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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesPlugin::pluginInfo function includes/ Returns info about the element's plugin.
RulesPlugin::pluginParameterInfo function includes/ Returns info about parameters needed by the plugin.
RulesPlugin::variableInfoAssertions function includes/ Returns asserted additions to the available variable info.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::info_alter function includes/ Allows altering of the element's action/condition info.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::info_alter function includes/ Allows altering of the element's action/condition info.
RulesReactionRule::parameterInfo function includes/
RulesSchedulerTestCase::getInfo function rules_scheduler/tests/rules_scheduler.test Declares test metadata.
RulesState::$info property includes/ Holds info about the variables.
RulesState::varInfo function includes/ Get the info about the state variables or a single variable.
RulesTestCase::getInfo function tests/rules.test Declares test metadata.
RulesTestClassAction::getInfo function tests/ Defines the action.
RulesTestDataCase::getInfo function tests/rules.test Declares test metadata.
RulesTriggerTestCase::getInfo function tests/rules.test Declares test metadata.
RulesUICategory::getInfo function ui/ Gets info about all available categories, or about a specific category.
RulesUIController::$event_info property ui/
RulesUiTestCase::getInfo function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Declares test metadata.
rules_action_data_calc_info_alter function modules/ Info alter callback for the data_calc action.
rules_action_data_convert_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for variable add action.
rules_action_data_create_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for data create action.
rules_action_data_set_info_alter function modules/ Info alter callback for the data_set action.
rules_action_entity_create_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the entity create action.
rules_action_entity_fetch_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the entity fetch action.
rules_action_entity_query_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the entity query action.
rules_action_variable_add_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for variable add action. file rules_admin/ name = Rules UI
description = Administrative interface for managing rules.
package = Rules
core = 7.x
dependencies[] = rules:rules
configure = admin/config/workflow/rules

; Test cases
files[] = tests/rules_admin.test
files[] =…
rules_admin_system_info_alter function rules_admin/rules_admin.module Implements hook_system_info_alter().
rules_comment_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
rules_condition_data_is_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the data_is condition.
rules_data_action_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the pseudo data module.
rules_data_category_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_category_info() on behalf of the pseudo data module.
rules_data_condition_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_condition_info() on behalf of the pseudo data module.
rules_data_file_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_file_info() on behalf of the pseudo data module.
rules_data_list_info_alter function modules/ Info alteration callback for the "Add and Remove a list item" actions.
rules_element_info function ./rules.module Implements hook_element_info().
rules_entity_action_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the entity module.
rules_entity_category_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_category_info() on behalf of the pseudo entity module.
rules_entity_condition_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_condition_info() on behalf of the entity module.
rules_entity_file_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_file_info() on behalf of the entity module.
rules_entity_info function ./rules.module Implements hook_entity_info().
rules_get_event_info function ./rules.module Gets event info for a given event.
rules_hook_info function ./rules.module Implements hook_hook_info(). file rules_i18n/ name = Rules translation
description = Allows translating rules.
dependencies[] = rules:rules
dependencies[] = i18n:i18n_string
package = Multilingual - Internationalization
core = 7.x
files[] =
files[] =…
rules_i18n_action_select_info_alter function rules_i18n/ Action "Select a translated value" info_alter callback.
rules_i18n_entity_info_alter function rules_i18n/rules_i18n.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
rules_i18n_rules_action_info function rules_i18n/ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rules_i18n_rules_evaluator_info function rules_i18n/ Implements hook_rules_evaluator_info().
rules_node_action_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the node module.
rules_node_category_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_category_info() on behalf of the node module.
rules_node_event_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_event_info() on behalf of the node module.
rules_node_file_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_file_info() on behalf of the node module.