133 calls to db_query()
- ActionLoopTestCase::triggerActions in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ actions.test - Create an infinite loop by causing a watchdog message to be set, which causes the actions to be triggered again, up to actions_max_stack times.
- AggregatorTestCase::getCategories in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Pulls categories from {aggregator_category} table.
- AggregatorTestCase::getFeedCategories in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Pulls feed categories from {aggregator_category_feed} table.
- AggregatorTestCase::updateFeedItems in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Updates the feed items.
- aggregator_block_info in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.module - Implements hook_block_info().
- aggregator_categorize_items in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.pages.inc - Form constructor to build the page list form.
- aggregator_cron in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.module - Implements hook_cron().
- aggregator_form_feed in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.admin.inc - Form constructor for adding and editing feed sources.
- aggregator_form_feed_validate in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.admin.inc - Form validation handler for aggregator_form_feed().
- aggregator_form_opml_submit in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.admin.inc - Form submission handler for aggregator_form_opml().
- aggregator_page_categories in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.pages.inc - Page callback: Displays all the categories used by the Aggregator module.
- aggregator_page_opml in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.pages.inc - Page callback: Generates an OPML representation of all feeds.
- aggregator_page_sources in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.pages.inc - Page callback: Displays all the feeds used by the aggregator.
- aggregator_save_item in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.processor.inc - Adds/edits/deletes an aggregator item.
- aggregator_view in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.admin.inc - Displays the aggregator administration page.
- block_block_info in modules/
block/ block.module - Implements hook_block_info().
- block_block_list_alter in modules/
block/ block.module - Implements hook_block_list_alter().
- block_flush_caches in modules/
block/ block.module - Implements hook_flush_caches().
- block_form_user_profile_form_alter in modules/
block/ block.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for user_profile_form().
- block_theme_initialize in modules/
block/ block.module - Assigns an initial, default set of blocks for a theme.
- block_update_7004 in modules/
block/ block.install - Add new blocks to new regions, migrate custom variables to blocks.
- book_node_delete in modules/
book/ book.module - Implements hook_node_delete().
- book_node_load in modules/
book/ book.module - Implements hook_node_load().
- comment_node_load in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Implements hook_node_load().
- comment_node_page_additions in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Build the comment-related elements for node detail pages.
- comment_node_update_index in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Implements hook_node_update_index().
- comment_update_7003 in modules/
comment/ comment.install - Split {comment}.timestamp into 'created' and 'changed', improve indexing on {comment}.
- DatabaseBasicSyntaxTestCase::testBasicConcat in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Test for string concatenation.
- DatabaseBasicSyntaxTestCase::testFieldConcat in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Test for string concatenation with field values.
- DatabaseFetch2TestCase::testQueryFetchBoth in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirm that we can fetch a record into a doubly-keyed array explicitly.
- DatabaseFetch2TestCase::testQueryFetchCol in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirm that we can fetch an entire column of a result set at once.
- DatabaseFetch2TestCase::testQueryFetchNum in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchArray in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirm that we can fetch a record to an array associative explicitly.
- DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchClass in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirm that we can fetch a record into a new instance of a custom class.
- DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchClasstype in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirms that we can fetch a record into a new instance of a custom class. The name of the class is determined from a value of the first column.
- DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchDefault in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirm that we can fetch a record properly in default object mode.
- DatabaseFetchTestCase::testQueryFetchObject in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Confirm that we can fetch a record to an object explicitly.
- DatabaseLoggingTestCase::testEnableTargetLogging in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ database_test.test - Test that we can log queries against multiple targets on the same connection.
- DatabaseSchema_sqlite::findTables in includes/
database/ sqlite/ schema.inc - Find all tables that are like the specified base table name.
- DatabaseSchema_sqlite::findTablesD8 in includes/
database/ sqlite/ schema.inc - Finds all tables that are like the specified base table name. This is a backport of the change made to findTables in Drupal 8 to work with virtual, un-prefixed table names. The original function is retained for Backwards Compatibility.
- DatabaseTasks::runTestQuery in includes/
install.inc - Run SQL tests to ensure the database can execute commands with the current user.
- DatabaseTasks_pgsql::checkBinaryOutput in includes/
database/ pgsql/ install.inc - Check Binary Output.
- DatabaseTasks_pgsql::initializeDatabase in includes/
database/ pgsql/ install.inc - Make PostgreSQL Drupal friendly.
