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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Entity | class | core/ |
Defines an argument validator plugin for each entity type. |
Entity | class | core/ |
Provides an area handler which renders an entity in a certain view mode. |
Entity | class | core/ |
Provides a generic destination to import entities. |
Entity | class | core/ |
Entity | class | core/ |
This class is a near-copy of tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Annotations/Ticket/DCOM58Entity.php, which is part of the Doctrine project: <>. It was copied from version 1.2.7. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ConfigEntityNormalizer.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizer::denormalize | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizer::getDataWithoutInternals | function | core/ |
Gets the given data without the internal implementation details. |
ConfigEntityNormalizer::getSupportedTypes | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizer::normalize | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizerTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\serialization\Normalizer\ConfigEntityNormalizer @group serialization |
ConfigEntityNormalizerTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizerTest::testDenormalize | function | core/ |
@covers ::denormalize |
ConfigEntityNormalizerTest::testNormalize | function | core/ |
Tests the normalize() method. |
ConfigEntityNormalizeTest | class | core/ |
Tests the listing of configuration entities. |
ConfigEntityNormalizeTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizeTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigEntityNormalizeTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityNormalizeTest::testNormalize | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityQueryTest | class | core/ |
Tests Config Entity Query functionality. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::$entities | property | core/ |
Stores all config entities created for the test. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::$entityStorage | property | core/ |
The config entity storage used for testing. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::$factory | property | core/ |
The query factory used to construct all queries in the test. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::$queryResults | property | core/ |
Stores the search results for alter comparison. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::assertResults | function | core/ |
Asserts the results as expected regardless of order. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testAlterHook | function | core/ |
Test the entity query alter hooks are invoked. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testCaseSensitivity | function | core/ |
Tests case sensitivity. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testConfigEntityQuery | function | core/ |
Tests basic functionality. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testCount | function | core/ |
Tests count query. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testDotted | function | core/ |
Tests dotted path matching. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testLookupKeys | function | core/ |
Tests lookup keys are added to the key value store. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testSortRange | function | core/ |
Tests sorting and range on config entity queries. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testStringIdConditions | function | core/ |
Tests ID conditions. |
ConfigEntityQueryTest::testTableSort | function | core/ |
Tests sorting with tableSort on config entity queries. |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase | class | core/ |
Resource test base class for config entities. |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase | class | core/ |
Resource test base class for config entities. |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase::SKIP_METHODS | constant | core/ |
A list of test methods to skip. |
ConfigEntityResourceTestBase::SKIP_METHODS | constant | core/ |
A list of test methods to skip. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest | class | core/ |
Tests the entity static cache when used by config entities. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::$entityId | property | core/ |
The entity ID of the entity under test. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::$entityTypeId | property | core/ |
The type ID of the entity under test. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::setUp | function | core/ |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::testCacheHit | function | core/ |
Tests that the static cache is working. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::testConfigOverride | function | core/ |
Tests that the static cache is sensitive to config overrides. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::testReset | function | core/ |
Tests that the static cache is reset on entity save and delete. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTestHooks | class | core/ |
Hook implementations for config_entity_static_cache_test. |
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