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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Query | class | core/ |
Alters entity queries to use a workspace revision instead of the default one. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for configuration entities. |
Query | class | core/ |
Base class for query builders. |
Query | class | core/ |
The SQL storage entity query class. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for configuration entities. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for entities stored in a key value backend. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
OffsetPageTest::testCreateFromQueryParameter | function | core/ |
@covers ::createFromQueryParameter @dataProvider parameterProvider |
OffsetPageTest::testCreateFromQueryParameterFail | function | core/ |
@covers ::createFromQueryParameter |
OrderByTest::$query | property | core/ |
The select query object to test. |
PageCacheTest::testQueryParameterFormatRequests | function | core/ |
Tests support for different cache items with different request formats. |
PagerParameters::getPagerQuery | function | core/ |
Gets the request query parameter. |
PagerParameters::getQueryParameters | function | core/ |
Gets all request URL query parameters that are unrelated to paging. |
PagerParametersInterface::getPagerQuery | function | core/ |
Gets the request query parameter. |
PagerParametersInterface::getQueryParameters | function | core/ |
Gets all request URL query parameters that are unrelated to paging. |
PagerPluginBase::executeCountQuery | function | core/ |
Executes the count query. |
PagerPluginBase::query | function | core/ |
Modify the query for paging. |
PagerPluginBase::useCountQuery | function | core/ |
Determine if a pager needs a count query. |
PagerPluginBaseTest::testExecuteCountQueryWithOffset | function | core/ |
Tests the executeCountQuery method with a set offset. |
PagerPluginBaseTest::testExecuteCountQueryWithOffsetLargerThanResult | function | core/ |
Tests the executeCountQuery method with an offset larger than result count. |
PagerPluginBaseTest::testExecuteCountQueryWithoutOffset | function | core/ |
Tests the executeCountQuery method without a set offset. |
PagerPluginBaseTest::testUseCountQuery | function | core/ |
Tests the useCountQuery() method. |
PagerSelectExtender::$customCountQuery | property | core/ |
The count query that will be used for this pager. |
PagerSelectExtender::getCountQuery | function | core/ |
Retrieve the count query for this pager. |
PagerSelectExtender::setCountQuery | function | core/ |
Specify the count query object to use for this pager. |
PagerTest::testPagerQueryParametersAndCacheContext | function | core/ |
Tests pager query parameters and cache context. |
PagerTestController::queryParameters | function | core/ |
Returns a pager with 'parameters' variable. |
PathValidatorTest::testGetUrlIfValidWithFrontPageAndQueryAndFragments | function | core/ |
Tests the getUrlIfValid() method with a front page + query + fragments. |
PathValidatorTest::testGetUrlIfValidWithQuery | function | core/ |
Tests the getUrlIfValid() method with a query in the path. |
PerformanceData::$queryCount | property | core/ |
The number of database queries recorded. |
PerformanceData::getCacheTagLookupQueryCount | function | core/ |
Gets the cache tag lookup query count. |
PerformanceData::getQueryCount | function | core/ |
Gets the query count. |
PerformanceData::logQuery | function | core/ |
Logs a database query. |
PerformanceTestTrait::logQuery | function | core/ |
Logs a query in the performance data. |
PerformanceTestTrait::normalizeQuery | function | core/ |
Normalizes a query by removing the database prefix and newlines. |
PerformanceTestTrait::quoteQueryArgs | function | core/ |
Wraps query arguments in double quotes if they're a string. |
Permissions::query | function | core/ |
Called to add the field to a query. |
Permissions::query | function | core/ |
Replace the configured permission with a filter by all roles that have this permission. |
pgsql.workspaces.entity.query.sql | service | core/ |
Drupal\workspaces\EntityQuery\PgsqlQueryFactory |
PgsqlQueryFactory | class | core/ |
Workspaces PostgreSQL-specific entity query implementation. |
PgsqlQueryFactory.php | file | core/ |
plugin.manager.views.query | service | core/ |
Drupal\views\Plugin\ViewsPluginManager |
PluginBase::query | function | core/ |
Add anything to the query that we might need to. |
PluginBase::queryLanguageSubstitutions | function | core/ |
Returns substitutions for Views queries for languages. |
PluginBase::VIEWS_QUERY_LANGUAGE_SITE_DEFAULT | constant | core/ |
Query string to indicate the site default language. |
PositionShimTestPortedJqueryTestsController | class | core/ |
PositionShimTestPortedJqueryTestsController.php | file | core/ |
PositionShimTestPortedJqueryTestsController::build | function | core/ |
Provides a page with the jQuery UI position library for testing. |
ProfileField::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
ProfileFieldOptionTranslation::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
ProfileFieldTranslation::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
ProfileFieldValues::query | function | core/ |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for configuration entities. |
Query | class | core/ |
Base class for query builders. |
Query | class | core/ |
The SQL storage entity query class. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for configuration entities. |
Query | class | core/ |
Defines the entity query for entities stored in a key value backend. |
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