199 calls to ctools_include()
- bulk_export_export in bulk_export/
bulk_export.module - FAPI gateway to the bulk exporter.
- CtoolsContextIDTestCase::setUp in tests/
context.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- CtoolsContextKeywordsSubstitutionTestCase::setUp in tests/
context.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- CToolsCssCache::clear in includes/
css-cache.inc - Expires data from the cache.
- CtoolsCssTestCase::setUp in tests/
css.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- CtoolsObjectCache::testObjectStorage in tests/
object_cache.test - CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::testPluginLoading in tests/
ctools.plugins.test - Test that plugins are loaded correctly.
- CtoolsUnitObjectCachePlugins::testFindExportUICachePlugin in tests/
object_cache_unit.test - Test to see that we can find the standard export_ui plugin.
- CtoolsUnitObjectCachePlugins::testFindFoobarbazCachePlugin in tests/
object_cache_unit.test - Test to see that we don't find plugins that aren't there.
- CtoolsUnitObjectCachePlugins::testFindSimpleCachePlugin in tests/
object_cache_unit.test - Test to see that we can find the standard simple plugin.
- ctools_access_admin_form in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - Administrative form for access control.
- ctools_access_admin_render_table in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - Render the table. This is used both to render it initially and to rerender it upon ajax response.
- ctools_access_ajax_add in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - AJAX callback to add a new access test to the list.
- ctools_access_ajax_delete in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - AJAX command to remove an access control item.
- ctools_access_ajax_edit in includes/
context-access-admin.inc - AJAX callback to edit an access test in the list.
- ctools_access_menu in ./
ctools.module - Determine if the current user has access via a plugin.
- ctools_access_ruleset_panels_dashboard_blocks in ctools_access_ruleset/
ctools_access_ruleset.module - Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks().
- ctools_access_ruleset_ui::edit_form_context in ctools_access_ruleset/
plugins/ export_ui/ ctools_access_ruleset_ui.class.php - ctools_access_ruleset_ui::edit_form_rules in ctools_access_ruleset/
plugins/ export_ui/ ctools_access_ruleset_ui.class.php - ctools_ajax_sample_animal in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - A modal login callback.
- ctools_ajax_sample_cache_clear in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Clear the wizard cache.
- ctools_ajax_sample_cache_get in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Get the current object from the cache, or default.
- ctools_ajax_sample_cache_set in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Store our little cache so that we can retain data from form to form.
- ctools_ajax_sample_hello in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Returns a "take it all over" hello world style request.
- ctools_ajax_sample_login in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - A modal login callback.
- ctools_ajax_sample_login_success in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Post-login processor: should we go to the user account or stay in place?
- ctools_ajax_sample_page in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Page callback to display links and render a container for AJAX stuff.
- ctools_ajax_sample_tablenix in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - Nix a row from a table and restripe.
- ctools_ajax_simple_form in ctools_ajax_sample/
ctools_ajax_sample.module - ctools_cache_export_ui_cache_get in plugins/
cache/ export_ui.inc - ctools_cache_export_ui_cache_set in plugins/
cache/ export_ui.inc - ctools_cache_find_plugin in includes/
cache.inc - Take a mechanism and return a plugin and data.
- ctools_cache_simple_cache_clear in plugins/
cache/ simple.inc - ctools_cache_simple_cache_get in plugins/
cache/ simple.inc - ctools_cache_simple_cache_set in plugins/
cache/ simple.inc - ctools_content_configure_form_defaults in includes/
content.inc - Add the default FAPI elements to the content type configuration form.
- ctools_content_form in includes/
content.inc - Get the config form.
- ctools_content_theme in includes/
content.theme.inc - Implements hook_theme to load all content plugins and pass thru if necessary.
- ctools_content_type_new in ctools_custom_content/
ctools_custom_content.module - Create callback for creating a new CTools custom content type.
- ctools_context_admin_includes in includes/
context-admin.inc - Include all context administrative include files, css, javascript.
- ctools_context_ajax_item_add in includes/
context-admin.inc - Ajax entry point to add an context
- ctools_context_ajax_item_delete in includes/
context-admin.inc - Ajax entry point to edit an item
- ctools_context_ajax_item_edit in includes/
context-admin.inc - Ajax entry point to edit an item
- ctools_context_create in includes/
context.inc - Create a new context object.
- ctools_context_get_context_from_argument in includes/
context.inc - Get a context from an argument.
- ctools_context_get_context_from_context in includes/
context.inc - Return a context object from a context definition array.
- ctools_context_get_context_from_relationship in includes/
context.inc - Return a context from a relationship.
- ctools_context_handler_default_test in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Default test function to see if a task handler should be rendered.
- ctools_context_handler_edit_context in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Edit contexts that go with this panel.
- ctools_context_handler_edit_criteria in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Form to choose context based selection rules for a task handler.
