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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
AccessGroupAnd | class | core/ |
An access group where all the dependencies must be allowed. |
AccessGroupAnd.php | file | core/ |
AccessGroupAnd::$dependencies | property | core/ |
The access dependencies. |
AccessGroupAnd::access | function | core/ |
Checks data value access. |
AccessGroupAnd::addDependency | function | core/ |
AccessGroupAnd::getDependencies | function | core/ |
AccessGroupAndTest | class | core/ |
Tests accessible groups. |
AccessGroupAndTest.php | file | core/ |
AccessGroupAndTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AccessGroupAndTest::testGroups | function | core/ |
@covers \Drupal\block_content\Access\AccessGroupAnd |
AjaxInGroupTest | class | core/ |
Tests that form elements in groups work correctly with AJAX. |
AjaxInGroupTest.php | file | core/ |
AjaxInGroupTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
AjaxInGroupTest::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
AjaxInGroupTest::setUp | function | core/ |
AjaxInGroupTest::testSimpleAjaxFormValue | function | core/ |
Submits forms with select and checkbox elements via Ajax. |
AreaPluginBase::usesGroupBy | function | core/ |
Provides the handler some group by. |
AssetCollectionGrouperInterface | interface | core/ |
Interface defining a service that logically groups a collection of assets. |
AssetCollectionGrouperInterface.php | file | core/ |
AssetCollectionGrouperInterface::group | function | core/ |
Groups a collection of assets into logical groups of asset collections. |
AssetCollectionGroupOptimizerInterface | interface | core/ |
Interface defining a service that optimizes a collection of assets. |
AssetCollectionGroupOptimizerInterface.php | file | core/ |
AssetCollectionGroupOptimizerInterface::optimizeGroup | function | core/ |
Optimizes a specific group of assets. |
AssetControllerBase::getGroup | function | core/ |
Gets a group. |
AssetControllerBase::getGroups | function | core/ |
Get grouped assets. |
AssetGroupSetHashTrait | trait | core/ |
Provides a method to generate a normalized hash of a given asset group set. |
AssetGroupSetHashTrait.php | file | core/ |
AssetGroupSetHashTrait::generateHash | function | core/ |
Generates a hash for an array of asset groups. |
AssetOptimizationTest::replaceGroupDelta | function | core/ |
Replaces the delta in the given URL. |
AssetOptimizationTest::replaceGroupHash | function | core/ |
Replaces the group hash in the given URL. |
BlockManagerTest::testGroupedDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getGroupedDefinitions |
Breakpoint::getGroup | function | core/ |
Returns the breakpoint group. |
BreakpointDiscoveryTest::testBreakpointGroups | function | core/ |
Tests the collection of breakpoint groups. |
BreakpointDiscoveryTest::testCustomBreakpointGroups | function | core/ |
Tests the custom breakpoint group provided by a theme and a module. |
BreakpointInterface::getGroup | function | core/ |
Returns the breakpoint group. |
BreakpointManager::$breakpointsByGroup | property | core/ |
Static cache of breakpoints keyed by group. |
BreakpointManager::getBreakpointsByGroup | function | core/ |
BreakpointManager::getGroupLabel | function | core/ |
Gets the label for a breakpoint group. |
BreakpointManager::getGroupProviders | function | core/ |
BreakpointManager::getGroups | function | core/ |
BreakpointManagerInterface::getBreakpointsByGroup | function | core/ |
Gets breakpoints for the specified group. |
BreakpointManagerInterface::getGroupProviders | function | core/ |
Gets all the providers for the specified breakpoint group. |
BreakpointManagerInterface::getGroups | function | core/ |
Gets all the existing breakpoint groups. |
BreakpointTest::testGetGroup | function | core/ |
@covers ::getGroup |
Callbacks::checkboxGroupCallback | function | core/ |
Ajax callback triggered by the checkbox in a #group. |
CategorizingPluginManagerInterface::getGroupedDefinitions | function | core/ |
Gets sorted plugin definitions grouped by category. |
CategorizingPluginManagerTrait::getGroupedDefinitions | function | core/ |
CategorizingPluginManagerTraitTest::testGetGroupedDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers ::getGroupedDefinitions |
ComponentMetadata::$group | property | core/ |
The component group. |
ComponentMetadata::$group | property | core/ |
The component group. |
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