class FieldInfo

Provides field and instance definitions for the current runtime environment.

A FieldInfo object is created and statically persisted through the request by the _field_info_field_cache() function. The object properties act as a "static cache" of fields and instances definitions.

The preferred way to access definitions is through the getBundleInstances() method, which keeps cache entries per bundle, storing both fields and instances for a given bundle. Fields used in multiple bundles are duplicated in several cache entries, and are merged into a single list in the memory cache. Cache entries are loaded for bundles as a whole, optimizing memory and CPU usage for the most common pattern of iterating over all instances of a bundle rather than accessing a single instance.

The getFields() and getInstances() methods, which return all existing field and instance definitions, are kept mainly for backwards compatibility, and should be avoided when possible, since they load and persist in memory a potentially large array of information. In many cases, the lightweight getFieldMap() method should be preferred.


Expanded class hierarchy of FieldInfo


modules/field/, line 29

View source
class FieldInfo {
     * Lightweight map of fields across entity types and bundles.
     * @var array
    protected $fieldMap;
     * List of $field structures keyed by ID. Includes deleted fields.
     * @var array
    protected $fieldsById = array();
     * Mapping of field names to the ID of the corresponding non-deleted field.
     * @var array
    protected $fieldIdsByName = array();
     * Whether $fieldsById contains all field definitions or a subset.
     * @var bool
    protected $loadedAllFields = FALSE;
     * Separately tracks requested field names or IDs that do not exist.
     * @var array
    protected $unknownFields = array();
     * Instance definitions by bundle.
     * @var array
    protected $bundleInstances = array();
     * Whether $bundleInstances contains all instances definitions or a subset.
     * @var bool
    protected $loadedAllInstances = FALSE;
     * Separately tracks requested bundles that are empty (or do not exist).
     * @var array
    protected $emptyBundles = array();
     * Extra fields by bundle.
     * @var array
    protected $bundleExtraFields = array();
     * Clears the "static" and persistent caches.
    public function flush() {
        $this->fieldMap = NULL;
        $this->fieldsById = array();
        $this->fieldIdsByName = array();
        $this->loadedAllFields = FALSE;
        $this->unknownFields = array();
        $this->bundleInstances = array();
        $this->loadedAllInstances = FALSE;
        $this->emptyBundles = array();
        $this->bundleExtraFields = array();
        cache_clear_all('field_info:', 'cache_field', TRUE);
     * Collects a lightweight map of fields across bundles.
     * @return
     *   An array keyed by field name. Each value is an array with two entries:
     *   - type: The field type.
     *   - bundles: The bundles in which the field appears, as an array with
     *     entity types as keys and the array of bundle names as values.
    public function getFieldMap() {
        // Read from the "static" cache.
        if ($this->fieldMap !== NULL) {
            return $this->fieldMap;
        // Read from persistent cache.
        if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:field_map', 'cache_field')) {
            $map = $cached->data;
            // Save in "static" cache.
            $this->fieldMap = $map;
            return $map;
        $map = array();
        $query = db_query('SELECT fc.type, fci.field_name, fci.entity_type, fci.bundle FROM {field_config_instance} fci INNER JOIN {field_config} fc ON = fci.field_id WHERE = 1 AND fc.storage_active = 1 AND fc.deleted = 0 AND fci.deleted = 0 ORDER BY bundle, entity_type');
        foreach ($query as $row) {
            $map[$row->field_name]['bundles'][$row->entity_type][] = $row->bundle;
            $map[$row->field_name]['type'] = $row->type;
        // Save in "static" and persistent caches.
        $this->fieldMap = $map;
        if (lock_acquire('field_info:field_map')) {
            cache_set('field_info:field_map', $map, 'cache_field');
        return $map;
     * Returns all active fields, including deleted ones.
     * @return
     *   An array of field definitions, keyed by field ID.
    public function getFields() {
        // Read from the "static" cache.
        if ($this->loadedAllFields) {
            return $this->fieldsById;
        // Read from persistent cache.
        if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:fields', 'cache_field')) {
            $this->fieldsById = $cached->data;
        else {
            // Collect and prepare fields.
            foreach (field_read_fields(array(), array(
                'include_deleted' => TRUE,
            )) as $field) {
                $this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $this->prepareField($field);
            // Store in persistent cache.
            if (lock_acquire('field_info:fields')) {
                cache_set('field_info:fields', $this->fieldsById, 'cache_field');
        // Fill the name/ID map.
        foreach ($this->fieldsById as $field) {
            if (!$field['deleted']) {
                $this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
        $this->loadedAllFields = TRUE;
        return $this->fieldsById;
     * Retrieves all active, non-deleted instances definitions.
     * @param $entity_type
     *   (optional) The entity type.
     * @return
     *   If $entity_type is not set, all instances keyed by entity type and bundle
