274 functions implement hook_preprocess_HOOK()
Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.
- claro_preprocess_admin_block in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for admin_block.
- claro_preprocess_admin_block_content in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for admin_block.
- claro_preprocess_block in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_block() for block content.
- claro_preprocess_block_content_add_list in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for block_content_add_list.
- claro_preprocess_datetime_wrapper in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for datetime_wrapper.
- claro_preprocess_details in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for details.
- claro_preprocess_entity_add_list in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for entity_add_list.
- claro_preprocess_fieldset in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for fieldset.
- claro_preprocess_fieldset__media_library_widget in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - @todo Remove this when https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2999549 lands.
- claro_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for field_multiple_value_form.
- claro_preprocess_field_ui_table in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for field_ui_table.
- claro_preprocess_file_managed_file in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for file_managed_file.
- claro_preprocess_file_widget_multiple in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for file_widget_multiple.
- claro_preprocess_filter_tips in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for filter_tips.
- claro_preprocess_form_element in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_form_element().
- claro_preprocess_form_element__password in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for form_element__password.
- claro_preprocess_form_element__password_confirm in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for form_element__password_confirm.
- claro_preprocess_image_widget in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for image_widget.
- claro_preprocess_input in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for input.
- claro_preprocess_install_page in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_install_page().
- claro_preprocess_item_list__media_library_add_form_media_list in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_item_list__media_library_add_form_media_list().
- claro_preprocess_links in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for links.
- claro_preprocess_links__action_links in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for links__action_links.
- claro_preprocess_links__dropbutton in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for links__dropbutton.
- claro_preprocess_links__media_library_menu in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_links__media_library_menu().
- claro_preprocess_maintenance_page in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_maintenance_page().
- claro_preprocess_media_library_item__small in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_media_library_item__small().
- claro_preprocess_media_library_item__widget in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_media_library_item__widget().
- claro_preprocess_menu_local_action in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for menu-local-action templates.
- claro_preprocess_menu_local_task in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for menu-local-task templates.
- claro_preprocess_menu_local_tasks in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for menu-local-tasks templates.
- claro_preprocess_menu_local_task__views_ui in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for menu-local-task Views UI templates.
- claro_preprocess_node_add_list in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for node_add_list.
- claro_preprocess_select in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for select.
- claro_preprocess_status_messages in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for status_messages.
- claro_preprocess_system_themes_page in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for system_themes_page.
- claro_preprocess_table in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for table.
- claro_preprocess_text_format_wrapper in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_text_format_wrapper().
- claro_preprocess_toolbar in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_toolbar().
- claro_preprocess_views_exposed_form in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for views_exposed_form.
- claro_preprocess_views_ui_display_tab_bucket in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for views_ui_display_tab_bucket.
- claro_preprocess_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for the Views UI rearrange filter form.
- claro_preprocess_views_view_fields__media_library in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_views_view_fields().
- claro_preprocess_views_view_table in core/
themes/ claro/ claro.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for views_view_table.
- comment_empty_title_test_preprocess_comment in core/
modules/ comment/ tests/ modules/ comment_empty_title_test/ comment_empty_title_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_comment().
- comment_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- comment_preprocess_field in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Prepares variables for comment field templates.
- common_test_preprocess_common_test_render_element in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ common_test/ common_test.module - Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK().
- content_moderation_preprocess_node in core/
modules/ content_moderation/ content_moderation.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- content_translation_preprocess_language_content_settings_table in core/
modules/ content_translation/ content_translation.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for language-content-settings-table.html.twig.
- field_ui_preprocess_form_element__new_storage_type in core/
modules/ field_ui/ field_ui.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- forum_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- help_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ help/ help.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- inline_form_errors_preprocess_datetime_wrapper in core/
modules/ inline_form_errors/ inline_form_errors.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for datetime form wrapper templates.
- inline_form_errors_preprocess_details in core/
modules/ inline_form_errors/ inline_form_errors.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for details element templates.
- inline_form_errors_preprocess_fieldset in core/
modules/ inline_form_errors/ inline_form_errors.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for fieldset element templates.
- inline_form_errors_preprocess_form_element in core/
modules/ inline_form_errors/ inline_form_errors.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for form element templates.
- js_displace_preprocess_html in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ js_displace/ js_displace.module - Implements hook_preprocess_html().
