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modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ EntityResource/ EntityResourceTestBase.php
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namespace Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource;
use Drupal\Component\Assertion\Inspector;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Random;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableResponseInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityNullStorage;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\BooleanItem;
use Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\path\Plugin\Field\FieldType\PathItem;
use Drupal\rest\ResourceResponseInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\ResourceTestBase;
use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
* Defines a base class for testing all entity resources.
* Even though there is the generic EntityResource, it's necessary for every
* entity type to have its own test, because they each have different fields,
* validation constraints, et cetera. It's not because the generic case works,
* that every case works.
* Furthermore, it's necessary to test every format separately, because there
* can be entity type-specific normalization or serialization problems.
* Subclass this for every entity type. Also respect instructions in
* \Drupal\rest\Tests\ResourceTestBase.
* For example, for the node test coverage, there is the (abstract)
* \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource\Node\NodeResourceTestBase, which
* is then again subclassed for every authentication provider:
* - \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource\Node\NodeJsonAnonTest
* - \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource\Node\NodeJsonBasicAuthTest
* - \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource\Node\NodeJsonCookieTest
* In other words: for every entity type there should be:
* 1. an abstract subclass that includes the entity type-specific authorization
* (permissions or perhaps custom access control handling, such as node
* grants), plus
* 2. a concrete subclass extending the abstract entity type-specific subclass
* that specifies the exact @code $format @endcode, @code $mimeType @endcode
* and @code $auth @endcode for this concrete test. Usually that's all that's
* necessary: most concrete subclasses will be very thin.
* For every of these concrete subclasses, a comprehensive test scenario will
* run per HTTP method:
* - ::testGet()
* - ::testPost()
* - ::testPatch()
* - ::testDelete()
* If there is an entity type-specific edge case scenario to test, then add that
* to the entity type-specific abstract subclass. Example:
* \Drupal\Tests\rest\Functional\EntityResource\Comment\CommentResourceTestBase::testPostDxWithoutCriticalBaseFields
* If there is an entity type-specific format-specific edge case to test, then
* add that to a concrete subclass. Example:
* \Drupal\Tests\hal\Functional\EntityResource\Comment\CommentHalJsonTestBase::$patchProtectedFieldNames
abstract class EntityResourceTestBase extends ResourceTestBase {
* The tested entity type.
* @var string
protected static $entityTypeId = NULL;
* The fields that are protected against modification during PATCH requests.
* Keys are field names, values are expected access denied reasons.
* @var string[]
protected static $patchProtectedFieldNames;
* A list of fields that need a unique value.
* This is for each new each entity created by a POST request.
* @var string[]
protected static $uniqueFieldNames = [];
* Optionally specify which field is the 'label' field.
* Some entities do not specify a 'label' entity key. For example: User.
* @see ::getInvalidNormalizedEntityToCreate
* @var string|null
protected static $labelFieldName = NULL;
* The entity ID for the first created entity in testPost().
* The default value of 2 should work for most content entities.
* @see ::testPost()
* @var string|int
protected static $firstCreatedEntityId = 2;
* The entity ID for the second created entity in testPost().
* The default value of 3 should work for most content entities.
* @see ::testPost()
* @var string|int
protected static $secondCreatedEntityId = 3;
* The main entity used for testing.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
protected $entity;
* Another entity of the same type used for testing.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
protected $anotherEntity;
* The entity storage.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface
protected $entityStorage;
* Modules to install.
* @var array
protected static $modules = [
* Provides an entity resource.
* @param bool $single_format
* Provisions a single-format entity REST resource. Defaults to FALSE.
protected function provisionEntityResource($single_format = FALSE) {
if ($existing = $this->resourceConfigStorage
->load(static::$resourceConfigId)) {
$format = $single_format ? [
] : [
// It's possible to not have any authentication providers enabled, when
// testing public (anonymous) usage of a REST resource.
$auth = isset(static::$auth) ? [
] : [];
$this->provisionResource($format, $auth);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setUp() {
// Calculate REST Resource config entity ID.
static::$resourceConfigId = 'entity.' . static::$entityTypeId;
$this->entityStorage = $this->container
// Create an entity.
$this->entity = $this->createEntity();
if ($this->entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
// Add access-protected field.
'entity_type' => static::$entityTypeId,
'field_name' => 'field_rest_test',
'type' => 'text',
'entity_type' => static::$entityTypeId,
'field_name' => 'field_rest_test',
'bundle' => $this->entity
->setLabel('Test field')
// Add multi-value field.
'entity_type' => static::$entityTypeId,
'field_name' => 'field_rest_test_multivalue',
'type' => 'string',
'entity_type' => static::$entityTypeId,
'field_name' => 'field_rest_test_multivalue',
'bundle' => $this->entity
->setLabel('Test field: multi-value')
// Reload entity so that it has the new field.
$reloaded_entity = $this->entityStorage
// Some entity types are not stored, hence they cannot be reloaded.
if ($reloaded_entity !== NULL) {
$this->entity = $reloaded_entity;
// Set a default value on the fields.
