178 string references to 'Weight'
- block.schema.yml in core/
modules/ block/ config/ schema/ block.schema.yml - core/modules/block/config/schema/block.schema.yml
- block.schema.yml in core/
modules/ block/ config/ schema/ block.schema.yml - core/modules/block/config/schema/block.schema.yml
- BlockCreationTrait::placeBlock in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Traits/ BlockCreationTrait.php - Creates a block instance based on default settings.
- BlockDependenciesTest::createBlock in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Plugin/ BlockDependenciesTest.php - Creates a block instance based on default settings.
- BlockForm::form in core/
modules/ block/ src/ BlockForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- BlockForm::validateForm in core/
modules/ block/ src/ BlockForm.php - Form validation handler.
- BlockLibraryController::listBlocks in core/
modules/ block/ src/ Controller/ BlockLibraryController.php - Shows a list of blocks that can be added to a theme's layout.
- BlockListBuilder::buildBlocksForm in core/
modules/ block/ src/ BlockListBuilder.php - Builds the main "Blocks" portion of the form.
- BlockValidationTest::testWeightCannotBeNull in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ BlockValidationTest.php - @group legacy
- BlockValidationTest::testWeightValidation in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ BlockValidationTest.php - Tests validating weight.
- BlockWeightUpdateTest::testRunUpdates in core/
modules/ block/ tests/ src/ Functional/ BlockWeightUpdateTest.php - Tests update path for blocks' `weight` property.
- Book::fields in core/
modules/ book/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Book.php - Returns available fields on the source.
- Book::query in core/
modules/ book/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Book.php - Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database.
- BookAdminEditForm::bookAdminTable in core/
modules/ book/ src/ Form/ BookAdminEditForm.php - Builds the table portion of the form for the book administration page.
- BookManager::addFormElements in core/
modules/ book/ src/ BookManager.php - book_views_data in core/
modules/ book/ book.views.inc - Implements hook_views_data().
- ConfigDependencyManager::getDependentEntities in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Config/ Entity/ ConfigDependencyManager.php - Gets dependencies.
- ConfigDependencyManager::sortAll in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Config/ Entity/ ConfigDependencyManager.php - Sorts the dependencies in order of most dependent last.
- ConfigEntityAdapterTest::testGetIterator in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ ConfigEntityAdapterTest.php - @covers ::getIterator
- ConfigEntityAdapterTest::testSet in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ ConfigEntityAdapterTest.php - @covers ::set
- ConfigEntityAdapterTest::testValidate in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ ConfigEntityAdapterTest.php - @covers ::validate
- ConfigSchemaTest::testSchemaMapping in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigSchemaTest.php - Tests the basic metadata retrieval layer.
- ConfigSchemaTest::testSchemaMapping in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Config/ ConfigSchemaTest.php - Tests the basic metadata retrieval layer.
- ConfigTestForm::form in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ config_test/ src/ ConfigTestForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- ConfigTestForm::form in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ config_test/ src/ ConfigTestForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- config_schema_test.schema.yml in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ config_schema_test/ config/ schema/ config_schema_test.schema.yml - core/modules/config/tests/config_schema_test/config/schema/config_schema_test.schema.yml
- config_schema_test.schema.yml in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ config_schema_test/ config/ schema/ config_schema_test.schema.yml - core/modules/config/tests/config_schema_test/config/schema/config_schema_test.schema.yml
- config_test.schema.yml in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ config_test/ config/ schema/ config_test.schema.yml - core/modules/config/tests/config_test/config/schema/config_test.schema.yml
- config_test.schema.yml in core/
modules/ config/ tests/ config_test/ config/ schema/ config_test.schema.yml - core/modules/config/tests/config_test/config/schema/config_test.schema.yml
- contact.schema.yml in core/
modules/ contact/ config/ schema/ contact.schema.yml - core/modules/contact/config/schema/contact.schema.yml
- contact.schema.yml in core/
modules/ contact/ config/ schema/ contact.schema.yml - core/modules/contact/config/schema/contact.schema.yml
- ContactCategory::query in core/
modules/ contact/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ ContactCategory.php - Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database.