- DBLogTestCase::doUser in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Generates and then verifies some user events.
- DBLogTestCase::testDBLogException in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Verifies that exceptions are caught in dblog_watchdog().
- drupal-6.bare.database.php in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ drupal-6.bare.database.php - drupal-6.filled.database.php in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ drupal-6.filled.database.php - DrupalDatabaseCache::getMultiple in includes/
cache.inc - Implements DrupalCacheInterface::getMultiple().
- DrupalWebTestCase::copySetupCache in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Copy the setup cache from/to another table and files directory.
- drupal_get_installed_schema_version in includes/
install.inc - Returns the currently installed schema version for a module.
- drupal_lookup_path in includes/
path.inc - Given an alias, return its Drupal system URL if one exists. Given a Drupal system URL return one of its aliases if such a one exists. Otherwise, return FALSE.
- drupal_path_alias_whitelist_rebuild in includes/
path.inc - Rebuild the path alias white list.
- error_test_trigger_pdo_exception in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ error_test.module - Menu callback; trigger an exception to test the exception handler.
- FieldCrudTestCase::testCreateField in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test the creation of a field.
- FieldInfo::getFieldMap in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Collects a lightweight map of fields across bundles.
- FieldInstanceCrudTestCase::testCreateFieldInstance in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test the creation of a field instance.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFilterAdmin in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests filter administration functionality.
- filter_list_format in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Retrieves a list of filters for a given text format.
- filter_update_7005 in modules/
filter/ filter.install - Integrate text formats with the user permissions system.
- HelpTestCase::getModuleList in modules/
help/ help.test - Gets the list of enabled modules that implement hook_help().
- hook_block_list_alter in modules/
block/ block.api.php - Act on blocks prior to rendering.
- hook_comment_load in modules/
comment/ comment.api.php - Comments are being loaded from the database.
- hook_cron in modules/
system/ system.api.php - Perform periodic actions.
- hook_load in modules/
node/ node.api.php - Act on nodes being loaded from the database.
- hook_node_load in modules/
node/ node.api.php - Act on arbitrary nodes being loaded from the database.
- hook_node_update_index in modules/
node/ node.api.php - Act on a node being indexed for searching.
- hook_user_load in modules/
user/ user.api.php - Act on user objects when loaded from the database.
- ImportOPMLTestCase::submitImportForm in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Submits form with invalid, empty, and valid OPML files.
- install_verify_completed_task in includes/
install.core.inc - Verifies and returns the last installation task that was completed.
- locale in modules/
locale/ locale.module - Provides interface translation services.
- locale_batch_by_component in includes/
locale.inc - Prepare a batch to run when installing modules or enabling themes.
- locale_translate_edit_form in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - User interface for string editing.
- locale_translate_overview_screen in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Overview screen for translations.
- locale_uninstall in modules/
locale/ locale.install - Implements hook_uninstall().
- locale_update_7004 in modules/
locale/ locale.install - Remove duplicates in {locales_source}.
- menu_delete_menu_confirm_submit in modules/
menu/ menu.admin.inc - Delete a custom menu and all links in it.
- menu_edit_menu_submit in modules/
menu/ menu.admin.inc - Submit function for adding or editing a custom menu.
- menu_enable in modules/
menu/ menu.module - Implements hook_enable().
- menu_link_delete in includes/
menu.inc - Delete one or several menu links.
- menu_node_delete in modules/
menu/ menu.module - Implements hook_node_delete().
- menu_overview_form in modules/
menu/ menu.admin.inc - Form for editing an entire menu tree at once.
- menu_overview_page in modules/
menu/ menu.admin.inc - Menu callback which shows an overview page of all the custom menus and their descriptions.
- NewDefaultThemeBlocks::testNewDefaultThemeBlocks in modules/
block/ block.test - Check the enabled Bartik blocks are correctly copied over.
- node_access_test_node_load in modules/
node/ tests/ node_access_test.module - Implements hook_node_load().
- node_assign_owner_action_form in modules/
node/ node.module - Generates the settings form for node_assign_owner_action().
- node_block_list_alter in modules/
node/ node.module - Implements hook_block_list_alter().
- node_revision_list in modules/
node/ node.module - Returns a list of all the existing revision numbers.
- openid_user_identities in modules/
openid/ openid.pages.inc - Menu callback; Manage OpenID identities for the specified user.
