133 functions implement hook_update_N()
Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.
- block_content_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ block_content/ block_content.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- block_post_update_make_weight_integer in core/
modules/ block/ block.post_update.php - Ensures that all block weights are integers.
- block_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ block/ block.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- comment_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- content_moderation_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ content_moderation/ content_moderation.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- content_translation_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ content_translation/ content_translation.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- dblog_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ dblog/ dblog.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- downgrade_prevention_test_update_11102 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ downgrade_prevention_test/ downgrade_prevention_test.install - A hook_update_N that is equivalent update to 10400.
- editor_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ editor/ editor.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- entity_test_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test/ update/ entity_definition_updates_8001.inc - Makes the 'user_id' field multiple and migrate its data.
- entity_test_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test/ update/ status_report_8001.inc - Test update.
- entity_test_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test/ update/ status_report_8002.inc - Test update.
- entity_test_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test/ update/ entity_definition_updates_8002.inc - Makes the 'user_id' field single and migrate its data.
- entity_test_update_entity_base_field_info in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test_update/ entity_test_update.module - Implements hook_entity_base_field_info().
- entity_test_update_entity_field_storage_info in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test_update/ entity_test_update.module - Implements hook_entity_field_storage_info().
- entity_test_update_entity_type_alter in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test_update/ entity_test_update.module - Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
- entity_test_update_view_presave in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ entity_test_update/ entity_test_update.module - Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave() for the 'view' entity type.
- field_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ field/ field.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- file_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ file/ file.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- forum_post_update_recreate_forum_index_rows in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.post_update.php - Repopulate the forum index table.
- forum_update_10100 in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.install - Remove the year 2038 date limitation.
- forum_update_10101 in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.install - Repopulate the forum index table.
- forum_update_10102 in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.install - Add a primary key to forum_index.
- help_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ help/ help.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- history_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ history/ history.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- image_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ image/ image.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- jsonapi_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ jsonapi/ jsonapi.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- language_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ language/ language.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- layout_builder_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ layout_builder.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- locale_config_batch_update_components in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.bulk.inc - Builds a locale batch to refresh configuration.
- locale_config_batch_update_config_translations in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.bulk.inc - Implements callback_batch_operation().
- locale_config_batch_update_default_config_langcodes in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.bulk.inc - Implements callback_batch_operation().
- locale_translation_batch_update_build in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.fetch.inc - Builds a batch to check, download and import project translations.
- locale_translation_update_file_history in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.module - Updates the {locale_file} table.
- locale_update_10300 in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.install - Add an index on locales_location on type and name.
- locale_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- media_library_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ media_library/ media_library.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- media_post_update_media_author_views_filter_update in core/
modules/ media/ media.post_update.php - Empty update function to clear the Views data cache.
- media_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ media/ media.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- menu_link_content_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ menu_link_content.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- migrate_drupal_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ migrate_drupal.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- migrate_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ migrate/ migrate.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- module_test_post_update_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ module_test/ module_test.post_update.php - Test post update function.
- navigation_post_update_navigation_user_links_menu in core/
modules/ navigation/ navigation.post_update.php - Creates the Navigation user links menu.
- navigation_post_update_set_logo_dimensions_default in core/
modules/ navigation/ navigation.post_update.php - Defines the values for the default logo dimensions.
- navigation_post_update_update_permissions in core/
modules/ navigation/ navigation.post_update.php - Grants navigation specific permission to roles with access to any layout.
- navigation_update_11001 in core/
modules/ navigation/ navigation.install - Reorganizes the values for the logo settings.
- navigation_update_11002 in core/
modules/ navigation/ navigation.install - Update for navigation logo to store the file path instead of ID.
- new_dependency_test_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ new_dependency_test/ new_dependency_test.install - Enable the new_dependency_test_with_service module.
- node_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ node/ node.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- package_manager_post_update_test in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ fixtures/ post_update.php - Here is a fake post-update hook.
