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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
Drupal\update\UpdateProcessorInterface | service | core/ |
EditorFileReference::process | function | core/ |
Performs the filter processing. |
Email::defineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Apply any custom processing to the field bundle migrations. |
Entity::processStubRow | function | core/ |
Populates as much of the stub row as possible. |
EntityAccessControlHandler::processAccessHookResults | function | core/ |
Determines entity access. |
EntityAutocomplete::processEntityAutocomplete | function | core/ |
Adds entity autocomplete functionality to a form element. |
EntityComment::processStubRow | function | core/ |
Populates as much of the stub row as possible. |
EntityContentBase::processStubRow | function | core/ |
Populates as much of the stub row as possible. |
EntityFieldRenderer::$processedRows | property | core/ |
A list of indexes of rows whose fields have already been rendered. |
EntityFile::processStubRow | function | core/ |
Populates as much of the stub row as possible. |
EntityForm::processForm | function | core/ |
Process callback: assigns weights and hides extra fields. |
EntityFormDisplay::processForm | function | core/ |
Process callback: assigns weights and hides extra fields. |
EntityMethodDeriver::processMethod | function | core/ |
Processes a method to create derivatives. |
EntityReferenceFieldItemList::processDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Processes the default value before being applied. |
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsAjaxProcess | function | core/ |
Render API callback: Processes the field settings form. |
EntityReferenceItem::fieldSettingsAjaxProcessElement | function | core/ |
Adds the field settings to AJAX form elements. |
EntityReferenceItem::formProcessMergeParent | function | core/ |
Render API callback that moves entity reference elements up a level. |
EntityTypeManager::processDefinition | function | core/ |
Performs extra processing on plugin definitions. |
EntityTypeManagerTest::testProcessDefinition | function | core/ |
Tests the processDefinition() method. |
EntityUser::processStubRow | function | core/ |
Populates as much of the stub row as possible. |
EntityViewsData::processViewsDataForEntityReference | function | core/ |
Processes the views data for an entity reference field. |
EntityViewsData::processViewsDataForLanguage | function | core/ |
Processes the views data for a language field. |
EntityViewsData::processViewsDataForTextLong | function | core/ |
Processes the views data for a text field with formatting. |
EntityViewsData::processViewsDataForUuid | function | core/ |
Processes the views data for a UUID field. |
ExtensionDiscovery::process | function | core/ |
Processes the filtered and sorted list of extensions. |
FieldBlock::formatterSettingsProcessCallback | function | core/ |
Render API callback: builds the formatter settings elements. |
FieldConfigEditForm::processFieldStorageSubmit | function | core/ |
Process handler for subform submit. |
FieldDiscovery::addAllFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
FieldDiscovery::addBundleFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
FieldDiscovery::addEntityFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
FieldDiscoveryInterface::addAllFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
Adds the field processes to a migration. |
FieldDiscoveryInterface::addBundleFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
Adds the field processes for a bundle to a migration. |
FieldDiscoveryInterface::addEntityFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
Adds the field processes for an entity to a migration. |
FieldDiscoveryTest::addAllFieldProcessesAltersData | function | core/ |
Provides data for testAddAllFieldProcessesAlters. |
FieldDiscoveryTest::addAllFieldProcessesAltersData | function | core/ |
Provides data for testAddAllFieldProcessesAlters. |
FieldDiscoveryTest::testAddAllFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
Tests the addAllFieldProcesses method. |
FieldDiscoveryTest::testAddAllFieldProcesses | function | core/ |
Tests the addAllFieldProcesses method. |
FieldDiscoveryTest::testAddAllFieldProcessesAlters | function | core/ |
Tests the addAllFieldProcesses method for field migrations. |
FieldDiscoveryTest::testAddAllFieldProcessesAlters | function | core/ |
Tests the addAllFieldProcesses method for field migrations. |
FieldDiscoveryTestTrait::assertFieldProcess | function | core/ |
Asserts the field discovery returns the expected processes. |
FieldDiscoveryTestTrait::assertFieldProcessKeys | function | core/ |
Asserts the field discovery returns the expected processes. |
FieldItemList::processDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Processes the default value before being applied. |
FieldItemListInterface::processDefaultValue | function | core/ |
Processes the default value before being applied. |
FieldMigration::getProcess | function | core/ |
Gets the normalized process plugin configuration. |
FieldPluginBase::defineValueProcessPipeline | function | core/ |
Apply any custom processing to the field bundle migrations. |
FieldPluginBaseTest::$pathProcessor | property | core/ |
The mocked path processor. |
FieldStorageAddForm::processFieldDefinitions | function | core/ |
Save field type definitions and categories in the form state. |
FieldTypePluginManager::processDefinition | function | core/ |
Performs extra processing on plugin definitions. |
field_ui_preprocess_form_element__new_storage_type | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). |
File::processFile | function | core/ |
Processes a file upload element, make use of #multiple if present. |
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