248 calls to DrupalWebTestCase::assertRaw()
- ActionsConfigurationTestCase::testActionConfiguration in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ actions.test - Test the configuration of advanced actions through the administration interface.
- AdminMetaTagTestCase::testMetaTag in modules/
system/ system.test - Verify that the meta tag HTML is generated correctly.
- AggregatorTestCase::createFeed in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Creates an aggregator feed.
- AggregatorTestCase::deleteFeed in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Deletes an aggregator feed.
- AggregatorTestCase::removeFeedItems in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Confirms an item removal from a feed.
- BlockHTMLIdTestCase::testHTMLId in modules/
block/ block.test - Test valid HTML id.
- BlockInvalidRegionTestCase::testBlockInInvalidRegion in modules/
block/ block.test - Tests that blocks assigned to invalid regions work correctly.
- BlockTestCase::testCustomBlock in modules/
block/ block.test - Test creating custom block, moving it to a specific region and then deleting it.
- BlockTestCase::testCustomBlockFormat in modules/
block/ block.test - Test creating custom block using Full HTML.
- BlogTestCase::verifyBlogs in modules/
blog/ blog.test - Verify the logged in user has the desired access to the various blog nodes.
- BookTestCase::checkBookNode in modules/
book/ book.test - Checks the outline of sub-pages; previous, up, and next.
- BookTestCase::testBookExport in modules/
book/ book.test - Tests book export ("printer-friendly version") functionality.
- BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCompression in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ bootstrap.test - Test page compression.
- CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testAddCssFileWithQueryString in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests that the query string remains intact when adding CSS files that have query string parameters.
- CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderInlineFullPage in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests rendering inline stylesheets through a full page request.
- CategorizeFeedItemTestCase::testCategorizeFeedItem in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Checks that children of a feed inherit a defined category.
- CategorizeFeedTestCase::testCategorizeFeed in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Creates a feed and makes sure you can add/delete categories to it.
- CommentAnonymous::testAnonymous in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Test anonymous comment functionality.
- CommentBlockFunctionalTest::testRecentCommentBlock in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Test the recent comments block.
- CommentHelperCase::performCommentOperation in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Perform the specified operation on the specified comment.
- CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentInterface in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Test comment interface.
- CommentInterfaceTest::testCommentNewCommentsIndicator in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Tests new comment marker.
- CommentPagerTest::testCommentPaging in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Confirm comment paging works correctly with flat and threaded comments.
- CommentRSSUnitTest::testCommentRSS in modules/
comment/ comment.test - Test comments as part of an RSS feed.
- ContactPersonalTestCase::testPersonalContactFlood in modules/
contact/ contact.test - Tests the personal contact form flood protection.
- ContactSitewideTestCase::deleteCategories in modules/
contact/ contact.test - Deletes all categories.
- ContactSitewideTestCase::testSiteWideContact in modules/
contact/ contact.test - Tests configuration options and the site-wide contact form.
- ContextualDynamicContextTestCase::testNodeLinks in modules/
contextual/ contextual.test - Tests contextual links on node lists with different permissions.
- DashboardBlocksTestCase::testDashboardAccess in modules/
dashboard/ dashboard.test - Tests adding a block to the dashboard and checking access to it.
- DashboardBlocksTestCase::testDisableEnable in modules/
dashboard/ dashboard.test - Tests that the dashboard module can be re-enabled, retaining its blocks.
- DateTimeFunctionalTest::testDateFormatConfiguration in modules/
system/ system.test - Test date format configuration.
- DBLogTestCase::doUser in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Generates and then verifies some user events.
- DBLogTestCase::testLogMessageSanitized in modules/
dblog/ dblog.test - Make sure HTML tags are filtered out in the log detail page.
- DrupalAddHtmlHeadLinkTest::testDrupalAddHtmlHeadLink in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests drupal_add_html_head_link().
- DrupalErrorHandlerTestCase::assertErrorMessage in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ error.test - Helper function: assert that the error message is found.
- DrupalErrorHandlerTestCase::testExceptionHandler in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ error.test - Test the exception handler.
- DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalHTTPRequestBasicAuth in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - FeedParserTestCase::testHtmlEntitiesSample in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Tests a feed that uses HTML entities in item titles.
- FeedParserTestCase::testRSS091Sample in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Tests a feed that uses the RSS 0.91 format.
