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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
TwigNodeVisitorCheckDeprecations::$assignedNames | property | core/ |
The named variables set within the template. |
TwigNodeVisitorCheckDeprecations::$usedNames | property | core/ |
The named variables used in the template from the context. |
TwigNodeVisitorCheckDeprecations::enterNode | function | core/ |
TwigNodeVisitorCheckDeprecations::getPriority | function | core/ |
TwigNodeVisitorCheckDeprecations::leaveNode | function | core/ |
TwigSandboxPolicy::checkMethodAllowed | function | core/ |
TwigSandboxPolicy::checkPropertyAllowed | function | core/ |
TwigSandboxPolicy::checkSecurity | function | core/ |
TwigSimpleCheckToStringNode | class | core/ |
Defines a twig node for simplifying CheckToStringNode. |
TwigSimpleCheckToStringNode.php | file | core/ |
TwigSimpleCheckToStringNode::compile | function | core/ |
TwigTransTokenParser::checkTransString | function | core/ |
Ensure that any nodes that are parsed are only of allowed types. |
TypedConfigTest::$configSchemaCheckerExclusions | property | core/ |
UiHelperTrait::checkForMetaRefresh | function | core/ |
Checks for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively. |
Unicode::check | function | core/ |
Checks for Unicode support in PHP and sets the proper settings if possible. |
UnknownCheckpointException | class | core/ |
Thrown when trying to access a checkpoint that does not exist. |
UnknownCheckpointException.php | file | core/ |
update-last-check.html.twig | file | core/ |
Default theme implementation for the last time update data was checked. |
update-last-check.html.twig | file | core/ |
Theme override for the last time update data was checked. |
UpdateFetcherInterface::NOT_CHECKED | constant | core/ |
Project's status cannot be checked. |
UpdateManagerAccessCheck | class | core/ |
Determines whether allow authorized operations is set. |
UpdateManagerAccessCheck.php | file | core/ |
UpdateManagerAccessCheck::$settings | property | core/ |
Settings Service. |
UpdateManagerAccessCheck::access | function | core/ |
Checks access. |
UpdateManagerAccessCheck::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs an UpdateManagerAccessCheck object. |
UpdateManagerUpdate::removeCheckboxFromRow | function | core/ |
Prepares a row entry for use in a regular table, not a 'tableselect'. |
UpdateManagerUpdateTest::checkTableHeaders | function | core/ |
Checks headers for a given table on the Update form. |
UpdatePathTestBaseTest::testSchemaChecking | function | core/ |
Tests that schema can be excluded from testing. |
UpdatePathTestTrait::$checkEntityFieldDefinitionUpdates | property | core/ |
Fail the test if there are entity field definition updates needed. |
UpdatePathTestTrait::$checkFailedUpdates | property | core/ |
Fail the test if there are failed updates. |
update_check_requirements | function | core/ |
Checks update requirements and reports errors and (optionally) warnings. |
User::checkExistingPassword | function | core/ |
UserAccessControlHandler::checkAccess | function | core/ |
UserAccessControlHandler::checkFieldAccess | function | core/ |
UserAuth::$passwordChecker | property | core/ |
The password hashing service. |
UserAuthentication::$passwordChecker | property | core/ |
The password hashing service. |
UserAuthTest::testAddCheckToUrlForTrustedRedirectResponse | function | core/ |
Tests the auth that ends in a redirect from subdomain to TLD. |
UserAuthTest::testAddCheckToUrlForTrustedRedirectResponseWithFragment | function | core/ |
Tests the auth that ends in a redirect from subdomain with a fragment to TLD. |
UserCreationTrait::checkPermissions | function | core/ |
Checks whether a given list of permission names is valid. |
UserInterface::checkExistingPassword | function | core/ |
Checks the existing password if set. |
UserPermissionsTest::testPermissionCheckboxes | function | core/ |
Tests the fake checkboxes added to the permissions page. |
UserRolesAssignmentTest::userLoadAndCheckRoleAssigned | function | core/ |
Check role on user object. |
VariableTranslation::checkRequirements | function | core/ |
VariableTranslationCheckRequirementsTest | class | core/ |
Tests check requirements for variable translation source plugin. |
VariableTranslationCheckRequirementsTest.php | file | core/ |
VariableTranslationCheckRequirementsTest::$modules | property | core/ |
VariableTranslationCheckRequirementsTest::setUp | function | core/ |
VariableTranslationCheckRequirementsTest::testCheckRequirements | function | core/ |
Tests exception in thrown when the i18n_variable table does not exist. |
ViewModeAccessCheck | class | core/ |
Defines an access check for entity view mode routes. |
ViewModeAccessCheck.php | file | core/ |
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