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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::isRevisionable | function | core/ |
Returns whether the field storage is revisionable. |
FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::isTranslatable | function | core/ |
Returns whether the field supports translation. |
FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::setTranslatable | function | core/ |
Sets whether the field supports translation. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener | class | core/ |
Reacts to field storage definition CRUD on behalf of the Entity system. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener.php | file | core/ |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::$deletedFieldsRepository | property | core/ |
The deleted fields repository. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::$entityFieldManager | property | core/ |
The entity field manager. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::$entityLastInstalledSchemaRepository | property | core/ |
The entity definition manager. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::$entityTypeManager | property | core/ |
The entity type manager. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::$eventDispatcher | property | core/ |
The event dispatcher. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::onFieldStorageDefinitionCreate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the creation of a field storage definition. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::onFieldStorageDefinitionDelete | function | core/ |
Reacts to the deletion of a field storage definition. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::onFieldStorageDefinitionUpdate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the update of a field storage definition. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListener::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new FieldStorageDefinitionListener. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface | interface | core/ |
Defines an interface for reacting to field storage definition creation, deletion, and updates. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface.php | file | core/ |
FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface::onFieldStorageDefinitionCreate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the creation of a field storage definition. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface::onFieldStorageDefinitionDelete | function | core/ |
Reacts to the deletion of a field storage definition. |
FieldStorageDefinitionListenerInterface::onFieldStorageDefinitionUpdate | function | core/ |
Reacts to the update of a field storage definition. |
FieldStorageDefinitionUpdateForbiddenException | class | core/ |
Exception thrown when a storage definition update is forbidden. |
FieldStorageDefinitionUpdateForbiddenException.php | file | core/ |
FieldStorageEntityTypeDependencyTestHook | class | core/ |
Hook implementations. |
FieldStorageEntityTypeDependencyTestHook.php | file | core/ |
FieldStorageEntityTypeDependencyTestHook::systemInfoAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_system_info_alter(). |
FieldStorageReuseForm | class | core/ |
Provides a form for the "field storage" add page. |
FieldStorageReuseForm.php | file | core/ |
FieldStorageReuseForm::$bundle | property | core/ |
The entity bundle. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::$entityTypeId | property | core/ |
The name of the entity type. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::buildForm | function | core/ |
Form constructor. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::create | function | core/ |
Instantiates a new instance of this class. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::getExistingFieldDefaults | function | core/ |
Get default options from an existing field and bundle. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::getExistingFieldStorageOptions | function | core/ |
Returns an array of existing field storages that can be added to a bundle. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::getFormId | function | core/ |
Returns a unique string identifying the form. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::reuseCallback | function | core/ |
Callback function to handle re-using an existing field. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::submitForm | function | core/ |
Form submission handler. |
FieldStorageReuseForm::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new FieldStorageReuseForm object. |
FieldTest::getBaseFieldStorage | function | core/ |
Returns a mocked base field storage object. |
FieldTest::getConfigFieldStorage | function | core/ |
Returns a mocked configurable field storage object. |
FieldTestBase::$fieldStorages | property | core/ |
Stores the field definitions used by the test. |
FieldTestBase::setUpFieldStorages | function | core/ |
FieldTestFieldHooks::fieldStorageConfigUpdateForbid | function | core/ |
Implements hook_field_storage_config_update_forbid(). |
FieldTestHooks::fieldStorageConfigCreate | function | core/ |
Implements hook_field_storage_config_create(). |
FieldTranslationSqlStorageTest::assertFieldStorageLangcode | function | core/ |
Checks whether field languages are correctly stored for the given entity. |
FieldUiHooks::formFieldUiFieldStorageAddFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for 'field_ui_field_storage_add_form'. |
FieldUiTestDeprecatedHooks::formFieldStorageConfigEditFormAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for field_storage_config_edit_form. |
FieldUninstallValidator::$fieldStorageConfigStorage | property | core/ |
The field storage config storage. |
FieldUninstallValidator::getFieldStoragesByModule | function | core/ |
Returns all field storages for a specified module. |
FileUploadResourceTestBase::$fieldStorage | property | core/ |
The test field storage config. |
FileUploadTest::$fieldStorage | property | core/ |
The test field storage config. |
FormTest::$fieldStorageSingle | property | core/ |
An array of values defining a field single. |
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