- ContactFormEditForm::form in core/
modules/ contact/ src/ ContactFormEditForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- contact_category.yml in core/
modules/ contact/ migrations/ contact_category.yml - core/modules/contact/migrations/contact_category.yml
- ContentTranslationHandler::addTranslatabilityClue in core/
modules/ content_translation/ src/ ContentTranslationHandler.php - Adds a clue about the form element translatability.
- core.data_types.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.data_types.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.data_types.schema.yml
- core.data_types.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.data_types.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.data_types.schema.yml
- core.entity.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.entity.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.entity.schema.yml
- core.entity.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.entity.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.entity.schema.yml
- core.extension.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.extension.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.extension.schema.yml
- core.menu.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.menu.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.menu.schema.yml
- core.menu.schema.yml in core/
config/ schema/ core.menu.schema.yml - core/config/schema/core.menu.schema.yml
- d6_block.yml in core/
modules/ block/ migrations/ d6_block.yml - core/modules/block/migrations/d6_block.yml
- d6_book.yml in core/
modules/ book/ migrations/ d6_book.yml - core/modules/book/migrations/d6_book.yml
- d6_field_formatter_settings.yml in core/
modules/ field/ migrations/ d6_field_formatter_settings.yml - core/modules/field/migrations/d6_field_formatter_settings.yml
- d6_field_instance_widget_settings.yml in core/
modules/ field/ migrations/ d6_field_instance_widget_settings.yml - core/modules/field/migrations/d6_field_instance_widget_settings.yml
- d6_menu_links.yml in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ migrations/ d6_menu_links.yml - core/modules/menu_link_content/migrations/d6_menu_links.yml
- d6_menu_links_localized.yml in core/
modules/ content_translation/ migrations/ d6_menu_links_localized.yml - core/modules/content_translation/migrations/d6_menu_links_localized.yml
- d6_taxonomy_term.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ migrations/ d6_taxonomy_term.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/migrations/d6_taxonomy_term.yml
- d6_taxonomy_term_translation.yml in core/
modules/ content_translation/ migrations/ d6_taxonomy_term_translation.yml - core/modules/content_translation/migrations/d6_taxonomy_term_translation.yml
- d6_taxonomy_vocabulary.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ migrations/ d6_taxonomy_vocabulary.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/migrations/d6_taxonomy_vocabulary.yml
- d7_block.yml in core/
modules/ block/ migrations/ d7_block.yml - core/modules/block/migrations/d7_block.yml
- d7_book.yml in core/
modules/ book/ migrations/ d7_book.yml - core/modules/book/migrations/d7_book.yml
- d7_filter_format.yml in core/
modules/ filter/ migrations/ d7_filter_format.yml - core/modules/filter/migrations/d7_filter_format.yml
- d7_image_styles.yml in core/
modules/ image/ migrations/ d7_image_styles.yml - core/modules/image/migrations/d7_image_styles.yml
- d7_menu_links.yml in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ migrations/ d7_menu_links.yml - core/modules/menu_link_content/migrations/d7_menu_links.yml
- d7_shortcut.yml in core/
modules/ shortcut/ migrations/ d7_shortcut.yml - core/modules/shortcut/migrations/d7_shortcut.yml
- d7_taxonomy_term.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ migrations/ d7_taxonomy_term.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/migrations/d7_taxonomy_term.yml
- d7_taxonomy_term_translation.yml in core/
modules/ content_translation/ migrations/ d7_taxonomy_term_translation.yml - core/modules/content_translation/migrations/d7_taxonomy_term_translation.yml
- d7_taxonomy_vocabulary.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ migrations/ d7_taxonomy_vocabulary.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/migrations/d7_taxonomy_vocabulary.yml
- d7_user_role.yml in core/
modules/ user/ migrations/ d7_user_role.yml - core/modules/user/migrations/d7_user_role.yml
- DraggableListBuilder::__construct in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Config/ Entity/ DraggableListBuilder.php - Constructs a new EntityListBuilder object.
