Classes, traits, and interfaces - 11.x - drupal
Introduction to classes
A lot of the PHP code in Drupal is object oriented (OO), making use of PHP classes, interfaces, and traits. See the Objected-oriented programming conventions for more information.
See also
Objected-oriented programming conventions
core.api.php, line 1519
Name | Deprecated | Object type | Namespace | File name | Summary | Direct uses | Use statements | Strings |
ArgumentValidatorTermTest | class | Drupal\Tests\taxonomy\Kernel\Views | core/ |
Tests the plugin of the taxonomy: term argument validator. | ||||
ArgumentValidatorTest | class | Drupal\Tests\views_ui\Functional | core/ |
Tests the Argument validator through the UI. | ||||
ArgumentValidatorTest | class | Drupal\Tests\views\Kernel\Plugin | core/ |
Tests Views argument validators. | ||||
ArgumentValidatorTest | class | Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\argument_validator | core/ |
Defines an argument validator test plugin. | 1 | |||
ArrayBuild | class | Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process | core/ |
Builds an array based on the key and value configuration. | 1 | 2 | ||
ArrayBuildTest | class | Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\process | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\process\ArrayBuild @group migrate | ||||
ArrayElement | abstract class | Drupal\Core\Config\Schema | core/ |
Defines a generic configuration element that contains multiple properties. | 2 | 1 | ||
AssertBlockAppearsTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\block\Functional | core/ |
Provides test assertions for testing block appearance. | 2 | |||
AssertBreadcrumbTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Menu | core/ |
Provides test assertions for verifying breadcrumbs. | 9 | |||
AssertConfigEntityImportTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\config\Traits | core/ |
Provides test assertions for testing config entity synchronization. | 1 | |||
AssertConfigTrait | trait | Drupal\KernelTests | core/ |
Trait to help with diffing config. | 4 | |||
AssertContentTrait | trait | Drupal\KernelTests | core/ |
Provides test methods to assert content. | 1 | |||
AssertContentTraitTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Test | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\KernelTests\AssertContentTrait @group Test | ||||
AssertMailTrait | trait | Drupal\Core\Test | core/ |
Provides methods for testing emails sent during test runs. | 15 | |||
AssertMailTraitTest | class | Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Test | core/ |
Tests \Drupal\Core\Test\AssertMailTrait works. | ||||
AssertMenuActiveTrailTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Menu | core/ |
Provides test assertions for verifying the active menu trail. | ||||
AssertPageCacheContextsAndTagsTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Cache | core/ |
Provides test assertions for testing page-level cache contexts & tags. | 44 | |||
AssertPreconditionsTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Traits | core/ |
Asserts preconditions for tests to function properly. | 4 | |||
AssertUtilsTrait | trait | Drupal\Tests\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold | core/ |
Convenience class for creating fixtures. | 4 | |||
AssertViewsCacheTagsTrait | trait | Drupal\views\Tests | core/ |
3 | ||||
AssetAggregationAcrossPagesTest | class | Drupal\Tests\demo_umami\FunctionalJavascript | core/ |
Tests demo_umami profile performance. | ||||
AssetCollectionGrouperInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that logically groups a collection of assets. | 2 | 2 | ||
AssetCollectionGroupOptimizerInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that optimizes a collection of assets. | 2 | |||
AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that optimizes a collection of assets. | 1 | 3 | ||
AssetCollectionRendererInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that generates a render array to render assets. | 2 | 4 | ||
AssetControllerBase | abstract class | Drupal\system\Controller | core/ |
Defines a controller to serve asset aggregates. | 2 | |||
AssetDumper | class | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Dumps a CSS or JavaScript asset. | ||||
AssetDumperInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that dumps an (optimized) asset. | 1 | |||
AssetDumperUriInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that dumps an asset to a specified location. | 1 | 1 | ||
AssetGroupSetHashTrait | trait | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Provides a method to generate a normalized hash of a given asset group set. | 3 | |||
AssetOptimizationTest | class | Drupal\FunctionalTests\Asset | core/ |
Tests asset aggregation. | 2 | |||
AssetOptimizationTestUmami | class | Drupal\FunctionalTests\Asset | core/ |
Tests asset aggregation with the Umami install profile. | ||||
AssetOptimizationUmamiTest | class | Drupal\FunctionalTests\Asset | core/ |
Tests asset aggregation with the Umami install profile. | ||||
AssetOptimizerInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Interface defining a service that optimizes an asset. | 2 | 1 | ||
AssetQueryString | class | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Stores a cache busting query string service for asset URLs. | 1 | |||
AssetQueryStringInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Provides a cache busting query string service for asset URLs. | 1 | 2 | ||
AssetQueryStringTest | class | Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Asset | core/ |
Tests the asset query string functionality. | ||||
AssetResolver | class | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
The default asset resolver. | 1 | |||
AssetResolverInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
Resolves asset libraries into concrete CSS and JavaScript assets. | 1 | 5 | ||
AssetResolverTest | class | Drupal\Tests\Core\Asset | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Asset\AssetResolver @group Asset | ||||
AssetRoutes | class | Drupal\system\Routing | core/ |
Defines a routes' callback to register a URL for serving assets. | ||||
AssetsStream | class | Drupal\Core\StreamWrapper | core/ |
Defines a Drupal stream wrapper class for optimized assets (assets://). | 1 | |||
AssignOwnerNode | class | Drupal\node\Plugin\Action | core/ |
Assigns ownership of a node to a user. | ||||
AttachedAssets | class | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
The default attached assets collection. | 12 | |||
AttachedAssetsInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Asset | core/ |
The attached assets collection for the current response. | 1 | 13 | ||
AttachedAssetsTest | class | Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Asset | core/ |
Tests #attached assets: attached asset libraries and JavaScript settings. | ||||
AttachedRenderingBlock | class | Drupal\render_attached_test\Plugin\Block | core/ |
A block we can use to test caching of #attached headers. | ||||
Attachment | class | Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display | core/ |
The plugin that handles an attachment display. | ||||
AttachmentsInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Render | core/ |
The attached metadata collection for a renderable element. | 5 | 10 | ||
AttachmentsResponseProcessorInterface | interface | Drupal\Core\Render | core/ |
Defines an interface for processing attachments of responses that have them. | 2 | 4 |
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