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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
CacheabilityMetadataConfigOverrideTest::testConfigEntityOverride | function | core/ |
Tests if config overrides set cacheability metadata on config entities. |
CacheabilityMetadataConfigOverrideTest::testConfigOverride | function | core/ |
Tests if config overrides correctly set cacheability metadata. |
cache_context.config_override_integration_test | service | core/ |
Drupal\config_override_integration_test\Cache\ConfigOverrideIntegrationTestCacheContext |
CommentNonNodeTest::testsNonIntegerIdEntities | function | core/ |
Tests comment fields cannot be added to entity types without integer IDs. |
ComponentRenderTest::checkLibraryOverrides | function | core/ |
Check using the libraryOverrides. |
ComponentRenderTest::checkLibraryOverrides | function | core/ |
Check using the libraryOverrides. |
ComponentRenderTest::testLibraryOverrides | function | core/ |
Tests libraryOverrides. |
ComponentRenderTest::testLibraryOverrides | function | core/ |
Tests libraryOverrides. |
Condition::$queryPlaceholderIdentifier | property | core/ |
The query placeholder identifier this condition has been compiled against. |
Config::$moduleOverrides | property | core/ |
The current module overrides. |
Config::$overriddenData | property | core/ |
The current runtime data. |
Config::$settingsOverrides | property | core/ |
The current settings overrides. |
Config::hasOverrides | function | core/ |
Determines if overrides are applied to a key for this configuration object. |
Config::resetOverriddenData | function | core/ |
Resets the current data, so overrides are re-applied. |
Config::setModuleOverride | function | core/ |
Sets module overrides for this configuration object. |
Config::setOverriddenData | function | core/ |
Sets the current data for this configuration object. |
Config::setSettingsOverride | function | core/ |
Sets settings.php overrides for this configuration object. |
ConfigCollectionInfo::getOverrideService | function | core/ |
Gets the config factory override service responsible for the collection. |
ConfigEntityFormOverrideTest | class | core/ |
Tests that config overrides do not bleed through in entity forms and lists. |
ConfigEntityFormOverrideTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigEntityFormOverrideTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
ConfigEntityFormOverrideTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
ConfigEntityFormOverrideTest::testFormsWithOverrides | function | core/ |
Tests that overrides do not affect forms or listing screens. |
ConfigEntityStaticCacheTest::testConfigOverride | function | core/ |
Tests that the static cache is sensitive to config overrides. |
ConfigEntityStorage::$overrideFree | property | core/ |
Determines if the underlying configuration is retrieved override free. |
ConfigEntityStorage::loadMultipleOverrideFree | function | core/ |
Loads one or more entities in their original form without overrides. |
ConfigEntityStorage::loadOverrideFree | function | core/ |
Loads one entity in their original form without overrides. |
ConfigEntityStorageInterface::loadMultipleOverrideFree | function | core/ |
Loads one or more entities in their original form without overrides. |
ConfigEntityStorageInterface::loadOverrideFree | function | core/ |
Loads one entity in their original form without overrides. |
ConfigFactory::$configFactoryOverrides | property | core/ |
An array of config factory override objects ordered by priority. |
ConfigFactory::addOverride | function | core/ |
Adds config factory override services. |
ConfigFactory::loadOverrides | function | core/ |
Get arbitrary overrides for the named configuration objects from modules. |
ConfigFactory::propagateConfigOverrideCacheability | function | core/ |
Propagates cacheability of config overrides to cached config objects. |
ConfigFactoryInterface::addOverride | function | core/ |
Adds config factory override services. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase | class | core/ |
Defines a base event listener implementation configuration overrides. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase.php | file | core/ |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::addCollections | function | core/ |
Reacts to the ConfigCollectionEvents::COLLECTION_INFO event. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::filterNestedArray | function | core/ |
Filters data in nested arrays. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::filterOverride | function | core/ |
Filters data in the override based on what is currently in configuration. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::getSubscribedEvents | function | core/ |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::onConfigDelete | function | core/ |
Actions to be performed to configuration override on configuration delete. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::onConfigRename | function | core/ |
Actions to be performed to configuration override on configuration rename. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBase::onConfigSave | function | core/ |
Actions to be performed to configuration override on configuration save. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBaseTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryOverrideBase @group config |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBaseTest.php | file | core/ |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBaseTest::providerTestFilterNestedArray | function | core/ |
ConfigFactoryOverrideBaseTest::testFilterNestedArray | function | core/ |
@dataProvider providerTestFilterNestedArray |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface | interface | core/ |
Defines the interface for a configuration factory override object. |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface.php | file | core/ |
ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface::createConfigObject | function | core/ |
Creates a configuration object for use during install and synchronization. |
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