class views_ui
CTools Export UI class handler for Views UI.
- class \ctools_export_ui
- class \views_ui extends \ctools_export_ui
Expanded class hierarchy of views_ui
16 string references to 'views_ui'
- ViewsArgumentDefaultTest::testArgumentDefaultNoOptions in tests/
views_argument_default.test - Tests the use of a default argument plugin that provides no options.
- ViewsSqlTest::enableViewsUi in tests/
views_query.test - This function allows to enable views ui from a higher class which can't change the setup function anymore.
- ViewsSqlTest::setUp in tests/
views_query.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- ViewsUiGroupbyTestCase::setUp in tests/
views_groupby.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- ViewsUIWizardHelper::setUp in tests/
views_ui.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
export_ui/ views_ui.class.php, line 13
View source
class views_ui extends ctools_export_ui {
public function init($plugin) {
// We modify the plugin info here so that we take the defaults and twiddle,
// rather than completely override them.
// Reset the edit path to match what we're really using.
$plugin['menu']['items']['edit']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/edit';
$plugin['menu']['items']['clone']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/clone';
$plugin['menu']['items']['clone']['type'] = MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB;
$plugin['menu']['items']['export']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/export';
$plugin['menu']['items']['export']['type'] = MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB;
$plugin['menu']['items']['enable']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/enable';
$plugin['menu']['items']['disable']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/disable';
$plugin['menu']['items']['delete']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/delete';
$plugin['menu']['items']['delete']['type'] = MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB;
$plugin['menu']['items']['revert']['path'] = 'view/%ctools_export_ui/revert';
$plugin['menu']['items']['revert']['type'] = MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMB;
$prefix_count = count(explode('/', $plugin['menu']['menu prefix']));
$plugin['menu']['items']['add-template'] = array(
'path' => 'template/%/add',
'title' => 'Add from template',
'page callback' => 'ctools_export_ui_switcher_page',
'page arguments' => array(
$prefix_count + 2,
'load arguments' => array(
'access callback' => 'ctools_export_ui_task_access',
'access arguments' => array(
$prefix_count + 2,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return parent::init($plugin);
public function hook_menu(&$items) {
// We are using our own 'edit' still, rather than having edit on this
// object (maybe in the future) so unset the edit callbacks. Store this so
// we can put them back as sometimes they're needed again laster.
$stored_items = $this->plugin['menu']['items'];
// We leave these to make sure the operations still exist in the plugin so
// that the path finder.
unset($this->plugin['menu']['items']['edit callback']);
$this->plugin['menu']['items'] = $stored_items;
public function load_item($item_name) {
return views_ui_cache_load($item_name);
public function list_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
$row_class = 'container-inline';
if (!variable_get('views_ui_show_listing_filters', FALSE)) {
$row_class .= " element-invisible";
parent::list_form($form, $form_state);
// CTools only has two rows. We want four. That's why we create our own
// structure.
$form['bottom row']['submit']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'js-hide';
$form['first row'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<div class="' . $row_class . ' ctools-export-ui-row ctools-export-ui-first-row clearfix">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'search' => $form['top row']['search'],
'submit' => $form['bottom row']['submit'],
'reset' => $form['bottom row']['reset'],
$form['second row'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<div class="' . $row_class . ' ctools-export-ui-row ctools-export-ui-second-row clearfix">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'storage' => $form['top row']['storage'],
'disabled' => $form['top row']['disabled'],
$form['third row'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<div class="' . $row_class . ' ctools-export-ui-row ctools-export-ui-third-row clearfix element-hidden">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'order' => $form['bottom row']['order'],
'sort' => $form['bottom row']['sort'],
unset($form['top row']);
unset($form['bottom row']);
// Modify the look and contents of existing form elements.
