126 calls to DrupalWebTestCase::xpath()
- AggregatorRenderingTestCase::testBlockLinks in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Adds a feed block to the page and checks its links.
- AggregatorRenderingTestCase::testFeedPage in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Creates a feed and checks that feed's page.
- AJAXFormPageCacheTestCase::getFormBuildId in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ ajax.test - Return the build id of the current form.
- AJAXMultiFormTestCase::testMultiForm in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ ajax.test - Test that a page with the 'page_node_form' included twice works correctly.
- BlockTestCase::testCustomBlock in modules/
block/ block.test - Test creating custom block, moving it to a specific region and then deleting it.
- BookTestCase::checkBookNode in modules/
book/ book.test - Checks the outline of sub-pages; previous, up, and next.
- CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testModuleInfo in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test that stylesheets in module .info files are loaded.
- CommentInterfaceTest::assertCommentLinks in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Asserts that comment links appear according to the passed environment setup.
- CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentClasses in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Tests CSS classes on comments.
- CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentNewCommentsIndicator in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Tests new comment marker.
- CommentPagerTest::assertCommentOrder in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Helper function: assert that the comments are displayed in the correct order.
- CommentPreviewTest::testCommentEditPreviewSave in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Test comment edit, preview, and save.
- ConfirmFormTest::assertCancelLinkUrl in modules/
system/ system.test - Asserts that a cancel link is present pointing to the provided URL.
- DashboardBlocksTestCase::testBlockAvailability in modules/
dashboard/ dashboard.test - Tests that administrative blocks are available for the dashboard.
- DashboardBlocksTestCase::testDashboardRegions in modules/
dashboard/ dashboard.test - Tests that dashboard regions are displayed or hidden properly.
- DBLogTestCase::doUser in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Generates and then verifies some user events.
- DBLogTestCase::getLogEntries in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Gets the database log event information from the browser page.
- DrupalAddHtmlHeadLinkTest::testDrupalAddHtmlHeadLink in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests drupal_add_html_head_link().
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertFieldByXPath in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that a field exists in the current page by the given XPath.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertFieldChecked in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is checked.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertLink in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Pass if a link with the specified label is found, and optional with the specified index.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertLinkByHref in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Pass if a link containing a given href (part) is found.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoDuplicateIds in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that each HTML ID is used for just a single element.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoFieldByXPath in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that a field doesn't exist or its value doesn't match, by XPath.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoFieldChecked in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is not checked.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoLink in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Pass if a link with the specified label is not found.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoLinkByHref in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Pass if a link containing a given href (part) is not found.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoOptionSelected in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that a select option in the current page is not checked.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertNoTitle in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Pass if the page title is not the given string.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertOptionSelected in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked.
- DrupalWebTestCase::assertTitle in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Pass if the page title is the given string.
- DrupalWebTestCase::checkForMetaRefresh in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Check for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively. This function looks for the http-equiv attribute to be set to "Refresh" and is case-sensitive.
- DrupalWebTestCase::clickLink in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Follows a link by name.
- DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPost in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Execute a POST request on a Drupal page. It will be done as usual POST request with SimpleBrowser.
- DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPostAJAX in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Execute an Ajax submission.
- EnableDisableTestCase::testEnableDisable in modules/
system/ system.test - Test that all core modules can be enabled, disabled and uninstalled.
- FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormUnlimitedRequired in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Tests the position of the required label.
- FieldFormTestCase::testNestedFieldForm in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Tests Field API form integration within a subform.
- FieldUIManageFieldsTestCase::addExistingField in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Tests adding an existing field in another content type.
- FieldUIManageFieldsTestCase::createField in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Tests adding a new field.
- FieldUIManageFieldsTestCase::testHiddenFields in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Tests that Field UI respects the 'no_ui' option in hook_field_info().
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Helper for testing exploiting the temporary file removal using fid.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testMultiValuedWidget in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests upload and remove buttons for multiple multi-valued File fields.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testSingleValuedWidget in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests upload and remove buttons for a single-valued File field.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testWidgetValidation in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests validation with the Upload button.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFilterAdmin in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests filter administration functionality.
- FilterFormatAccessTestCase::testFormatPermissions in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests the Filter format access permissions functionality.