- ctools_context_handler_select in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Compare arguments to contexts for selection purposes.
- ctools_context_handler_summary in includes/
context-task-handler.inc - Get the array of summary strings for the arguments.
- ctools_context_language_settings_form in plugins/
contexts/ language.inc - Settings form.
- ctools_context_term_settings_form in plugins/
contexts/ term.inc - ctools_context_user_settings_form in plugins/
contexts/ user.inc - ctools_cron in ./
ctools.module - Implementation of hook_cron. Clean up old caches.
- ctools_ctools_entity_context_alter in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_ctools_entity_context_alter().
- ctools_ctools_plugin_type in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type().
- ctools_custom_content_panels_dashboard_blocks in ctools_custom_content/
ctools_custom_content.module - Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks().
- ctools_custom_content_type_content_type in plugins/
content_types/ custom/ custom.inc - Return the custom content types with the specified $subtype_id.
- ctools_custom_content_type_content_types in plugins/
content_types/ custom/ custom.inc - Return all custom content types available.
- ctools_custom_content_type_edit_form in plugins/
content_types/ custom/ custom.inc - Returns an edit form for the custom type.
- ctools_custom_content_type_get_conf in plugins/
content_types/ custom/ custom.inc - Given a subtype and a $conf, return the actual settings to use.
- ctools_element_info_alter in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_element_info_alter().
- ctools_entity_field_content_type_admin_title in plugins/
content_types/ entity_context/ entity_field.inc - Returns the administrative title for a type.
- ctools_entity_field_value_ctools_access_settings in plugins/
access/ entity_field_value.inc - Settings form for the 'by entity_bundle' access plugin.
- ctools_entity_field_value_ctools_access_summary in plugins/
access/ entity_field_value.inc - Provide a summary description based upon the checked entity_bundle.
- ctools_entity_from_field_context in plugins/
relationships/ entity_from_field.inc - Return a new context based on an existing context.
- ctools_entity_from_field_get_children in plugins/
relationships/ entity_from_field.inc - ctools_export_load_object_reset in includes/
export.inc - Reset all static caches in ctools_export_load_object() or static caches for a given table in ctools_export_load_object().
- ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_clear in plugins/
export_ui/ ctools_export_ui.class.php - Clear the object cache for the currently edited item.
- ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_get in plugins/
export_ui/ ctools_export_ui.class.php - Retrieve the item currently being edited from the object cache.
- ctools_export_ui::edit_cache_set in plugins/
export_ui/ ctools_export_ui.class.php - Cache the item currently currently being edited.
- ctools_export_ui::edit_execute_form_wizard in plugins/
export_ui/ ctools_export_ui.class.php - Execute the wizard for editing.
- ctools_export_ui::init in plugins/
export_ui/ ctools_export_ui.class.php - Fake constructor -- this is easier to deal with than the real constructor because we are retaining PHP4 compatibility, which would require all child classes to implement their own constructor.
- ctools_export_ui_ctools_access_get in ./
ctools.module - Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of export ui.
- ctools_export_ui_ctools_access_set in ./
ctools.module - Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of export ui.
- ctools_export_ui_load in ./
ctools.module - Menu _load hook.
- ctools_export_ui_menu in includes/
export-ui.menu.inc - Delegated implementation of hook_menu().
- ctools_export_ui_process in includes/
export-ui.inc - Process an export-ui plugin to provide it with defaults.
- ctools_export_ui_task_access in ./
ctools.module - Menu access callback for various tasks of export-ui.
- ctools_get_access_plugin in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata on a specific access control plugin.
- ctools_get_access_plugins in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata for all access control plugins.
- ctools_get_argument in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata for a specific argument plugin.
- ctools_get_arguments in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata for all argument plugins.
- ctools_get_content_type in includes/
content.inc - Fetch metadata on a specific content_type plugin.
- ctools_get_content_types in includes/
content.inc - Fetch metadata for all content_type plugins.
- ctools_get_context in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata on a specific context plugin.
- ctools_get_contexts in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata for all context plugins.
- ctools_get_export_ui in includes/
export-ui.inc - Helper function to include CTools plugins and get an export-ui exportable.
- ctools_get_export_uis in includes/
export-ui.inc - Helper function to include CTools plugins and get all export-ui exportables.
- ctools_get_relationship in includes/
context.inc - Fetch plugin metadata for a specific relationship plugin.
- ctools_get_relationships in includes/
context.inc - Fetch metadata for all relationship plugins.
- ctools_get_style_base in includes/
stylizer.inc - Fetch metadata on a specific style_base plugin.
- ctools_get_style_bases in includes/
stylizer.inc - Fetch metadata for all style_base plugins.
- ctools_menu in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_menu().
- ctools_menu_local_tasks_alter in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
- ctools_modules_disabled in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_modules_disabled().