- FieldAttachOtherTestCase::testFieldAttachView in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Test field_attach_view() and field_attach_prepare_view().
- FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormMultipleWidget in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Tests widgets handling multiple values.
- FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormSingle in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormSingleRequired in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - FieldFormTestCase::testFieldFormUnlimited in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - FieldFormTestCase::testNestedFieldForm in modules/
field/ tests/ field.test - Tests Field API form integration within a subform.
- FieldUIManageFieldsTestCase::addExistingField in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Tests adding an existing field in another content type.
- FieldUIManageFieldsTestCase::manageFieldsPage in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Tests the manage fields page.
- FieldUITestCase::fieldUIAddExistingField in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Adds an existing field through the Field UI.
- FieldUITestCase::fieldUIAddNewField in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Creates a new field through the Field UI.
- FieldUITestCase::fieldUIDeleteField in modules/
field_ui/ field_ui.test - Deletes a field instance through the Field UI.
- FileDownloadTest::checkUrl in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Download a file from the URL generated by file_create_url().
- FileFieldDisplayTestCase::testNodeDisplay in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests normal formatter display on node display.
- FileFieldValidateTestCase::testFileExtension in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests file extension checking.
- FileFieldValidateTestCase::testFileMaxSize in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests the max file size validator.
- FileFieldValidateTestCase::testRequired in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests the required property on file fields.
- FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testWidgetValidation in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests validation with the Upload button.
- FileManagedFileElementTestCase::testManagedFile in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests the managed_file element type.
- FileManagedFileElementTestCase::testManagedFileExceedMaximumFileSize in modules/
file/ tests/ file.test - Tests uploading a file that exceeds the maximum file size.
- FileSaveUploadTest::setUp in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testExistingError in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test for failure when uploading over a file that already exists.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testExistingRename in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test renaming when uploading over a file that already exists.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testExistingReplace in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test replacement when uploading over a file that already exists.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testHandleDangerousFile in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test dangerous file handling.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testHandleExtension in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test extension handling.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testHandleFileMunge in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test file munge handling.
- FileSaveUploadTest::testNormal in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ file.test - Test the file_save_upload() function.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFilterAdmin in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests filter administration functionality.
- FilterAdminTestCase::testFormatAdmin in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests the format administration functionality.
- FilterHooksTestCase::testFilterHooks in modules/
filter/ filter.test - Tests hooks on format management.
- FormStateValuesCleanAdvancedTestCase::testFormStateValuesCleanAdvanced in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests form_state_values_clean().
- FormsTestCase::testCheckboxProcessing in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Test default value handling for checkboxes.
- FormsTestCase::testRequiredCheckboxesRadio in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests validation for required checkbox, select, and radio elements.
- FormsTestCase::testRequiredTextfieldNoTitle in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ form.test - Tests validation for required textfield element without title.
- ForumTestCase::createForum in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Creates a forum container or a forum.
- ForumTestCase::createForumTopic in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Creates forum topic.
- ForumTestCase::doAdminTests in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Runs admin tests on the admin user.
- ForumTestCase::editForumTaxonomy in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Edits the forum taxonomy.
- ForumTestCase::verifyForums in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Verifies that the logged in user has access to a forum nodes.
- ForumTestCase::verifyForumView in modules/
forum/ forum.test - Verifies display of forum page.
- ForumUpgradePathTestCase::testForumUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.forum.test - Test a successful upgrade (no negotiation).
- HelpTestCase::testHelp in modules/
help/ help.test - Logs in users, creates dblog events, and tests dblog functionality.
- HelpTestCase::verifyHelp in modules/
help/ help.test - Verifies the logged in user has access to the various help nodes.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testDefaultStyle in modules/
image/ image.test - Test to override, edit, then revert a style.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testNumericStyleName in modules/
image/ image.test - Test creating an image style with a numeric name and ensuring it can be applied to an image.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testStyle in modules/
image/ image.test - General test to add a style, add/remove/edit effects to it, then delete it.
- ImageAdminStylesUnitTest::testStyleReplacement in modules/
image/ image.test - Test deleting a style and choosing a replacement style.
- ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldDefaultImage in modules/
image/ image.test - Test use of a default image with an image field.
- ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::testImageFieldSettings in modules/
image/ image.test - Tests for image field settings.
- ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::_testImageFieldFormatters in modules/
image/ image.test - Test image formatters on node display.