$form['second row']['storage']['#title'] = '';
$form['second row']['storage']['#options'] = array(
'all' => t('All storage'),
t('Normal') => t('In database'),
t('Default') => t('In code'),
t('Overridden') => t('Database overriding code'),
$form['second row']['disabled']['#title'] = '';
$form['second row']['disabled']['#options']['all'] = t('All status');
$form['third row']['sort']['#title'] = '';
// And finally, add our own.
$this->bases = array();
foreach (views_fetch_base_tables() as $table => $info) {
$this->bases[$table] = $info['title'];
$form['second row']['base'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => array_merge(array(
'all' => t('All types'),
), $this->bases),
'#default_value' => 'all',
'#weight' => -1,
$tags = array();
if (isset($form_state['object']->items)) {
foreach ($form_state['object']->items as $view) {
if (!empty($view->tag)) {
$view_tags = drupal_explode_tags($view->tag);
foreach ($view_tags as $tag) {
$tags[$tag] = $tag;
$form['second row']['tag'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Filter'),
'#options' => array_merge(array(
'all' => t('All tags'),
), array(
'none' => t('No tags'),
), $tags),
'#default_value' => 'all',
'#weight' => -9,
$displays = array();
foreach (views_fetch_plugin_data('display') as $id => $info) {
if (!empty($info['admin'])) {
$displays[$id] = $info['admin'];
$form['second row']['display'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => array_merge(array(
'all' => t('All displays'),
), $displays),
'#default_value' => 'all',
'#weight' => -1,
public function list_filter($form_state, $view) {
// Don't filter by tags if all is set up.
if ($form_state['values']['tag'] != 'all') {
// If none is selected check whether the view has a tag.
if ($form_state['values']['tag'] == 'none') {
return !empty($view->tag);
else {
// Check whether the tag can be found in the views tag.
$tag = '';
if (isset($view->tag)) {
$tag = $view->tag;
$form_state_tag = '';
if (isset($form_state['values']['tag'])) {
$form_state_tag = $form_state['values']['tag'];
return strpos($tag, $form_state_tag) === FALSE;
if ($form_state['values']['base'] != 'all' && $form_state['values']['base'] != $view->base_table) {
return TRUE;
return parent::list_filter($form_state, $view);
public function list_sort_options() {
return array(
'disabled' => t('Enabled, name'),
'name' => t('Name'),
'path' => t('Path'),
'tag' => t('Tag'),
'storage' => t('Storage'),
public function list_build_row($view, &$form_state, $operations) {
if (!empty($view->human_name)) {
$title = $view->human_name;
else {
$title = $view->get_title();
if (empty($title)) {
$title = $view->name;
$paths = _views_ui_get_paths($view);
$paths = implode(", ", $paths);
$base = !empty($this->bases[$view->base_table]) ? $this->bases[$view->base_table] : t('Broken');
$info = theme('views_ui_view_info', array(
'view' => $view,
'base' => $base,
// Reorder the operations so that enable is the default action for a
// templatic views.
if (!empty($operations['enable'])) {
$operations = array(
'enable' => $operations['enable'],
) + $operations;
// Set up sorting.