- DraggableListBuilderTrait::buildForm in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ DraggableListBuilderTrait.php - Form constructor.
- DraggableListBuilderTrait::buildHeader in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ DraggableListBuilderTrait.php - Builds the header row for the entity listing.
- DraggableListBuilderTrait::buildRow in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Entity/ DraggableListBuilderTrait.php - Builds a row for an entity in the entity listing.
- drupal6.php in core/
modules/ statistics/ tests/ fixtures/ drupal6.php - A database agnostic dump for testing purposes.
- drupal6.php in core/
modules/ book/ tests/ fixtures/ drupal6.php - A database agnostic dump for testing purposes.
- drupal6.php in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ tests/ fixtures/ drupal6.php - A database agnostic dump for testing purposes.
- drupal7.php in core/
modules/ book/ tests/ fixtures/ drupal7.php - A database agnostic dump for testing purposes.
- EntityFormDisplayEditForm::getTableHeader in core/
modules/ field_ui/ src/ Form/ EntityFormDisplayEditForm.php - Returns an array containing the table headers.
- EntityTranslationTest::doTestLanguageFallback in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Entity/ EntityTranslationTest.php - Executes the language fallback test for the given entity type.
- EntityViewDisplayEditForm::getTableHeader in core/
modules/ field_ui/ src/ Form/ EntityViewDisplayEditForm.php - Returns an array containing the table headers.
- Extension::fields in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Extension.php - Returns available fields on the source.
- filter.schema.yml in core/
modules/ filter/ config/ schema/ filter.schema.yml - core/modules/filter/config/schema/filter.schema.yml
- filter.schema.yml in core/
modules/ filter/ config/ schema/ filter.schema.yml - core/modules/filter/config/schema/filter.schema.yml
- FilterCrudTest::verifyTextFormat in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FilterCrudTest.php - Verifies that a text format is properly stored.
- FilterDefaultConfigTest::testInstallation in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ FilterDefaultConfigTest.php - Tests installation of default formats.
- FilterFormatFormBase::form in core/
modules/ filter/ src/ FilterFormatFormBase.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- FilterPluginBase::buildExposedFiltersGroupForm in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ filter/ FilterPluginBase.php - Build the form to let users create the group of exposed filters.
- FilterPluginBase::buildExposedFiltersGroupForm in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ filter/ FilterPluginBase.php - Build the form to let users create the group of exposed filters.
- FormTestDisabledElementsForm::buildForm in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ form_test/ src/ Form/ FormTestDisabledElementsForm.php - Form constructor.
- image.schema.yml in core/
modules/ image/ config/ schema/ image.schema.yml - core/modules/image/config/schema/image.schema.yml
- ImageEffectFormBase::buildForm in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Form/ ImageEffectFormBase.php - ImageEffectFormBase::submitForm in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Form/ ImageEffectFormBase.php - Form submission handler.
- ImageStyleEditForm::effectSave in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Form/ ImageStyleEditForm.php - Submit handler for image effect.
- ImageStyleEditForm::form in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Form/ ImageStyleEditForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- language.schema.yml in core/
modules/ language/ config/ schema/ language.schema.yml - core/modules/language/config/schema/language.schema.yml
- language.schema.yml in core/
modules/ language/ config/ schema/ language.schema.yml - core/modules/language/config/schema/language.schema.yml
- language.yml in core/
modules/ language/ migrations/ language.yml - core/modules/language/migrations/language.yml
- LanguageFallbackTest::setUp in core/
modules/ language/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ LanguageFallbackTest.php - layout_builder.schema.yml in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ config/ schema/ layout_builder.schema.yml - core/modules/layout_builder/config/schema/layout_builder.schema.yml
- layout_builder.schema.yml in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ config/ schema/ layout_builder.schema.yml - core/modules/layout_builder/config/schema/layout_builder.schema.yml
- ListItemBase::storageSettingsForm in core/
modules/ options/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ ListItemBase.php - Returns a form for the storage-level settings.
