Search for role
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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Role | class | core/ |
Defines the user role entity class. |
Role | class | core/ |
Access plugin that provides role-based access control. |
Role | class | core/ |
Drupal 6 role source from database. |
Role | class | core/ |
Drupal 7 role source from database. |
All search results
Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
RoleUserTestBase | class | core/ |
Provides a base class for user role action tests. |
RoleUserTestBase.php | file | core/ |
RoleUserTestBase::$account | property | core/ |
The mocked account. |
RoleUserTestBase::$userRoleEntityType | property | core/ |
The user role entity type. |
RoleUserTestBase::setUp | function | core/ |
RoleValidationTest | class | core/ |
Tests validation of user_role entities. |
RoleValidationTest.php | file | core/ |
RoleValidationTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
RoleValidationTest::setUp | function | core/ |
RoleXmlAnonTest | class | core/ |
@group rest |
RoleXmlAnonTest.php | file | core/ |
RoleXmlAnonTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
RoleXmlAnonTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
RoleXmlAnonTest::$mimeType | property | core/ |
The MIME type that corresponds to $format. |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest | class | core/ |
@group rest |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest.php | file | core/ |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest::$auth | property | core/ |
The authentication mechanism to use in this test. |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest::$mimeType | property | core/ |
The MIME type that corresponds to $format. |
RoleXmlBasicAuthTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
RoleXmlCookieTest | class | core/ |
@group rest |
RoleXmlCookieTest.php | file | core/ |
RoleXmlCookieTest::$auth | property | core/ |
The authentication mechanism to use in this test. |
RoleXmlCookieTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
RoleXmlCookieTest::$format | property | core/ |
The format to use in this test. |
RoleXmlCookieTest::$mimeType | property | core/ |
The MIME type that corresponds to $format. |
SearchCommentTest::$adminRole | property | core/ |
ID for the administrator role. |
SearchCommentTest::setRolePermissions | function | core/ |
Set permissions for role. |
Secure::$roles | property | core/ |
SiteConfigureForm::getAdminRoles | function | core/ |
Returns the list of admin roles. |
ToolbarAdminMenuTest::testUserRoleUpdateSubtreesHashCacheClear | function | core/ |
Tests Toolbar's responses to user data updates. |
User accounts, permissions, and roles | group | core/ |
API for user accounts, access checking, roles, and permissions. |
user.new_role.html.twig | file | core/ |
--- label: 'Adding a new role' related: - user.overview - user.permissions --- {% set roles_link_text %}{% trans %}Roles{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set roles_link = render_var(help_route_link(roles_link_text,… |
user.role.administrator.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/standard/config/install/user.role.administrator.yml |
user.role.administrator.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/nightwatch_a11y_testing/config/install/user.role.administrator.yml |
user.role.administrator.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/demo_umami/config/install/user.role.administrator.yml |
user.role.administrator.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/tests/nightwatch_a11y_testing/config/install/user.role.administrator.yml |
user.role.administrator.yml | file | core/ |
core/recipes/administrator_role/config/user.role.administrator.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/tests/nightwatch_a11y_testing/config/install/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/tests/fixtures/config_install/multilingual/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/tests/fixtures/config_install/multilingual/language/es/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/tests/fixtures/config_install/testing_config_install/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/standard/config/install/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/nightwatch_a11y_testing/config/install/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/demo_umami/config/install/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.anonymous.yml | file | core/ |
core/modules/user/config/install/user.role.anonymous.yml |
user.role.authenticated.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/standard/config/install/user.role.authenticated.yml |
user.role.authenticated.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/testing_config_overrides/config/install/user.role.authenticated.yml |
user.role.authenticated.yml | file | core/ |
core/profiles/demo_umami/config/install/user.role.authenticated.yml |
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