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modules/ migrate/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ SourcePluginBase.php
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namespace Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase;
use Drupal\migrate\Event\MigrateRollbackEvent;
use Drupal\migrate\Event\RollbackAwareInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateException;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateSkipRowException;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateIdMapInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateSourceInterface;
use Drupal\migrate\Row;
* The base class for source plugins.
* Available configuration keys:
* - cache_counts: (optional) If set, cache the source count.
* - cache_key: (optional) Uniquely named cache key used for cache_counts.
* - skip_count: (optional) If set, do not attempt to count the source.
* - track_changes: (optional) If set, track changes to incoming data.
* - high_water_property: (optional) It is an array of name & alias values
* (optional table alias). This high_water_property is typically a timestamp
* or serial id showing what was the last imported record. Only content with a
* higher value will be imported.
* The high_water_property and track_changes are mutually exclusive.
* Example:
* @code
* source:
* plugin: some_source_plugin_name
* cache_counts: true
* track_changes: true
* @endcode
* This example uses the plugin "some_source_plugin_name" and caches the count
* of available source records to save calculating it every time count() is
* called. Changes to incoming data are watched (because track_changes is true),
* which can affect the result of prepareRow().
* Example:
* @code
* source:
* plugin: some_source_plugin_name
* skip_count: true
* high_water_property:
* name: changed
* alias: n
* @endcode
* In this example, skip_count is true which means count() will not attempt to
* count the available source records, but just always return -1 instead. The
* high_water_property defines which field marks the last imported row of the
* migration. This will get converted into a SQL condition that looks like
* 'n.changed' or 'changed' if no alias.
* @see \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigratePluginManager
* @see \Drupal\migrate\Annotation\MigrateSource
* @see \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateSourceInterface
* @see plugin_api
* @ingroup migration
abstract class SourcePluginBase extends PluginBase implements MigrateSourceInterface, RollbackAwareInterface {
* The module handler service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
protected $moduleHandler;
* The entity migration object.
* @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrationInterface
protected $migration;
* The current row from the query.
* @var \Drupal\migrate\Row
protected $currentRow;
* The primary key of the current row.
* @var array
protected $currentSourceIds;
* Information on the property used as the high-water mark.
* Array of 'name' and (optional) db 'alias' properties used for high-water
* mark.
* @var array
protected $highWaterProperty = [];
* The key-value storage for the high-water value.
* @var \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreInterface
protected $highWaterStorage;
* The high water mark at the beginning of the import operation.
* If the source has a property for tracking changes (like Drupal has
* node.changed) then this is the highest value of those imported so far.
* @var int
protected $originalHighWater;
* Whether this instance should cache the source count.
* @var bool
protected $cacheCounts = FALSE;
* Key to use for caching counts.
* @var string
protected $cacheKey;
* Whether this instance should not attempt to count the source.
* @var bool
protected $skipCount = FALSE;
* Flags whether to track changes to incoming data.
* If TRUE, we will maintain hashed source rows to determine whether incoming
* data has changed.
* @var bool
protected $trackChanges = FALSE;
* Flags whether source plugin will read the map row and add to data row.
* By default, next() will directly read the map row and add it to the data
* row. A source plugin implementation may do this itself (in particular, the
* SQL source can incorporate the map table into the query) - if so, it should
* set this TRUE so we don't duplicate the effort.
* @var bool
protected $mapRowAdded = FALSE;
* The backend cache.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
protected $cache;
* The migration ID map.
* @var \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigrateIdMapInterface
protected $idMap;
* The iterator to iterate over the source rows.
* @var \Iterator
protected $iterator;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, MigrationInterface $migration) {
parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
$this->migration = $migration;
// Set up some defaults based on the source configuration.
foreach ([
'cacheCounts' => 'cache_counts',
'skipCount' => 'skip_count',
'trackChanges' => 'track_changes',
] as $property => $config_key) {
if (isset($configuration[$config_key])) {
$this->{$property} = (bool) $configuration[$config_key];
$this->cacheKey = !empty($configuration['cache_key']) ? $configuration['cache_key'] : NULL;
$this->idMap = $this->migration
$this->highWaterProperty = !empty($configuration['high_water_property']) ? $configuration['high_water_property'] : FALSE;
// Pull out the current highwater mark if we have a highwater property.
if ($this->highWaterProperty) {
$this->originalHighWater = $this->getHighWater();
// Don't allow the use of both highwater and track changes together.
if ($this->highWaterProperty && $this->trackChanges) {
throw new MigrateException('You should either use a highwater mark or track changes not both. They are both designed to solve the same problem');
* Initializes the iterator with the source data.