- ImageFieldValidateTestCase::testResolution in modules/
image/ image.test - Test min/max resolution settings.
- ImageStylesPathAndUrlTestCase::_testImageStyleUrlAndPath in modules/
image/ image.test - Test image_style_url().
- ImportOPMLTestCase::submitImportForm in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Submits form with invalid, empty, and valid OPML files.
- ImportOPMLTestCase::validateImportFormFields in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Submits form filled with invalid fields.
- IPAddressBlockingTestCase::testIPAddressValidation in modules/
system/ system.test - Test a variety of user input to confirm correct validation and saving of data.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testAddJsFileWithQueryString in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests that the query string remains intact when adding JavaScript files that have query string parameters.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testDoubleSubmitFormProtection in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests the double submit form protection and 'javascript_use_double_submit_protection' variable.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testJavaScriptAlwaysUseJQuery in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Test the 'javascript_always_use_jquery' variable.
- JavaScriptTestCase::testSetHasJsCookie in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ common.test - Tests that the set_has_js_cookie variable is reflected in Drupal.settings.
- LocaleCommentLanguageFunctionalTest::testCommentLanguage in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test that comment language is properly set.
- LocaleConfigurationTest::testLanguageConfiguration in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Functional tests for adding, editing and deleting languages.
- LocaleContentFunctionalTest::testContentTypeLanguageConfiguration in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test if a content type can be set to multilingual and language setting is present on node add and edit forms.
- LocaleCSSAlterTest::testCSSFilesOrderInRTLMode in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Verifies that -rtl.css file is added directly after LTR .css file.
- LocaleExportFunctionalTest::testExportTranslation in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test exportation of translations.
- LocaleExportFunctionalTest::testExportTranslationTemplateFile in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test exportation of translation template file.
- LocaleImportFunctionalTest::testEmptyMsgstr in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test empty msgstr at end of .po file see #611786.
- LocaleImportFunctionalTest::testStandalonePoFile in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test import of standalone .po files.
- LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::setUp in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- LocaleMultilingualFieldsFunctionalTest::testMultilingualNodeForm in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Test if field languages are correctly set through the node form.
- LocaleTranslationFunctionalTest::testStringTranslation in modules/
locale/ locale.test - Adds a language and tests string translation by users with the appropriate permissions.
- LocaleUpgradePathTestCase::testLocaleUpgradeDomain in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.locale.test - Test an upgrade with domain-based negotiation.
- LocaleUpgradePathTestCase::testLocaleUpgradePathDefault in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.locale.test - Test an upgrade with path-based negotiation.
- LocaleUpgradePathTestCase::testLocaleUpgradePathFallback in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.locale.test - Test an upgrade with path-based (with fallback) negotiation.
- MenuBreadcrumbTestCase::testBreadCrumbs in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Tests breadcrumbs on node and administrative paths.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testExoticPath in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test path containing "exotic" characters.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testHookCustomTheme in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test that hook_custom_theme() can control the theme of a page.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testMenuLinkOptions in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test menu link 'options' storage and rendering.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackAdministrative in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test the theme callback when it is set to use an administrative theme.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackFakeTheme in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test the theme callback when it is set to use a theme that does not exist.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackHookCustomTheme in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test that the theme callback wins out over hook_custom_theme().
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackInheritance in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test that the theme callback is properly inherited.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackMaintenanceMode in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test the theme callback when the site is in maintenance mode.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackNoThemeRequested in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test the theme callback when no theme is requested.
- MenuRouterTestCase::testThemeCallbackOptionalTheme in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ menu.test - Test the theme callback when it is set to use an optional theme.
- MenuTestCase::addCustomMenu in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Add custom menu.
- MenuTestCase::addCustomMenuCRUD in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Add custom menu using CRUD functions.
- MenuTestCase::addInvalidMenuLink in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Attempt to add menu link with invalid path or no access permission.
- MenuTestCase::deleteCustomMenu in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Delete custom menu.
- MenuTestCase::deleteMenuLink in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Delete a menu link using the menu module UI.
- MenuTestCase::resetMenuLink in modules/
menu/ menu.test - Reset a standard menu link using the menu module UI.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testIncompatibleCoreVersionDependency in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests enabling a module that depends on a module with an incompatible core version.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testIncompatibleModuleVersionDependency in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests enabling a module that depends on an incompatible version of a module.