->set('field_rest_test', [
'value' => 'All the faith they had had had had no effect on the outcome of their life.',
->set('field_rest_test_multivalue', [
'value' => 'One',
'value' => 'Two',
->set('rest_test_validation', [
'value' => 'allowed value',
* Creates the entity to be tested.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
* The entity to be tested.
protected abstract function createEntity();
* Creates another entity to be tested.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
* Another entity based on $this->entity.
protected function createAnotherEntity() {
$entity = $this->entity
$label_key = $entity->getEntityType()
if ($label_key) {
$entity->set($label_key, $entity->label() . '_dupe');
return $entity;
* Returns the expected normalization of the entity.
* @see ::createEntity()
* @return array
protected abstract function getExpectedNormalizedEntity();
* Returns the normalized POST entity.
* @see ::testPost
* @return array
protected abstract function getNormalizedPostEntity();
* Returns the normalized PATCH entity.
* By default, reuses ::getNormalizedPostEntity(), which works fine for most
* entity types. A counterexample: the 'comment' entity type.
* @see ::testPatch
* @return array
protected function getNormalizedPatchEntity() {
return $this->getNormalizedPostEntity();
* Gets the normalized POST entity with random values for its unique fields.
* @see ::testPost
* @see ::getNormalizedPostEntity
* @return array
* An array structure as returned by ::getNormalizedPostEntity().
protected function getModifiedEntityForPostTesting() {
$normalized_entity = $this->getNormalizedPostEntity();
// Ensure that all the unique fields of the entity type get a new random
// value.
foreach (static::$uniqueFieldNames as $field_name) {
$field_definition = $this->entity
$field_type_class = $field_definition->getItemDefinition()
$normalized_entity[$field_name] = $field_type_class::generateSampleValue($field_definition);
return $normalized_entity;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage($method) {
$permission = $this->entity
if ($permission !== FALSE) {
return "The '{$permission}' permission is required.";
$http_method_to_entity_operation = [
'GET' => 'view',
'POST' => 'create',
'PATCH' => 'update',
'DELETE' => 'delete',
$operation = $http_method_to_entity_operation[$method];
$message = sprintf('You are not authorized to %s this %s entity', $operation, $this->entity
if ($this->entity
->bundle() !== $this->entity
->getEntityTypeId()) {
$message .= ' of bundle ' . $this->entity
return "{$message}.";
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessCacheability() {
return (new CacheableMetadata())->setCacheTags(static::$auth ? [
] : [
* The cacheability of unauthorized 'view' entity access.
* @param bool $is_authenticated
* Whether the current request is authenticated or not. This matters for
* some entity access control handlers, but not for most.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata
* The expected cacheability.
protected function getExpectedUnauthorizedEntityAccessCacheability($is_authenticated) {
return new CacheableMetadata();
* The expected cache tags for the GET/HEAD response of the test entity.
* @see ::testGet
* @return string[]
protected function getExpectedCacheTags() {
$expected_cache_tags = [
'config:rest.resource.entity.' . static::$entityTypeId,
if (!static::$auth) {
$expected_cache_tags[] = 'config:user.role.anonymous';
$expected_cache_tags[] = 'http_response';
return Cache::mergeTags($expected_cache_tags, $this->entity
* The expected cache contexts for the GET/HEAD response of the test entity.
* @see ::testGet
* @return string[]
protected function getExpectedCacheContexts() {
return [
* Tests a GET request for an entity, plus edge cases to ensure good DX.
public function testGet() {
$has_canonical_url = $this->entity
// The URL and Guzzle request options that will be used in this test. The
// request options will be modified/expanded throughout this test:
// - to first test all mistakes a developer might make, and assert that the
// error responses provide a good DX
// - to eventually result in a well-formed request that succeeds.
$url = $this->getEntityResourceUrl();
$request_options = [];
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned, 403 if canonical route. HTML
// response because missing ?_format query string.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertSame($has_canonical_url ? 403 : 404, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned, 403 if canonical route. Non-HTML
// response because ?_format query string is present.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$expected_cacheability = $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessCacheability()
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage('GET'), $response, $expected_cacheability->getCacheTags(), $expected_cacheability->getCacheContexts(), 'MISS', FALSE);
else {
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(404, 'No route found for "GET ' . str_replace($this->baseUrl, '', $this->getEntityResourceUrl()
->toString()) . '"', $response);
// DX: forgetting authentication: authentication provider-specific error
// response.
if (static::$auth) {
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResponseWhenMissingAuthentication('GET', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['REST-test-auth'] = '1';
// DX: 403 when attempting to use unallowed authentication provider.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, 'The used authentication method is not allowed on this route.', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['REST-test-auth-global'] = '1';
// DX: 403 when attempting to use unallowed global authentication provider.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, 'The used authentication method is not allowed on this route.', $response);
$request_options = NestedArray::mergeDeep($request_options, $this->getAuthenticationRequestOptions('GET'));
// First: single format. Drupal will automatically pick the only format.
$expected_403_cacheability = $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessCacheability()
->addCacheableDependency($this->getExpectedUnauthorizedEntityAccessCacheability(static::$auth !== FALSE));
// DX: 403 because unauthorized single-format route, ?_format is omittable.
$url->setOption('query', []);
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$this->assertSame(403, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
else {
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, FALSE, $response, $expected_403_cacheability->getCacheTags(), $expected_403_cacheability->getCacheContexts(), static::$auth ? FALSE : 'MISS', FALSE);
$this->assertSame(static::$auth ? [] : [
], $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'));
// DX: 403 because unauthorized.