- ListItemBase::storageSettingsForm in core/
modules/ options/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldType/ ListItemBase.php - Returns a form for the storage-level settings.
- MappingTest::providerMappingInterpretation in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Config/ Schema/ MappingTest.php - Provides test cases for all kinds of i) dynamic typing, ii) optional keys.
- MediaLibraryWidget::formElement in core/
modules/ media_library/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldWidget/ MediaLibraryWidget.php - Returns the form for a single field widget.
- MediaLibraryWidget::settingsForm in core/
modules/ media_library/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldWidget/ MediaLibraryWidget.php - Returns a form to configure settings for the widget.
- MediaLibraryWidget::settingsForm in core/
modules/ media_library/ src/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldWidget/ MediaLibraryWidget.php - Returns a form to configure settings for the widget.
- MenuForm::buildOverviewForm in core/
modules/ menu_ui/ src/ MenuForm.php - Form constructor to edit an entire menu tree at once.
- MenuForm::submitOverviewForm in core/
modules/ menu_ui/ src/ MenuForm.php - Submit handler for the menu overview form.
- MenuLinkDefaultForm::buildConfigurationForm in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Menu/ Form/ MenuLinkDefaultForm.php - Form constructor.
- MenuLinkDefaultForm::extractFormValues in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Menu/ Form/ MenuLinkDefaultForm.php - Extracts a plugin definition from form values.
- MenuLinkDefaultFormTest::testExtractFormValues in core/
tests/ Drupal/ Tests/ Core/ Menu/ MenuLinkDefaultFormTest.php - @covers ::extractFormValues
- MenuLinkDefaultFormTest::testMenuLinkDefaultFormCustomizations in core/
themes/ claro/ tests/ src/ Functional/ MenuLinkDefaultFormTest.php - Tests the MenuLinkDefaultForm customizations.
- MenuLinksTest::testPendingRevisions in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MenuLinksTest.php - Tests handling of pending revisions.
- MenuTreeHierarchyConstraint::coversFields in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ src/ Plugin/ Validation/ Constraint/ MenuTreeHierarchyConstraint.php - An array of entity fields which should be passed to the validator.
- MenuTreeStorage::loadByRoute in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Core/ Menu/ MenuTreeStorage.php - Loads multiple plugin definitions from the storage based on route.
- MenuUiHooks::formNodeFormAlter in core/
modules/ menu_ui/ src/ Hook/ MenuUiHooks.php - Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for \Drupal\node\NodeForm.
- MigrateFieldPluginManager::sortDefinitions in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ MigrateFieldPluginManager.php - Sorts a definitions array.
- MigrateFieldPluginManagerTest::testDefaultWeight in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrateFieldPluginManagerTest.php - Tests that plugins with no explicit weight are given a weight of 0.
- MigrateFilterFormatTest::assertEntity in core/
modules/ filter/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d7/ MigrateFilterFormatTest.php - Asserts various aspects of a filter format entity.
- MigrateRollbackEntityConfigTest::testConfigEntityRollback in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrateRollbackEntityConfigTest.php - Tests rolling back configuration entity translations.
- MigrateRollbackTest::testRollback in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ MigrateRollbackTest.php - Tests rolling back configuration and content entities.
- MigrateTaxonomyVocabularyTest::assertEntity in core/
modules/ forum/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d6/ MigrateTaxonomyVocabularyTest.php - Validate a migrated vocabulary contains the expected values.
- MigrateTaxonomyVocabularyTest::assertEntity in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d7/ MigrateTaxonomyVocabularyTest.php - Validate a migrated vocabulary contains the expected values.
- MigrateTaxonomyVocabularyTest::testTaxonomyVocabulary in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ Migrate/ d6/ MigrateTaxonomyVocabularyTest.php - Tests the Drupal 6 taxonomy vocabularies to Drupal 8 migration.
- MoveBlockForm::buildForm in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ src/ Form/ MoveBlockForm.php - Builds the move block form.