- ModuleDependencyTestCase::testMissingModules in modules/
system/ system.test - Attempt to enable a module with a missing dependency.
- NodeAccessFieldTestCase::testNodeAccessAdministerField in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests administering fields when node access is restricted.
- NodeAccessPagerTestCase::testCommentPager in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests the comment pager for nodes with multiple grants per realm.
- NodeAccessPagerTestCase::testForumPager in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests the forum node pager for nodes with multiple grants per realm.
- NodeAdminTestCase::testContentAdminPages in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests content overview with different user permissions.
- NodeCreationTestCase::testNodeCreation in modules/
node/ node.test - Creates a "Basic page" node and verifies its consistency in the database.
- NodeRevisionsTestCase::testRevisions in modules/
node/ node.test - Checks node revision related operations.
- NodeRSSContentTestCase::testNodeRSSContent in modules/
node/ node.test - Ensures that a new node includes the custom data when added to an RSS feed.
- NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypeDeletion in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests deleting a content type that still has content.
- NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypeEditing in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests editing a node type using the UI.
- NumberFieldTestCase::testNumberDecimalField in modules/
field/ modules/ number/ number.test - Test number_decimal field.
- NumberFieldTestCase::testNumberFloatField in modules/
field/ modules/ number/ number.test - Test number_float field.
- OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::addIdentity in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Add OpenID identity to user's profile.
- OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::testBlockedUserLogin in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test that a blocked user cannot log in.
- OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::testLogin in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test login using OpenID.
- OpenIDFunctionalTestCase::testSignatureValidation in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Tests that openid.signed is verified.
- OpenIDInvalidIdentifierTransitionTestCase::testStrippedFragmentAccountAutoUpdateSreg in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test OpenID auto transition with e-mail.
- OpenIDInvalidIdentifierTransitionTestCase::testStrippedFragmentAccountEmailMismatch in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test OpenID transition with e-mail mismatch.
- OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithEmailVerification in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test OpenID auto-registration with e-mail verification enabled.
- OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithInvalidSreg in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test OpenID auto-registration with a provider that supplies invalid SREG information (a username that is already taken, and no e-mail address).
- OpenIDRegistrationTestCase::testRegisterUserWithoutSreg in modules/
openid/ openid.test - Test OpenID auto-registration with a provider that does not supply SREG information (i.e. no username or e-mail address).
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testCheckBoxes in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_buttons' widget (multiple select).
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testOnOffCheckbox in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_onoff' widget.
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testRadioButtons in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_buttons' widget (single select).
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testSelectListMultiple in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_select' widget (multiple select).
- OptionsWidgetsTestCase::testSelectListSingle in modules/
field/ modules/ options/ options.test - Tests the 'options_select' widget (single select).
- PageTitleFiltering::testTitleXSS in modules/
system/ system.test - Test if the title of the site is XSS proof.
- PathTestCase::testAdminAlias in modules/
path/ path.test - Tests alias functionality through the admin interfaces.
- PHPFilterTestCase::testPHPFilter in modules/
php/ php.test - Makes sure that the PHP filter evaluates PHP code when used.
- PollExpirationTestCase::testAutoExpire in modules/
poll/ poll.test - PollTranslateTestCase::testPollTranslate in modules/
poll/ poll.test - Tests poll creation and translation.
- ProfileBlockTestCase::testAuthorInformationBlock in modules/
profile/ profile.test - ProfileTestAutocomplete::testAutocomplete in modules/
profile/ profile.test - Tests profile field autocompletion and access.
- SearchKeywordsConditions::testSearchKeyswordsConditions in modules/
search/ search.test - Verify the kewords are captured and conditions respected.
- SearchPageText::testSearchText in modules/
search/ search.test - Tests the failed search text, and various other text on the search page.
- SessionTestCase::testEmptySessionID in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ session.test - Test that empty session IDs are not allowed.
- ShortcutLinksTestCase::testNoShortcutLink in modules/
shortcut/ shortcut.test - Tests that the add shortcut link is not displayed for 404/403 errors.
- ShortcutLinksTestCase::testShortcutQuickLink in modules/
shortcut/ shortcut.test - Tests that the "add to shortcut" link changes to "remove shortcut".
- ShortcutSetsTestCase::testShortcutSetRenameAlreadyExists in modules/
shortcut/ shortcut.test - Tests renaming a shortcut set to the same name as another set.