- ctools_modules_enabled in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_modules_enabled().
- ctools_node_terms_content_type_edit_form in plugins/
content_types/ node_context/ node_terms.inc - Returns an edit form for node terms display settings.
- ctools_object_cache_cron in includes/
object-cache.cron.inc - @file Contains cron hooks for the object cache tool.
- ctools_plugin_configure_form in includes/
plugins-admin.inc - Get a plugin configuration form.
- ctools_registry_files_alter in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_registry_files_alter().
- ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_get_child in ctools_access_ruleset/
plugins/ access/ ruleset.inc - Get a single child access plugin.
- ctools_ruleset_ctools_access_get_children in ctools_access_ruleset/
plugins/ access/ ruleset.inc - Get all child access plugins.
- ctools_stylizer_add_css in includes/
stylizer.inc - Add the necessary CSS for a stylizer plugin to the page.
- ctools_stylizer_build_style in includes/
stylizer.inc - Build the files for a stylizer given the proper settings.
- ctools_stylizer_cleanup_style in includes/
stylizer.inc - Clean up no longer used files.
- ctools_stylizer_clear_settings_cache in includes/
stylizer.inc - Remove an item from the object cache.
- ctools_stylizer_edit_style in includes/
stylizer.inc - Add a new style of the specified type.
- ctools_stylizer_edit_style_form_choose in includes/
stylizer.inc - Choose which plugin to use to create a new style.
- ctools_stylizer_get_css_class in includes/
stylizer.inc - Get the class to use for a stylizer plugin.
- ctools_stylizer_get_settings_cache in includes/
stylizer.inc - Get the cached changes to a given task handler.
- ctools_stylizer_set_settings_cache in includes/
stylizer.inc - Store changes to a task handler in the object cache.
- ctools_term_ctools_access_settings in plugins/
access/ term.inc - Settings form for the 'by term' access plugin.
- ctools_term_has_parent_ctools_access_settings in plugins/
access/ term_has_parent.inc - Settings form for the 'by parent term' access plugin.
- ctools_theme in ./
ctools.module - Implements hook_theme().
- ctools_uuid_generate in ./
ctools.module - Wrapper function to create UUIDs via ctools, falls back on UUID module if it is enabled. This code is a copy of uuid.inc from the uuid module.
- ctools_uuid_is_valid in ./
ctools.module - Check that a string appears to be in the format of a UUID.
- ctools_wizard_multistep_form in includes/
wizard.inc - Display a multi-step form.
- hook_ctools_entity_context_alter in ./
ctools.api.php - Alter the definition of an entity context plugin.
- page_manager_addressable_content in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Implement pseudo-hook to fetch addressable content.
- page_manager_admin_paths in page_manager/
page_manager.module - page_manager_blog in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ blog.inc - Entry point for our overridden node edit.
- page_manager_blog_user in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ blog_user.inc - Entry point for our overridden user view.
- page_manager_cache_load in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Menu callback to load a page manager cache object for menu callbacks.
- page_manager_cache_page_manager_context_cache_get in page_manager/
plugins/ cache/ page_manager_context.inc - page_manager_clear_page_cache in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Remove an item from the object cache.
- page_manager_clear_wizard_cache in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Remove an item from the object cache.
- page_manager_comment_reply_page in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ comment_reply.inc - Entry point for our overridden comment.
- page_manager_contact_site in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ contact_site.inc - Entry point for our overridden site contact.
- page_manager_contact_user in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ contact_user.inc - Entry point for our overridden user view.
- page_manager_export_task_handler in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Export a task handler into code suitable for import or use as a default task handler.
- page_manager_get_handler_operations in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Collect all the operations related to task handlers (variants) and build a menu.
- page_manager_get_page_cache in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get the cached changes to a given task handler.
- page_manager_get_page_wizard in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Fetch metadata on a specific page_wizard plugin.
- page_manager_get_page_wizards in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Fetch metadata for all page_wizard plugins.
- page_manager_get_task in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Shortcut function to get a task plugin.
- page_manager_get_tasks in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Shortcut function to get task plugins.
- page_manager_get_tasks_by_type in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Get all tasks for a given type.
- page_manager_get_task_handler in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Shortcut function to get a task handler plugin.
- page_manager_get_task_handlers in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Shortcut function to get task handler plugins.
- page_manager_get_wizard_cache in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Get the cached changes to a given wizard.
- page_manager_handler_add_form in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Provide a consistent UI for adding handlers.
- page_manager_handler_rearrange in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Rearrange the order of variants.
- page_manager_http_response_admin_summary in page_manager/
plugins/ task_handlers/ http_response.inc - page_manager_http_response_edit_settings in page_manager/
plugins/ task_handlers/ http_response.inc - General settings for the panel.