- language_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ language/ language.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- layout_builder_preprocess_language_content_settings_table in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ layout_builder.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for language-content-settings-table.html.twig.
- layout_builder_test_preprocess_layout__onecol in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ tests/ modules/ layout_builder_test/ layout_builder_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for one-column layout template.
- layout_builder_test_preprocess_layout__twocol_section in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ tests/ modules/ layout_builder_test/ layout_builder_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for two-column layout template.
- layout_builder_theme_suggestions_test_preprocess_item_list__layouts in core/
modules/ layout_builder/ tests/ modules/ layout_builder_theme_suggestions_test/ layout_builder_theme_suggestions_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for the list of layouts.
- locale_preprocess_node in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for node templates.
- media_library_preprocess_media in core/
modules/ media_library/ media_library.module - Implements hook_preprocess_media().
- media_library_preprocess_views_view_fields in core/
modules/ media_library/ media_library.module - Implements hook_preprocess_views_view_fields().
- media_library_preprocess_views_view__media_library in core/
modules/ media_library/ media_library.module - Implements hook_preprocess_views_view() for the 'media_library' view.
- media_preprocess_media_reference_help in core/
modules/ media/ media.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for media reference widgets.
- media_test_embed_preprocess_media_embed_error in core/
modules/ media/ tests/ modules/ media_test_embed/ media_test_embed.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- media_test_oembed_preprocess_media_oembed_iframe in core/
modules/ media/ tests/ modules/ media_test_oembed/ media_test_oembed.module - Implements hook_preprocess_media_oembed_iframe().
- menu_ui_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ menu_ui/ menu_ui.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- navigation_test_preprocess_block__navigation in core/
modules/ navigation/ tests/ navigation_test/ navigation_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- node_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- node_preprocess_field__node in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for node field templates.
- node_preprocess_html in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates.
- olivero_preprocess_block in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block.html.twig.
- olivero_preprocess_checkboxes in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_comment in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for comment.html.twig.
- olivero_preprocess_field in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_fieldset in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for fieldset.
- olivero_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_field__comment in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for field--comment.html.twig.
- olivero_preprocess_field__node__created in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_filter_caption in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for setting classes.
- olivero_preprocess_form_element in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_form_element().
- olivero_preprocess_form_element_label in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_html in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates.
- olivero_preprocess_input in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_item_list__search_results in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_item_list__search_results().
- olivero_preprocess_links__comment in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_links__comment().
- olivero_preprocess_maintenance_page in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for maintenance-page.html.twig.
- olivero_preprocess_menu in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_menu_local_task in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for menu-local-task templates.
- olivero_preprocess_menu_local_tasks in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for menu-local-tasks templates.
- olivero_preprocess_node in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for node.html.twig.
- olivero_preprocess_page_title in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for page title templates.
- olivero_preprocess_radios in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_search_result in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_search_result().
- olivero_preprocess_select in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_table in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_table().
- olivero_preprocess_textarea in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- olivero_preprocess_text_format_wrapper in core/
themes/ olivero/ olivero.theme - Implements template_preprocess_text_format_wrapper().
- olivero_test_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ olivero_test/ olivero_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form().
- olivero_test_preprocess_html in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ olivero_test/ olivero_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_html().
- pager_test_preprocess_pager in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ pager_test/ pager_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- router_test_preprocess_page in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ router_test_directory/ router_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- search_embedded_form_preprocess_search_result in core/
modules/ search/ tests/ modules/ search_embedded_form/ search_embedded_form.module - Adds the test form to search results.
- search_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ search/ search.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- settings_tray_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ settings_tray/ settings_tray.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- shortcut_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ shortcut/ shortcut.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- shortcut_preprocess_page_title in core/
modules/ shortcut/ shortcut.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for page title templates.
- stable9_preprocess_item_list__search_results in core/
themes/ stable9/ stable9.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_item_list__search_results().
- stable9_preprocess_views_view in core/
themes/ stable9/ stable9.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_views_view().
- starterkit_theme_preprocess_image_widget in core/
themes/ starterkit_theme/ starterkit_theme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_image_widget().
- statistics_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ statistics/ statistics.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- system_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- system_preprocess_toolbar in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Implements hook_preprocess_toolbar().
- template_preprocess_admin_block_content in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for administrative content block templates.