- ShutdownFunctionsTest::testShutdownFunctions in modules/
system/ system.test - Test shutdown functions.
- SimpleTestBrokenSetUp::testBreakSetUp in modules/
simpletest/ simpletest.test - Runs this test case from within the simpletest child site.
- SiteMaintenanceTestCase::testSiteMaintenance in modules/
system/ system.test - Verify site maintenance mode functionality.
- StatisticsAdminTestCase::testStatisticsSettings in modules/
statistics/ statistics.test - Verifies that the statistics settings page works.
- StatisticsBlockVisitorsTestCase::testIPAddressBlocking in modules/
statistics/ statistics.test - Blocks an IP address via the top visitors report and then unblocks it.
- StatisticsReportsTestCase::testPopularContentBlock in modules/
statistics/ statistics.test - Tests the "popular content" block.
- SummaryLengthTestCase::testSummaryLength in modules/
node/ node.test - Tests the node summary length functionality.
- SystemAuthorizeCase::testFileTransferHooks in modules/
system/ system.test - Tests the FileTransfer hooks
- SystemBlockTestCase::testSystemBlocks in modules/
system/ system.test - Test displaying and hiding the powered-by and help blocks.
- SystemMainContentFallback::testMainContentFallback in modules/
system/ system.test - Test availability of main content.
- SystemThemeFunctionalTest::testAdministrationTheme in modules/
system/ system.test - Test the administration theme functionality.
- TaxonomyRSSTestCase::testTaxonomyRSS in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Tests that terms added to nodes are displayed in core RSS feed.
- TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularies in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Tests term reference field and widget with multiple vocabularies.
- TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase::testTaxonomyTermFieldWidgets in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test widgets.
- TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase::testTaxonomyTermHierarchyBreadcrumbs in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Tests that there is a link to the parent term on the child term page.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testNodeTermCreationAndDeletion in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test term creation with a free-tagging vocabulary from the node form.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermAutocompletion in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Tests term autocompletion edge cases with slashes in the names.
- TaxonomyTermTestCase::testTermInterface in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Save, edit and delete a term using the user interface.
- TaxonomyThemeTestCase::testTaxonomyTermThemes in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Test the theme used when adding, viewing and editing taxonomy terms.
- TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testTaxonomyAdminDeletingVocabulary in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Deleting a vocabulary.
- TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testVocabularyInterface in modules/
taxonomy/ taxonomy.test - Create, edit and delete a vocabulary via the user interface.
- TextFieldTestCase::_testTextfieldWidgets in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Helper function for testTextfieldWidgets().
- TextFieldTestCase::_testTextfieldWidgetsFormatted in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Helper function for testTextfieldWidgetsFormatted().
- TextTranslationTestCase::setUp in modules/
field/ modules/ text/ text.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- ThemeDebugMarkupTestCase::testDebugOutput in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Tests debug markup added to template output.
- ThemeHookInitTestCase::testThemeInitializationHookInit in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Test that the theme system can generate output when called by hook_init().
- ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableFooter in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Test that the 'footer' option works correctly.
- ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableStickyHeaders in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Tableheader.js provides 'sticky' table headers, and is included by default.
- ThemeTableTestCase::testThemeTableWithEmptyMessage in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ theme.test - Tests that the table header is printed correctly even if there are no rows, and that the empty text is displayed correctly.
- TranslationTestCase::addLanguage in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Installs the specified language, or enables it if it is already installed.
- TranslationTestCase::createPage in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Creates a "Basic page" in the specified language.
- TranslationTestCase::createTranslation in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Creates a translation for a basic page in the specified language.
- TranslationTestCase::setUp in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- TranslationTestCase::testContentTranslation in modules/
translation/ translation.test - Creates, modifies, and updates a basic page with a translation.
- TriggerContentTestCase::testActionsContent in modules/
trigger/ trigger.test - Tests several content-oriented trigger issues.
- TriggerOrphanedActionsTestCase::testActionsOrphaned in modules/
trigger/ trigger.test - Tests logic around orphaned actions.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testNormalUpdateAvailable in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testSecurityUpdateAvailable in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests the Update Manager module when a security update is available.
- UpdateFeedItemTestCase::testUpdateFeedItem in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Tests running "update items" from 'admin/config/services/aggregator' page.
