120 classes are annotated with MigrateSource
- Action in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Action.php - Drupal action source from database.
- Block in core/
modules/ block/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Block.php - Drupal 6/7 block source from database.
- BlockCustom in core/
modules/ block_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ BlockCustom.php - Drupal 7 content block source from database.
- BlockCustomTranslation in core/
modules/ block_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ BlockCustomTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n content block translations source from database.
- BlockedIps in core/
modules/ ban/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ BlockedIps.php - Drupal 7 blocked IPs source from database.
- BlockTranslation in core/
modules/ block/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ BlockTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n block data from database.
- BlockTranslation in core/
modules/ block/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ BlockTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n block data from database.
- Book in core/
modules/ book/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Book.php - Drupal 6/7 book source from database.
- Box in core/
modules/ block_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Box.php - Drupal 6 block source from database.
- BoxTranslation in core/
modules/ block_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ BoxTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n content block translations source from database.
- CacheableEmbeddedDataSource in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_cache_counts_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ CacheableEmbeddedDataSource.php - A copy of embedded_data which allows caching the count.
- Comment in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Comment.php - Drupal 6 comment source from database.
- Comment in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Comment.php - Drupal 7 comment source from database.
- CommentEntityTranslation in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ CommentEntityTranslation.php - Drupal 7 comment entity translation source plugin.
- CommentType in core/
modules/ comment/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ CommentType.php - Drupal 6/7 comment types source from database.
- Config in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d8/ Config.php - Drupal 8+ configuration source from database.
- ContactCategory in core/
modules/ contact/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ ContactCategory.php - Drupal 6/7 contact category source from database.
- ContactSettings in core/
modules/ contact/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ ContactSettings.php - Drupal 6/7 contact settings source from database.
- ContentEntity in core/
modules/ migrate/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ ContentEntity.php - Source plugin to get content entities from the current version of Drupal.
- EmbeddedDataSource in core/
modules/ migrate/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ EmbeddedDataSource.php - Allows source data to be defined in the configuration of the source plugin.
- EmptySource in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ EmptySource.php - Source returning an empty row with Drupal specific config dependencies.
- EmptySource in core/
modules/ migrate/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ EmptySource.php - Source returning a row based on the constants provided.
- EntityTranslationSettings in core/
modules/ content_translation/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ EntityTranslationSettings.php - Drupal 7 Entity Translation settings (variables) from database.
- Extension in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Extension.php - Drupal 6/7 system data for a legacy extension source from database.
- Field in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Field.php - Drupal 6 field source from database.
- Field in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Field.php - Drupal 7 field source from database.
- FieldInstance in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FieldInstance.php - Drupal 6 field instances source from database.
- FieldInstance in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FieldInstance.php - Drupal 7 field instances source from database.
- FieldInstanceOptionTranslation in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FieldInstanceOptionTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n field instance option labels source from database.
- FieldInstancePerFormDisplay in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FieldInstancePerFormDisplay.php - Drupal 6 field instance per form display source from database.
- FieldInstancePerFormDisplay in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FieldInstancePerFormDisplay.php - Drupal 7 field instance per form display source from database.
- FieldInstancePerViewMode in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FieldInstancePerViewMode.php - Drupal 6 field instance per view mode source from database.
- FieldInstancePerViewMode in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FieldInstancePerViewMode.php - Drupal 7 field instance per view mode source class.
- FieldLabelDescriptionTranslation in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FieldLabelDescriptionTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n field label and description source from database.
- FieldLabelDescriptionTranslation in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FieldLabelDescriptionTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n field label and description source from database.
- FieldOptionTranslation in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FieldOptionTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n field option labels source from database.
- FieldOptionTranslation in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FieldOptionTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n field option label source from database.
- File in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ File.php - Drupal 6 file source from database.
- File in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ File.php - Drupal 7 file source from database.
- FileUsed in core/
modules/ file/ tests/ modules/ file_test_get_ids/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FileUsed.php - Drupal 7 file source from database restricted to used files.
- FilterFormat in core/
modules/ filter/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ FilterFormat.php - Drupal 6 filter source from database.
- FilterFormat in core/
modules/ filter/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ FilterFormat.php - Drupal 7 filter source from database.
