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tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Database/ SelectTest.php
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namespace Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Database\InvalidQueryException;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper;
* Tests the Select query builder.
* @group Database
class SelectTest extends DatabaseTestBase {
* Tests rudimentary SELECT statements.
public function testSimpleSelect() {
$query = $this->connection
$query->addField('test', 'name');
$query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
$num_records = $query->countQuery()
$this->assertEqual($num_records, 4, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
* Tests rudimentary SELECT statement with a COMMENT.
public function testSimpleComment() {
$query = $this->connection
->comment('Testing query comments');
$query->addField('test', 'name');
$query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
$result = $query->execute();
$records = $result->fetchAll();
$query = (string) $query;
$expected = "/* Testing query comments */";
$this->assertCount(4, $records, 'Returned the correct number of rows.');
$this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $query, 'The flattened query contains the comment string.');
* Tests query COMMENT system against vulnerabilities.
public function testVulnerableComment() {
$query = $this->connection
->comment('Testing query comments */ SELECT nid FROM {node}; --');
$query->addField('test', 'name');
$query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
$result = $query->execute();
$records = $result->fetchAll();
$query = (string) $query;
$expected = "/* Testing query comments * / SELECT nid FROM {node}. -- */";
// Check the returned number of rows.
$this->assertCount(4, $records);
// Check that the flattened query contains the sanitized comment string.
$this->assertStringContainsString($expected, $query);
$connection = Database::getConnection();
foreach ($this->makeCommentsProvider() as $test_set) {
list($expected, $comments) = $test_set;
$this->assertEquals($expected, $connection->makeComment($comments));
* Provides expected and input values for testVulnerableComment().
public function makeCommentsProvider() {
return [
'/* */ ',
// Try and close the comment early.
'/* Exploit * / DROP TABLE node. -- */ ',
'Exploit */ DROP TABLE node; --',
// Variations on comment closing.
'/* Exploit * / * / DROP TABLE node. -- */ ',
'Exploit */*/ DROP TABLE node; --',
'/* Exploit * * // DROP TABLE node. -- */ ',
'Exploit **// DROP TABLE node; --',
// Try closing the comment in the second string which is appended.
'/* Exploit * / DROP TABLE node. --. Another try * / DROP TABLE node. -- */ ',
'Exploit */ DROP TABLE node; --',
'Another try */ DROP TABLE node; --',
* Tests basic conditionals on SELECT statements.
public function testSimpleSelectConditional() {
$query = $this->connection
$name_field = $query->addField('test', 'name');
$age_field = $query->addField('test', 'age', 'age');
$query->condition('age', 27);
$result = $query->execute();
// Check that the aliases are being created the way we want.
$this->assertEqual($name_field, 'name', 'Name field alias is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($age_field, 'age', 'Age field alias is correct.');
// Ensure that we got the right record.
$record = $result->fetch();
$this->assertEqual($record->{$name_field}, 'George', 'Fetched name is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($record->{$age_field}, 27, 'Fetched age is correct.');
* Tests SELECT statements with expressions.
public function testSimpleSelectExpression() {
$query = $this->connection
$name_field = $query->addField('test', 'name');
$age_field = $query->addExpression("age*2", 'double_age');
$query->condition('age', 27);
$result = $query->execute();
// Check that the aliases are being created the way we want.
$this->assertEqual($name_field, 'name', 'Name field alias is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($age_field, 'double_age', 'Age field alias is correct.');
// Ensure that we got the right record.
$record = $result->fetch();
$this->assertEqual($record->{$name_field}, 'George', 'Fetched name is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($record->{$age_field}, 27 * 2, 'Fetched age expression is correct.');
* Tests SELECT statements with multiple expressions.
public function testSimpleSelectExpressionMultiple() {
$query = $this->connection
$name_field = $query->addField('test', 'name');
$age_double_field = $query->addExpression("age*2");
$age_triple_field = $query->addExpression("age*3");
$query->condition('age', 27);
$result = $query->execute();
// Check that the aliases are being created the way we want.
$this->assertEqual($age_double_field, 'expression', 'Double age field alias is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($age_triple_field, 'expression_2', 'Triple age field alias is correct.');
// Ensure that we got the right record.
$record = $result->fetch();
$this->assertEqual($record->{$name_field}, 'George', 'Fetched name is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($record->{$age_double_field}, 27 * 2, 'Fetched double age expression is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($record->{$age_triple_field}, 27 * 3, 'Fetched triple age expression is correct.');
* Tests adding multiple fields to a SELECT statement at the same time.
public function testSimpleSelectMultipleFields() {
$record = $this->connection
->fields('test', [
->condition('age', 27)
// Check that all fields we asked for are present.
$this->assertNotNull($record->id, 'ID field is present.');
$this->assertNotNull($record->name, 'Name field is present.');
$this->assertNotNull($record->age, 'Age field is present.');
$this->assertNotNull($record->job, 'Job field is present.');
// Ensure that we got the right record.
// Check that all fields we asked for are present.