- template_preprocess_admin_page in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for administrative index page templates.
- template_preprocess_authorize_report in core/
includes/ theme.maintenance.inc - Prepares variables for authorize.php operation report templates.
- template_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ block/ block.module - Prepares variables for block templates.
- template_preprocess_block_content_add_list in core/
modules/ block_content/ block_content.pages.inc - Prepares variables for a block type creation list templates.
- template_preprocess_book_all_books_block in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Prepares variables for book listing block templates.
- template_preprocess_book_export_html in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Prepares variables for book export templates.
- template_preprocess_book_navigation in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Prepares variables for book navigation templates.
- template_preprocess_book_node_export_html in core/
modules/ book/ book.module - Prepares variables for single node export templates.
- template_preprocess_breadcrumb in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for breadcrumb templates.
- template_preprocess_checkboxes in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for checkboxes templates.
- template_preprocess_comment in core/
modules/ comment/ comment.module - Prepares variables for comment templates.
- template_preprocess_container in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for container templates.
- template_preprocess_datetime_form in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for datetime form element templates.
- template_preprocess_datetime_wrapper in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for datetime form wrapper templates.
- template_preprocess_details in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for details element templates.
- template_preprocess_entity_add_list in core/
modules/ system/ system.module - Prepares variables for the list of available bundles.
- template_preprocess_field in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for field templates.
- template_preprocess_fieldset in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for fieldset element templates.
- template_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for individual form element templates.
- template_preprocess_field_ui_table in core/
modules/ field_ui/ field_ui.module - Prepares variables for field UI overview table templates.
- template_preprocess_file_link in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Prepares variables for file link templates.
- template_preprocess_file_managed_file in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Prepares variables for file form widget templates.
- template_preprocess_file_upload_help in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Prepares variables for file upload help text templates.
- template_preprocess_file_widget_multiple in core/
modules/ file/ file.module - Prepares variables for multi file form widget templates.
- template_preprocess_filter_guidelines in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.module - Prepares variables for text format guideline templates.
- template_preprocess_filter_tips in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.module - Prepares variables for filter tips templates.
- template_preprocess_form in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for form templates.
- template_preprocess_form_element in core/
includes/ form.inc - Returns HTML for a form element.
- template_preprocess_form_element_label in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for form label templates.
- template_preprocess_forums in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.module - Prepares variables for forums templates.
- template_preprocess_forum_icon in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.module - Prepares variables for forum icon templates.
- template_preprocess_forum_list in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.module - Prepares variables for forum list templates.
- template_preprocess_forum_submitted in core/
modules/ forum/ forum.module - Prepares variables for forum submission information templates.
- template_preprocess_html in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for HTML document templates.
- template_preprocess_image in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for image templates.
- template_preprocess_image_anchor in core/
modules/ image/ image.admin.inc - Prepares variables for image anchor templates.
- template_preprocess_image_formatter in core/
modules/ image/ image.field.inc - Prepares variables for image formatter templates.
- template_preprocess_image_style in core/
modules/ image/ image.module - Prepares variables for image style templates.
- template_preprocess_image_style_preview in core/
modules/ image/ image.admin.inc - Prepares variables for image style preview templates.
- template_preprocess_image_widget in core/
modules/ image/ image.field.inc - Prepares variables for image widget templates.
- template_preprocess_input in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for input templates.
- template_preprocess_install_page in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for install page templates.
- template_preprocess_item_list in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for item list templates.
- template_preprocess_language_content_settings_table in core/
modules/ language/ language.admin.inc - Prepares variables for language content settings table templates.
- template_preprocess_language_negotiation_configure_form in core/
modules/ language/ language.admin.inc - Prepares variables for language negotiation configuration form.
- template_preprocess_layout in core/
modules/ layout_discovery/ layout_discovery.module - Prepares variables for layout templates.
- template_preprocess_layout_test_2col in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ layout_test/ layout_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for layout templates.
- template_preprocess_links in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for links templates.
- template_preprocess_link_formatter_link_separate in core/
modules/ link/ link.module - Prepares variables for separated link field templates.
- template_preprocess_locale_translation_last_check in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.pages.inc - Prepares variables for most recent translation update templates.
- template_preprocess_locale_translation_update_info in core/
modules/ locale/ locale.pages.inc - Prepares variables for translation status information templates.