- HighWaterTest in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_high_water_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ HighWaterTest.php - Source plugin for migration high water tests.
- ImageCachePreset in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ ImageCachePreset.php - Drupal 6 imagecache presets source from database.
- ImageStyles in core/
modules/ image/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ ImageStyles.php - Drupal 7 image styles source from database.
- Language in core/
modules/ language/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Language.php - Drupal 6/7 language source from database.
- LanguageContentSettings in core/
modules/ language/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ LanguageContentSettings.php - Drupal 6 i18n node settings from database.
- LanguageContentSettings in core/
modules/ language/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ LanguageContentSettings.php - Drupal 7 i18n node settings from database.
- LanguageContentSettingsTaxonomyVocabulary in core/
modules/ language/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ LanguageContentSettingsTaxonomyVocabulary.php - Drupal 6 i18n vocabularies source from database.
- LanguageContentSettingsTaxonomyVocabulary in core/
modules/ language/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ LanguageContentSettingsTaxonomyVocabulary.php - Drupal 7 i18n vocabularies source from database.
- Menu in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Menu.php - Drupal 6/7 menu source from database.
- MenuLink in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ MenuLink.php - Drupal 6/7 menu link source from database.
- MenuLinkLocalized in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ MenuLinkLocalized.php - Drupal 7 localized menu link translations source from database.
- MenuLinkTranslation in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ MenuLinkTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n menu link translations source from database.
- MenuLinkTranslation in core/
modules/ menu_link_content/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ MenuLinkTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n menu link translations source from database.
- MenuTest in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal_ui/ tests/ modules/ migrate_drupal_message_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ MenuTest.php - Source plugin with a source id removed from the array returned by fields().
- MenuTranslation in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ MenuTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n menu translation source from database.
- MigrateExternalTranslatedTestSource in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_external_translated_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ MigrateExternalTranslatedTestSource.php - A simple migrate source for our tests.
- MigrateMissingDatabaseSource in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_missing_database_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ MigrateMissingDatabaseSource.php - A simple migrate source for the missing database tests.
- Node in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Node.php - Drupal 6 node source from database.
- Node in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Node.php - Drupal 7 node source from database.
- NodeComplete in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ NodeComplete.php - Drupal 6 all node revisions source, including translation revisions.
- NodeComplete in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ NodeComplete.php - Drupal 7 all node revisions source, including translation revisions.
- NodeCounter in core/
modules/ statistics/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ NodeCounter.php - Drupal 6/7 node counter source from database.
- NodeEntityTranslation in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ NodeEntityTranslation.php - Drupal 7 node entity translations source from database.
- NodeRevision in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ NodeRevision.php - Drupal 6 node revision source from database.
- NodeRevision in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ NodeRevision.php - Drupal 7 node revision source from database.
- NodeType in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ NodeType.php - Drupal 6 Node types source from database.
- NodeType in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ NodeType.php - Drupal 7 Node types source from database.
- NoSourceModule in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal_ui/ tests/ modules/ migration_provider_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ NoSourceModule.php - A test source plugin without a source_module.
- ProfileField in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ ProfileField.php - Drupal 6/7 profile field source from database.
- ProfileFieldOptionTranslation in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ ProfileFieldOptionTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n profile field option labels source from database.
- ProfileFieldTranslation in core/
modules/ config_translation/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ ProfileFieldTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n strings profile field source from database.
- ProfileFieldValues in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ ProfileFieldValues.php - Drupal 6 profile fields values source from database.
- QueryBatchTest in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_query_batch_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ QueryBatchTest.php - Source plugin for migration high water tests.
- ResponsiveImageStyles in core/
modules/ responsive_image/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ ResponsiveImageStyles.php - Gets Drupal responsive image styles source from database.
- Role in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Role.php - Drupal 6 role source from database.
- Role in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Role.php - Drupal 7 role source from database.
- SearchPage in core/
modules/ search/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ SearchPage.php - Drupal 6 node search rankings for core modules source from database.
- SearchPage in core/
modules/ search/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ SearchPage.php - Drupal 7 search active core modules and rankings source from database.
- Shortcut in core/
modules/ shortcut/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Shortcut.php - Drupal 7 shortcut links source from database.