     *   name. If $entity_type is set, all instances for that entity type, keyed
     *   by bundle name.
    public function getInstances($entity_type = NULL) {
        // If the full list is not present in "static" cache yet.
        if (!$this->loadedAllInstances) {
            // Read from persistent cache.
            if ($cached = cache_get('field_info:instances', 'cache_field')) {
                $this->bundleInstances = $cached->data;
            else {
                // Collect and prepare instances.
                // We also need to populate the static field cache, since it will not
                // be set by subsequent getBundleInstances() calls.
                // Initialize empty arrays for all existing entity types and bundles.
                // This is not strictly needed, but is done to preserve the behavior of
                // field_info_instances() before
                foreach (field_info_bundles() as $existing_entity_type => $bundles) {
                    foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $bundle_info) {
                        $this->bundleInstances[$existing_entity_type][$bundle] = array();
                foreach (field_read_instances() as $instance) {
                    $field = $this->getField($instance['field_name']);
                    $instance = $this->prepareInstance($instance, $field['type']);
                    $this->bundleInstances[$instance['entity_type']][$instance['bundle']][$instance['field_name']] = $instance;
                // Store in persistent cache.
                if (lock_acquire('field_info:instances')) {
                    cache_set('field_info:instances', $this->bundleInstances, 'cache_field');
            $this->loadedAllInstances = TRUE;
        if (isset($entity_type)) {
            return isset($this->bundleInstances[$entity_type]) ? $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type] : array();
        else {
            return $this->bundleInstances;
     * Returns a field definition from a field name.
     * This method only retrieves active, non-deleted fields.
     * @param $field_name
     *   The field name.
     * @return
     *   The field definition, or NULL if no field was found.
    public function getField($field_name) {
        // Read from the "static" cache.
        if (isset($this->fieldIdsByName[$field_name])) {
            $field_id = $this->fieldIdsByName[$field_name];
            return $this->fieldsById[$field_id];
        if (isset($this->unknownFields[$field_name])) {
        // Do not check the (large) persistent cache, but read the definition.
        // Cache miss: read from definition.
        if ($field = field_read_field($field_name)) {
            $field = $this->prepareField($field);
            // Save in the "static" cache.
            $this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
            $this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
            return $field;
        else {
            $this->unknownFields[$field_name] = TRUE;
     * Returns a field definition from a field ID.
     * This method only retrieves active fields, deleted or not.
     * @param $field_id
     *   The field ID.
     * @return
     *   The field definition, or NULL if no field was found.
    public function getFieldById($field_id) {
        // Read from the "static" cache.
        if (isset($this->fieldsById[$field_id])) {
            return $this->fieldsById[$field_id];
        if (isset($this->unknownFields[$field_id])) {
        // No persistent cache, fields are only persistently cached as part of a
        // bundle.
        // Cache miss: read from definition.
        if ($fields = field_read_fields(array(
            'id' => $field_id,
        ), array(
            'include_deleted' => TRUE,
        ))) {
            $field = current($fields);
            $field = $this->prepareField($field);
            // Store in the static cache.
            $this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
            if (!$field['deleted']) {
                $this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
            return $field;
        else {
            $this->unknownFields[$field_id] = TRUE;
     * Retrieves the instances for a bundle.
     * The function also populates the corresponding field definitions in the
     * "static" cache.
     * @param $entity_type
     *   The entity type.
     * @param $bundle
     *   The bundle name.
     * @return
     *   The array of instance definitions, keyed by field name.
    public function getBundleInstances($entity_type, $bundle) {
        // Read from the "static" cache.
        if (isset($this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
            return $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle];
        if (isset($this->emptyBundles[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
            return array();
        // Read from the persistent cache.
        if ($cached = cache_get("field_info:bundle:{$entity_type}:{$bundle}", 'cache_field')) {
            $info = $cached->data;
            // Extract the field definitions and save them in the "static" cache.
            foreach ($info['fields'] as $field) {
                if (!isset($this->fieldsById[$field['id']])) {
                    $this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
                    if (!$field['deleted']) {
                        $this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
            // Store the instance definitions in the "static" cache'. Empty (or
            // non-existent) bundles are stored separately, so that they do not