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, FALSE, $response, $expected_403_cacheability->getCacheTags(), $expected_403_cacheability->getCacheContexts(), static::$auth ? FALSE : 'MISS', FALSE);
// Then, what we'll use for the remainder of the test: multiple formats.
// DX: 406 because despite unauthorized, ?_format is not omittable.
$url->setOption('query', []);
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$this->assertSame(403, $response->getStatusCode());
], $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Dynamic-Cache'));
else {
$this->assertSame(406, $response->getStatusCode());
], $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Dynamic-Cache'));
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$this->assertSame(static::$auth ? [] : [
], $response->getHeader('X-Drupal-Cache'));
// DX: 403 because unauthorized.
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage('GET'), $response, $expected_403_cacheability->getCacheTags(), $expected_403_cacheability->getCacheContexts(), static::$auth ? FALSE : 'MISS', FALSE);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('Link', $response->getHeaders());
// 200 for well-formed HEAD request.
$response = $this->request('HEAD', $url, $request_options);
$is_cacheable_by_dynamic_page_cache = empty(array_intersect([
], $this->getExpectedCacheContexts()));
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, '', $response, $this->getExpectedCacheTags(), $this->getExpectedCacheContexts(), static::$auth ? FALSE : 'MISS', $is_cacheable_by_dynamic_page_cache ? 'MISS' : 'UNCACHEABLE');
$head_headers = $response->getHeaders();
// 200 for well-formed GET request. Page Cache hit because of HEAD request.
// Same for Dynamic Page Cache hit.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response, $this->getExpectedCacheTags(), $this->getExpectedCacheContexts(), static::$auth ? FALSE : 'HIT', $is_cacheable_by_dynamic_page_cache ? static::$auth ? 'HIT' : 'MISS' : 'UNCACHEABLE');
// Assert that Dynamic Page Cache did not store a ResourceResponse object,
// which needs serialization after every cache hit. Instead, it should
// contain a flattened response. Otherwise performance suffers.
// @see \Drupal\rest\EventSubscriber\ResourceResponseSubscriber::flattenResponse()
$cache_items = $this->container
->select('cache_dynamic_page_cache', 'c')
->fields('c', [
->condition('c.cid', '%[route]=rest.%', 'LIKE')
if (!$is_cacheable_by_dynamic_page_cache) {
$this->assertCount(0, $cache_items);
else {
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(2, count($cache_items));
$found_cached_200_response = FALSE;
$other_cached_responses_are_4xx = TRUE;
foreach ($cache_items as $cache_item) {
$cached_data = unserialize($cache_item->data);
if (!isset($cached_data['#cache_redirect'])) {
$cached_response = $cached_data['#response'];
if ($cached_response->getStatusCode() === 200) {
$found_cached_200_response = TRUE;
elseif (!$cached_response->isClientError()) {
$other_cached_responses_are_4xx = FALSE;
$this->assertNotInstanceOf(ResourceResponseInterface::class, $cached_response);
$this->assertInstanceOf(CacheableResponseInterface::class, $cached_response);
// Sort the serialization data first so we can do an identical comparison
// for the keys with the array order the same (it needs to match with
// identical comparison).
$expected = $this->getExpectedNormalizedEntity();
$actual = $this->serializer
->decode((string) $response->getBody(), static::$format);
$this->assertEqualsCanonicalizing($expected, $actual);
// Not only assert the normalization, also assert deserialization of the
// response results in the expected object.
// Note: deserialization of the XML format is not supported, so only test
// this for other formats.
if (static::$format !== 'xml') {
$unserialized = $this->serializer
->deserialize((string) $response->getBody(), get_class($this->entity), static::$format);
$this->assertSame($unserialized->uuid(), $this->entity
// Finally, assert that the expected 'Link' headers are present.
if ($this->entity
->getLinkTemplates()) {
$this->assertArrayHasKey('Link', $response->getHeaders());
$link_relation_type_manager = $this->container
$expected_link_relation_headers = array_map(function ($relation_name) use ($link_relation_type_manager) {
$link_relation_type = $link_relation_type_manager->createInstance($relation_name);
return $link_relation_type->isRegistered() ? $link_relation_type->getRegisteredName() : $link_relation_type->getExtensionUri();
}, array_keys($this->entity
$parse_rel_from_link_header = function ($value) use ($link_relation_type_manager) {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/rel="([^"]+)"/', $value, $matches) === 1) {
return $matches[1];
return FALSE;
$this->assertSame($expected_link_relation_headers, array_map($parse_rel_from_link_header, $response->getHeader('Link')));
$get_headers = $response->getHeaders();
// Verify that the GET and HEAD responses are the same. The only difference
// is that there's no body. For this reason the 'Transfer-Encoding' and
// 'Vary' headers are also added to the list of headers to ignore, as they
// may be added to GET requests, depending on web server configuration. They
// are usually 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' and 'Vary: Accept-Encoding'.
$ignored_headers = [
$header_cleaner = function ($headers) use ($ignored_headers) {
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
if (strpos($header, 'X-Drupal-Assertion-') === 0 || in_array($header, $ignored_headers)) {
return $headers;
$get_headers = $header_cleaner($get_headers);
$head_headers = $header_cleaner($head_headers);
$this->assertSame($get_headers, $head_headers);
// DX: upon disabling a resource, it's immediately no longer available.
