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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
FormTestGroupFieldsetForm::submitForm | function | core/ |
FormTestGroupVerticalTabsForm | class | core/ |
Builds a simple form to test the #group property on #type 'vertical_tabs'. |
FormTestGroupVerticalTabsForm.php | file | core/ |
FormTestGroupVerticalTabsForm::buildForm | function | core/ |
FormTestGroupVerticalTabsForm::getFormId | function | core/ |
FormTestGroupVerticalTabsForm::submitForm | function | core/ |
FormTestGroupVerticalTabsForm::validateForm | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric | class | core/ |
Handler for GROUP BY on simple numeric fields. |
GroupByNumeric | class | core/ |
Simple filter to handle greater than/less than filters. |
GroupByNumeric | class | core/ |
Simple handler for arguments using group by. |
GroupByNumeric.php | file | core/ |
GroupByNumeric.php | file | core/ |
GroupByNumeric.php | file | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::$handler | property | core/ |
The original handler. |
GroupByNumeric::adminLabel | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::adminLabel | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::adminLabel | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::canGroup | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::getSortName | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::init | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::opBetween | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::opEmpty | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::opSimple | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::query | function | core/ |
Called to add the field to a query. |
GroupByNumeric::query | function | core/ |
GroupByNumeric::query | function | core/ |
GroupByTest | class | core/ |
Tests UI of aggregate functionality.. |
GroupByTest.php | file | core/ |
GroupByTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
GroupByTest::$testViews | property | core/ |
Views used by this test. |
GroupByTest::testGroupBySave | function | core/ |
Tests whether basic saving works. |
GroupedExposedFilterTest | class | core/ |
Tests the grouped exposed filter admin UI. |
GroupedExposedFilterTest.php | file | core/ |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::$account | property | core/ |
The account. |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::$defaultTheme | property | core/ |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::$modules | property | core/ |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::$testViews | property | core/ |
Views used by this test. |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::setUp | function | core/ |
GroupedExposedFilterTest::testGroupedFilterValuesUI | function | core/ |
Tests if the right fields are shown and the right values set. |
GroupwiseMax | class | core/ |
The relationship handler for groupwise maximum queries. |
GroupwiseMax.php | file | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::alterSubqueryCondition | function | core/ |
Recursive helper to add a namespace to conditions. |
GroupwiseMax::buildOptionsForm | function | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::conditionNamespace | function | core/ |
Helper function to namespace query pieces. |
GroupwiseMax::defineOptions | function | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::getTemporaryView | function | core/ |
Helper function to create a pseudo view. |
GroupwiseMax::leftQuery | function | core/ |
Generate a subquery given the user options, as set in the options. |
GroupwiseMax::query | function | core/ |
GroupwiseMax::submitOptionsForm | function | core/ |
When the form is submitted, make sure to clear the subquery string cache. |
HandlerBase::buildGroupByForm | function | core/ |
Provide a form for aggregation settings. |
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