            // pollute the global list returned by getInstances().
            if ($info['instances']) {
                $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle] = $info['instances'];
            else {
                $this->emptyBundles[$entity_type][$bundle] = TRUE;
            return $info['instances'];
        // Cache miss: collect from the definitions.
        $instances = array();
        // Collect the fields in the bundle.
        $params = array(
            'entity_type' => $entity_type,
            'bundle' => $bundle,
        $fields = field_read_fields($params);
        // This iterates on non-deleted instances, so deleted fields are kept out of
        // the persistent caches.
        foreach (field_read_instances($params) as $instance) {
            $field = $fields[$instance['field_name']];
            $instance = $this->prepareInstance($instance, $field['type']);
            $instances[$field['field_name']] = $instance;
            // If the field is not in our global "static" list yet, add it.
            if (!isset($this->fieldsById[$field['id']])) {
                $field = $this->prepareField($field);
                $this->fieldsById[$field['id']] = $field;
                $this->fieldIdsByName[$field['field_name']] = $field['id'];
        // Store in the 'static' cache'. Empty (or non-existent) bundles are stored
        // separately, so that they do not pollute the global list returned by
        // getInstances().
        if ($instances) {
            $this->bundleInstances[$entity_type][$bundle] = $instances;
        else {
            $this->emptyBundles[$entity_type][$bundle] = TRUE;
        // The persistent cache additionally contains the definitions of the fields
        // involved in the bundle.
        $cache = array(
            'instances' => $instances,
            'fields' => array(),
        foreach ($instances as $instance) {
            $cache['fields'][] = $this->fieldsById[$instance['field_id']];
        if (lock_acquire("field_info:bundle:{$entity_type}:{$bundle}")) {
            cache_set("field_info:bundle:{$entity_type}:{$bundle}", $cache, 'cache_field');
        return $instances;
     * Retrieves the "extra fields" for a bundle.
     * @param $entity_type
     *   The entity type.
     * @param $bundle
     *   The bundle name.
     * @return
     *   The array of extra fields.
    public function getBundleExtraFields($entity_type, $bundle) {
        // Read from the "static" cache.
        if (isset($this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
            return $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle];
        // Read from the persistent cache.
        if ($cached = cache_get("field_info:bundle_extra:{$entity_type}:{$bundle}", 'cache_field')) {
            $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle] = $cached->data;
            return $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle];
        // Cache miss: read from hook_field_extra_fields(). Note: given the current
        // shape of the hook, we have no other way than collecting extra fields on
        // all bundles.
        $info = array();
        $extra = module_invoke_all('field_extra_fields');
        drupal_alter('field_extra_fields', $extra);
        // Merge in saved settings.
        if (isset($extra[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
            $info = $this->prepareExtraFields($extra[$entity_type][$bundle], $entity_type, $bundle);
        // Store in the 'static' and persistent caches.
        $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle] = $info;
        if (lock_acquire("field_info:bundle_extra:{$entity_type}:{$bundle}")) {
            cache_set("field_info:bundle_extra:{$entity_type}:{$bundle}", $info, 'cache_field');
        return $this->bundleExtraFields[$entity_type][$bundle];
     * Prepares a field definition for the current run-time context.
     * @param $field
     *   The raw field structure as read from the database.
     * @return
     *   The field definition completed for the current runtime context.
    public function prepareField($field) {
        // Make sure all expected field settings are present.
        $field['settings'] += field_info_field_settings($field['type']);
        $field['storage']['settings'] += field_info_storage_settings($field['storage']['type']);
        // Add storage details.
        $details = (array) module_invoke($field['storage']['module'], 'field_storage_details', $field);
        drupal_alter('field_storage_details', $details, $field);
        $field['storage']['details'] = $details;
        // Populate the list of bundles using the field.
        $field['bundles'] = array();
        if (!$field['deleted']) {
            $map = $this->getFieldMap();
            if (isset($map[$field['field_name']])) {
                $field['bundles'] = $map[$field['field_name']]['bundles'];
        return $field;
     * Prepares an instance definition for the current run-time context.
     * @param $instance
     *   The raw instance structure as read from the database.
     * @param $field_type
     *   The field type.
     * @return
     *   The field instance array completed for the current runtime context.
    public function prepareInstance($instance, $field_type) {
        // Make sure all expected instance settings are present.
        $instance['settings'] += field_info_instance_settings($field_type);
        // Set a default value for the instance.
        if (field_behaviors_widget('default value', $instance) == FIELD_BEHAVIOR_DEFAULT && !isset($instance['default_value'])) {
            $instance['default_value'] = NULL;