$this->assertResourceNotAvailable($url, $request_options);
// DX: upon re-enabling a resource, immediate 200.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response, $this->getExpectedCacheTags(), $this->getExpectedCacheContexts(), static::$auth ? FALSE : 'MISS', $is_cacheable_by_dynamic_page_cache ? 'MISS' : 'UNCACHEABLE');
// DX: upon deleting a resource, it's immediately no longer available.
$this->assertResourceNotAvailable($url, $request_options);
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => 'non_existing_format',
// DX: 406 when requesting unsupported format.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Accept'] = static::$mimeType;
// DX: 406 when requesting unsupported format but specifying Accept header:
// should result in a text/plain response.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$url = Url::fromRoute('rest.entity.' . static::$entityTypeId . '.GET');
$url->setRouteParameter(static::$entityTypeId, 987654321);
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 404 when GETting non-existing entity.
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
$path = str_replace('987654321', '{' . static::$entityTypeId . '}', $url->setAbsolute()
'base_url' => '',
'query' => [],
$message = 'The "' . static::$entityTypeId . '" parameter was not converted for the path "' . $path . '" (route name: "rest.entity.' . static::$entityTypeId . '.GET")';
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(404, $message, $response);
* Transforms a normalization: casts all non-string types to strings.
* @param array $normalization
* A normalization to transform.
* @return array
* The transformed normalization.
protected static function castToString(array $normalization) {
foreach ($normalization as $key => $value) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$normalization[$key] = (string) (int) $value;
elseif (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) {
$normalization[$key] = (string) $value;
elseif (is_array($value)) {
$normalization[$key] = static::castToString($value);
return $normalization;
* Tests a POST request for an entity, plus edge cases to ensure good DX.
public function testPost() {
// @todo Remove this in https://www.drupal.org/node/2300677.
if ($this->entity instanceof ConfigEntityInterface) {
$this->markTestSkipped('POSTing config entities is not yet supported.');
$has_canonical_url = $this->entity
// Try with all of the following request bodies.
$unparseable_request_body = '!{>}<';
$parseable_valid_request_body = $this->serializer
->encode($this->getNormalizedPostEntity(), static::$format);
$parseable_invalid_request_body = $this->serializer
->encode($this->makeNormalizationInvalid($this->getNormalizedPostEntity(), 'label'), static::$format);
$parseable_invalid_request_body_2 = $this->serializer
->encode($this->getNormalizedPostEntity() + [
'uuid' => [
], static::$format);
$parseable_invalid_request_body_3 = $this->serializer
->encode($this->getNormalizedPostEntity() + [
'field_rest_test' => [
'value' => $this->randomString(),
], static::$format);
// The URL and Guzzle request options that will be used in this test. The
// request options will be modified/expanded throughout this test:
// - to first test all mistakes a developer might make, and assert that the
// error responses provide a good DX
// - to eventually result in a well-formed request that succeeds.
$url = $this->getEntityResourcePostUrl();
$request_options = [];
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned. HTML response because missing
// ?_format query string.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertSame(404, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(404, 'No route found for "POST ' . str_replace($this->baseUrl, '', $this->getEntityResourcePostUrl()
->toString()) . '"', $response);
// Simulate the developer again forgetting the ?_format query string.
$url->setOption('query', []);
// DX: 415 when no Content-Type request header. HTML response because
// missing ?_format query string.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertSame(415, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('A client error happened', (string) $response->getBody());
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 415 when no Content-Type request header.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(415, 'No "Content-Type" request header specified', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Content-Type'] = static::$mimeType;
if (static::$auth) {
// DX: forgetting authentication: authentication provider-specific error
// response.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResponseWhenMissingAuthentication('POST', $response);
$request_options = NestedArray::mergeDeep($request_options, $this->getAuthenticationRequestOptions('POST'));
// DX: 403 when unauthorized.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage('POST'), $response);
// DX: 400 when no request body.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'No entity content received.', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $unparseable_request_body;
// DX: 400 when unparseable request body.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'Syntax error', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_invalid_request_body;
// DX: 422 when invalid entity: multiple values sent for single-value field.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
if ($label_field = $this->entity
->hasKey('label') ? $this->entity
->getKey('label') : static::$labelFieldName) {
$label_field_capitalized = $this->entity
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, "Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.\n{$label_field}: {$label_field_capitalized}: this field cannot hold more than 1 values.\n", $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_invalid_request_body_2;
// DX: 422 when invalid entity: UUID field too long.
// @todo Fix this in https://www.drupal.org/node/2149851.
if ($this->entity
->hasKey('uuid')) {
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, "Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.\nuuid.0.value: UUID: may not be longer than 128 characters.\n", $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_invalid_request_body_3;
// DX: 403 when entity contains field without 'edit' access.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "Access denied on creating field 'field_rest_test'.", $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_valid_request_body;
// Before sending a well-formed request, allow the normalization and
// authentication provider edge cases to also be tested.
$this->assertNormalizationEdgeCases('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertAuthenticationEdgeCases('POST', $url, $request_options);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml';
// DX: 415 when request body in existing but not allowed format.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(415, 'No route found that matches "Content-Type: text/xml"', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Content-Type'] = static::$mimeType;
// 201 for well-formed request.
