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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
MigrateUserProfileValuesTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
MigrateUserProfileValuesTest::setUp | function | core/ |
MigrateUserProfileValuesTest::testUserProfileValues | function | core/ |
Tests Drupal 6 profile values to Drupal 8 migration. |
ModerationLocaleTest::testNewTranslationSourceValues | function | core/ |
Checks that new translation values are populated properly. |
ModerationStateFieldItemListTest::testModerationStateSampleValues | function | core/ |
Test generating sample values for entities with a moderation state. |
MultipleWidgetFormTest::testFieldFormMultipleWidgetAlterSingleValues | function | core/ |
Tests hook_field_widget_complete_form_alter() with single value elements. |
MultipleWidgetFormTest::testFieldFormMultipleWidgetTypeAlterSingleValues | function | core/ |
Tests hook_field_widget_complete_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter() with single value elements. |
Name::valueSubmit | function | core/ |
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. |
Node::getFieldValues | function | core/ |
Gets field values for a node. |
NodeEditFormTest::checkVariousAuthoredByValues | function | core/ |
Checks that the "authored by" works correctly with various values. |
NodeTranslationUITest::getNewEntityValues | function | core/ |
Returns an array of entity field values to be tested. |
NodeTypeValidationTest::$propertiesWithOptionalValues | property | core/ |
The config entity properties whose values are optional (set to NULL). |
NumberFieldTest::testMinimumValues | function | core/ |
Tests setting minimum values through the interface. |
NumberListField::$allowedValues | property | core/ |
Stores the allowed values of this field. |
NumericFilter::operatorValues | function | core/ |
OptionsDynamicValuesApiTest | class | core/ |
Tests the options allowed values api. |
OptionsDynamicValuesApiTest.php | file | core/ |
OptionsDynamicValuesApiTest::$entity | property | core/ |
The created entity. |
OptionsDynamicValuesApiTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
OptionsDynamicValuesApiTest::setUp | function | core/ |
Set the default field storage backend for fields created during tests. |
OptionsDynamicValuesApiTest::testOptionsAllowedValues | function | core/ |
Tests options_allowed_values(). |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase | class | core/ |
Base class for testing allowed values of options fields. |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase.php | file | core/ |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase::$entity | property | core/ |
The created entity. |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase::$field | property | core/ |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase::$fieldStorage | property | core/ |
The field storage. |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase::$test | property | core/ |
Test data. |
OptionsDynamicValuesTestBase::setUp | function | core/ |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest | class | core/ |
Tests the Options field allowed values function. |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest.php | file | core/ |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest::$entity | property | core/ |
The created entity. |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest::$test | property | core/ |
Test data. |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest::setUp | function | core/ |
Set the default field storage backend for fields created during tests. |
OptionsDynamicValuesValidationTest::testDynamicAllowedValues | function | core/ |
Tests that allowed values function gets the entity. |
OptionsFieldTest::testGenerateSampleItemsWithNoAllowedValues | function | core/ |
Tests that ::generateSampleItems does not fail with empty allowed values. |
OptionsFieldTest::testUpdateAllowedValues | function | core/ |
Tests that allowed values can be updated. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest | class | core/ |
Tests the Options field allowed values UI functionality. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest.php | file | core/ |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::$adminPath | property | core/ |
Admin path to manage field storage settings. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::$fieldName | property | core/ |
Name of the option field. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::$nodeFormPath | property | core/ |
Node form path for created content type. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::$type | property | core/ |
Machine name of the created content type. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::assertAllowValuesRowCount | function | core/ |
Assert the count of the allowed values rows. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::assertHasFocusByAttribute | function | core/ |
Asserts an element specified by an attribute value has focus. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::assertNodeFormOrder | function | core/ |
Asserts the order of provided option list on node form. |
OptionsFieldUIAllowedValuesTest::assertOrder | function | core/ |
Asserts the order of provided option list on admin path. |
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