        // Prepare widget settings.
        $instance['widget'] = $this->prepareInstanceWidget($instance['widget'], $field_type);
        // Prepare display settings.
        foreach ($instance['display'] as $view_mode => $display) {
            $instance['display'][$view_mode] = $this->prepareInstanceDisplay($display, $field_type);
        // Fall back to 'hidden' for view modes configured to use custom display
        // settings, and for which the instance has no explicit settings.
        $entity_info = entity_get_info($instance['entity_type']);
        $view_modes = array_merge(array(
        ), array_keys($entity_info['view modes']));
        $view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings($instance['entity_type'], $instance['bundle']);
        foreach ($view_modes as $view_mode) {
            if ($view_mode == 'default' || !empty($view_mode_settings[$view_mode]['custom_settings'])) {
                if (!isset($instance['display'][$view_mode])) {
                    $instance['display'][$view_mode] = array(
                        'type' => 'hidden',
                        'label' => 'above',
                        'settings' => array(),
                        'weight' => 0,
        return $instance;
     * Prepares widget properties for the current run-time context.
     * @param $widget
     *   Widget specifications as found in $instance['widget'].
     * @param $field_type
     *   The field type.
     * @return
     *   The widget properties completed for the current runtime context.
    public function prepareInstanceWidget($widget, $field_type) {
        $field_type_info = field_info_field_types($field_type);
        // Fill in default values.
        $widget += array(
            'type' => $field_type_info['default_widget'],
            'settings' => array(),
            'weight' => 0,
        $widget_type_info = field_info_widget_types($widget['type']);
        // Fall back to default formatter if formatter type is not available.
        if (!$widget_type_info) {
            $widget['type'] = $field_type_info['default_widget'];
            $widget_type_info = field_info_widget_types($widget['type']);
        $widget['module'] = $widget_type_info['module'];
        // Fill in default settings for the widget.
        $widget['settings'] += field_info_widget_settings($widget['type']);
        return $widget;
     * Adapts display specifications to the current run-time context.
     * @param $display
     *   Display specifications as found in $instance['display']['a_view_mode'].
     * @param $field_type
     *   The field type.
     * @return
     *   The display properties completed for the current runtime context.
    public function prepareInstanceDisplay($display, $field_type) {
        $field_type_info = field_info_field_types($field_type);
        // Fill in default values.
        $display += array(
            'label' => 'above',
            'settings' => array(),
            'weight' => 0,
        if (empty($display['type'])) {
            $display['type'] = $field_type_info['default_formatter'];
        if ($display['type'] != 'hidden') {
            $formatter_type_info = field_info_formatter_types($display['type']);
            // Fall back to default formatter if formatter type is not available.
            if (!$formatter_type_info) {
                $display['type'] = $field_type_info['default_formatter'];
                $formatter_type_info = field_info_formatter_types($display['type']);
            $display['module'] = $formatter_type_info['module'];
            // Fill in default settings for the formatter.
            $display['settings'] += field_info_formatter_settings($display['type']);
        return $display;
     * Prepares 'extra fields' for the current run-time context.
     * @param $extra_fields
     *   The array of extra fields, as collected in hook_field_extra_fields().
     * @param $entity_type
     *   The entity type.
     * @param $bundle
     *   The bundle name.
     * @return
     *   The list of extra fields completed for the current runtime context.
    public function prepareExtraFields($extra_fields, $entity_type, $bundle) {
        $entity_type_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
        $bundle_settings = field_bundle_settings($entity_type, $bundle);
        $extra_fields += array(
            'form' => array(),
            'display' => array(),
        $result = array();
        // Extra fields in forms.
        foreach ($extra_fields['form'] as $name => $field_data) {
            $settings = isset($bundle_settings['extra_fields']['form'][$name]) ? $bundle_settings['extra_fields']['form'][$name] : array();
            if (isset($settings['weight'])) {
                $field_data['weight'] = $settings['weight'];
            $result['form'][$name] = $field_data;
        // Extra fields in displayed entities.
        $data = $extra_fields['display'];
        foreach ($extra_fields['display'] as $name => $field_data) {
            $settings = isset($bundle_settings['extra_fields']['display'][$name]) ? $bundle_settings['extra_fields']['display'][$name] : array();
            $view_modes = array_merge(array(
            ), array_keys($entity_type_info['view modes']));
            foreach ($view_modes as $view_mode) {
                if (isset($settings[$view_mode])) {
                    $field_data['display'][$view_mode] = $settings[$view_mode];
                else {
                    $field_data['display'][$view_mode] = array(
                        'weight' => $field_data['weight'],
                        'visible' => TRUE,
            $result['display'][$name] = $field_data;
        return $result;



