102 string references to 'Json'
- AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::acceptFilterProvider in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ AcceptHeaderMatcherTest.php - Provides data for the Accept header filtering test.
- AcceptHeaderMatcherTest::testNoRouteFound in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ AcceptHeaderMatcherTest.php - Confirms that the AcceptHeaderMatcher throws an exception for no-route.
- AcceptHeaderMiddleware::handle in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ accept_header_routing_test/ src/ AcceptHeaderMiddleware.php - AdminRouteSubscriberTest::providerTestAlterRoutes in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Routing/ AdminRouteSubscriberTest.php - BasicTest::testViewsWizardAndListing in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Wizard/ BasicTest.php - CollectRoutesTest::setUp in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ CollectRoutesTest.php - common_test.services.yml in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ common_test/ common_test.services.yml - core/modules/system/tests/modules/common_test/common_test.services.yml
- ConfigDependenciesTest::providerBasicDependencies in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Entity/ ConfigDependenciesTest.php - ConfigDependenciesTest::providerOnDependencyRemovalForResourceGranularity in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Entity/ ConfigDependenciesTest.php - ConfigDependenciesTest::testOnDependencyRemovalRemoveAuth in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Entity/ ConfigDependenciesTest.php - @covers ::onDependencyRemoval @covers ::onDependencyRemovalForMethodGranularity
- ConfigEntityNormalizerTest::testDenormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Normalizer/ ConfigEntityNormalizerTest.php - @covers ::denormalize
- ContextualDynamicContextTest::renderContextualLinks in core/
modules/ contextual/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ContextualDynamicContextTest.php - Get server-rendered contextual links for the given contextual link ids.
- DefaultExceptionSubscriberTest::testOn4xx in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ EventSubscriber/ DefaultExceptionSubscriberTest.php - @covers ::on4xx
- default_format_test.routing.yml in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ default_format_test/ default_format_test.routing.yml - core/modules/system/tests/modules/default_format_test/default_format_test.routing.yml
- default_language.yml in core/
modules/ language/ migrations/ default_language.yml - core/modules/language/migrations/default_language.yml
- Endpoint::__construct in core/
modules/ media/ src/ OEmbed/ Endpoint.php - Endpoint constructor.
- EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizerTest::assertDenormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Normalizer/ EntityReferenceFieldItemNormalizerTest.php - Asserts denormalization process is correct for give data.
- EntitySerializationTest::testDenormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntitySerializationTest.php - Tests denormalization of an entity.
- EntitySerializationTest::testSerialize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ EntitySerializationTest.php - Tests entity serialization for core's formats by a registered Serializer.
- ExceptionHandlingTest::testJson403 in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Routing/ ExceptionHandlingTest.php - Tests the exception handling for json and 403 status code.
- ExceptionHandlingTest::testJson404 in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Routing/ ExceptionHandlingTest.php - Tests the exception handling for json and 404 status code.
- ExceptionJsonSubscriber::getHandledFormats in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ EventSubscriber/ ExceptionJsonSubscriber.php - Specifies the request formats this subscriber will respond to.
- ExcludedFieldTokenTest::testExcludedTitleTokenDisplay in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ ExcludedFieldTokenTest.php - Tests the display of an excluded title field when used as a token.
- ExternalNormalizersTest::testFormatAgnosticNormalizers in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ExternalNormalizersTest.php - Tests a format-agnostic normalizer.
- FieldCounterTest::testExcludedTitleTokenDisplay in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ FieldCounterTest.php - Tests the display of an excluded title field when used as a token.
- FieldItemSerializationTest::providerTestCustomBooleanNormalization in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldItemSerializationTest.php - Data provider.
- FieldItemSerializationTest::testFieldDenormalizeWithScalarValue in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldItemSerializationTest.php - Tests denormalizing using a scalar field value.
- FieldItemSerializationTest::testFieldNormalizeDenormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FieldItemSerializationTest.php - Tests normalizing and denormalizing an entity with field item normalizer.
- FormTestCheckboxesZeroForm::buildForm in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ form_test/ src/ Form/ FormTestCheckboxesZeroForm.php - Form constructor.
- FormTestCheckboxesZeroForm::submitForm in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ form_test/ src/ Form/ FormTestCheckboxesZeroForm.php - Form submission handler.
- Json::getFileExtension in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Component/ Serialization/ Json.php - Gets the file extension for this serialization format.
- JsonEncoderTest::testSupportsEncoding in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Encoder/ JsonEncoderTest.php - Tests the supportsEncoding() method.
- LinkItemSerializationTest::testLinkDeserialization in core/
modules/ link/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LinkItemSerializationTest.php - Tests the deserialization.