- FormCheckboxTestCase::testFormCheckbox in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - FormElementTestCase::testOptions in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests expansion of #options for #type checkboxes and radios.
- FormsElementsLabelsTestCase::testFormLabels in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Test form elements, labels, title attibutes and required marks output correctly and have the correct label option class if needed.
- FormsFormStoragePageCacheTestCase::getFormBuildId in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Return the build id of the current form.
- FormsFormStorageTestCase::testImmutableForm in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Verifies that form build-id is regenerated when loading an immutable form from the cache.
- FormsFormStorageTestCase::testImmutableFormLegacyProtection in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Verify that existing contrib code cannot overwrite immutable form state.
- FormsFormStorageTestCase::testMutableForm in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Verify that the form build-id remains the same when validation errors occur on a mutable form.
- FormsRebuildTestCase::testPreserveFormActionAfterAJAX in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests that a form's action is retained after an Ajax submission.
- FormsTestCase::testDisabledElements in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Test handling of disabled elements.
- FormsTestCase::testDisabledMarkup in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Verify markup for disabled form elements.
- FormsTestCase::testInputForgery in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Test Form API protections against input forgery.
- FormsTestCase::testRequiredCheckboxesRadio in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests validation for required checkbox, select, and radio elements.
- FormsTriggeringElementTestCase::testAttemptAccessControlBypass in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Test that $form_state['triggering_element'] does not get set to a button with #access=FALSE.
- ForumTestCase::doAdminTests in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Runs admin tests on the admin user.
- ForumTestCase::testForum in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Tests forum functionality through the admin and user interfaces.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testDefaultStyle in modules/
image/ image.test - Test to override, edit, then revert a style.
- LocaleLanguageSwitchingFunctionalTest::testLanguageBlock in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Functional tests for the language switcher block.
- LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::testMultilingualDisplaySettings in modules/
locale/ locale.test - LocalePathFunctionalTest::testPathLanguageConfiguration in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test if a language can be associated with a path alias.
- LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testStringValidation in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Tests the validation of the translation input.
- LocaleUILanguageNegotiationTest::testUrlLanguageFallback in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test URL language detection when the requested URL has no language.
- LocaleUpgradePathTestCase::testLocaleUpgradeDomain in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.locale.test - Test an upgrade with domain-based negotiation.
- LocaleUserLanguageFunctionalTest::testUserLanguageConfiguration in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test if user can change their default language.
- MenuBreadcrumbTestCase::testBreadCrumbs in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Tests breadcrumbs on node and administrative paths.
- MenuNodeTestCase::assertNoOption in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Asserts that a select option in the current page does not exist.
- MenuWebTestCase::assertBreadcrumb in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Assert that a given path shows certain breadcrumb links.
- MenuWebTestCase::getParts in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Returns the breadcrumb contents of the current page in the internal browser.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testIncompatibleCoreVersionDependency in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests enabling a module that depends on a module with an incompatible core version.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testIncompatibleModuleVersionDependency in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests enabling a module that depends on an incompatible version of a module.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testMissingModules in modules/
system/ system.test - Attempt to enable a module with a missing dependency.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testUninstallDependents in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests attempting to uninstall a module that has installed dependents.
- ModuleVersionTestCase::testModuleVersions in modules/
system/ system.test - Test version dependencies.
- NodeAccessBaseTableTestCase::assertTaxonomyPage in modules/
node/ node.test - Checks taxonomy/term listings to ensure only accessible nodes are listed.
- NodeAdminTestCase::testContentAdminSort in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests that the table sorting works on the content admin pages.
- NodeBlockFunctionalTest::testRecentNodeBlock in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests the recent comments block.
- NodeMultiByteUtf8Test::testMultiByteUtf8 in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests that multi-byte UTF-8 characters are stored and retrieved correctly.
- NodePostSettingsTestCase::testPagePostInfo in modules/
node/ node.test - Confirms "Basic page" content type and post information is on a new node.
- NodeQueryAlter::testNodeQueryAlterWithUI in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests that node access permissions are followed.
- NodeTitleTestCase::testNodeTitle in modules/
node/ node.test - Creates one node and tests if the node title has the correct value.
- OptionsSelectDynamicValuesTestCase::testSelectListDynamic in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_select' widget (single select).
