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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Context | class | core/ |
A Drupal specific context wrapper class. |
Context | class | core/ |
A generic context class for wrapping data a plugin needs to operate. |
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Access::getCacheContexts | function | core/ |
AccessAwareRouter::getContext | function | core/ |
AccessAwareRouter::setContext | function | core/ |
AccessPolicyBase::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts. |
AccessPolicyInterface::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts. |
AccessPolicyProcessor::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts of all policies within a given scope. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCacheContextCaching | function | core/ |
Tests that the persistent cache contexts are added properly. |
AccessPolicyProcessorTest::testCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Tests that only the cache contexts for policies that apply are added. |
AccessResult::getCacheContexts | function | core/ |
The cache contexts associated with this object. |
AccessResult::resetCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Resets cache contexts (to the empty array). |
AccessResultTest::$cacheContextsManager | property | core/ |
The cache contexts manager. |
AccessResultTest::testCacheContexts | function | core/ |
@covers ::addCacheContexts @covers ::resetCacheContexts @covers ::getCacheContexts @covers ::cachePerPermissions @covers ::cachePerUser @covers ::allowedIfHasPermission |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext | class | core/ |
Defines the AccountPermissionsCacheContext service, for "per permission" caching. |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext.php | file | core/ |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext::$permissionsHashGenerator | property | core/ |
The permissions hash generator. |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext::getCacheableMetadata | function | core/ |
Gets the cacheability metadata for the context. |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext::getContext | function | core/ |
Returns the string representation of the cache context. |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext::getLabel | function | core/ |
Returns the label of the cache context. |
AccountPermissionsCacheContext::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new UserCacheContext service. |
ActionResourceTestBase::getExpectedCacheContexts | function | core/ |
AdminContext | class | core/ |
Provides a helper class to determine whether the route is an admin one. |
AdminContext.php | file | core/ |
AdminContext::$routeMatch | property | core/ |
The route match. |
AdminContext::isAdminRoute | function | core/ |
Determines whether the active route is an admin one. |
AdminContext::__construct | function | core/ |
Construct a new admin context helper instance. |
AdminNegotiator::$adminContext | property | core/ |
The route admin context to determine whether a route is an admin one. |
AdminPathConfigEntityConverter::$adminContext | property | core/ |
The route admin context to determine whether a route is an admin one. |
AlwaysAddsAccessPolicy::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts. |
AlwaysAltersAccessPolicy::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts. |
Annotation for context definition | group | core/ |
Describes how to use ContextDefinition annotation. |
ArgumentPluginBase::getCacheContexts | function | core/ |
ArgumentPluginBase::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Returns a context definition for this argument. |
ArgumentValidatorPluginBase::getContextDefinition | function | core/ |
Returns a context definition for this argument. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait | trait | core/ |
Provides test assertions for testing page-level cache contexts & tags. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait.php | file | core/ |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::assertCacheContext | function | core/ |
Asserts whether an expected cache context was present in the last response. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::assertCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Ensures that some cache contexts are present in the current response. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::assertCacheMaxAge | function | core/ |
Asserts the max age header. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::assertCacheTags | function | core/ |
Ensures that some cache tags are present in the current response. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::assertNoCacheContext | function | core/ |
Asserts that a cache context was not present in the last response. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::assertPageCacheContextsAndTags | function | core/ |
Asserts page cache miss, then hit for the given URL; checks cache headers. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::enablePageCaching | function | core/ |
Enables page caching. |
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait::getCacheHeaderValues | function | core/ |
Gets a specific header value as array. |
BarAccessPolicy::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts. |
BaseFieldOverrideResourceTestBase::getExpectedCacheContexts | function | core/ |
The expected cache contexts for the GET/HEAD response of the test entity. |
BazAccessPolicy::getPersistentCacheContexts | function | core/ |
Gets the persistent cache contexts. |
BazCacheContext | class | core/ |
Fake calculated cache context class. |
BazCacheContext::getCacheableMetadata | function | core/ |
Gets the cacheability metadata for the context based on the parameter value. |
BazCacheContext::getContext | function | core/ |
Returns the string representation of the cache context. |
BazCacheContext::getLabel | function | core/ |
Returns the label of the cache context. |
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