51 calls to ctools_plugin_get_function()
- ctools_access in includes/
context.inc - Determine if the current user has access via a plugin.
- ctools_access_add_restrictions in includes/
context.inc - Apply restrictions to contexts based upon the access control configured.
- ctools_access_ajax_edit_item in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - Form to edit the settings of an access test.
- ctools_access_ajax_edit_item_submit in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - Submit handler for argument settings.
- ctools_access_ajax_edit_item_validate in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - Validate handler for argument settings.
- ctools_access_summary in includes/
context.inc - Get a summary of an access plugin's settings.
- ctools_cache_operation in includes/
cache.inc - Perform a secondary operation on an indirect cache.
- ctools_content_admin_info in includes/
content.inc - Get the administrative title from a given content type.
- ctools_content_admin_title in includes/
content.inc - Get the administrative title from a given content type.
- ctools_content_editable in includes/
content.inc - Determine if a content type can be edited or not.
- ctools_content_get_subtype in includes/
content.inc - Given a content type and a subtype id, return the information about that content subtype.
- ctools_content_render in includes/
content.inc - Get the content from a given content type.
- ctools_content_theme in includes/
content.theme.inc - Implements hook_theme to load all content plugins and pass thru if necessary.
- ctools_context_convert_context in includes/
context.inc - Let the context convert an argument based upon the converter that was given.
- ctools_context_create in includes/
context.inc - Create a new context object.
- ctools_context_create_empty in includes/
context.inc - Create an empty context object.
- ctools_context_get_context_from_context in includes/
context.inc - Return a context object from a context definition array.
- ctools_context_handler_get_base_contexts in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Get base contexts from a task, if it has any.
- ctools_context_handler_get_render_handler in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Figure out which of the listed handlers should be used to render.
- ctools_context_handler_get_task_arguments in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Get the arguments from a task that are used to load contexts.
- ctools_context_handler_render_handler in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Render a task handler.
- ctools_context_handler_set_access_restrictions in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Set any access restrictions on the contexts for a handler.
- ctools_plugin_load_function in includes/
plugins.inc - Load a plugin and get a function name from it, returning success only if the function exists.
- ctools_wizard_multistep_form in includes/
wizard.inc - Display a multi-step form.
- page_manager_addressable_content in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Implement pseudo-hook to fetch addressable content.
- page_manager_disable_form_submit in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Disable the page after it has been confirmed.
- page_manager_enable_form_submit in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Enable the page after it has been confirmed.
- page_manager_enable_page in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Menu callback to enable or disable a page
- page_manager_get_handler_summary in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get the admin summary (additional info) for a given handler.
- page_manager_get_handler_title in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get the title for a given handler.
- page_manager_get_page_summary in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get the admin summary (additional info) for a given page.
- page_manager_get_task_subtask in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Fetch all subtasks for a page managertask.
- page_manager_get_task_subtasks in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Fetch all subtasks for a page managertask.
- page_manager_make_wizard_cache in includes/
page-wizard.inc - page_manager_menu in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Delegated implementation of hook_menu().
- page_manager_menu_alter in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Implements hook_menu_alter.
- page_manager_page_argument_form_settings in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Basic settings form for a page manager page.
- page_manager_page_argument_form_settings_submit in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Submit handler for argument settings.
- page_manager_page_argument_form_settings_validate in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Validate handler for argument settings.
- page_manager_page_delete in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Remove a page subtask.
- page_manager_page_execute in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Execute a page task.
- page_manager_page_export in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Export a page subtask.
- page_manager_page_save in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Write a page subtask to the database.
- page_manager_page_wizard in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Menu callback for the page wizard.
- page_manager_page_wizard_finish in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Callback generated when the add page process is finished.
- page_manager_page_wizard_next in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Callback generated when the 'next' button is clicked.
- page_manager_save_page_cache in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Write all changes from the page cache and clear it out.
- page_manager_theme in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Implements hook_theme()
- _ctools_context_get_converters in includes/
context.inc - Get a list of converters available for a given context.
- _ctools_process_data in includes/
plugins.inc - Fill in default values and run hooks for data loaded for one or more plugins.
- _page_manager_get_operation_content in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Fetch the content for an operation, after it's been discovered from arguments.