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testSelectListMultiple in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_select' widget (multiple select).
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testSelectListSingle in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_select' widget (single select).
- PagerFunctionalWebTestCase::assertPagerItems in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ pager.test - Asserts pager items and links.
- PagerFunctionalWebTestCase::testActiveClass in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ pager.test - Tests markup and CSS classes of pager links.
- PathTestCase::testNodeAlias in modules/
path/ path.test - Tests alias functionality through the node interfaces.
- PollCreateTestCase::testPollClose in modules/
poll/ poll.test - PollCreateTestCase::testPollCreate in modules/
poll/ poll.test - PollExpirationTestCase::testAutoExpire in modules/
poll/ poll.test - PollTestCase::assertPollChoiceOrder in modules/
poll/ poll.test - Assert correct poll choice order in the node form after submission.
- PollUpgradePathTestCase::testPollUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.node.test - Test a successful upgrade.
- PollUpgradePathTestCase::testPollUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.poll.test - Test a successful upgrade.
- PollVoteCheckHostname::testHostnamePollVote in modules/
poll/ poll.test - Check that anonymous users with same ip cannot vote on poll more than once unless user is logged in.
- PollVoteTestCase::testPollVote in modules/
poll/ poll.test - RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testCommentRdfaMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Tests the presence of the RDFa markup for the title, date and author and homepage on registered users and anonymous comments.
- RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testCommentReplyOfRdfaMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Test RDF comment replies.
- RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::testNumberOfCommentsRdfaMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Tests the presence of the RDFa markup for the number of comments.
- RdfCommentAttributesTestCase::_testBasicCommentRdfaMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Helper function for testCommentRdfaMarkup().
- RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testAttributesInMarkup1 in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Create a node of type blog and test whether the RDF mapping defined for this node type in rdf_test.module is used in the node page.
- RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testAttributesInMarkup2 in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Create a content type and a node of type test_bundle_hook_install and test whether the RDF mapping defined in rdf_test.install is used.
- RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testAttributesInMarkup3 in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Create a random content type and node and ensure the default mapping for node is used.
- RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testTaxonomyTermRdfaAttributes in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Creates a random term and ensures the right RDFa markup is used.
- RdfMappingDefinitionTestCase::testUserAttributesInMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Create a random user and ensure the default mapping for user is used.
- RdfRdfaMarkupTestCase::testAttributesInMarkupFile in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Ensure that file fields have the correct resource as the object in RDFa when displayed as a teaser.
- RdfTrackerAttributesTestCase::_testBasicTrackerRdfaMarkup in modules/
rdf/ rdf.test - Helper function for testAttributesInTracker().
- SearchPageText::testSearchText in modules/
search/ search.test - Tests the failed search text, and various other text on the search page.
- SessionHttpsTestCase::testEmptySessionId in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ session.test - Tests that empty session IDs do not cause unrelated sessions to load.
- SessionHttpsTestCase::testHttpsSession in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ session.test - SessionTestCase::testSameSiteCookieAttributeNoneSecure in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ session.test - Test SameSite attribute = None by default on Secure session cookies.
- SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testXPathEscaping in modules/
simpletest/ simpletest.test - Tests XPath escaping.
- SimpleTestFunctionalTest::getResultFieldSet in modules/
simpletest/ simpletest.test - Get the fieldset containing the results for group this test is in.
- SyslogTestCase::testSettings in modules/
syslog/ syslog.test - Tests the syslog settings page.
- SystemThemeFunctionalTest::testThemeSettings in modules/
system/ system.test - Test the theme settings form.
- TranslationTestCase::addLanguage in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Installs the specified language, or enables it if it is already installed.
- TranslationTestCase::findContentByXPath in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Searches for elements matching the given xpath and value.
- UpgradePathTaxonomyTestCase::testTaxonomyUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.taxonomy.test - Basic tests for the taxonomy upgrade.
- UpgradePathTestCase::performUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.test - Perform the upgrade.
- UserAccountLinksUnitTests::testDisabledAccountLink in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests disabling the 'My account' link.
- UserAccountLinksUnitTests::testSecondaryMenu in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests the secondary menu.
- UserPictureTestCase::testExternalPicture in modules/
user/ user.test - Test HTTP schema working with user pictures.
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