switch ($form_state['values']['order']) {
case 'disabled':
$this->sorts[$view->name] = strtolower(empty($view->disabled) . $title);
case 'name':
$this->sorts[$view->name] = strtolower($title);
case 'path':
$this->sorts[$view->name] = strtolower($paths);
case 'tag':
$this->sorts[$view->name] = strtolower($view->tag);
case 'storage':
$this->sorts[$view->name] = strtolower($view->type . $title);
$theme_args = array(
'links' => $operations,
'attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
$ops = theme('links__ctools_dropbutton', $theme_args);
$this->rows[$view->name] = array(
'data' => array(
'data' => $info,
'class' => array(
'data' => check_plain($view->description),
'class' => array(
'data' => check_plain($view->tag),
'class' => array(
'data' => $paths,
'class' => array(
'data' => $ops,
'class' => array(
'title' => t('Machine name: ') . check_plain($view->name),
'class' => array(
!empty($view->disabled) ? 'ctools-export-ui-disabled' : 'ctools-export-ui-enabled',
public function list_render(&$form_state) {
if (empty($_REQUEST['js'])) {
drupal_add_library('system', 'jquery.bbq');
$this->active = $form_state['values']['order'];
$this->order = $form_state['values']['sort'];
$header = array(
$this->tablesort_link(t('View name'), 'name', 'views-ui-name'),
'data' => t('Description'),
'class' => array(
$this->tablesort_link(t('Tag'), 'tag', 'views-ui-tag'),
$this->tablesort_link(t('Path'), 'path', 'views-ui-path'),
'data' => t('Operations'),
'class' => array(
$table = array(
'header' => $header,
'rows' => $this->rows,
'empty' => t('No views match the search criteria.'),
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'ctools-export-ui-list-items',
return theme('table', $table);
public function tablesort_link($label, $field, $class) {
$title = t('sort by @s', array(
'@s' => $label,
$initial = 'asc';
if ($this->active == $field) {
$initial = $this->order == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
$label .= theme('tablesort_indicator', array(
'style' => $initial,
$query['order'] = $field;
$query['sort'] = $initial;
$link_options = array(
'html' => TRUE,
'attributes' => array(
'title' => $title,
'query' => $query,
$link = l($label, $_GET['q'], $link_options);
if ($this->active == $field) {
$class .= ' active';
return array(
'data' => $link,
'class' => $class,
public function clone_page($js, $input, $item, $step = NULL) {
$args = func_get_args();
drupal_set_title($this->get_page_title('clone', $item));
$name = $item->{$this->plugin['export']['key']};
$form_state = array(
'plugin' => $this->plugin,
'object' => &$this,
'ajax' => $js,
'item' => $item,
'op' => 'add',
'form type' => 'clone',
'original name' => $name,
'rerender' => TRUE,
'no_redirect' => TRUE,
'step' => $step,
// Store these in case additional args are needed.
'function args' => $args,
$output = drupal_build_form('views_ui_clone_form', $form_state);
if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {
$item->name = $form_state['values']['name'];
$item->human_name = $form_state['values']['human_name'];
$item->vid = NULL;
drupal_goto(ctools_export_ui_plugin_menu_path($this->plugin, 'edit', $item->name));
return $output;
public function add_template_page($js, $input, $name, $step = NULL) {
$templates = views_get_all_templates();
if (empty($templates[$name])) {
$template = $templates[$name];
// The template description probably describes the template, not the view
// that will be created from it, but users aren't that likely to touch it.
if (!empty($template->description)) {
$template->is_template = TRUE;
$template->type = t('Default');
$output = $this->clone_page($js, $input, $template, $step);
drupal_set_title(t('Create view from template @template', array(
'@template' => $template->get_human_name(),
return $output;
public function set_item_state($state, $js, $input, $item) {
ctools_export_set_object_status($item, $state);
if (!$js) {
else {
return $this->list_page($js, $input);
public function list_page($js, $input) {
// Remove filters values from session if filters are hidden.
if (!variable_get('views_ui_show_listing_filters', FALSE) && isset($_SESSION['ctools_export_ui'][$this->plugin['name']])) {
// Wrap output in a div for CSS.
