Classes, traits, and interfaces - 11.x - drupal
Introduction to classes
A lot of the PHP code in Drupal is object oriented (OO), making use of PHP classes, interfaces, and traits. See the Objected-oriented programming conventions for more information.
See also
Objected-oriented programming conventions
core.api.php, line 1519
Name | Deprecated | Object type | Namespace | File name | Summary | Direct uses | Use statements | Strings |
AttachmentsTestDomainObject | class | Drupal\early_rendering_controller_test | core/ |
Test domain class with implemented AttachmentsInterface. | ||||
AttachmentsTestResponse | class | Drupal\early_rendering_controller_test | core/ |
Test response with implemented AttachmentsInterface. | ||||
AttachmentsTrait | trait | Drupal\Core\Render | core/ |
Provides an implementation of AttachmentsInterface. | 3 | |||
AttachmentTestFormatter | class | Drupal\views_test_formatter\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter | core/ |
Plugin implementation of the 'number_unformatted_with_attachment' formatter. | ||||
Attribute | class | Drupal\Core\Template | core/ |
Collects, sanitizes, and renders HTML attributes. | 1 | 45 | 12 | |
AttributeArray | class | Drupal\Core\Template | core/ |
A class that defines a type of Attribute that can be added to as an array. | 1 | |||
AttributeBase | abstract class | Drupal\Component\Plugin\Attribute | core/ |
Provides a base class for classed attributes. | 4 | 2 | ||
AttributeBaseStub | class | Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Attribute | core/ |
AttributeBaseTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Attribute | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Attribute\AttributeBase @group Attribute | ||||
AttributeBoolean | class | Drupal\Core\Template | core/ |
A class that defines a type of boolean HTML attribute. | ||||
AttributeBridgeDecorator | class | Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
Ensures that all definitions are run through the attribute process. | 3 | |||
AttributeBridgeDecoratorTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Annotation\Plugin\Discovery\AnnotationBridgeDecorator @group Plugin | ||||
AttributeClass | final class | Drupal\Tests\Component\Annotation\Doctrine\Fixtures\Attribute | core/ |
AttributeClassDiscovery | class | Drupal\Core\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
Defines a discovery mechanism to find plugins using attributes. | 2 | 3 | ||
AttributeClassDiscovery | class | Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
Defines a discovery mechanism to find plugins with attributes. | 1 | 3 | ||
AttributeClassDiscoveryAutomatedProviders | class | Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
Determines providers based on the namespaces of a class and its ancestors. | ||||
AttributeClassDiscoveryCachedTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Attribute | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\AttributeClassDiscovery @group Attribute @runTestsInSeparateProcesses | ||||
AttributeClassDiscoveryTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Component\Plugin\Attribute | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\AttributeClassDiscovery @group Attribute @runTestsInSeparateProcesses | ||||
AttributeDiscoveryTest1 | class | com\example\PluginNamespace | core/ |
Provides a custom test plugin. | ||||
AttributeDiscoveryTest1 | class | com\example\PluginNamespace | core/ |
Provides a custom test plugin. | ||||
AttributeDiscoveryTest2 | class | com\example\PluginNamespace | core/ |
Provides a custom test plugin that extends from a missing dependency. | ||||
AttributeDiscoveryTest2 | class | com\example\PluginNamespace | core/ |
Provides a custom test plugin that extends from a missing dependency. | ||||
AttributeDiscoveryWithAnnotations | class | Drupal\Core\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
Enables both attribute and annotation discovery for plugin definitions. | 1 | 5 | ||
AttributeDiscoveryWithAnnotationsAutomatedProviders | class | Drupal\migrate\Plugin\Discovery | core/ |
Enables both attribute and annotation discovery for plugin definitions. | 1 | |||
AttributeHelper | class | Drupal\Core\Template | core/ |
Helper class to deal with mixed array and Attribute operations. | 3 | |||
AttributeHelperTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Template | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Template\AttributeHelper @group Template | ||||
AttributeInterface | interface | Drupal\Component\Plugin\Attribute | core/ |
Defines a common interface for classed attributes. | 2 | 7 | ||
AttributesTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Common | core/ |
Tests the Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute functionality. | ||||
AttributeString | class | Drupal\Core\Template | core/ |
A class that represents most standard HTML attributes. | 2 | |||
AttributeTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Template | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute @group Template | ||||
AttributeValueBase | abstract class | Drupal\Core\Template | core/ |
Defines the base class for an attribute type. | 3 | |||
AudioFile | class | Drupal\media\Plugin\media\Source | core/ |
Media source wrapping around an audio file. | ||||
AuditException | class | Drupal\migrate\Audit | core/ |
Defines an exception to throw if an error occurs during a migration audit. | ||||
AuditorInterface | interface | Drupal\migrate\Audit | core/ |
Defines an interface for migration auditors. | 1 | |||
AuditResult | class | Drupal\migrate\Audit | core/ |
Encapsulates the result of a migration audit. | 2 | |||
Auth | class | Drupal\early_translation_test | core/ |
Test authentication provider. | 2 | |||
AuthenticationCollector | class | Drupal\Core\Authentication | core/ |
A collector class for authentication providers. | 2 | |||
AuthenticationCollectorInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Authentication | core/ |
Interface for collectors of registered authentication providers. | 1 | |||
AuthenticationCollectorTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Authentication | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationCollector @group Authentication | ||||
AuthenticationManager | class | Drupal\Core\Authentication | core/ |
Manager for authentication. | 1 | |||
AuthenticationManagerTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Authentication | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationManager @group Authentication | ||||
AuthenticationProviderChallengeInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Authentication | core/ |
Generate a challenge when access is denied for unauthenticated users. | 2 | 2 | ||
AuthenticationProviderFilterInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Authentication | core/ |
Restrict authentication methods to a subset of the site. | 2 | 2 | ||
AuthenticationProviderInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Authentication | core/ |
Interface for authentication providers. | 8 | 8 | ||
AuthenticationProviderPass | class | Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Compiler | core/ |
Registers the authentication_providers container parameter. | 2 | |||
AuthenticationProviderPassTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\DependencyInjection\Compiler | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Compiler\AuthenticationProviderPass @group DependencyInjection | ||||
AuthenticationSubscriber | class | Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber | core/ |
Authentication subscriber. | ||||
AuthorFormatter | class | Drupal\user\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter | core/ |
Plugin implementation of the 'author' formatter. | ||||
AuthorNameFormatter | class | Drupal\comment\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter | core/ |
Plugin implementation of the 'comment_username' formatter. | ||||
AutocompleteController | class | Drupal\form_test | core/ |
Defines a controller class with methods for autocompletion. |
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