Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9.x core/modules/system/tests/src/Kernel/Token/TokenReplaceKernelTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Kernel\Token\TokenReplaceKernelTest
  2. 9 core/modules/system/tests/src/Kernel/Token/TokenReplaceKernelTest.php \Drupal\Tests\system\Kernel\Token\TokenReplaceKernelTest

Tests token replacement.

@group system


Expanded class hierarchy of TokenReplaceKernelTest


core/modules/system/tests/src/Kernel/Token/TokenReplaceKernelTest.php, line 20


View source
class TokenReplaceKernelTest extends TokenReplaceKernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Set the site name to something other than an empty string.
      ->set('name', 'Drupal')

   * Tests whether token-replacement works in various contexts.
  public function testSystemTokenRecognition() {

    // Generate prefixes and suffixes for the token context.
    $tests = [
        'prefix' => 'this is the ',
        'suffix' => ' site',
        'prefix' => 'this is the',
        'suffix' => 'site',
        'prefix' => '[',
        'suffix' => ']',
        'prefix' => '',
        'suffix' => ']]]',
        'prefix' => '[[[',
        'suffix' => '',
        'prefix' => ':[:',
        'suffix' => '--]',
        'prefix' => '-[-',
        'suffix' => ':]:',
        'prefix' => '[:',
        'suffix' => ']',
        'prefix' => '[site:',
        'suffix' => ':name]',
        'prefix' => '[site:',
        'suffix' => ']',

    // Check if the token is recognized in each of the contexts.
    foreach ($tests as $test) {
      $input = $test['prefix'] . '[site:name]' . $test['suffix'];
      $expected = $test['prefix'] . 'Drupal' . $test['suffix'];
      $output = $this->tokenService
        ->replace($input, [], [
        'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
        ->assertSame($expected, $output, "Token recognized in string {$input}");

    // Test token replacement when the string contains no tokens.
      ->assertEquals('No tokens here.', $this->tokenService
      ->replace('No tokens here.'));

   * Tests the clear parameter.
  public function testClear() {

    // Valid token.
    $source = '[site:name]';

    // No user passed in, should be untouched.
    $source .= '[user:name]';

    // Non-existing token.
    $source .= '[bogus:token]';

    // Replace with the clear parameter, only the valid token should remain.
    $target = Html::escape($this
    $result = $this->tokenService
      ->replace($source, [], [
      'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
      'clear' => TRUE,
      ->assertEquals($target, $result, 'Valid tokens replaced while invalid tokens ignored.');
    $target .= '[user:name]';
    $target .= '[bogus:token]';
    $result = $this->tokenService
      ->replace($source, [], [
      'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
      ->assertEquals($target, $result, 'Valid tokens replaced while invalid tokens ignored.');

   * Tests the generation of all system site information tokens.
  public function testSystemSiteTokenReplacement() {
    $url_options = [
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      'language' => $this->interfaceLanguage,
    $slogan = '<blink>Slogan</blink>';
    $safe_slogan = Xss::filterAdmin($slogan);

    // Set a few site variables.
    $config = $this
      ->set('name', '<strong>Drupal<strong>')
      ->set('slogan', $slogan)
      ->set('mail', '')

    // Generate and test tokens.
    $tests = [];
    $tests['[site:name]'] = Html::escape($config
    $tests['[site:slogan]'] = $safe_slogan;
    $tests['[site:mail]'] = $config
    $tests['[site:url]'] = Url::fromRoute('<front>', [], $url_options)
    $tests['[site:url-brief]'] = preg_replace([
    ], '', Url::fromRoute('<front>', [], $url_options)
    $tests['[site:base-url]'] = 'http://localhost';
    $tests['[site:login-url]'] = Url::fromRoute('', [], $url_options)
    $base_bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
    $metadata_tests = [];
    $metadata_tests['[site:name]'] = BubbleableMetadata::createFromObject(\Drupal::config(''));
    $metadata_tests['[site:slogan]'] = BubbleableMetadata::createFromObject(\Drupal::config(''));
    $metadata_tests['[site:mail]'] = BubbleableMetadata::createFromObject(\Drupal::config(''));
    $bubbleable_metadata = clone $base_bubbleable_metadata;
    $metadata_tests['[site:base-url]'] = $bubbleable_metadata
    $metadata_tests['[site:url]'] = $bubbleable_metadata
    $metadata_tests['[site:url-brief]'] = $bubbleable_metadata;
    $metadata_tests['[site:login-url]'] = $bubbleable_metadata;

    // Test to make sure that we generated something for each token.
      ->assertNotContains(0, array_map('strlen', $tests), 'No empty tokens generated.');
    foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) {
      $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
      $output = $this->tokenService
        ->replace($input, [], [
        'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
      ], $bubbleable_metadata);
        ->assertEquals($expected, $output, "System site information token {$input} replaced.");
        ->assertEquals($metadata_tests[$input], $bubbleable_metadata);