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(201, FALSE, $response);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$location = $this->entityStorage
], $response->getHeader('Location'));
else {
$this->assertSame([], $response->getHeader('Location'));
// If the entity is stored, perform extra checks.
if (get_class($this->entityStorage) !== ContentEntityNullStorage::class) {
// Assert that the entity was indeed created, and that the response body
// contains the serialized created entity.
$created_entity = $this->entityStorage
$created_entity_normalization = $this->serializer
->normalize($created_entity, static::$format, [
'account' => $this->account,
$this->assertSame($created_entity_normalization, $this->serializer
->decode((string) $response->getBody(), static::$format));
$this->assertStoredEntityMatchesSentNormalization($this->getNormalizedPostEntity(), $created_entity);
if ($this->entity
->getStorageClass() !== ContentEntityNullStorage::class && $this->entity
->hasKey('uuid')) {
// 500 when creating an entity with a duplicate UUID.
$normalized_entity = $this->getModifiedEntityForPostTesting();
->getKey('uuid')] = [
'value' => $created_entity->uuid(),
if ($label_field) {
$normalized_entity[$label_field] = [
'value' => $this->randomMachineName(),
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($normalized_entity, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertSame(500, $response->getStatusCode());
$this->assertStringContainsString('Internal Server Error', (string) $response->getBody());
// 201 when successfully creating an entity with a new UUID.
$normalized_entity = $this->getModifiedEntityForPostTesting();
$new_uuid = \Drupal::service('uuid')->generate();
->getKey('uuid')] = [
'value' => $new_uuid,
if ($label_field) {
$normalized_entity[$label_field] = [
'value' => $this->randomMachineName(),
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($normalized_entity, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('POST', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(201, FALSE, $response);
$entities = $this->entityStorage
->getKey('uuid') => $new_uuid,
$new_entity = reset($entities);
* Tests a PATCH request for an entity, plus edge cases to ensure good DX.
public function testPatch() {
// @todo Remove this in https://www.drupal.org/node/2300677.
if ($this->entity instanceof ConfigEntityInterface) {
$this->markTestSkipped('PATCHing config entities is not yet supported.');
// Patch testing requires that another entity of the same type exists.
$this->anotherEntity = $this->createAnotherEntity();
$has_canonical_url = $this->entity
// Try with all of the following request bodies.
$unparseable_request_body = '!{>}<';
$parseable_valid_request_body = $this->serializer
->encode($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity(), static::$format);
$parseable_invalid_request_body = $this->serializer
->encode($this->makeNormalizationInvalid($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity(), 'label'), static::$format);
$parseable_invalid_request_body_2 = $this->serializer
->encode($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity() + [
'field_rest_test' => [
'value' => $this->randomString(),
], static::$format);
// The 'field_rest_test' field does not allow 'view' access, so does not end
// up in the normalization. Even when we explicitly add it the normalization
// that we send in the body of a PATCH request, it is considered invalid.
$parseable_invalid_request_body_3 = $this->serializer
->encode($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity() + [
'field_rest_test' => $this->entity
], static::$format);
// The URL and Guzzle request options that will be used in this test. The
// request options will be modified/expanded throughout this test:
// - to first test all mistakes a developer might make, and assert that the
// error responses provide a good DX
// - to eventually result in a well-formed request that succeeds.
$url = $this->getEntityResourceUrl();
$request_options = [];
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned, 405 if canonical route. Plain text
// or HTML response because missing ?_format query string.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$this->assertSame(405, $response->getStatusCode());
], $response->getHeader('Allow'));
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('A client error happened', (string) $response->getBody());
else {
$this->assertSame(404, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned, 405 if canonical route.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(405, 'No route found for "PATCH ' . str_replace($this->baseUrl, '', $this->getEntityResourceUrl()
->toString()) . '": Method Not Allowed (Allow: GET, POST, HEAD)', $response);
else {
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(404, 'No route found for "PATCH ' . str_replace($this->baseUrl, '', $this->getEntityResourceUrl()
->toString()) . '"', $response);
// Simulate the developer again forgetting the ?_format query string.
$url->setOption('query', []);
// DX: 415 when no Content-Type request header.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertSame(415, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('A client error happened', (string) $response->getBody());
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 415 when no Content-Type request header.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(415, 'No "Content-Type" request header specified', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Content-Type'] = static::$mimeType;
if (static::$auth) {
// DX: forgetting authentication: authentication provider-specific error
// response.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResponseWhenMissingAuthentication('PATCH', $response);
$request_options = NestedArray::mergeDeep($request_options, $this->getAuthenticationRequestOptions('PATCH'));
// DX: 403 when unauthorized.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage('PATCH'), $response);
// DX: 400 when no request body.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'No entity content received.', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $unparseable_request_body;
// DX: 400 when unparseable request body.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(400, 'Syntax error', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_invalid_request_body;
// DX: 422 when invalid entity: multiple values sent for single-value field.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
if ($label_field = $this->entity
->hasKey('label') ? $this->entity
->getKey('label') : static::$labelFieldName) {
$label_field_capitalized = $this->entity
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, "Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.\n{$label_field}: {$label_field_capitalized}: this field cannot hold more than 1 values.\n", $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_invalid_request_body_2;
// DX: 403 when entity contains field without 'edit' access.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "Access denied on updating field 'field_rest_test'.", $response);
// DX: 403 when entity trying to update an entity's ID field.