- ShortcutSet in core/
modules/ shortcut/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ ShortcutSet.php - Drupal 7 shortcut_set source from database.
- ShortcutSetUsers in core/
modules/ shortcut/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ ShortcutSetUsers.php - Drupal 7 shortcut_set_users source from database.
- SimpleSource in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_plugin_config_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ SimpleSource.php - Simple source for testing changing configuration.
- SqlCountCache in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_sql_count_cache_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ SqlCountCache.php - Source plugin for Sql count cache test.
- Term in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Term.php - Drupal 6 taxonomy term source from database.
- Term in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Term.php - Drupal 7 taxonomy term source from database.
- TermEntityTranslation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ TermEntityTranslation.php - Drupal 7 taxonomy term entity translation source plugin.
- TermLocalizedTranslation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ TermLocalizedTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n taxonomy terms source from database.
- TermLocalizedTranslation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ TermLocalizedTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n taxonomy terms source from database.
- TermNode in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ TermNode.php - Drupal 6 term/node relationships (current revision) source from database.
- TermNodeRevision in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ TermNodeRevision.php - Drupal 6 term/node relationships (non-current revision) source from database.
- TermTranslation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ TermTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n taxonomy terms source from database.
- TestSqlPrepareQuery in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_sql_prepare_query_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ TestSqlPrepareQuery.php - Source plugin for prepare query test.
- ThemeSettings in core/
modules/ system/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ ThemeSettings.php - Drupal 7 theme settings source from database.
- TrackChangesTest in core/
modules/ migrate/ tests/ modules/ migrate_track_changes_test/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ TrackChangesTest.php - Source plugin for migration track changes tests.
- TrackerNode in core/
modules/ tracker/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ TrackerNode.php - Drupal 7 tracker node source from database.
- TrackerUser in core/
modules/ tracker/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ TrackerUser.php - Drupal 7 tracker user source from database.
- UpdateSettings in core/
modules/ update/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ UpdateSettings.php - Drupal 6/7 Update settings source from database.
- Upload in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Upload.php - Drupal 6 upload source from database.
- UploadInstance in core/
modules/ file/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ UploadInstance.php - Drupal 6 upload instance source from database.
- UrlAlias in core/
modules/ path/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ UrlAlias.php - Drupal 6 URL aliases source from database.
- UrlAlias in core/
modules/ path/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ UrlAlias.php - Drupal 7 URL aliases source from database.
- User in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ User.php - Drupal 6 user source from database.
- User in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ User.php - Drupal 7 user source from database.
- UserEntityTranslation in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ UserEntityTranslation.php - Drupal 7 user entity translations source from database.
- UserPicture in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ UserPicture.php - Drupal 6 user picture source from database.
- UserPictureFile in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ UserPictureFile.php - Drupal 6 user picture source from database.
- UserPictureInstance in core/
modules/ user/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ UserPictureInstance.php - Drupal 6/7 user picture field instance source from database.
- Variable in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ Variable.php - Drupal 6/7 variable source from database.
- VariableMultiRow in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ VariableMultiRow.php - Drupal 6/7 multiple variables source from database.
- VariableTranslation in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ VariableTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n_variable source from database.
- VariableTranslation in core/
modules/ migrate_drupal/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ VariableTranslation.php - Drupal 7 variable_store source from database.
- ViewMode in core/
modules/ field/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ ViewMode.php - Drupal 7 view mode source from database.
- ViewMode in core/
modules/ node/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ ViewMode.php - Drupal 6 view mode source from database.
- Vocabulary in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ Vocabulary.php - Drupal 6 vocabularies source from database.
- Vocabulary in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ Vocabulary.php - Drupal 7 vocabularies source from database.
- VocabularyPerType in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ VocabularyPerType.php - Drupal 6 vocabularies with associated node types source from database.
- VocabularyTranslation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d6/ VocabularyTranslation.php - Drupal 6 i18n vocabulary translations source from database.
- VocabularyTranslation in core/
modules/ taxonomy/ src/ Plugin/ migrate/ source/ d7/ VocabularyTranslation.php - Drupal 7 i18n vocabulary translations source from database.
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