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary
FieldInfo::$bundleExtraFields protected property Extra fields by bundle.
FieldInfo::$bundleInstances protected property Instance definitions by bundle.
FieldInfo::$emptyBundles protected property Separately tracks requested bundles that are empty (or do not exist).
FieldInfo::$fieldIdsByName protected property Mapping of field names to the ID of the corresponding non-deleted field.
FieldInfo::$fieldMap protected property Lightweight map of fields across entity types and bundles.
FieldInfo::$fieldsById protected property List of $field structures keyed by ID. Includes deleted fields.
FieldInfo::$loadedAllFields protected property Whether $fieldsById contains all field definitions or a subset.
FieldInfo::$loadedAllInstances protected property Whether $bundleInstances contains all instances definitions or a subset.
FieldInfo::$unknownFields protected property Separately tracks requested field names or IDs that do not exist.
FieldInfo::flush public function Clears the "static" and persistent caches.
FieldInfo::getBundleExtraFields public function Retrieves the "extra fields" for a bundle.
FieldInfo::getBundleInstances public function Retrieves the instances for a bundle.
FieldInfo::getField public function Returns a field definition from a field name.
FieldInfo::getFieldById public function Returns a field definition from a field ID.
FieldInfo::getFieldMap public function Collects a lightweight map of fields across bundles.
FieldInfo::getFields public function Returns all active fields, including deleted ones.
FieldInfo::getInstances public function Retrieves all active, non-deleted instances definitions.
FieldInfo::prepareExtraFields public function Prepares 'extra fields' for the current run-time context.
FieldInfo::prepareField public function Prepares a field definition for the current run-time context.
FieldInfo::prepareInstance public function Prepares an instance definition for the current run-time context.
FieldInfo::prepareInstanceDisplay public function Adapts display specifications to the current run-time context.
FieldInfo::prepareInstanceWidget public function Prepares widget properties for the current run-time context.

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