- NegotiationConfigureForm::submitForm in core/
modules/ language/ src/ Form/ NegotiationConfigureForm.php - Form submission handler.
- node_translation_menu_links.yml in core/
modules/ content_translation/ migrations/ node_translation_menu_links.yml - core/modules/content_translation/migrations/node_translation_menu_links.yml
- OverviewTerms::buildForm in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Form/ OverviewTerms.php - Form constructor.
- Page::buildOptionsForm in core/
modules/ views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ display/ Page.php - Provide a form to edit options for this plugin.
- PluginAlterTest::testPluginAlter in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Render/ Element/ PluginAlterTest.php - Tests hook_element_plugin_alter().
- Rearrange::buildForm in core/
modules/ views_ui/ src/ Form/ Ajax/ Rearrange.php - Form constructor.
- Rearrange::buildForm in core/
modules/ views_ui/ src/ Form/ Ajax/ Rearrange.php - Form constructor.
- ReorderDisplays::buildForm in core/
modules/ views_ui/ src/ Form/ Ajax/ ReorderDisplays.php - Form constructor.
- ReorderDisplays::buildForm in core/
modules/ views_ui/ src/ Form/ Ajax/ ReorderDisplays.php - Form constructor.
- Role::getWeight in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Entity/ Role.php - Returns the weight.
- Role::setWeight in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Entity/ Role.php - Sets the weight to the given value.
- search.schema.yml in core/
modules/ search/ config/ schema/ search.schema.yml - core/modules/search/config/schema/search.schema.yml
- search.schema.yml in core/
modules/ search/ config/ schema/ search.schema.yml - core/modules/search/config/schema/search.schema.yml
- SetCustomize::form in core/
modules/ shortcut/ src/ Form/ SetCustomize.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- SetCustomize::save in core/
modules/ shortcut/ src/ Form/ SetCustomize.php - Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
- Shortcut::setWeight in core/
modules/ shortcut/ src/ Entity/ Shortcut.php - Sets the weight among shortcuts with the same depth.
- ShortcutSetsTest::testShortcutSetEdit in core/
modules/ shortcut/ tests/ src/ Functional/ ShortcutSetsTest.php - Tests editing a shortcut set.
- SortArray::sortByWeightElement in core/
lib/ Drupal/ Component/ Utility/ SortArray.php - Sorts a structured array by the 'weight' element.
- TableDragTestForm::buildTestTable in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ tabledrag_test/ src/ Form/ TableDragTestForm.php - Builds the draggable test table.
- TableDragTestForm::buildTestTable in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ tabledrag_test/ src/ Form/ TableDragTestForm.php - Builds the draggable test table.
- taxonomy.schema.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ config/ schema/ taxonomy.schema.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/config/schema/taxonomy.schema.yml
- taxonomy.schema.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ config/ schema/ taxonomy.schema.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/config/schema/taxonomy.schema.yml
- TaxonomyTermHierarchyConstraint::coversFields in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ Validation/ Constraint/ TaxonomyTermHierarchyConstraint.php - An array of entity fields which should be passed to the validator.
- taxonomy_term_stub_test.yml in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ modules/ taxonomy_term_stub_test/ migrations/ taxonomy_term_stub_test.yml - core/modules/taxonomy/tests/modules/taxonomy_term_stub_test/migrations/taxonomy_term_stub_test.yml
- template_preprocess_file_widget_multiple in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Prepares variables for multi file form widget templates.
- template_preprocess_language_negotiation_configure_form in core/
modules/ language/ language.admin.inc - Prepares variables for language negotiation configuration form.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_build_group_filter_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI build group filter form templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_build_group_filter_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI build group filter form templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI rearrange filter form templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI rearrange filter form templates.
- Term::fields in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Term.php - Returns available fields on the source.
- Term::fields in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Term.php - Returns available fields on the source.
- Term::setWeight in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Entity/ Term.php - Sets the term weight.
- TermForm::flagViolations in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ TermForm.php - Flags violations for the current form.