* @return \Iterator
* Returns an iteratable object of data for this source.
protected abstract function initializeIterator();
* Gets the module handler.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
* The module handler.
protected function getModuleHandler() {
if (!isset($this->moduleHandler)) {
$this->moduleHandler = \Drupal::moduleHandler();
return $this->moduleHandler;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function prepareRow(Row $row) {
$result = TRUE;
try {
$result_hook = $this->getModuleHandler()
->invokeAll('migrate_prepare_row', [
$result_named_hook = $this->getModuleHandler()
->invokeAll('migrate_' . $this->migration
->id() . '_prepare_row', [
// We will skip if any hook returned FALSE.
$skip = $result_hook && in_array(FALSE, $result_hook) || $result_named_hook && in_array(FALSE, $result_named_hook);
$save_to_map = TRUE;
} catch (MigrateSkipRowException $e) {
$skip = TRUE;
$save_to_map = $e->getSaveToMap();
if ($message = trim($e->getMessage())) {
->saveMessage($row->getSourceIdValues(), $message, MigrationInterface::MESSAGE_INFORMATIONAL);
// We're explicitly skipping this row - keep track in the map table.
if ($skip) {
// Make sure we replace any previous messages for this item with any
// new ones.
if ($save_to_map) {
->saveIdMapping($row, [], MigrateIdMapInterface::STATUS_IGNORED);
$this->currentRow = NULL;
$this->currentSourceIds = NULL;
$result = FALSE;
elseif ($this->trackChanges) {
// When tracking changed data, We want to quietly skip (rather than
// "ignore") rows with changes. The caller needs to make that decision,
// so we need to provide them with the necessary information (before and
// after hashes).
return $result;
* Returns the iterator that will yield the row arrays to be processed.
* @return \Iterator
* The iterator that will yield the row arrays to be processed.
protected function getIterator() {
if (!isset($this->iterator)) {
$this->iterator = $this->initializeIterator();
return $this->iterator;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function current() {
return $this->currentRow;
* Gets the iterator key.
* Implementation of \Iterator::key() - called when entering a loop iteration,
* returning the key of the current row. It must be a scalar - we will
* serialize to fulfill the requirement, but using getCurrentIds() is
* preferable.
public function key() {
return serialize($this->currentSourceIds);
* Checks whether the iterator is currently valid.
* Implementation of \Iterator::valid() - called at the top of the loop,
* returning TRUE to process the loop and FALSE to terminate it.
public function valid() {
return isset($this->currentRow);
* Rewinds the iterator.
* Implementation of \Iterator::rewind() - subclasses of SourcePluginBase
* should implement initializeIterator() to do any class-specific setup for
* iterating source records.
public function rewind() {
* {@inheritdoc}
* The migration iterates over rows returned by the source plugin. This
* method determines the next row which will be processed and imported into
* the system.
* The method tracks the source and destination IDs using the ID map plugin.
* This also takes care about highwater support. Highwater allows to reimport
* rows from a previous migration run, which got changed in the meantime.
* This is done by specifying a highwater field, which is compared with the
* last time, the migration got executed (originalHighWater).
public function next() {
$this->currentSourceIds = NULL;
$this->currentRow = NULL;
// In order to find the next row we want to process, we ask the source
// plugin for the next possible row.
while (!isset($this->currentRow) && $this->getIterator()
->valid()) {
$row_data = $this->getIterator()
->current() + $this->configuration;
$row = new Row($row_data, $this->getIds());
// Populate the source key for this row.
$this->currentSourceIds = $row->getSourceIdValues();
// Pick up the existing map row, if any, unless fetchNextRow() did it.
if (!$this->mapRowAdded && ($id_map = $this->idMap
->getRowBySource($this->currentSourceIds))) {
// Clear any previous messages for this row before potentially adding
// new ones.
if (!empty($this->currentSourceIds)) {
->delete($this->currentSourceIds, TRUE);
// Preparing the row gives source plugins the chance to skip.
if ($this->prepareRow($row) === FALSE) {
// Check whether the row needs processing.
// 1. This row has not been imported yet.
// 2. Explicitly set to update.
// 3. The row is newer than the current highwater mark.