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($this->makeNormalizationInvalid($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity(), 'id'), static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "Access denied on updating field '{$this->entity->getEntityType()->getKey('id')}'. The entity ID cannot be changed.", $response);
if ($this->entity
->hasKey('uuid')) {
// DX: 403 when entity trying to update an entity's UUID field.
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($this->makeNormalizationInvalid($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity(), 'uuid'), static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "Access denied on updating field '{$this->entity->getEntityType()->getKey('uuid')}'. The entity UUID cannot be changed.", $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_invalid_request_body_3;
// DX: 403 when entity contains field without 'edit' nor 'view' access, even
// when the value for that field matches the current value. This is allowed
// in principle, but leads to information disclosure.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "Access denied on updating field 'field_rest_test'.", $response);
// DX: 403 when sending PATCH request with updated read-only fields.
] = static::getModifiedEntityForPatchTesting($this->entity);
// Send PATCH request by serializing the modified entity, assert the error
// response, change the modified entity field that caused the error response
// back to its original value, repeat.
foreach (static::$patchProtectedFieldNames as $patch_protected_field_name => $reason) {
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->serialize($modified_entity, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, "Access denied on updating field '" . $patch_protected_field_name . "'." . ($reason !== NULL ? ' ' . $reason : ''), $response);
if ($this->entity instanceof FieldableEntityInterface) {
// Change the rest_test_validation field to prove that then its validation
// does run.
$override = [
'rest_test_validation' => [
'value' => 'ALWAYS_FAIL',
$valid_request_body = $override + $this->getNormalizedPatchEntity() + $this->serializer
->normalize($modified_entity, static::$format);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->serialize($valid_request_body, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, "Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.\nrest_test_validation: REST test validation failed\n", $response);
// Set the rest_test_validation field to always fail validation, which
// allows asserting that not modifying that field does not trigger
// validation errors.
->set('rest_test_validation', 'ALWAYS_FAIL');
// Information disclosure prevented: when a malicious user correctly
// guesses the current invalid value of a field, ensure a 200 is not sent
// because this would disclose to the attacker what the current value is.
// @see rest_test_entity_field_access()
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, "Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.\nrest_test_validation: REST test validation failed\n", $response);
// All requests after the above one will not include this field (neither
// its current value nor any other), and therefore all subsequent test
// assertions should not trigger a validation error.
// 200 for well-formed PATCH request that sends all fields (even including
// read-only ones, but with unchanged values).
$valid_request_body = $this->getNormalizedPatchEntity() + $this->serializer
->normalize($this->entity, static::$format);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->serialize($valid_request_body, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $parseable_valid_request_body;
// Before sending a well-formed request, allow the normalization and
// authentication provider edge cases to also be tested.
$this->assertNormalizationEdgeCases('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertAuthenticationEdgeCases('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml';
// DX: 415 when request body in existing but not allowed format.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(415, 'No route found that matches "Content-Type: text/xml"', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::HEADERS]['Content-Type'] = static::$mimeType;
// 200 for well-formed request.
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response);
// Assert that the entity was indeed updated, and that the response body
// contains the serialized updated entity.
$updated_entity = $this->entityStorage
$updated_entity_normalization = $this->serializer
->normalize($updated_entity, static::$format, [
'account' => $this->account,
$this->assertSame($updated_entity_normalization, $this->serializer
->decode((string) $response->getBody(), static::$format));
$this->assertStoredEntityMatchesSentNormalization($this->getNormalizedPatchEntity(), $updated_entity);
// Ensure that fields do not get deleted if they're not present in the PATCH
// request. Test this using the configurable field that we added, but which
// is not sent in the PATCH request.
$this->assertSame('All the faith they had had had had no effect on the outcome of their life.', $updated_entity->get('field_rest_test')->value);
// Multi-value field: remove item 0. Then item 1 becomes item 0.
$normalization_multi_value_tests = $this->getNormalizedPatchEntity();
$normalization_multi_value_tests['field_rest_test_multivalue'] = $this->entity
$normalization_remove_item = $normalization_multi_value_tests;
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($normalization_remove_item, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response);
0 => [
'value' => 'Two',
], $this->entityStorage
// Multi-value field: add one item before the existing one, and one after.
$normalization_add_items = $normalization_multi_value_tests;
$normalization_add_items['field_rest_test_multivalue'][2] = [
'value' => 'Three',
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($normalization_add_items, static::$format);
$response = $this->request('PATCH', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(200, FALSE, $response);
0 => [
'value' => 'One',
1 => [
'value' => 'Two',
2 => [
'value' => 'Three',
], $this->entityStorage
* Tests a DELETE request for an entity, plus edge cases to ensure good DX.
public function testDelete() {
// @todo Remove this in https://www.drupal.org/node/2300677.
if ($this->entity instanceof ConfigEntityInterface) {
$this->markTestSkipped('DELETEing config entities is not yet supported.');
$has_canonical_url = $this->entity
// The URL and Guzzle request options that will be used in this test. The
// request options will be modified/expanded throughout this test:
// - to first test all mistakes a developer might make, and assert that the
// error responses provide a good DX
// - to eventually result in a well-formed request that succeeds.
$url = $this->getEntityResourceUrl();
$request_options = [];
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned, but 405 if canonical route. Plain
// text or HTML response because missing ?_format query string.