- page_manager_http_response_render in page_manager/
plugins/ task_handlers/ http_response.inc - page_manager_list_page in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Output a list of pages that are managed.
- page_manager_load_task_handler in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Load a single task handler by name.
- page_manager_load_task_handlers in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Load all task handlers for a given task/subtask.
- page_manager_node_edit in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ node_edit.inc - Entry point for our overridden node edit.
- page_manager_node_view_page in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ node_view.inc - Entry point for our overridden node view.
- page_manager_page_add_subtask in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Page callback to add a subtask.
- page_manager_page_argument_form_change in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Basic settings form for a page manager page.
- page_manager_page_argument_form_change_submit in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Submit handler to change an argument.
- page_manager_page_argument_form_settings in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Basic settings form for a page manager page.
- page_manager_page_delete in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Remove a page subtask.
- page_manager_page_enable in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Callback to enable/disable the page from the UI.
- page_manager_page_execute in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Execute a page task.
- page_manager_page_export in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Export a page subtask.
- page_manager_page_form_access in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Form to handle menu item controls.
- page_manager_page_form_argument in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Form to handle assigning argument handlers to named arguments.
- page_manager_page_form_menu in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Form to handle menu item controls.
- page_manager_page_form_menu_validate in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Validate handler for the menu form for add/edit page task.
- page_manager_page_get_contexts in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Get a group of context placeholders for the arguments.
- page_manager_page_load in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Load a single page subtask.
- page_manager_page_load_all in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Load all page subtasks.
- page_manager_page_menu in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Delegated implementation of hook_menu().
- page_manager_page_new in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Create a new page with defaults appropriately set from schema.
- page_manager_page_subtask_argument_ajax in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Ajax entry point to edit an item.
- page_manager_page_wizard in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Menu callback for the page wizard.
- page_manager_poll in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ poll.inc - Entry point for our overridden node edit.
- page_manager_save_page_cache in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Write all changes from the page cache and clear it out.
- page_manager_search_page in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ search.inc - Entry point for our overridden search page.
- page_manager_set_page_cache in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Store changes to a task handler in the object cache.
- page_manager_set_wizard_cache in includes/
page-wizard.inc - Store changes to a task handler in the object cache.
- page_manager_task_handler_ctools_access_get in page_manager/
page_manager.module - Callback for access control ajax form on behalf of context task handler.
- page_manager_term_view_page in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ term_view.inc - Entry point for our overridden term view.
- page_manager_user_edit_page in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ user_edit.inc - Entry point for our overridden user view.
- page_manager_user_view_page in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ user_view.inc - Entry point for our overridden user view.
- stylizer_panels_dashboard_blocks in stylizer/
stylizer.module - Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks().
- stylizer_theme in stylizer/
stylizer.module - Implementation of hook_theme to load all content plugins and pass thru if necessary.
- stylizer_ui::get_wizard_info in stylizer/
plugins/ export_ui/ stylizer_ui.class.php - Get the form info for the wizard.
- stylizer_ui::init in stylizer/
plugins/ export_ui/ stylizer_ui.class.php - Fake constructor -- this is easier to deal with than the real constructor because we are retaining PHP4 compatibility, which would require all child classes to implement their own constructor.
- stylizer_ui::list_form in stylizer/
plugins/ export_ui/ stylizer_ui.class.php - Create the filter/sort form at the top of a list of exports.
- template_preprocess_page_manager_edit_page in page_manager/
theme/ page_manager.theme.inc - Preprocess the page manager edit page.
- theme_page_manager_page_form_argument_table in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.admin.inc - Theme the table for this form.
- views_content_plugin_display_ctools_context::options_form in views_content/
plugins/ views/ views_content_plugin_display_ctools_context.inc - Provide the default form for setting options.
- views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane::options_form in views_content/
plugins/ views/ views_content_plugin_display_panel_pane.inc - Provide the default form for setting options.
- views_content_views_panes_content_type_edit_form in views_content/
plugins/ content_types/ views_panes.inc - Returns an edit form for a block.
- views_content_views_row_edit in views_content/
plugins/ content_types/ views_row.inc - _ctools_drush_export_info in drush/
ctools.drush.inc - Return array of CTools exportable info based on available tables returned from ctools_export_get_schemas().
- _ctools_export_get_defaults in includes/
export.inc - Get export object defaults.
- _ctools_registry_files_alter in includes/
registry.inc - Implements (via delegation) hook_registry_files_alter().
- _page_manager_get_operation_content in page_manager/
page_manager.admin.inc - Fetch the content for an operation, after it's been discovered from arguments.
- _pm_arg_load in page_manager/
plugins/ tasks/ page.inc - Load a context from an argument for a given page task.
- _views_content_get_context_from_display in views_content/
views_content.module - Get the child plugin for a view context display.
- _views_content_panes_content_type in views_content/
plugins/ content_types/ views_panes.inc