageDefinitionDelete |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::onFieldStorageDefinitionUpdate |
public |
function |
Overrides FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface::onFieldStorageDefinitionUpdate |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::performFieldSchemaOperation |
protected |
function |
Performs the specified operation on a field. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::postUpdateEntityTypeSchema |
protected |
function |
Overrides SqlFieldableEntityTypeListenerTrait::postUpdateEntityTypeSchema |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::preUpdateEntityTypeSchema |
protected |
function |
Overrides SqlFieldableEntityTypeListenerTrait::preUpdateEntityTypeSchema |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::processDataTable |
protected |
function |
Processes the gathered schema for a base table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::processFieldStorageSchema |
protected |
function |
Processes the schema for a field storage definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::processIdentifierSchema |
protected |
function |
Processes the specified entity key. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::processRevisionDataTable |
protected |
function |
Processes the gathered schema for a base table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::requiresEntityDataMigration |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityStorageSchemaInterface::requiresEntityDataMigration |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::requiresEntityStorageSchemaChanges |
public |
function |
Overrides EntityStorageSchemaInterface::requiresEntityStorageSchemaChanges |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::requiresFieldDataMigration |
public |
function |
Overrides DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface::requiresFieldDataMigration |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::requiresFieldStorageSchemaChanges |
public |
function |
Overrides DynamicallyFieldableEntityStorageSchemaInterface::requiresFieldStorageSchemaChanges |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::saveEntitySchemaData |
protected |
function |
Stores schema data for the given entity type definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::saveFieldSchemaData |
protected |
function |
Stores schema data for the given field storage definition. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::updateBackupRepository |
protected |
function |
Gets the key/value collection for tracking the entity update backups. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::updateDedicatedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Updates the schema for a field stored in a shared table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::updateSharedTableSchema |
protected |
function |
Updates the schema for a field stored in a shared table. |
SqlContentEntityStorageSchema::__construct |
public |
function |
Constructs a SqlContentEntityStorageSchema. |
SqlFieldableEntityTypeListenerTrait::copyData |
protected |
function |
Copies entity data from the original storage to the temporary one. |
SqlFieldableEntityTypeListenerTrait::onFieldableEntityTypeUpdate |
public |
function |
Aliased as: traitOnFieldableEntityTypeUpdate |