- template_preprocess_maintenance_page in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for maintenance page templates.
- template_preprocess_maintenance_task_list in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for maintenance task list templates.
- template_preprocess_media in core/
modules/ media/ media.module - Prepares variables for media templates.
- template_preprocess_media_library_item in core/
modules/ media_library/ media_library.module - Prepares variables for a selected media item.
- template_preprocess_media_library_wrapper in core/
modules/ media_library/ media_library.module - Prepares variables for the media library modal dialog.
- template_preprocess_menu_local_action in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for single local action link templates.
- template_preprocess_menu_local_task in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for single local task link templates.
- template_preprocess_node in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Prepares variables for node templates.
- template_preprocess_node_add_list in core/
modules/ node/ node.module - Prepares variables for list of available node type templates.
- template_preprocess_page in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for the page template.
- template_preprocess_pager in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for pager templates.
- template_preprocess_radios in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for radios templates.
- template_preprocess_region in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for region templates.
- template_preprocess_responsive_image in core/
modules/ responsive_image/ responsive_image.module - Prepares variables for a responsive image.
- template_preprocess_responsive_image_formatter in core/
modules/ responsive_image/ responsive_image.module - Prepares variables for responsive image formatter templates.
- template_preprocess_search_result in core/
modules/ search/ search.pages.inc - Prepares variables for individual search result templates.
- template_preprocess_select in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for select element templates.
- template_preprocess_system_admin_index in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for admin index templates.
- template_preprocess_system_modules_details in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for the module details templates.
- template_preprocess_system_modules_uninstall in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for module uninstall templates.
- template_preprocess_system_security_advisories_fetch_error_message in core/
modules/ system/ system.theme.inc - Prepares variables for security advisories fetch error message templates.
- template_preprocess_system_themes_page in core/
modules/ system/ system.admin.inc - Prepares variables for appearance page templates.
- template_preprocess_table in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for table templates.
- template_preprocess_taxonomy_term in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Prepares variables for taxonomy term templates.
- template_preprocess_textarea in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for textarea templates.
- template_preprocess_text_format_wrapper in core/
modules/ filter/ filter.module - Prepares variables for text format wrapper templates.
- template_preprocess_theme_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.inc - Preprocesses variables for theme_theme_test().
- template_preprocess_theme_test_deprecations_preprocess in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_deprecations_preprocess.
- template_preprocess_theme_test_registered_by_module in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_registered_by_module.
- template_preprocess_theme_test_render_element in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Prepares variables for test render element templates.
- template_preprocess_time in core/
includes/ theme.inc - Prepares variables for time templates.
- template_preprocess_toolbar in core/
modules/ toolbar/ toolbar.module - Prepares variables for administration toolbar templates.
- template_preprocess_top_bar in core/
modules/ navigation/ navigation.module - Prepares variables for navigation top bar template.
- template_preprocess_update_fetch_error_message in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for update fetch error message templates.
- template_preprocess_update_last_check in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Prepares variables for last time update data was checked templates.
- template_preprocess_update_project_status in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for update project status templates.
- template_preprocess_update_report in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for project status report templates.
- template_preprocess_update_version in core/
modules/ update/ update.report.inc - Prepares variables for update version templates.
- template_preprocess_user in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Prepares variables for user templates.
- template_preprocess_username in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Prepares variables for username templates.
- template_preprocess_vertical_tabs in core/
includes/ form.inc - Prepares variables for vertical tabs templates.
- template_preprocess_views_exposed_form in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views exposed form templates.
- template_preprocess_views_mini_pager in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views mini-pager templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_build_group_filter_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI build group filter form templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_display_tab_bucket in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI display tab bucket templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_display_tab_setting in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI display tab setting templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_rearrange_filter_form in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI rearrange filter form templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_style_plugin_table in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for style plugin table templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_views_listing_table in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views UI view listing templates.
- template_preprocess_views_ui_view_preview_section in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views UI view preview section templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for view templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_field in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views field templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_fields in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views fields templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_grid in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views grid style templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_grid_responsive in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views grid - responsive style templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_grouping in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views single grouping templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_list in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for Views HTML list templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_mapping_test in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ modules/ views_test_data/ views_test_data.module - Prepares variables for the mapping row style test templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_opml in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for OPML feed templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_row_opml in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views OPML item templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_row_rss in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views RSS item templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_rss in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for RSS feed templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_summary in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views summary templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_summary_unformatted in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for unformatted summary view templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_table in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views table templates.