- package_manager_update_2147483647 in core/
modules/ package_manager/ tests/ fixtures/ db_update.php - Here is a fake update hook.
- path_alias_post_update_update_path_alias_revision_indexes in core/
modules/ path_alias/ path_alias.post_update.php - Update the path_alias_revision indices.
- path_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ path/ path.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- pgsql_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ pgsql/ pgsql.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- post_update_test_failing_post_update_exception in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ post_update_test_failing/ post_update_test_failing.post_update.php - Post update that throws an exception.
- rest_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ rest/ rest.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- search_post_update_block_with_empty_page_id in core/
modules/ search/ search.post_update.php - Updates Search Blocks' without an explicit `page_id` from '' to NULL.
- serialization_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ serialization/ serialization.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- statistics_update_10100 in core/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.install - Remove the year 2038 date limitation.
- statistics_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- syslog_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ syslog/ syslog.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- system_post_update_convert_empty_country_and_timezone_settings_to_null in core/
modules/ system/ system.post_update.php - Updates system.date config to NULL for empty country and timezone defaults.
- system_post_update_sdc_uninstall in core/
modules/ system/ system.post_update.php - Uninstall the sdc module if installed.
- system_update_11001 in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Update length of menu_tree fields url and route_param_key from 255 to 2048.
- system_update_11100 in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Invalidate container because the module handler has changed.
- system_update_11102 in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Equivalent update to 10400.
- system_update_11201 in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Add the [alias] field to the {router} table.
- system_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ system/ system.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- taxonomy_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ taxonomy.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- template_preprocess_locale_translation_update_info in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.pages.inc - Prepares variables for translation status information templates.
- template_preprocess_update_fetch_error_message in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for update fetch error message templates.
- template_preprocess_update_last_check in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Prepares variables for last time update data was checked templates.
- template_preprocess_update_project_status in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for update project status templates.
- template_preprocess_update_report in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for project status report templates.
- template_preprocess_update_version in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for update version templates.
- test_theme_updates_post_update_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme_updates/ test_theme_updates.post_update.php - Tests post updates for themes.
- tracker_update_10100 in core/
modules/ tracker/ tracker.install - Remove the year 2038 date limitation.
- under_test_update_1 in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Update/ UpdateHookRegistryTest.php - Simulates a hook_update_N function.
- under_test_update_1234_failed in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Update/ UpdateHookRegistryTest.php - Simulates a hook_update_N function.
- under_test_update_20 in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Update/ UpdateHookRegistryTest.php - Simulates a hook_update_N function.
- under_test_update_3000 in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Update/ UpdateHookRegistryTest.php - Simulates a hook_update_N function.
- update_authorize_update_batch_finished in core/
modules/ update/ update.authorize.inc - Batch callback: Performs actions when the authorized update batch is done.
- update_calculate_project_update_status in core/
modules/ update/ update.compare.inc - Calculates the current update status of a specific project.
- update_clear_update_disk_cache in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Clears the temporary files and directories based on file age from disk.
- update_get_update_function_list in core/
includes/ update.inc - Returns an organized list of update functions for a set of modules.
- update_get_update_list in core/
includes/ update.inc - Returns a list of all the pending database updates.
- update_script_test_update_7200 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_script_test/ update_script_test.install - Dummy update_script_test update 7200.
- update_script_test_update_7201 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_script_test/ update_script_test.install - Dummy update_script_test update 7201.
- update_script_test_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_script_test/ update_script_test.install - Dummy update function to run during the tests.
- update_script_test_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_script_test/ update_script_test.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- update_test_0_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_0/ update_test_0.install - Dummy update_test_0 update 8001.
- update_test_0_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_0/ update_test_0.install - Dummy update_test_0 update 8002.
- update_test_0_update_8003 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_0/ update_test_0.install - Dummy update_test_0 update 8003.
- update_test_1_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_1/ update_test_1.install - Dummy update_test_1 update 8001.
