Search for key
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
State::$keyValueStore | property | core/ |
The key value store to use. |
StateInterface::PLUGIN_FORM_KEY | constant | core/ |
The key of the state plugin form. |
StatementInterface::fetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. |
StatementIteratorTrait::$resultsetKey | property | core/ |
The key of the current row. |
StatementIteratorTrait::key | function | core/ |
Returns the key of the current element. |
StatementPrefetchIterator::fetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. |
StatementTest::testPartiallyIteratedStatementFetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Tests statement fetchAllKeyed after a partial traversal. |
StatementWrapperIterator::fetchAllKeyed | function | core/ |
Returns the entire result set as a single associative array. |
StateTest::$keyValueStorage | property | core/ |
The mocked key value store. |
StaticMapTest::testMapDotInKey | function | core/ |
Tests when there is a dot in a map key. |
StorageTestBase::testNonExistingKeys | function | core/ |
Tests expected behavior for non-existing keys. |
StringDatabaseStorage::dbStringKeys | function | core/ |
Gets keys values that are in a database table. |
StringLoader::getCacheKey | function | core/ |
StubSchema::addPrimaryKey | function | core/ |
Add a primary key. |
StubSchema::addUniqueKey | function | core/ |
Add a unique key. |
StubSchema::dropPrimaryKey | function | core/ |
Drop the primary key. |
StubSchema::dropUniqueKey | function | core/ |
Drop a unique key. |
SubProcess::transformKey | function | core/ |
Runs the process pipeline for the key to determine its dynamic name. |
TableDragTest::assertKeyboardAccessibility | function | core/ |
Asserts accessibility through keyboard of a test draggable table. |
TableDragTest::moveRowWithKeyboard | function | core/ |
Moves a row through the keyboard. |
TableDragTest::testKeyboardAccessibility | function | core/ |
Tests accessibility through keyboard of the tabledrag functionality. |
TableDragTest::testRootLeafDraggableRowsWithKeyboard | function | core/ |
Tests the root and leaf behaviors for rows. |
TempStoreIdentifierInterface::getTempstoreKey | function | core/ |
Gets a string suitable for use as a tempstore key. |
TestDefaultHtmlRouteProvider::getEntityTypeIdKeyType | function | core/ |
Gets the type of the ID key for a given entity type. |
TestEntityType::setKey | function | core/ |
Sets a specific entity key. |
TestLoader::getCacheKey | function | core/ |
TestSessionBag::$storageKey | property | core/ |
Key used when persisting the session. |
TestSessionBag::getStorageKey | function | core/ |
TestSubscriber::getStateKey | function | core/ |
Computes the state key to use for a given event class. |
TestSubscriber::STATE_KEY | constant | core/ |
The key to use store the test results. |
ThemeRegistryLoader::getCacheKey | function | core/ |
theme_test_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions__monkey | function | core/ |
Tests a module overriding a default hook with a suggestion. |
TipsPluginCollection::$pluginKey | property | core/ |
The key within the plugin configuration that contains the plugin ID. |
Tour::$keyedRoutes | property | core/ |
The routes on which this tour should be displayed, keyed by route id. |
Tour::resetKeyedRoutes | function | core/ |
Resets the statically cached keyed routes. |
TourInterface::resetKeyedRoutes | function | core/ |
Resets the statically cached keyed routes. |
TransitionInterface::PLUGIN_FORM_KEY | constant | core/ |
The key of the transition plugin form. |
TwigComponentLoader::getCacheKey | function | core/ |
TwigEnvironment::CACHE_PREFIX_METADATA_KEY | constant | core/ |
Key name of the Twig cache prefix metadata key-value pair in State. |
TwigPhpStorageCache::generateKey | function | core/ |
UniqueLabelInListConstraint::$labelKey | property | core/ |
The key of the label that this validation constraint should check. |
UnpublishByKeywordActionTest | class | core/ |
@group node |
UnpublishByKeywordActionTest.php | file | core/ |
UnpublishByKeywordActionTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to enable. |
UnpublishByKeywordActionTest::setUp | function | core/ |
UnpublishByKeywordActionTest::testUnpublishByKeywordAction | function | core/ |
Tests creating an action using the node_unpublish_by_keyword_action plugin. |
UnpublishByKeywordComment | class | core/ |
Unpublishes a comment containing certain keywords. |
UnpublishByKeywordComment.php | file | core/ |
UnpublishByKeywordComment::$renderer | property | core/ |
The renderer. |
UnpublishByKeywordComment::$viewBuilder | property | core/ |
The comment entity builder handler. |
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