- template_preprocess_views_view_unformatted in core/
modules/ views/ views.theme.inc - Prepares variables for views unformatted rows templates.
- test_basetheme_preprocess_theme_test_function_suggestions in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_basetheme/ test_basetheme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_function_suggestions theme functions.
- test_basetheme_preprocess_theme_test_template_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_basetheme/ test_basetheme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_template_test templates.
- test_base_theme_preprocess_theme_test_function_suggestions in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_base_theme/ test_base_theme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_function_suggestions theme functions.
- test_base_theme_preprocess_theme_test_template_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_base_theme/ test_base_theme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_template_test templates.
- test_stable_preprocess_theme_test_render_element in core/
tests/ fixtures/ test_stable/ test_stable.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_theme_test_render_element().
- test_subsubtheme_preprocess_theme_test_template_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_subsubtheme/ test_subsubtheme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_template_test templates.
- test_subtheme_preprocess_theme_test_template_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_subtheme/ test_subtheme.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_test_template_test templates.
- test_theme_nyan_cat_engine_preprocess_theme_test_template_test in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme_nyan_cat_engine/ test_theme_nyan_cat_engine.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_theme_test_template_test().
- test_theme_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Tests a theme overriding a default hook with a suggestion.
- test_theme_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions__kitten in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Tests a theme overriding a default hook with a suggestion.
- test_theme_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions__kitten__flamingo in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Tests a theme overriding a default hook with a suggestion.
- test_theme_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions__kitten__meerkat__tarsier__moose in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Tests a preprocess function with suggestions.
- test_theme_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions__suggestion in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Tests a theme overriding a default hook with a suggestion.
- test_theme_preprocess_theme_test_theme_class in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Tests that a class can be loaded within a .theme file.
- test_theme_preprocess_twig_theme_test_php_variables in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ themes/ test_theme/ test_theme.theme - Implements THEME_preprocess_twig_theme_test_php_variables().
- theme_region_test_preprocess_region in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_region_test/ theme_region_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for region templates.
- theme_test_preprocess_html in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates.
- theme_test_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- theme_test_preprocess_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions__monkey in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Tests a module overriding a default hook with a suggestion.
- theme_test_theme_suggestions_theme_test_preprocess_suggestions in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ theme_test/ theme_test.module - Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().
- toolbar_preprocess_html in core/
modules/ toolbar/ toolbar.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates.
- toolbar_test_preprocess_menu in core/
modules/ toolbar/ tests/ modules/ toolbar_test/ toolbar_test.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- twig_theme_test_preprocess_status_messages in core/
modules/ system/ tests/ modules/ twig_theme_test/ twig_theme_test.module - Implements template_preprocess_status_messages().
- umami_preprocess_block in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_block().
- umami_preprocess_block__bundle__banner_block in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_umami_preprocess_block__bundle__banner_block().
- umami_preprocess_block__bundle__footer_promo_block in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_umami_preprocess_block__bundle__footer_promo_block().
- umami_preprocess_breadcrumb in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_breadcrumb().
- umami_preprocess_field in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_field().
- umami_preprocess_html in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for HTML document templates.
- umami_preprocess_image_widget in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_image_widget().
- umami_preprocess_links in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements template_preprocess_links().
- umami_preprocess_links__media_library_menu in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_links__media_library_menu().
- umami_preprocess_menu_local_task in core/
profiles/ demo_umami/ themes/ umami/ umami.theme - Implements hook_preprocess_menu_local_task().
- user_preprocess_block in core/
modules/ user/ user.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for block templates.
- views_preprocess_comment in core/
modules/ views/ views.module - Allows view-based comment templates if called from a view.
- views_preprocess_node in core/
modules/ views/ views.module - Allows view-based node templates if called from a view.
- views_test_data_preprocess_views_view_table in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ modules/ views_test_data/ views_test_data.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for views table templates.
- views_test_rss_preprocess_views_view_rss in core/
modules/ views/ tests/ modules/ views_test_rss/ views_test_rss.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
- views_ui_preprocess_views_view in core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.module - Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for views templates.
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