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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ApiController::$finishedRoute | property | core/ |
The route to redirect to after the stage has been applied. |
ApiController::finish | function | core/ |
Performs post-apply tasks and destroys the stage. |
BatchBuilder::$finished | property | core/ |
The name of a function / method to be called when the batch finishes. |
BatchBuilder::setFinishCallback | function | core/ |
Sets the finished callback. |
BatchBuilderTest::finishedCallback | function | core/ |
Empty callback for the tests. |
BatchBuilderTest::testSetFinishCallback | function | core/ |
Tests setFinishCallback(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished0 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished1 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished1Finished | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished2 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished3 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished4 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished5 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished6 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finished7 | function | core/ |
Implements callback_batch_finished(). |
BatchTestCallbacks::finishedHelper | function | core/ |
Provides a common 'finished' callback for batches 1 to 7. |
BatchTestController::testFinishRedirect | function | core/ |
Fires a batch process without a form submission and a finish redirect. |
BatchUserAction::finishBatch | function | core/ |
Finish batch. |
CacheRouterRebuildSubscriber::onRouterFinished | function | core/ |
callback_batch_finished | function | core/ |
Complete a batch process. |
ConfigImporter::finish | function | core/ |
Finishes the batch. |
ConfigImporterBatch::finish | function | core/ |
Finish batch. |
DbUpdateController::batchFinished | function | core/ |
Finishes the update process and stores the results for eventual display. |
DebugDump::testRunnerFinished | function | core/ |
Prints the dumps generated during the test. |
DrupalKernelInterface::CONTAINER_INITIALIZE_SUBREQUEST_FINISHED | constant | core/ |
Event fired when the service container finished initializing in subrequest. |
FinishResponseSubscriber | class | core/ |
Response subscriber to handle finished responses. |
FinishResponseSubscriber.php | file | core/ |
FinishResponseSubscriber::$config | property | core/ |
A config object for the system performance configuration. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
Registers the methods in this class that should be listeners. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::isCacheControlCustomized | function | core/ |
Determine whether the given response has a custom Cache-Control header. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::onAllResponds | function | core/ |
Sets extra headers on any responses, also subrequest ones. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::onRespond | function | core/ |
Sets extra headers on successful responses. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::setCacheControlNoCache | function | core/ |
Disable caching in the browser and for HTTP/1.1 proxies and clients. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::setExpiresNoCache | function | core/ |
Disable caching in ancient browsers and for HTTP/1.0 proxies and clients. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::setResponseCacheable | function | core/ |
Add Cache-Control and Expires headers to a cacheable response. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::setResponseNotCacheable | function | core/ |
Add Cache-Control and Expires headers to a response which is not cacheable. |
FinishResponseSubscriber::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a FinishResponseSubscriber object. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\FinishResponseSubscriber @group EventSubscriber |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest.php | file | core/ |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::$cacheContextsManager | property | core/ |
The mock cache contexts manager. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::$kernel | property | core/ |
The mock Kernel. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::$languageManager | property | core/ |
The mock language manager. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::$requestPolicy | property | core/ |
The mock request policy. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::$responsePolicy | property | core/ |
The mock response policy. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::$time | property | core/ |
The mock time service. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::setUp | function | core/ |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::testDefaultHeaders | function | core/ |
Finish subscriber should set some default header values. |
FinishResponseSubscriberTest::testExistingHeaders | function | core/ |
Finish subscriber should not overwrite existing header values. |
HtmlOutputLogger::testRunnerFinished | function | core/ |
Prints the list of HTML output generated during the test. |
install_finished | function | core/ |
Performs final installation steps and displays a 'finished' page. |
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