$this->assertEqual($record->id, 2, 'ID field has the correct value.');
$this->assertEqual($record->name, 'George', 'Name field has the correct value.');
$this->assertEqual($record->age, 27, 'Age field has the correct value.');
$this->assertEqual($record->job, 'Singer', 'Job field has the correct value.');
* Tests adding all fields from a given table to a SELECT statement.
public function testSimpleSelectAllFields() {
$record = $this->connection
->condition('age', 27)
// Check that all fields we asked for are present.
$this->assertNotNull($record->id, 'ID field is present.');
$this->assertNotNull($record->name, 'Name field is present.');
$this->assertNotNull($record->age, 'Age field is present.');
$this->assertNotNull($record->job, 'Job field is present.');
// Ensure that we got the right record.
// Check that all fields we asked for are present.
$this->assertEqual($record->id, 2, 'ID field has the correct value.');
$this->assertEqual($record->name, 'George', 'Name field has the correct value.');
$this->assertEqual($record->age, 27, 'Age field has the correct value.');
$this->assertEqual($record->job, 'Singer', 'Job field has the correct value.');
* Tests that a comparison with NULL is always FALSE.
public function testNullCondition() {
$names = $this->connection
->select('test_null', 'tn')
->fields('tn', [
->condition('age', NULL)
$this->assertCount(0, $names, 'No records found when comparing to NULL.');
* Tests that we can find a record with a NULL value.
public function testIsNullCondition() {
$names = $this->connection
->select('test_null', 'tn')
->fields('tn', [
$this->assertCount(1, $names, 'Correct number of records found with NULL age.');
$this->assertEqual($names[0], 'Fozzie', 'Correct record returned for NULL age.');
* Tests that we can find a record without a NULL value.
public function testIsNotNullCondition() {
$names = $this->connection
->select('test_null', 'tn')
->fields('tn', [
$this->assertCount(2, $names, 'Correct number of records found withNOT NULL age.');
$this->assertEqual($names[0], 'Gonzo', 'Correct record returned for NOT NULL age.');
$this->assertEqual($names[1], 'Kermit', 'Correct record returned for NOT NULL age.');
* Tests that we can force a query to return an empty result.
public function testAlwaysFalseCondition() {
$names = $this->connection
->select('test', 'test')
->fields('test', [
->condition('age', 27)
$this->assertCount(1, $names);
$this->assertSame($names[0], 'George');
$names = $this->connection
->select('test', 'test')
->fields('test', [
->condition('age', 27)
$this->assertCount(0, $names);
* Tests that we can force an extended query to return an empty result.
public function testExtenderAlwaysFalseCondition() {
$names = $this->connection
->select('test', 'test')
->fields('test', [
->condition('age', 27)
$this->assertCount(1, $names);
$this->assertSame($names[0], 'George');
$names = $this->connection
->select('test', 'test')
->fields('test', [
->condition('age', 27)
$this->assertCount(0, $names);
* Tests that we can UNION multiple Select queries together.
* This is semantically equal to UNION DISTINCT, so we don't explicitly test
* that.
public function testUnion() {
$query_1 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', [
], 'IN');
$query_2 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', 28);
$names = $query_1->execute()
// Ensure we only get 2 records.
$this->assertCount(2, $names, 'UNION correctly discarded duplicates.');
], $names);
* Tests that we can UNION ALL multiple SELECT queries together.
public function testUnionAll() {
$query_1 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', [
], 'IN');
$query_2 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', 28);
$query_1->union($query_2, 'ALL');
$names = $query_1->execute()
// Ensure we get all 3 records.
$this->assertCount(3, $names, 'UNION ALL correctly preserved duplicates.');
$this->assertEqual($names[0], 'George', 'First query returned correct first name.');
$this->assertEqual($names[1], 'Ringo', 'Second query returned correct second name.');
$this->assertEqual($names[2], 'Ringo', 'Third query returned correct name.');
* Tests that we can get a count query for a UNION Select query.
public function testUnionCount() {
$query_1 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', [
], 'IN');
$query_2 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', 28);
$query_1->union($query_2, 'ALL');
$names = $query_1->execute()
$query_3 = $query_1->countQuery();
$count = $query_3->execute()
// Ensure the counts match.
$this->assertEqual(count($names), $count, "The count query's result matched the number of rows in the UNION query.");
* Tests that we can UNION multiple Select queries together and set the ORDER.
public function testUnionOrder() {
// This gives George and Ringo.
$query_1 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', [
], 'IN');
// This gives Paul.
$query_2 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', 26);
$query_1->orderBy('name', 'DESC');
$names = $query_1->execute()
// Ensure we get all 3 records.
$this->assertCount(3, $names, 'UNION returned rows from both queries.');
// Ensure that the names are in the correct reverse alphabetical order,
// regardless of which query they came from.
$this->assertEqual($names[0], 'Ringo', 'First query returned correct name.');
$this->assertEqual($names[1], 'Paul', 'Second query returned correct name.');
$this->assertEqual($names[2], 'George', 'Third query returned correct name.');
* Tests that we can UNION multiple Select queries together with and a LIMIT.
public function testUnionOrderLimit() {
// This gives George and Ringo.