$output = parent::list_page($js, $input);
if (is_string($output)) {
$output = '<div id="views-ui-list-page">' . $output . '</div>';
return $output;
Title Sort descending | Modifiers | Object type | Summary | Overriden Title | Overrides |
ctools_export_ui::$name | property | ||||
ctools_export_ui::$options | property | ||||
ctools_export_ui::$plugin | property | ||||
ctools_export_ui::access | public | function | Menu callback to determine if an operation is accessible. | 1 | |
ctools_export_ui::add_page | public | function | |||
ctools_export_ui::build_operations | public | function | Builds the operation links for a specific exportable item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::delete_form_submit | public | function | Deletes exportable items from the database. | ||
ctools_export_ui::delete_page | public | function | Page callback to delete an exportable item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::disable_page | public | function | Callback to disable a page. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_clear | public | function | Clear the object cache for the currently edited item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_get | public | function | Retrieve the item currently being edited from the object cache. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_get_key | public | function | Figure out what the cache key is for this object. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_set | public | function | Cache the item currently currently being edited. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_set_key | public | function | |||
ctools_export_ui::edit_execute_form | public | function | Execute the form. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_execute_form_standard | public | function | Execute the standard form for editing. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_execute_form_wizard | public | function | Execute the wizard for editing. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_finish_validate | public | function | Perform a final validation check before allowing the form to be finished. |
ctools_export_ui::edit_form | public | function | Provide the actual editing form. | 1 | |
ctools_export_ui::edit_form_import | public | function | Import form. Provides simple helptext instructions and textarea for pasting a export definition. |
ctools_export_ui::edit_form_import_submit | public | function | Submit callback for import form. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_form_import_validate | public | function | Import form validate handler. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_form_submit | public | function | Handle the submission of the edit form. | 2 | |
ctools_export_ui::edit_form_validate | public | function | Validate callback for the edit form. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_page | public | function | Main entry point to edit an item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_save_form | public | function | Called to save the final product from the edit form. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_wizard_back | public | function | Wizard 'back' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_wizard_cancel | public | function | Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::edit_wizard_finish | public | function | Wizard 'cancel' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | 1 | |
ctools_export_ui::edit_wizard_next | public | function | Wizard 'next' callback when using a wizard to edit an item. | 1 | |
ctools_export_ui::enable_page | public | function | Callback to enable a page. | ||
ctools_export_ui::export_page | public | function | Page callback to display export information for an exportable item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::get_page_title | public | function | Get a page title for the current page from our plugin strings. | ||
ctools_export_ui::get_wizard_info | public | function | Get the form info for the wizard. | 1 | |
ctools_export_ui::import_page | public | function | Page callback to import information for an exportable item. | ||
ctools_export_ui::list_css | public | function | Add listing CSS to the page. | ||
ctools_export_ui::list_footer | public | function | Render a footer to go after thie list. | ||
ctools_export_ui::list_form_submit | public | function | Submit the filter/sort form. | ||
ctools_export_ui::list_form_validate | public | function | Validate the filter/sort form. | ||
ctools_export_ui::list_header | public | function | Render a header to go before the list. | ||
ctools_export_ui::list_search_fields | public | function | Provide a list of fields to test against for the default "search" widget. | 1 | |
ctools_export_ui::list_table_header | public | function | Provide the table header. | 2 | |
ctools_export_ui::redirect | public | function | Perform a drupal_goto() to the location provided by the plugin for the operation. |
views_ui::add_template_page | public | function | |||
views_ui::clone_page | public | function | Main entry point to clone an item. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::clone_page | |
views_ui::hook_menu | public | function | hook_menu() entry point. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::hook_menu | |
views_ui::init | public | function | Fake constructor -- this is easier to deal with than the real constructor because we are retaining PHP4 compatibility, which would require all child classes to implement their own constructor. |
Overrides ctools_export_ui::init | |
views_ui::list_build_row | public | function | Build a row based on the item. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::list_build_row | |
views_ui::list_filter | public | function | Determine if a row should be filtered out. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::list_filter | |
views_ui::list_form | public | function | Create the filter/sort form at the top of a list of exports. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::list_form | |
views_ui::list_page | public | function | Master entry point for handling a list. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::list_page | |
views_ui::list_render | public | function | Render all of the rows together. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::list_render | |
views_ui::list_sort_options | public | function | Provide a list of sort options. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::list_sort_options | |
views_ui::load_item | public | function | Called by ctools_export_ui_load to load the item. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::load_item | |
views_ui::set_item_state | public | function | Set an item's state to enabled or disabled and output to user. | Overrides ctools_export_ui::set_item_state | |
views_ui::tablesort_link | public | function |