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Title Object type File name Summary
ctools_get_access_plugins function includes/ Fetch metadata for all access control plugins.
ctools_get_plugins function includes/ Fetch a group of plugins by name.
ctools_get_plugins_reset function includes/ Reset all static caches that affect the result of ctools_get_plugins().
ctools_get_relevant_access_plugins function includes/ Fetch a list of access plugins that are available for a given list of
ctools_modal_add_plugin_js function includes/ @todo Deprecated this.
ctools_plugins_default_form_wrapper function includes/ A wrapper to provide a default submit so that plugins don't have to duplicate
a whole bunch of code to do what most of them want to do anyway.
ctools_plugins_default_form_wrapper_submit function includes/ Provide a default storage mechanism.
ctools_plugin_api_get_hook function includes/ Find out what hook to use to determine if modules support an API.
ctools_plugin_api_include function includes/ Load a group of API files.
ctools_plugin_api_info function includes/ Get an array of information about modules that support an API.
ctools_plugin_configure_form function includes/ Get a plugin configuration form. file ctools_plugin_example/ name = Chaos Tools (CTools) Plugin Example
description = Shows how an external module can provide ctools plugins (for Panels, etc.).
core = 7.x
package = Chaos tool suite
dependencies[] = advanced_help:advanced_help
dependencies[] =…
ctools_plugin_example.module file ctools_plugin_example/ctools_plugin_example.module Working sample module to demonstrate CTools 3 plugins. file ctools_plugin_example/ This module provides default panels to demonstrate the behavior of the plugins.
ctools_plugin_example_arg_length_ctools_access_check function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Check for access.
ctools_plugin_example_arg_length_ctools_access_settings function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Settings form for the 'by role' access plugin.
ctools_plugin_example_arg_length_ctools_access_summary function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Provide a summary description based upon the checked roles.
ctools_plugin_example_context_create_relcontext function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/contexts/ Create a context, either from manual configuration (form) or from an argument on the URL.
ctools_plugin_example_context_create_simplecontext function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/contexts/ Create a context, either from manual configuration or from an argument on the URL.
ctools_plugin_example_ctools_plugin_api function ctools_plugin_example/ctools_plugin_example.module Implement hook_ctools_plugin_api().
ctools_plugin_example_ctools_plugin_directory function ctools_plugin_example/ctools_plugin_example.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
ctools_plugin_example_default_page_manager_pages function ctools_plugin_example/ Default panels pages for CTools Plugin Example.
ctools_plugin_example_default_panel_pages function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/ Implements hook_default_panel_pages()
ctools_plugin_example_example_role_ctools_access_check function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Check for access.
ctools_plugin_example_example_role_ctools_access_settings function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Settings form for the 'by role' access plugin.
ctools_plugin_example_example_role_ctools_access_settings_submit function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Compress the roles allowed to the minimum.
ctools_plugin_example_example_role_ctools_access_summary function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/access/ Provide a summary description based upon the checked roles.
ctools_plugin_example_explanation_page function ctools_plugin_example/ctools_plugin_example.module Just provide an explanation page for the admin section.
ctools_plugin_example_menu function ctools_plugin_example/ctools_plugin_example.module Implements hook_menu.
ctools_plugin_example_simplecontext_content_type_admin_info function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/content_types/ Callback to provide administrative info (the preview in panels when building
a panel).
ctools_plugin_example_simplecontext_content_type_admin_title function ctools_plugin_example/plugins/content_types/
ctools_plugin_get_class function includes/ Get a class from a plugin, if it exists. If the plugin is not already
loaded, try ctools_plugin_load_class() instead.
ctools_plugin_get_directories function includes/ Get a list of directories to search for plugins of the given type.
ctools_plugin_get_function function includes/ Get a function from a plugin, if it exists. If the plugin is not already
loaded, try ctools_plugin_load_function() instead.
ctools_plugin_get_info function includes/ Ask a module for info about a particular plugin type.
ctools_plugin_get_plugin_type_info function includes/ Return the full list of plugin type info for all plugin types registered in
the current system.
ctools_plugin_load_class function includes/ Load a plugin and get a class name from it, returning success only if the
class exists.
ctools_plugin_load_function function includes/ Load a plugin and get a function name from it, returning success only
if the function exists.
ctools_plugin_load_hooks function includes/ Load plugin info for the provided hook; this is handled separately from
plugins from files.
ctools_plugin_load_includes function includes/ Load plugins from a directory.
ctools_plugin_process function includes/ Process a single hook implementation of a ctools plugin.
ctools_plugin_process_info function includes/ Process an info file for plugin information, rather than a hook.
ctools_plugin_sort function includes/ Sort callback for sorting plugins naturally. file tests/ name = Chaos tools plugins test
description = Provides hooks for testing ctools plugins.
package = Chaos tool suite
core = 7.x
dependencies[] = ctools:ctools
hidden = TRUE
ctools_plugin_test.module file tests/ctools_plugin_test.module Define some plugin systems to test CTools plugin includes.
ctools_plugin_test_ctools_plugin_directory function tests/ctools_plugin_test.module Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
ctools_plugin_test_ctools_plugin_test_big_hook_cached function tests/ctools_plugin_test.module Plugin callback.
ctools_plugin_test_ctools_plugin_test_big_hook_not_cached function tests/ctools_plugin_test.module Plugin callback.
ctools_plugin_test_ctools_plugin_type function tests/ctools_plugin_test.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
ctools_plugin_test_hook_cached_test function tests/ctools_plugin_test.module Callback for the big_hook_cached plugin.