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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Form | class | core/ |
Provides a render element for a form. |
Form | class | core/ |
Form to test _form routing. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
BlockPluginHasSettingsTrayFormAccessCheckTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\settings_tray\Access\BlockPluginHasSettingsTrayFormAccessCheck @group settings_tray |
BlockPluginHasSettingsTrayFormAccessCheckTest.php | file | core/ |
BlockPluginHasSettingsTrayFormAccessCheckTest::providerTestAccess | function | core/ |
Provides test data for ::testAccess(). |
BlockPluginHasSettingsTrayFormAccessCheckTest::testAccess | function | core/ |
@covers ::access @covers ::accessBlockPlugin @dataProvider providerTestAccess |
BlockPluginId::transform | function | core/ |
Set the block plugin id. |
BlockPluginInterface::blockForm | function | core/ |
Returns the configuration form elements specific to this block plugin. |
BlockPluginTrait::blockForm | function | core/ |
BlockPluginTrait::buildConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Creates a generic configuration form for all block types. Individual block plugins can add elements to this form by overriding BlockBase::blockForm(). Most block plugins should not override this method unless they need to alter the generic form elements. |
BlockPluginTrait::submitConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Most block plugins should not override this method. To add submission handling for a specific block type, override BlockBase::blockSubmit(). |
BlockPluginTrait::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
Most block plugins should not override this method. To add validation for a specific block type, override BlockBase::blockValidate(). |
BlockRegion::transform | function | core/ |
Performs the associated process. |
BlockRegionTest::testTransformSameThemeRegionExists | function | core/ |
Tests transforming a block with the same theme and an existing region. |
BlockRegionTest::testTransformSameThemeRegionNotExists | function | core/ |
Tests transforming a block with the same theme and a non-existent region. |
BlockRegionTest::transform | function | core/ |
Transforms a value through the block_region plugin. |
BlockSettings::transform | function | core/ |
Set the block configuration. |
BlockSettingsTest::providerTestTransform | function | core/ |
Provides data for testTransform. |
BlockSettingsTest::testTransform | function | core/ |
Tests the blocks settings process plugin. |
BlockTheme::transform | function | core/ |
Performs the associated process. |
BlockVisibility::transform | function | core/ |
Performs the associated process. |
BlockVisibilityTest::testTransformException | function | core/ |
@covers ::transform |
BlockVisibilityTest::testTransformMultiplePagesWithFront | function | core/ |
@covers ::transform |
BlockVisibilityTest::testTransformNoData | function | core/ |
@covers ::transform |
BlockVisibilityTest::testTransformPhpDisabled | function | core/ |
@covers ::transform |
BlockVisibilityTest::testTransformPhpEnabled | function | core/ |
@covers ::transform |
BlockVisibilityTest::testTransformSinglePageWithFront | function | core/ |
@covers ::transform |
BlockXmlAnonTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
BlockXmlBasicAuthTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
BlockXmlCookieTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
block_content_entity_form_display.yml | file | core/ |
core/modules/block_content/migrations/block_content_entity_form_display.yml |
BookAdminEditForm | class | core/ |
Provides a form for administering a single book's hierarchy. |
BookAdminEditForm.php | file | core/ |
BookAdminEditForm::$bookManager | property | core/ |
The book manager. |
BookAdminEditForm::$entityRepository | property | core/ |
The entity repository service. |
BookAdminEditForm::$nodeStorage | property | core/ |
The node storage. |
BookAdminEditForm::bookAdminTable | function | core/ |
Builds the table portion of the form for the book administration page. |
BookAdminEditForm::bookAdminTableTree | function | core/ |
Helps build the main table in the book administration page form. |
BookAdminEditForm::buildForm | function | core/ |
Form constructor. |
BookAdminEditForm::create | function | core/ |
Instantiates a new instance of this class. |
BookAdminEditForm::getFormId | function | core/ |
Returns a unique string identifying the form. |
BookAdminEditForm::submitForm | function | core/ |
Form submission handler. |
BookAdminEditForm::validateForm | function | core/ |
Form validation handler. |
BookAdminEditForm::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new BookAdminEditForm. |
BookManager::addFormElements | function | core/ |
BookManager::addFormElements | function | core/ |
BookManager::addParentSelectFormElements | function | core/ |
Builds the parent selection form element for the node form or outline tab. |
BookManagerInterface::addFormElements | function | core/ |
Builds the common elements of the book form for the node and outline forms. |
BookNavigationBlock::blockForm | function | core/ |
BookOutlineForm | class | core/ |
Displays the book outline form. |
BookOutlineForm.php | file | core/ |
BookOutlineForm::$bookManager | property | core/ |
BookManager service. |
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