$response = $this->request('DELETE', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
$this->assertSame(405, $response->getStatusCode());
], $response->getHeader('Allow'));
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('A client error happened', (string) $response->getBody());
else {
$this->assertSame(404, $response->getStatusCode());
'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
], $response->getHeader('Content-Type'));
$url->setOption('query', [
'_format' => static::$format,
// DX: 404 when resource not provisioned, 405 if canonical route.
$response = $this->request('DELETE', $url, $request_options);
if ($has_canonical_url) {
], $response->getHeader('Allow'));
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(405, 'No route found for "DELETE ' . str_replace($this->baseUrl, '', $this->getEntityResourceUrl()
->toString()) . '": Method Not Allowed (Allow: GET, POST, HEAD)', $response);
else {
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(404, 'No route found for "DELETE ' . str_replace($this->baseUrl, '', $this->getEntityResourceUrl()
->toString()) . '"', $response);
if (static::$auth) {
// DX: forgetting authentication: authentication provider-specific error
// response.
$response = $this->request('DELETE', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResponseWhenMissingAuthentication('DELETE', $response);
$request_options = NestedArray::mergeDeep($request_options, $this->getAuthenticationRequestOptions('PATCH'));
// DX: 403 when unauthorized.
$response = $this->request('DELETE', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(403, $this->getExpectedUnauthorizedAccessMessage('DELETE'), $response);
// Before sending a well-formed request, allow the authentication provider's
// edge cases to also be tested.
$this->assertAuthenticationEdgeCases('DELETE', $url, $request_options);
// 204 for well-formed request.
$response = $this->request('DELETE', $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceResponse(204, '', $response);
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function assertNormalizationEdgeCases($method, Url $url, array $request_options) {
// \Drupal\serialization\Normalizer\EntityNormalizer::denormalize(): entity
// types with bundles MUST send their bundle field to be denormalizable.
$entity_type = $this->entity
if ($entity_type->hasKey('bundle')) {
$bundle_field_name = $this->entity
$normalization = $this->getNormalizedPostEntity();
// The bundle type itself can be validated only if there's a bundle entity
// type.
if ($entity_type->getBundleEntityType()) {
$normalization[$bundle_field_name] = 'bad_bundle_name';
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($normalization, static::$format);
// DX: 422 when incorrect entity type bundle is specified.
$response = $this->request($method, $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, '"bad_bundle_name" is not a valid bundle type for denormalization.', $response);
$request_options[RequestOptions::BODY] = $this->serializer
->encode($normalization, static::$format);
// DX: 422 when no entity type bundle is specified.
$response = $this->request($method, $url, $request_options);
$this->assertResourceErrorResponse(422, sprintf('Could not determine entity type bundle: "%s" field is missing.', $bundle_field_name), $response);
* Asserts structure of $patchProtectedFieldNames.
protected function assertPatchProtectedFieldNamesStructure() {
$is_null_or_string = function ($value) {
return is_null($value) || is_string($value);
$this->assertTrue(Inspector::assertAllStrings(array_keys(static::$patchProtectedFieldNames)), 'In Drupal 8.6, the structure of $patchProtectedFieldNames changed. It used to be an array with field names as values. Now those values are the keys, and their values should be either NULL or a string: a string containing the reason for why the field cannot be PATCHed, or NULL otherwise.');
$this->assertTrue(Inspector::assertAll($is_null_or_string, static::$patchProtectedFieldNames), 'In Drupal 8.6, the structure of $patchProtectedFieldNames changed. It used to be an array with field names as values. Now those values are the keys, and their values should be either NULL or a string: a string containing the reason for why the field cannot be PATCHed, or NULL otherwise.');
* Gets an entity resource's GET/PATCH/DELETE URL.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Url
protected function getEntityResourceUrl() {
$has_canonical_url = $this->entity
// Note that the 'canonical' link relation type must be specified explicitly
// in the call to ::toUrl(). 'canonical' is the default for
// \Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity::toUrl(), but ConfigEntityBase overrides this.
return $has_canonical_url ? $this->entity
->toUrl('canonical') : Url::fromUri('base:entity/' . static::$entityTypeId . '/' . $this->entity
* Gets an entity resource's POST URL.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Url
* The URL to POST to.
protected function getEntityResourcePostUrl() {
$has_create_url = $this->entity
return $has_create_url ? Url::fromUri('internal:' . $this->entity
->getLinkTemplate('create')) : Url::fromUri('base:entity/' . static::$entityTypeId);
* Clones the given entity and modifies all PATCH-protected fields.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
* The entity being tested and to modify.
* @return array
* Contains two items:
* 1. The modified entity object.
* 2. The original field values, keyed by field name.
* @internal
protected static function getModifiedEntityForPatchTesting(EntityInterface $entity) {
$modified_entity = clone $entity;
$original_values = [];
foreach (array_keys(static::$patchProtectedFieldNames) as $field_name) {
$field = $modified_entity->get($field_name);
$original_values[$field_name] = $field->getValue();
switch ($field->getItemDefinition()
->getClass()) {
case EntityReferenceItem::class:
// EntityReferenceItem::generateSampleValue() picks one of the last 50
// entities of the supported type & bundle. We don't care if the value
// is valid, we only care that it's different.
'target_id' => 99999,
case BooleanItem::class:
// BooleanItem::generateSampleValue() picks either 0 or 1. So a 50%
// chance of not picking a different value.