    // Test [site:base-url] and [site:base-path] token with a subdirectory.
    $request_stack = \Drupal::requestStack();

    // Test request with subdirectory on homepage.
    $server = [
      'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/subdir/index.php',
      'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => $this->root . '/subdir/index.php',
      'SERVER_NAME' => 'http://localhost',
    $request = Request::create('/subdir/', 'GET', [], [], [], $server);
      ->setSession(new Session(new MockArraySessionStorage()));
    $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
      ->assertEquals('http://localhost/subdir', $this->tokenService
      ->replace('[site:base-url]', [], [
      'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
    ], $bubbleable_metadata));
      ->assertEquals((new BubbleableMetadata())
    ]), $bubbleable_metadata);
    $bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
      ->assertEquals('/subdir', $this->tokenService
      ->replace('[site:base-path]', [], [
      'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
    ], $bubbleable_metadata));
      ->assertEquals((new BubbleableMetadata())
    ]), $bubbleable_metadata);

   * Tests the generation of all system date tokens.
  public function testSystemDateTokenReplacement() {

    // Set time to one hour before request.
    $date = \Drupal::time()
      ->getRequestTime() - 3600;

    // Generate and test tokens.
    $tests = [];
    $date_formatter = \Drupal::service('date.formatter');
    $tests['[date:short]'] = $date_formatter
      ->format($date, 'short', '', NULL, $this->interfaceLanguage
    $tests['[date:medium]'] = $date_formatter
      ->format($date, 'medium', '', NULL, $this->interfaceLanguage
    $tests['[date:long]'] = $date_formatter
      ->format($date, 'long', '', NULL, $this->interfaceLanguage
    $tests['[date:custom:m/j/Y]'] = $date_formatter
      ->format($date, 'custom', 'm/j/Y', NULL, $this->interfaceLanguage
    $tests['[date:since]'] = $date_formatter
      ->formatTimeDiffSince($date, [
      'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
    $tests['[date:raw]'] = Xss::filter($date);

    // Test to make sure that we generated something for each token.
      ->assertNotContains(0, array_map('strlen', $tests), 'No empty tokens generated.');
    foreach ($tests as $input => $expected) {
      $output = $this->tokenService
        ->replace($input, [
        'date' => $date,
      ], [
        'langcode' => $this->interfaceLanguage
        ->assertEquals($expected, $output, "Date token {$input} replaced.");



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
EntityKernelTestBase::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity type manager service. 1
EntityKernelTestBase::$generatedIds protected property A list of generated identifiers.
EntityKernelTestBase::$state protected property The state service.
EntityKernelTestBase::createUser protected function Creates a user.
EntityKernelTestBase::generateRandomEntityId protected function Generates a random ID avoiding collisions.
EntityKernelTestBase::getHooksInfo protected function Returns the entity_test hook invocation info.
EntityKernelTestBase::installModule protected function Installs a module and refreshes services.
EntityKernelTestBase::refreshServices protected function Refresh services.
EntityKernelTestBase::reloadEntity protected function Reloads the given entity from the storage and returns it.
EntityKernelTestBase::uninstallModule protected function Uninstalls a module and refreshes services.
TokenReplaceKernelTest::setUp protected function Overrides TokenReplaceKernelTestBase::setUp
TokenReplaceKernelTest::testClear public function Tests the clear parameter.
TokenReplaceKernelTest::testSystemDateTokenReplacement public function Tests the generation of all system date tokens.
TokenReplaceKernelTest::testSystemSiteTokenReplacement public function Tests the generation of all system site information tokens.
TokenReplaceKernelTest::testSystemTokenRecognition public function Tests whether token-replacement works in various contexts.
TokenReplaceKernelTestBase::$interfaceLanguage protected property The interface language.
TokenReplaceKernelTestBase::$modules protected static property Modules to enable. Overrides EntityKernelTestBase::$modules 1
TokenReplaceKernelTestBase::$tokenService protected property Token service.
UserCreationTrait::checkPermissions protected function Checks whether a given list of permission names is valid. Aliased as: drupalCheckPermissions
UserCreationTrait::createAdminRole protected function Creates an administrative role. Aliased as: drupalCreateAdminRole
UserCreationTrait::createRole protected function Creates a role with specified permissions. Aliased as: drupalCreateRole
UserCreationTrait::createUser protected function Create a user with a given set of permissions. Aliased as: drupalCreateUser
UserCreationTrait::grantPermissions protected function Grant permissions to a user role. Aliased as: drupalGrantPermissions
UserCreationTrait::setCurrentUser protected function Switch the current logged in user. Aliased as: drupalSetCurrentUser
UserCreationTrait::setUpCurrentUser protected function Creates a random user account and sets it as current user. Aliased as: drupalSetUpCurrentUser