- profile_admin_overview in modules/
profile/ profile.admin.inc - Form builder to display a listing of all editable profile fields.
- profile_block_configure in modules/
profile/ profile.module - Implements hook_block_configure().
- profile_block_view in modules/
profile/ profile.module - Implements hook_block_view().
- profile_user_categories in modules/
profile/ profile.module - Implements hook_user_categories().
- profile_user_load in modules/
profile/ profile.module - Implements hook_user_load().
- profile_user_view in modules/
profile/ profile.module - Implements hook_user_view().
- RdfCrudTestCase::testCRUD in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Test inserting, loading, updating, and deleting RDF mappings.
- RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::_testBasicTrackerRdfaMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Helper function for testAttributesInTracker().
- search_index in modules/
search/ search.module - Update the full-text search index for a particular item.
- search_node_update_index in modules/
search/ search.module - Implements hook_node_update_index().
- search_update_totals in modules/
search/ search.module - Updates the {search_total} database table.
- SessionTestCase::testEmptySessionID in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ session.test - Test that empty session IDs are not allowed.
- system_admin_config_page in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Menu callback; Provide the administration overview page.
- system_cron in modules/
system/ system.module - Implements hook_cron().
- system_date_format_locale in modules/
system/ system.module - Gets the appropriate date format string for a date type and locale.
- system_get_files_database in modules/
system/ system.module - Retrieves the current status of an array of files in the system table.
- system_ip_blocking in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Menu callback. Display blocked IP addresses.
- system_list in includes/
module.inc - Builds a list of bootstrap modules and enabled modules and themes.
- system_update_7000 in modules/
system/ system.install - Rename blog and forum permissions to be consistent with other content types.
- system_update_7003 in modules/
system/ system.install - Update {blocked_ips} with valid IP addresses from {access}.
- system_update_7007 in modules/
system/ system.install - Convert to new method of storing permissions.
- system_update_7016 in modules/
system/ system.install - Remove custom datatype *_unsigned in PostgreSQL.
- system_update_7053 in modules/
system/ system.install - Upgrade standard blocks and menus.
- system_update_7060 in modules/
system/ system.install - Create fields in preparation for migrating upload.module to file.module.
- system_update_7061 in modules/
system/ system.install - Migrate upload.module data to the newly created file field.
- system_update_7063 in modules/
system/ system.install - Delete {menu_links} records for 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK which would not appear in a fresh install.
- system_update_7086 in modules/
system/ system.install - Prepare the schema and data of the sessions table for hashed session ids.
- system_update_files_database in modules/
system/ system.module - Updates the records in the system table based on the files array.
- taxonomy_update_7004 in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.install - Move taxonomy vocabulary associations for nodes to fields and field instances.
- taxonomy_update_7005 in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.install - Migrate {taxonomy_term_node} table to field storage.
- tracker_page in modules/
tracker/ tracker.pages.inc - Page callback: prints a listing of active nodes on the site.
- trigger_update_7000 in modules/
trigger/ trigger.install - Alter the "hook" field and drop the "op field" of {trigger_assignments}.
- trigger_update_7002 in modules/
trigger/ trigger.install - Renames nodeapi to node.
- UpdateScriptFunctionalTest::testUpdateAccess in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests access to the update script.
- update_fix_compatibility in includes/
update.inc - Disable any items in the {system} table that are not core compatible.
- UserController::attachLoad in modules/
user/ user.module - Attaches data to entities upon loading.
- user_admin_account in modules/
user/ user.admin.inc - Form builder; User administration page.
- user_role_permissions in modules/
user/ user.module - Determine the permissions for one or more roles.
- _dblog_get_message_types in modules/
dblog/ dblog.module - Gathers a list of uniquely defined database log message types.
- _forum_user_last_visit in modules/
forum/ forum.module - Gets the last time the user viewed a node.
- _locale_export_get_strings in includes/
locale.inc - Generates a structured array of all strings with translations in $language, if given. This array can be used to generate an export of the string in the database.
- _locale_rebuild_js in includes/
locale.inc - (Re-)Creates the JavaScript translation file for a language.
- _menu_delete_item in includes/
menu.inc - Deletes a single menu link.
- _system_date_formats_build in modules/
system/ system.module - Builds and returns information about available date formats.
- _system_date_format_types_build in modules/
system/ system.module - Builds and returns information about available date types.
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