// 4. If no such property exists then try by checking the hash of the row.
if (!$row->getIdMap() || $row->needsUpdate() || $this->aboveHighwater($row) || $this->rowChanged($row)) {
$this->currentRow = $row->freezeSource();
if ($this->getHighWaterProperty()) {
* Position the iterator to the following row.
protected function fetchNextRow() {
* Check if the incoming data is newer than what we've previously imported.
* @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row
* The row we're importing.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the highwater value in the row is greater than our current value.
protected function aboveHighwater(Row $row) {
return $this->getHighWaterProperty() && $row->getSourceProperty($this->highWaterProperty['name']) > $this->originalHighWater;
* Checks if the incoming row has changed since our last import.
* @param \Drupal\migrate\Row $row
* The row we're importing.
* @return bool
* TRUE if the row has changed otherwise FALSE.
protected function rowChanged(Row $row) {
return $this->trackChanges && $row->changed();
* Gets the currentSourceIds data member.
public function getCurrentIds() {
return $this->currentSourceIds;
* Gets the source count.
* Return a count of available source records, from the cache if appropriate.
* Returns -1 if the source is not countable.
* @param bool $refresh
* (optional) Whether or not to refresh the count. Defaults to FALSE. Not
* all implementations support the reset flag. In such instances this
* parameter is ignored and the result of calling the method will always be
* up to date.
* @return int
* The count.
public function count($refresh = FALSE) {
if ($this->skipCount) {
return -1;
if (!isset($this->cacheKey)) {
$this->cacheKey = hash('sha256', $this->getPluginId());
// If a refresh is requested, or we're not caching counts, ask the derived
// class to get the count from the source.
if ($refresh || !$this->cacheCounts) {
$count = $this->doCount();
->set($this->cacheKey, $count);
else {
// Caching is in play, first try to retrieve a cached count.
$cache_object = $this->getCache()
->get($this->cacheKey, 'cache');
if (is_object($cache_object)) {
// Success.
$count = $cache_object->data;
else {
// No cached count, ask the derived class to count 'em up, and cache
// the result.
$count = $this->doCount();
->set($this->cacheKey, $count);
return $count;
* Gets the cache object.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
* The cache object.
protected function getCache() {
if (!isset($this->cache)) {
$this->cache = \Drupal::cache('migrate');
return $this->cache;
* Gets the source count checking if the source is countable or using the
* iterator_count function.
* @return int
protected function doCount() {
$iterator = $this->getIterator();
return $iterator instanceof \Countable ? $iterator->count() : iterator_count($this->initializeIterator());
* Get the high water storage object.
* @return \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreInterface
* The storage object.
protected function getHighWaterStorage() {
if (!isset($this->highWaterStorage)) {
$this->highWaterStorage = \Drupal::keyValue('migrate:high_water');
return $this->highWaterStorage;
* The current value of the high water mark.
* The high water mark defines a timestamp stating the time the import was last
* run. If the mark is set, only content with a higher timestamp will be
* imported.
* @return int|null
* A Unix timestamp representing the high water mark, or NULL if no high
* water mark has been stored.
protected function getHighWater() {
return $this->getHighWaterStorage()
* Save the new high water mark.
* @param int $high_water
* The high water timestamp.
protected function saveHighWater($high_water) {
->id(), $high_water);
* Get information on the property used as the high watermark.
* Array of 'name' & (optional) db 'alias' properties used for high watermark.
* @see \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source\SqlBase::initializeIterator()
* @return array
* The property used as the high watermark.
protected function getHighWaterProperty() {
return $this->highWaterProperty;
* Get the name of the field used as the high watermark.
* The name of the field qualified with an alias if available.
* @see \Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source\SqlBase::initializeIterator()
* @return string|null
* The name of the field for the high water mark, or NULL if not set.
protected function getHighWaterField() {
if (!empty($this->highWaterProperty['name'])) {
return !empty($this->highWaterProperty['alias']) ? $this->highWaterProperty['alias'] . '.' . $this->highWaterProperty['name'] : $this->highWaterProperty['name'];
return NULL;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function preRollback(MigrateRollbackEvent $event) {
// Nothing to do in this implementation.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function postRollback(MigrateRollbackEvent $event) {
// Reset the high-water mark.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getSourceModule() {
if (!empty($this->configuration['source_module'])) {
return $this->configuration['source_module'];
elseif (!empty($this->pluginDefinition['source_module'])) {
return $this->pluginDefinition['source_module'];
return NULL;
Title | Deprecated | Summary |
SourcePluginBase | The base class for source plugins. |
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