- LinkItemSerializationTest::testLinkSerialization in core/
modules/ link/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LinkItemSerializationTest.php - Tests the serialization.
- ListNormalizerTest::testNormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Normalizer/ ListNormalizerTest.php - Tests the normalize() method.
- MapDataNormalizerTest::testMapNormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MapDataNormalizerTest.php - Tests whether map data can be normalized.
- MapDataNormalizerTest::testMapWithPropertiesNormalize in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MapDataNormalizerTest.php - Tests whether map data with properties can be normalized.
- MenuLinksetRoutes::routes in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Routing/ MenuLinksetRoutes.php - Returns an array of route objects.
- NodeActionsConfigurationTest::testAssignOwnerNodeActionAutocomplete in core/
modules/ action/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Node/ NodeActionsConfigurationTest.php - Tests the autocomplete field when configuring the AssignOwnerNode action.
- PageCacheAcceptHeaderController::content in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ system_test/ src/ Controller/ PageCacheAcceptHeaderController.php - Processes a request that will vary with Accept header.
- PageCacheTest::testQueryParameterFormatRequests in core/
modules/ page_cache/ tests/ src/ Functional/ PageCacheTest.php - Tests support for different cache items with different request formats.
- PathPluginBaseTest::testGetRestRoute in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Plugin/ display/ PathPluginBaseTest.php - Tests the altering of a REST route.
- RegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPassTest::testEncoders in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ CompilerPass/ RegisterSerializationClassesCompilerPassTest.php - @covers ::process
- RenderArrayNonHtmlSubscriberTest::testResponses in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Render/ RenderArrayNonHtmlSubscriberTest.php - Tests handling of responses by events subscriber.
- RenderWebTest::testWrapperFormatCacheContext in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Common/ RenderWebTest.php - Asserts the cache context for the wrapper format is always present.
- RequestFormatRouteFilterTest::filterProvider in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ RequestFormatRouteFilterTest.php - RequestFormatRouteFilterTest::testNoRouteFound in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ RequestFormatRouteFilterTest.php - @covers ::filter
- ResourceResponseSubscriberTest::providerTestResponseFormat in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ EventSubscriber/ ResourceResponseSubscriberTest.php - ResourceResponseSubscriberTest::testSerialization in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ EventSubscriber/ ResourceResponseSubscriberTest.php - @covers ::onResponse @dataProvider providerTestSerialization
- ResourceTest::testAuthentication in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ResourceTest.php - Tests that a resource without authentication cannot be enabled.
- ResourceTest::testFormats in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ResourceTest.php - Tests that a resource without formats cannot be enabled.
- ResourceTest::testSerializationClassIsOptional in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ResourceTest.php - Tests that serialization_class is optional.
- ResponseGeneratorTest::testGeneratorHeaderAdded in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ System/ ResponseGeneratorTest.php - Tests to see if generator header is added.
- rest.resource.entity.node.yml in core/
modules/ rest/ config/ optional/ rest.resource.entity.node.yml - core/modules/rest/config/optional/rest.resource.entity.node.yml
- RestExportTest::testBuildResponse in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ RestExportTest.php - @covers ::buildResponse
- RestJsonApiUnsupported::testApiJsonNotSupportedInRest in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ RestJsonApiUnsupported.php - Deploying a REST resource using api_json format results in 400 responses.
- RestJsonApiUnsupportedTest::testApiJsonNotSupportedInRest in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ RestJsonApiUnsupportedTest.php - Deploying a REST resource using api_json format results in 400 responses.
- RestResourceConfigResourceTestBase::createEntity in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Rest/ RestResourceConfigResourceTestBase.php - Creates the entity to be tested.
- RestResourceConfigResourceTestBase::getExpectedNormalizedEntity in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Rest/ RestResourceConfigResourceTestBase.php - Returns the expected normalization of the entity.
- RestResourceConfigTest::createEntity in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ RestResourceConfigTest.php - Creates the entity to be tested.
- RestResourceConfigTest::getExpectedDocument in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ RestResourceConfigTest.php - Returns the expected JSON:API document for the entity.
- RestResourceConfigTest::testCalculateDependencies in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Entity/ RestResourceConfigTest.php - @covers ::calculateDependencies
- RestResourceConfigTest::testNormalizeRestMethod in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Entity/ RestResourceConfigTest.php - Asserts that rest methods are normalized to upper case.
- RouteProcessorCsrfTest::testProcessOutboundJsonFormat in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Access/ RouteProcessorCsrfTest.php - Tests JSON requests to get no placeholders, but real tokens.