- UpdateFeedTestCase::testUpdateFeed in modules/
aggregator/ aggregator.test - Creates a feed and attempts to update it.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testHookUpdateStatusAlter in modules/
update/ update.test - Checks that hook_update_status_alter() works to change a status.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testNoReleasesAvailable in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests when there is no available release data for a contrib module.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateBaseThemeSecurityUpdate in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests that subthemes are notified about security updates for base themes.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateBrokenFetchURL in modules/
update/ update.test - Makes sure that if we fetch from a broken URL, sane things happen.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateContribBasic in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests the basic functionality of a contrib module on the status report.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateContribOrder in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests that contrib projects are ordered by project name.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateShowDisabledThemes in modules/
update/ update.test - Tests that disabled themes are only shown when desired.
- UpdateTestHelper::standardTests in modules/
update/ update.test - Runs a series of assertions that are applicable to all update statuses.
- UpgradePathTaxonomyTestCase::testTaxonomyUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.taxonomy.test - Basic tests for the taxonomy upgrade.
- UpgradePathTriggerTestCase::testTaxonomyUpgrade in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ upgrade/ upgrade.trigger.test - Basic tests for the trigger upgrade.
- UrlAlterFunctionalTest::testCurrentUrlRequestedPath in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ path.test - Test current_path() and request_path().
- UserAdminTestCase::testUserAdmin in modules/
user/ user.test - Registers a user and deletes it.
- UserAutocompleteTestCase::testUserAutocomplete in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests access to user autocompletion and verify the correct results.
- UserBlocksUnitTests::testWhosOnlineBlock in modules/
user/ user.test - Test the Who's Online block.
- UserCancelTestCase::testUserAnonymize in modules/
user/ user.test - Delete account and anonymize all content.
- UserCancelTestCase::testUserBlock in modules/
user/ user.test - Disable account and keep all content.
- UserCancelTestCase::testUserBlockUnpublish in modules/
user/ user.test - Disable account and unpublish all content.
- UserCancelTestCase::testUserCancelByAdmin in modules/
user/ user.test - Create an administrative user and delete another user.
- UserCancelTestCase::testUserDelete in modules/
user/ user.test - Delete account and remove all content.
- UserEditRebuildTestCase::testUserEditFormRebuild in modules/
user/ user.test - Test user edit page when the form is set to rebuild.
- UserEditTestCase::testUserEdit in modules/
user/ user.test - Test user edit page.
- UserEditTestCase::testUserWith0Password in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests setting the password to "0".
- UserLoginTestCase::assertFailedLogin in modules/
user/ user.test - Make an unsuccessful login attempt.
- UserPasswordResetTestCase::testPasswordResetFloodControlPerIp in modules/
user/ user.test - Test IP-based flood control on password reset.
- UserPasswordResetTestCase::testPasswordResetFloodControlPerUser in modules/
user/ user.test - Test user-based flood control on password reset.
- UserPasswordResetTestCase::testUserPasswordReset in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests password reset functionality.
- UserPasswordResetTestCase::testUserPasswordResetLoggedIn in modules/
user/ user.test - Test user password reset while logged in.
- UserPasswordResetTestCase::testUserPasswordTextboxFilled in modules/
user/ user.test - Prefill the text box on incorrect login via link to password reset page.
- UserPictureTestCase::testDeletePicture in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests deletion of user pictures.
- UserPictureTestCase::testNoPicture in modules/
user/ user.test - UserPictureTestCase::testPictureIsValid in modules/
user/ user.test - Do the test: Picture is valid (proper size and dimension)
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithGDinvalidDimension in modules/
user/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is installed Picture has invalid dimension
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithGDinvalidSize in modules/
user/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is installed Picture has invalid size
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithoutGDinvalidDimension in modules/
user/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is not installed Picture has invalid size
- UserPictureTestCase::testWithoutGDinvalidSize in modules/
user/ user.test - Do the test: GD Toolkit is not installed Picture has invalid size
- UserRegistrationTestCase::testRegistrationWithUserFields in modules/
user/ user.test - Tests Field API fields on user registration forms.
- UserRoleAdminTestCase::testRoleAdministration in modules/
user/ user.test - Test adding, renaming and deleting roles.
- UserSignatureTestCase::testUserSignature in modules/
user/ user.test - Test that a user can change their signature format and that it is respected upon display.
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