$field->value = (int) $field->value === 1 ? '0' : '1';
case PathItem::class:
// PathItem::generateSampleValue() doesn't set a PID, which causes
// PathItem::postSave() to fail. Keep the PID (and other properties),
// just modify the alias.
$field->alias = str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower((new Random())->sentences(3)));
$original_field = clone $field;
while ($field->equals($original_field)) {
return [
* Makes the given entity normalization invalid.
* @param array $normalization
* An entity normalization.
* @param string $entity_key
* The entity key whose normalization to make invalid.
* @return array
* The updated entity normalization, now invalid.
protected function makeNormalizationInvalid(array $normalization, $entity_key) {
$entity_type = $this->entity
switch ($entity_key) {
case 'label':
// Add a second label to this entity to make it invalid.
if ($label_field = $entity_type->hasKey('label') ? $entity_type->getKey('label') : static::$labelFieldName) {
$normalization[$label_field][1]['value'] = 'Second Title';
case 'id':
$normalization[$entity_type->getKey('id')][0]['value'] = $this->anotherEntity
case 'uuid':
$normalization[$entity_type->getKey('uuid')][0]['value'] = $this->anotherEntity
return $normalization;
* Asserts a 406 response… or in some cases a 403 response, because weirdness.
* Asserting a 406 response should be easy, but it's not, due to bugs.
* Drupal returns a 403 response instead of a 406 response when:
* - there is a canonical route, i.e. one that serves HTML
* - unless the user is logged in with any non-global authentication provider,
* because then they tried to access a route that requires the user to be
* authenticated, but they used an authentication provider that is only
* accepted for specific routes, and HTML routes never have such specific
* authentication providers specified. (By default, only 'cookie' is a
* global authentication provider.)
* @todo Remove this in https://www.drupal.org/node/2805279.
* @param \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response
* The response to assert.
protected function assert406Response(ResponseInterface $response) {
if ($this->entity
->hasLinkTemplate('canonical') && ($this->account && static::$auth !== 'cookie')) {
$this->assertSame(403, $response->getStatusCode());
else {
// This is the desired response.
$this->assertSame(406, $response->getStatusCode());
$actual_link_header = $response->getHeader('Link');
if ($actual_link_header) {
$expected_type = explode(';', static::$mimeType)[0];
$this->assertStringContainsString('?_format=' . static::$format . '>; rel="alternate"; type="' . $expected_type . '"', $actual_link_header[0]);
$this->assertStringContainsString('?_format=foobar>; rel="alternate"', $actual_link_header[0]);
* Asserts that a resource is unavailable: 404, 406 if it has canonical route.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Url $url
* URL to request.
* @param array $request_options
* Request options to apply.
protected function assertResourceNotAvailable(Url $url, array $request_options) {
$has_canonical_url = $this->entity
$response = $this->request('GET', $url, $request_options);
if (!$has_canonical_url) {
$this->assertSame(404, $response->getStatusCode());
else {
* Asserts that the stored entity matches the sent normalization.
* @param array $sent_normalization
* An entity normalization.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\FieldableEntityInterface $modified_entity
* The entity object of the modified (PATCHed or POSTed) entity.
protected function assertStoredEntityMatchesSentNormalization(array $sent_normalization, FieldableEntityInterface $modified_entity) {
foreach ($sent_normalization as $field_name => $field_normalization) {
// Some top-level keys in the normalization may not be fields on the
// entity (for example '_links' and '_embedded' in the HAL normalization).
if ($modified_entity->hasField($field_name)) {
$field_definition = $modified_entity->get($field_name)
$property_definitions = $field_definition->getItemDefinition()
$expected_stored_data = [];
// Some fields don't have any property definitions, so there's nothing
// to denormalize.
if (empty($property_definitions)) {
$expected_stored_data = $field_normalization;
else {
// Denormalize every sent field item property to make it possible to
// compare against the stored value.
$denormalization_context = [
'field_definition' => $field_definition,
foreach ($field_normalization as $delta => $expected_field_item_normalization) {
foreach ($property_definitions as $property_name => $property_definition) {
// Not every property is required to be sent.
if (!array_key_exists($property_name, $field_normalization[$delta])) {
// Computed properties are not stored.
if ($property_definition->isComputed()) {
$property_value = $field_normalization[$delta][$property_name];
$property_value_class = $property_definitions[$property_name]->getClass();
$expected_stored_data[$delta][$property_name] = $this->serializer
->supportsDenormalization($property_value, $property_value_class, NULL, $denormalization_context) ? $this->serializer
->denormalize($property_value, $property_value_class, NULL, $denormalization_context) : $property_value;
// Fields are stored in the database, when read they are represented
// as strings in PHP memory.
$expected_stored_data = static::castToString($expected_stored_data);
$this->assertEntityArraySubset($expected_stored_data, $modified_entity->get($field_name)
* Recursively asserts that the expected items are set in the tested entity.
* A response may include more properties, we only need to ensure that all
* items in the request exist in the response.
* @param $expected
* An array of expected values, may contain further nested arrays.
* @param $actual
* The object to test.
protected function assertEntityArraySubset($expected, $actual) {
foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->assertEntityArraySubset($value, $actual[$key]);
else {
$this->assertSame($value, $actual[$key]);
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
EntityResourceTestBase | Defines a base class for testing all entity resources. |
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