- RoutingFixtures::contentRouteCollection in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ RoutingFixtures.php - Returns a Content-type restricted set of routes for testing.
- RoutingFixtures::sampleRouteCollection in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ RoutingFixtures.php - Returns a standard set of routes for testing.
- RoutingFixtures::staticSampleRouteCollection in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Routing/ RoutingFixtures.php - Returns a static version of the routes.
- serialization.services.yml in core/
modules/ serialization/ serialization.services.yml - core/modules/serialization/serialization.services.yml
- Serializer::render in core/
modules/ rest/ src/ Plugin/ views/ style/ Serializer.php - Render the display in this style.
- SerializerTest::setUp in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Plugin/ views/ style/ SerializerTest.php - SerializerTest::testSerializerReceivesOptions in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Plugin/ views/ style/ SerializerTest.php - Tests that the symfony serializer receives style plugin from the render() method.
- SiteMaintenanceTest::testNonHtmlRequest in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ System/ SiteMaintenanceTest.php - Tests responses to non-HTML requests when in maintenance mode.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testFieldRawOutput in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Tests the raw output options for row field rendering.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testLivePreview in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Tests the live preview output for json output.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testResponseFormatConfiguration in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Tests the response format configuration.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testRestRenderCaching in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Tests REST export with views render caching enabled.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testSerializerResponses in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Checks the behavior of the Serializer callback paths and row plugins.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testSerializerViewsUI in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Tests the views interface for REST export displays.
- StyleSerializerEntityTest::testUIFieldAlias in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerEntityTest.php - Tests the field ID alias functionality of the DataFieldRow plugin.
- StyleSerializerKernelTest::testCalculateDependencies in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Views/ StyleSerializerKernelTest.php - @covers ::calculateDependencies
- StyleSerializerTest::testGroupRows in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - Tests the "Grouped rows" functionality.
- StyleSerializerTest::testMulEntityRows in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - Tests multilingual entity rows.
- StyleSerializerTest::testRestViewExposedFilter in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - Tests the exposed filter works.
- StyleSerializerTest::testRestViewsAuthentication in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - Checks that the auth options restricts access to a REST views display.
- StyleSerializerTest::testSharedPagePath in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - Verifies REST export views work on the same path as a page display.
- StyleSerializerTest::testSiteMaintenance in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Views/ StyleSerializerTest.php - Verifies site maintenance mode functionality.
- system.routing.yml in core/
modules/ system/ system.routing.yml - core/modules/system/system.routing.yml
- system_requirements in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Implements hook_requirements().
- TermAutocompleteTest::drupalGetJson in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Functional/ TermAutocompleteTest.php - Helper function for JSON formatted requests.
- TestController::format in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ content_negotiation_test/ src/ Controller/ TestController.php - Returns different responses depending on the request format.
- TestSiteInstallCommand::execute in core/
tests/ Drupal/ TestSite/ Commands/ TestSiteInstallCommand.php - UrlResolver::discoverResourceUrl in core/
modules/ media/ src/ OEmbed/ UrlResolver.php - Runs oEmbed discovery and returns the endpoint URL if successful.
- user.routing.yml in core/
modules/ user/ user.routing.yml - core/modules/user/user.routing.yml
- UserAuthenticationController::create in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Controller/ UserAuthenticationController.php - Instantiates a new instance of the implementing class using autowiring.
- UserLoginHttpTest::testLogin in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserLoginHttpTest.php - Tests user session life cycle.
- UserLoginHttpTest::testPasswordReset in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserLoginHttpTest.php - Tests user password reset.
- UserResourceTestBase::assertRpcLogin in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Functional/ Rest/ UserResourceTestBase.php - Verifies that logging in with the given username and password works.
- UserTest::assertRpcLogin in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UserTest.php - Verifies that logging in with the given username and password works.
- views.view.test_excluded_field_token_display.yml in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ modules/ rest_test_views/ test_views/ views.view.test_excluded_field_token_display.yml - core/modules/rest/tests/modules/rest_test_views/test_views/views.view.test_excluded_field_token_display.yml
- views.view.test_field_counter_display.yml in core/
modules/ rest/ tests/ modules/ rest_test_views/ test_views/ views.view.test_field_counter_display.yml - core/modules/rest/tests/modules/rest_test_views/test_views/views.view.test_field_counter_display.yml
- XmlEncoderTest::testSupportsDecoding in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Encoder/ XmlEncoderTest.php - Tests the supportsDecoding() method.
- XmlEncoderTest::testSupportsEncoding in core/
modules/ serialization/ tests/ src/ Unit/ Encoder/ XmlEncoderTest.php - Tests the supportsEncoding() method.
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