- update_test_1_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_1/ update_test_1.install - Dummy update_test_1 update 8002.
- update_test_1_update_8003 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_1/ update_test_1.install - Dummy update_test_1 update 8003.
- update_test_1_update_dependencies in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_1/ update_test_1.install - Implements hook_update_dependencies().
- update_test_2_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_2/ update_test_2.install - Dummy update_test_2 update 8001.
- update_test_2_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_2/ update_test_2.install - Dummy update_test_2 update 8002.
- update_test_2_update_8003 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_2/ update_test_2.install - Dummy update_test_2 update 8003.
- update_test_2_update_dependencies in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_2/ update_test_2.install - Implements hook_update_dependencies().
- update_test_3_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_3/ update_test_3.install - Dummy update_test_3 update 8001.
- update_test_3_update_dependencies in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_3/ update_test_3.install - Implements hook_update_dependencies().
- update_test_description_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_description/ update_test_description.install - Update test of slash in description and/or.
- update_test_description_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_description/ update_test_description.install - update_test_failing_post_update_first in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_failing/ update_test_failing.post_update.php - First update, should not be run since this module's update hooks fail.
- update_test_failing_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_failing/ update_test_failing.install - This update will fail.
- update_test_failing_update_8002 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_failing/ update_test_failing.install - A further update.
- update_test_invalid_hook_update_8000 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_invalid_hook/ update_test_invalid_hook.install - Hook implementation using the reserved schema version 8000.
- update_test_last_removed_update_8003 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_last_removed/ update_test_last_removed.install - Dummy update function to run during the tests.
- update_test_last_removed_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_last_removed/ update_test_last_removed.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- update_test_no_preexisting_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_no_preexisting/ update_test_no_preexisting.install - Dummy update_test_no_preexisting update 8001.
- update_test_postupdate_post_update_first in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_postupdate/ update_test_postupdate.post_update.php - First update.
- update_test_postupdate_post_update_second in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_postupdate/ update_test_postupdate.post_update.php - Second update.
- update_test_postupdate_post_update_test0 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_postupdate/ update_test_postupdate.post_update.php - Test0 update.
- update_test_postupdate_post_update_test1 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_postupdate/ update_test_postupdate.post_update.php - Test1 update.
- update_test_postupdate_post_update_test_batch in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_postupdate/ update_test_postupdate.post_update.php - Testing batch processing in post updates update.
- update_test_postupdate_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_postupdate/ update_test_postupdate.install - Normal update_N() function.
- update_test_semver_update_n_update_8001 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_semver_update_n/ update_test_semver_update_n.install - Update 8001.
- update_test_update_status_alter in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ modules/ update_test/ update_test.module - Implements hook_update_status_alter().
- update_test_with_7x_update_7200 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_with_7x/ update_test_with_7x.install - Dummy update_test_with_7x update 7200.
- update_test_with_7x_update_7201 in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_with_7x/ update_test_with_7x.install - Dummy update_test_with_7x update 7201.
- update_test_with_7x_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ update_test_with_7x/ update_test_with_7x.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- update_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ update/ update.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- user_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ user/ user.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- views_post_update_views_data_argument_plugin_id in core/
modules/ views/ views.post_update.php - Post update configured views for entity reference argument plugin IDs.
- views_ui_ajax_update_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ admin.inc - Updates a part of the add view form via AJAX.
- views_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ views/ views.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- workspaces_update_11101 in core/
modules/ workspaces/ workspaces.install - Update workspace associations to support entity types with string IDs.
- workspaces_update_11102 in core/
modules/ workspaces/ workspaces.install - Install the new Workspaces UI module.
- workspaces_update_last_removed in core/
modules/ workspaces/ workspaces.install - Implements hook_update_last_removed().
- workspace_update_test_post_update_check_active_workspace in core/
modules/ workspaces/ tests/ modules/ workspace_update_test/ workspace_update_test.post_update.php - Checks the active workspace during database updates.
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