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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
MediaLibraryTestBase::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
The theme to install as the default for testing. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::$modules | property | core/ |
Modules to install. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::addMediaFileToField | function | core/ |
Waits for a file field to exist before uploading. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertAnnounceContains | function | core/ |
Checks for inclusion of text in #drupal-live-announce. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertElementExistsAfterWait | function | core/ |
Waits for the specified selector and returns it if not empty. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertMediaAdded | function | core/ |
Asserts a media item was added, but not yet saved. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertMediaLibraryGrid | function | core/ |
Asserts that the grid display of the widget view is visible. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertMediaLibraryTable | function | core/ |
Asserts that the table display of the widget view is visible. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertNoMediaAdded | function | core/ |
Asserts that media was not added, i.e. due to a validation error. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::assertSelectedMediaCount | function | core/ |
Asserts the current text of the selected item counter. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::createMediaItems | function | core/ |
Create media items. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::deselectMediaItem | function | core/ |
De-selects an item in the media library modal. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::getCheckboxes | function | core/ |
Gets all available media item checkboxes. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::getSelectionArea | function | core/ |
Gets the "Additional selected media" area after adding new media. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::getTypesMenu | function | core/ |
Gets the menu of available media types. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::openMediaLibraryForField | function | core/ |
Clicks a button that opens a media widget and confirms it is open. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::pressInsertSelected | function | core/ |
Presses the modal's "Insert selected" button. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::pressSaveButton | function | core/ |
Clicks "Save" button and waits for AJAX completion. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::saveAnd | function | core/ |
Clicks "Save and select||insert" button and waits for AJAX completion. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::selectMediaItem | function | core/ |
Selects an item in the media library modal. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::switchToMediaLibraryGrid | function | core/ |
Switches to the grid display of the widget view. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::switchToMediaLibraryTable | function | core/ |
Switches to the table display of the widget view. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::switchToMediaType | function | core/ |
Clicks a media type tab and waits for it to appear. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::waitForElementsCount | function | core/ |
Checks for a specified number of specific elements on page after wait. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::waitForElementTextContains | function | core/ |
Asserts that text appears in an element after a wait. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::waitForFieldExists | function | core/ |
Checks for the existence of a field on page after wait. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::waitForNoText | function | core/ |
Asserts that text does not appear on page after a wait. |
MediaLibraryTestBase::waitForText | function | core/ |
Asserts that text appears on page after a wait. |
MediaLibraryTestHooks | class | core/ |
Hook implementations for media_library_test. |
MediaLibraryTestHooks.php | file | core/ |
MediaLibraryTestHooks::entityFieldAccess | function | core/ |
Implements hook_entity_field_access(). |
MediaLibraryTestHooks::entityTypeAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_entity_type_alter(). |
MediaLibraryTestHooks::fieldWidgetInfoAlter | function | core/ |
Implements hook_field_widget_info_alter(). |
MediaLibraryTestHooks::mediaCreateAccess | function | core/ |
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_create_access(). |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder | class | core/ |
Service which builds the media library. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder.php | file | core/ |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::$entityTypeManager | property | core/ |
The entity type manager. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::$formBuilder | property | core/ |
The form builder. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::$openerResolver | property | core/ |
The media library opener resolver. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::$request | property | core/ |
The currently active request object. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::$viewsExecutableFactory | property | core/ |
The views executable factory. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildLibraryContent | function | core/ |
Build the media library content area. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildMediaLibraryView | function | core/ |
Get the media library view. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildMediaTypeAddForm | function | core/ |
Get the add form for the selected media type. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildMediaTypeMenu | function | core/ |
Get the media type menu for the media library. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::buildUi | function | core/ |
Build the media library UI. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::checkAccess | function | core/ |
Check access to the media library. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::dialogOptions | function | core/ |
Get media library dialog options. |
MediaLibraryUiBuilder::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a MediaLibraryUiBuilder instance. |
MediaLibraryViewsHooks | class | core/ |
Hook implementations for media_library. |
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