$query_1 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', [
], 'IN');
// This gives Paul.
$query_2 = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->condition('age', 26);
$query_1->orderBy('name', 'DESC');
$query_1->range(0, 2);
$names = $query_1->execute()
// Ensure we get all only 2 of the 3 records.
$this->assertCount(2, $names, 'UNION with a limit returned rows from both queries.');
// Ensure that the names are in the correct reverse alphabetical order,
// regardless of which query they came from.
$this->assertEqual($names[0], 'Ringo', 'First query returned correct name.');
$this->assertEqual($names[1], 'Paul', 'Second query returned correct name.');
* Tests that random ordering of queries works.
* We take the approach of testing the Drupal layer only, rather than trying
* to test that the database's random number generator actually produces
* random queries (which is very difficult to do without an unacceptable risk
* of the test failing by accident).
* Therefore, in this test we simply run the same query twice and assert that
* the two results are reordered versions of each other (as well as of the
* same query without the random ordering). It is reasonable to assume that
* if we run the same select query twice and the results are in a different
* order each time, the only way this could happen is if we have successfully
* triggered the database's random ordering functionality.
public function testRandomOrder() {
// Use 52 items, so the chance that this test fails by accident will be the
// same as the chance that a deck of cards will come out in the same order
// after shuffling it (in other words, nearly impossible).
$number_of_items = 52;
while ($this->connection
->query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM {test}")
->fetchField() < $number_of_items) {
'name' => $this->randomMachineName(),
// First select the items in order and make sure we get an ordered list.
$expected_ids = range(1, $number_of_items);
$ordered_ids = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->range(0, $number_of_items)
$this->assertEqual($ordered_ids, $expected_ids, 'A query without random ordering returns IDs in the correct order.');
// Now perform the same query, but instead choose a random ordering. We
// expect this to contain a differently ordered version of the original
// result.
$randomized_ids = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->range(0, $number_of_items)
$this->assertNotEqual($randomized_ids, $ordered_ids, 'A query with random ordering returns an unordered set of IDs.');
$sorted_ids = $randomized_ids;
$this->assertEqual($sorted_ids, $ordered_ids, 'After sorting the random list, the result matches the original query.');
// Now perform the exact same query again, and make sure the order is
// different.
$randomized_ids_second_set = $this->connection
->select('test', 't')
->fields('t', [
->range(0, $number_of_items)
$this->assertNotEqual($randomized_ids_second_set, $randomized_ids, 'Performing the query with random ordering a second time returns IDs in a different order.');
$sorted_ids_second_set = $randomized_ids_second_set;
$this->assertEqual($sorted_ids_second_set, $sorted_ids, 'After sorting the second random list, the result matches the sorted version of the first random list.');
* Data provider for testRegularExpressionCondition().
* @return array[]
* Returns data-set elements with:
* - the expected result of the query
* - the table column to do the search on.
* - the regular expression pattern to search for.
* - the regular expression operator 'REGEXP' or 'NOT REGEXP'.
public function providerRegularExpressionCondition() {
return [
* Tests that filter by 'REGEXP' and 'NOT REGEXP' works as expected.
* @dataProvider providerRegularExpressionCondition
public function testRegularExpressionCondition($expected, $column, $pattern, $operator) {
$database = $this->container
'name' => 'Pete',
'age' => 26,
'job' => '#Drummer',
$query = $database->select('test', 't');
$query->addField('t', 'name');
$query->condition("t.{$column}", $pattern, $operator);
$result = $query->execute()
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* Tests that aliases are renamed when they are duplicates.
public function testSelectDuplicateAlias() {
$query = $this->connection
->select('test', 't');
$alias1 = $query->addField('t', 'name', 'the_alias');
$alias2 = $query->addField('t', 'age', 'the_alias');
$this->assertNotIdentical($alias1, $alias2, 'Duplicate aliases are renamed.');
* Tests that an invalid count query throws an exception.
public function testInvalidSelectCount() {
try {
// This query will fail because the table does not exist.
// Normally it would throw an exception but we are suppressing
// it with the throw_exception option.
$options['throw_exception'] = FALSE;
->select('some_table_that_does_not_exist', 't', $options)
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->fail('$options[\'throw_exception\'] is FALSE, but Exception thrown for invalid query.');
try {
// This query will fail because the table does not exist.
->select('some_table_that_does_not_exist', 't')
$this->fail('No Exception thrown.');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf(DatabaseExceptionWrapper::class, $e);
* Tests thrown exception for IN query conditions with an empty array.
public function testEmptyInCondition() {
try {
->select('test', 't')
->condition('age', [], 'IN')
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (InvalidQueryException $e) {
$this->assertEqual("Query condition 'age IN ()' cannot be empty.", $e->getMessage());
try {
->select('test', 't')
->condition('age', [], 'NOT IN')
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (InvalidQueryException $e) {
$this->assertEqual("Query condition 'age NOT IN ()' cannot be empty.", $e->getMessage());
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
SelectTest | Tests the Select query builder. |
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