80 calls to cache_clear_all()
- aggregator_aggregator_parse in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.parser.inc - Implements hook_aggregator_parse().
- BlockCacheTestCase::testCachePerRole in modules/
block/ block.test - Test DRUPAL_CACHE_PER_ROLE.
- block_add_block_form_submit in modules/
block/ block.admin.inc - Form submission handler for block_add_block_form().
- block_admin_configure_submit in modules/
block/ block.admin.inc - Form submission handler for block_admin_configure().
- block_admin_display_form_submit in modules/
block/ block.admin.inc - Form submission handler for block_admin_display_form().
- block_custom_block_delete_submit in modules/
block/ block.admin.inc - Form submission handler for block_custom_block_delete().
- CacheClearCase::testClearArray in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test clearing using an array.
- CacheClearCase::testClearCid in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test clearing using a cid.
- CacheClearCase::testClearWildcard in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test clearing using wildcard.
- CacheClearCase::testMinimumCacheLifetime in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test minimum cache lifetime.
- CacheGetMultipleUnitTest::testCacheMultiple in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test cache_get_multiple().
- CacheIsEmptyCase::testIsEmpty in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Test clearing using a cid.
- CacheTestCase::generalWipe in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ cache.test - Perform the general wipe.
- comment_admin_overview_submit in modules/
comment/ comment.admin.inc - Process comment_admin_overview form submissions.
- comment_confirm_delete_submit in modules/
comment/ comment.admin.inc - Process comment_confirm_delete form submissions.
- comment_form_submit in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Process comment form submissions; prepare the comment, store it, and set a redirection target.
- comment_multiple_delete_confirm_submit in modules/
comment/ comment.admin.inc - Process comment_multiple_delete_confirm form submissions.
- comment_save_action in modules/
comment/ comment.module - Saves a comment.
- DrupalWebTestCase::refreshVariables in modules/
simpletest/ drupal_web_test_case.php - Refresh the in-memory set of variables. Useful after a page request is made that changes a variable in a different thread.
- drupal_flush_all_caches in includes/
common.inc - Flushes all cached data on the site.
- drupal_get_complete_schema in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Gets the whole database schema.
- drupal_process_form in includes/
form.inc - Processes a form submission.
- drupal_theme_rebuild in includes/
theme.inc - Forces the system to rebuild the theme registry.
- entity_info_cache_clear in includes/
common.inc - Resets the cached information about entity types.
- FieldInfo::flush in modules/
field/ field.info.class.inc - Clears the "static" and persistent caches.
- field_attach_delete in modules/
field/ field.attach.inc - Delete field data for an existing entity. This deletes all revisions of field data for the entity.
- field_attach_update in modules/
field/ field.attach.inc - Save field data for an existing entity.
- field_cache_clear in modules/
field/ field.module - Clear the field info and field data caches.
- filter_formats_reset in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Resets the text format caches.
- filter_format_disable in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Disables a text format.
- filter_format_save in modules/
filter/ filter.module - Saves a text format object to the database.
- FormsFormCacheTestCase::testCacheFormCustomExpiration in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests changing form_cache_expiration.
- forum_form_submit in modules/
forum/ forum.admin.inc - Form submission handler for forum_form_forum() and forum_form_container().
- forum_update_7003 in modules/
forum/ forum.install - Rename field to 'taxonomy_forums'.
- hook_image_style_flush in modules/
image/ image.api.php - Respond to image style flushing.
- image_style_flush in modules/
image/ image.module - Flushes cached media for a style.
- locale in modules/
locale/ locale.module - Provides interface translation services.
- LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testJavaScriptTranslation in modules/
locale/ locale.test - locale_languages_delete_form_submit in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Process language deletion submissions.
- locale_languages_overview_form_submit in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Process language overview form submissions, updating existing languages.
- locale_translate_delete_form_submit in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Process string deletion submissions.
- locale_translate_edit_form_submit in modules/
locale/ locale.admin.inc - Process string editing form submissions.
- menu_cache_clear in includes/
menu.inc - Clears the cached data for a single named menu.
- menu_cache_clear_all in includes/
menu.inc - Clears all cached menu data.
- menu_update_7003 in modules/
menu/ menu.install - Add missing custom menus to active menus list.
- ModuleUnitTest::testModuleImplements in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ module.test - Test module_implements() caching.
- module_implements in includes/
module.inc - Determines which modules are implementing a hook.
- node_access_rebuild in modules/
node/ node.module - Rebuilds the node access database.
- node_admin_nodes_submit in modules/
node/ node.admin.inc - Process node_admin_nodes form submissions.
- node_delete_confirm_submit in modules/
node/ node.pages.inc - Executes node deletion.
- node_form_submit in modules/
node/ node.pages.inc - Form submission handler for node_form().
- node_multiple_delete_confirm_submit in modules/
node/ node.admin.inc - Form submission handler for node_multiple_delete_confirm().
- node_type_cache_reset in modules/
node/ node.module - Clears the node type cache.
- PathTestCase::testPathCache in modules/
path/ path.test - Tests the path cache.
- poll_vote in modules/
poll/ poll.module - Submit handler for processing a vote.
- profile_admin_overview_submit in modules/
profile/ profile.admin.inc - Submit handler to update changed profile field weights and categories.
- profile_field_delete_submit in modules/
profile/ profile.admin.inc - Process a field delete form submission.
- profile_field_form_submit in modules/
profile/ profile.admin.inc - Process profile_field_form submissions.
- simpletest_clean_environment in modules/
simpletest/ simpletest.module - Remove all temporary database tables and directories.
- system_clear_page_cache_submit in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Submit callback; clear the page cache.
- system_cron in modules/
system/ system.module - Implements hook_cron().
- system_list_reset in includes/
module.inc - Resets all system_list() caches.
- system_theme_settings_submit in modules/
system/ system.admin.inc - Process system_theme_settings form submissions.
- taxonomy_form_term_submit in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.admin.inc - Submit handler to insert or update a term.
- taxonomy_term_confirm_delete_submit in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.admin.inc - Submit handler to delete a term after confirmation.
- taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_submit in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.admin.inc - Submit handler to delete a vocabulary after confirmation.
- taxonomy_vocabulary_delete in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Deletes a vocabulary.
- taxonomy_vocabulary_save in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.module - Saves a vocabulary.
- ThemeRegistryTestCase::testRaceCondition in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Tests the behavior of the theme registry class.
- update_info_page in ./
update.php - Provides an overview of the Drupal database update.
- UpgradePathTestCase::variable_set in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.test - Specialized variable_set() that works even if the child site is not upgraded.
- user_admin_permissions_submit in modules/
user/ user.admin.inc - Save permissions selected on the administer permissions page.
- user_profile_form_submit in modules/
user/ user.pages.inc - Form submission handler for user_profile_form().
- variable_del in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Unsets a persistent variable.
- variable_set in includes/
bootstrap.inc - Sets a persistent variable.
- _field_info_collate_types in modules/
field/ field.info.inc - Collates all information on field types, widget types and related structures.
- _locale_import_po in includes/
locale.inc - Parses Gettext Portable Object file information and inserts into database
- _menu_clear_page_cache in includes/
menu.inc - Clears the page and block caches at most twice per page load.
- _node_access_rebuild_batch_finished in modules/
node/ node.module - Implements callback_batch_finished().
- _user_cancel in modules/
user/ user.module - Implements callback_batch_operation().
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