- TermForm::form in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ TermForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- TermForm::getEditedFieldNames in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ TermForm.php - Gets the names of all fields edited in the form.
- TermForm::validateForm in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ TermForm.php - Button-level validation handlers are highly discouraged for entity forms, as they will prevent entity validation from running. If the entity is going to be saved during the form submission, this method should be manually invoked from the button-level…
- TermHierarchyValidationTest::testTermHierarchyValidation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ TermHierarchyValidationTest.php - Tests the term hierarchy validation with re-parenting in pending revisions.
- TermStorageSchema::getEntitySchema in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ TermStorageSchema.php - Gets the entity schema for the specified entity type.
- TermStorageSchema::getSharedTableFieldSchema in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ TermStorageSchema.php - Gets the schema for a single field definition.
- TipPluginBase::getWeight in core/
modules/ tour/ src/ TipPluginBase.php - Returns weight of the tip.
- tour.schema.yml in core/
modules/ tour/ config/ schema/ tour.schema.yml - core/modules/tour/config/schema/tour.schema.yml
- tour.schema.yml in core/
modules/ tour/ config/ schema/ tour.schema.yml - core/modules/tour/config/schema/tour.schema.yml
- TypedConfigTest::testTypedDataAPI in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Config/ TypedConfigTest.php - Verifies that the Typed Data API is implemented correctly.
- UpdateScriptTest::getSystemSchema in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ src/ Functional/ UpdateSystem/ UpdateScriptTest.php - Returns the Drupal 7 system table schema.
- user.schema.yml in core/
modules/ user/ config/ schema/ user.schema.yml - core/modules/user/config/schema/user.schema.yml
- UserCreationTrait::createRole in core/
modules/ user/ tests/ src/ Traits/ UserCreationTrait.php - Creates a role with specified permissions.
- views.display.schema.yml in core/
modules/ views/ config/ schema/ views.display.schema.yml - core/modules/views/config/schema/views.display.schema.yml
- views.display.schema.yml in core/
modules/ views/ config/ schema/ views.display.schema.yml - core/modules/views/config/schema/views.display.schema.yml
- views.view.test_view_sort_translation.yml in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ modules/ views_test_config/ test_views/ views.view.test_view_sort_translation.yml - core/modules/views/tests/modules/views_test_config/test_views/views.view.test_view_sort_translation.yml
- Vocabulary::query in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Vocabulary.php - Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database.
- Vocabulary::query in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Vocabulary.php - Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database.
- VocabularyCrudTest::testTaxonomyVocabularyLoadMultiple in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Kernel/ VocabularyCrudTest.php - Tests for loading multiple vocabularies.
- VocabularyListBuilder::buildHeader in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ VocabularyListBuilder.php - Builds the header row for the entity listing.
- VocabularyPermissionsTest::testTaxonomyVocabularyOverviewPermissions in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Functional/ VocabularyPermissionsTest.php - Tests the vocabulary overview permission.
- VocabularyUiTest::testTaxonomyAdminChangingWeights in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ tests/ src/ Functional/ VocabularyUiTest.php - Changing weights on the vocabulary overview with two or more vocabularies.
- WeightTest::testProcessWeight in core/
tests/ Drupal/ KernelTests/ Core/ Render/ Element/ WeightTest.php - Tests existing #default_value value in #options list.
- WidgetAnonymousTest::testWidgetAnonymous in core/
modules/ media_library/ tests/ src/ FunctionalJavascript/ WidgetAnonymousTest.php - Tests that the widget works as expected for anonymous users.
- WorkflowEditForm::form in core/
modules/ workflows/ src/ Form/ WorkflowEditForm.php - Gets the actual form array to be built.
- workflows.schema.yml in core/
modules/ workflows/ config/ schema/ workflows.schema.yml - core/modules/workflows/config/schema/workflows.schema.yml
- workflows.schema.yml in core/
modules/ workflows/ config/ schema/ workflows.schema.yml - core/modules/workflows/config/schema/workflows.schema.yml
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