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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ContentPreprocessTest.php | file | core/ |
ContentPreprocessTest::routeNodeProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for self::testIsLatestVersionPage(). |
ContentPreprocessTest::setupCurrentRouteMatch | function | core/ |
Mock the current route matching object. |
ContentPreprocessTest::setupNode | function | core/ |
Mock a node object. |
ContentPreprocessTest::testIsLatestVersionPage | function | core/ |
@covers ::isLatestVersionPage @dataProvider routeNodeProvider |
content_moderation_preprocess_node | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). |
content_translation_language_configuration_element_process | function | core/ |
Process callback: Expands the language_configuration form element. |
content_translation_preprocess_language_content_settings_table | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for language-content-settings-table.html.twig. |
ContextualLinkManager::processDefinition | function | core/ |
Performs extra processing on plugin definitions. |
ContextualLinkManagerTest::testProcessDefinitionWithoutGroup | function | core/ |
Tests processDefinition() by passing a plugin definition without a group. |
ContextualLinkManagerTest::testProcessDefinitionWithoutRoute | function | core/ |
Tests processDefinition() by passing a plugin definition without a route. |
contextual_preprocess | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess(). |
CorsCompilerPass::process | function | core/ |
Cron::processQueue | function | core/ |
Processes a cron queue. |
Cron::processQueues | function | core/ |
Processes cron queues. |
CronQueueTestDatabaseDelayException::processItem | function | core/ |
CronQueueTestDeriverQueue::processItem | function | core/ |
CronQueueTestException::processItem | function | core/ |
CronQueueTestLeaseTime::processItem | function | core/ |
CronQueueTestMemoryDelayException::processItem | function | core/ |
CronQueueTestRequeueException::processItem | function | core/ |
CronQueueTestSuspendQueue::processItem | function | core/ |
CronTest::processQueuesTestData | function | core/ |
Data provider for ::testProcessQueues() method. |
CronTest::testProcessQueues | function | core/ |
Tests the ::processQueues() method. |
CssOptimizer::processCss | function | core/ |
Processes the contents of a stylesheet for aggregation. |
CssOptimizer::processFile | function | core/ |
Processes CSS file and adds base URLs to any relative resource paths. |
CssOptimizerUnitTest::testTypeFilePreprocessingDisabled | function | core/ |
Tests a file CSS asset with preprocessing disabled. |
D7Comment::getProcess | function | core/ |
Gets the normalized process plugin configuration. |
DateField::defineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Apply any custom processing to the field bundle migrations. |
DateFieldTest::providerTestDefineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Provides data for testDefineValueProcessPipeline(). |
DateFieldTest::testDefineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Tests defineValueProcessPipeline. |
DateFieldTest::testDefineValueProcessPipelineException | function | core/ |
Tests invalid date types throw an exception. |
Datelist::processDatelist | function | core/ |
Expands a date element into an array of individual elements. |
DateRangeFieldItemList::processDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Processes the default value before being applied. |
Datetime::processAjaxForm | function | core/ |
Form element processing handler for the #ajax form property. |
Datetime::processDatetime | function | core/ |
Expands a datetime element type into date and/or time elements. |
DateTimeFieldItemList::processDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Processes the default value before being applied. |
DateTimeFormInjectionTest::process | function | core/ |
Process callback. |
DbLogFormInjectionTest::process | function | core/ |
Process callback. |
DefaultPluginManager::processDefinition | function | core/ |
Performs extra processing on plugin definitions. |
DefaultPluginManagerTest::providerTestProcessDefinition | function | core/ |
DefaultPluginManagerTest::testProcessDefinition | function | core/ |
@covers ::processDefinition @dataProvider providerTestProcessDefinition |
DependencySerializationTraitPass::process | function | core/ |
DeprecatedServicePass::process | function | core/ |
DevelopmentSettingsPass::process | function | core/ |
DrupalTranslator::processParameters | function | core/ |
Processes the parameters array for use with TranslatableMarkup. |
Drupal\fixture_manipulator\ProcessFactory | service | core/ |
Drupal\package_manager\PackageManagerUpdateProcessor | service | core/ |
Drupal\package_manager\ProcessFactory | service | core/ |
Drupal\search\SearchTextProcessorInterface | service | core/ |
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